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Reality is Stranger Than Fiction:

So USA killed 3k of their own civilians to start a war on terror. I see...

Just the article posted by the OP is a myth, so was this biased video reports of Palestinians as well

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I simply can't believe what I am reading. A guy proposes that a friggin 150 kt NUKE was detonated under NYC, and it MAGICALLY focused all its energy on those buildings. I'm stunned. It's a joke, right?

There's so much wrong with this on so many levels. Hmm... did anyone think that seismographs might detect it? Even the NK 2kt fizzle registered. Or that even deep underground nuclear blasts release radiation? That any nuclear test, anywhere in the world, is impossible to hide?

I'll as again, PLEASE, for people to THINK. Ponder it. Does it make any sense to concoct such an outrageously complicated plan (multiple hijackings, nano-thermite, MOSSAD, CIA, and now NUKES!?) to justify war when simply releasing nerve agents at a mall (and blaming a nation) could be done by one person? THINK - the U.S. invaded Iraq (I don't like the fact) without any sort of false flag op besides the accusation of WMD.

Are people really this gullible? No wonder scam artists get rich so easily. :cry:

My name is Danjuma Sule, one of the sons of major Gen Gumel Danjuma Sule, The late Nigeria's former minister of mines and power in the regime of the late former Nigeria's military Head of state, Gen Sanni Abacha.

He married my mother on the agreement that my mother,Amina Fausat Sule, will maintain her family's name together with her children. Before he died in the German hospital on the 15th of November 1988 where he went to operate on the cancer of the knee, he fixed the Sum of $30,000.000.00 in the Central Bank of Nigeria under Intartrade Ventures Ltd on behalf of my mother...

^^ About like THAT. :sick:
Why, the theorists even roped in Nostradamus and Holy Quran, as having predicted the 9/11.

Common sense, as they say, is not so common in my part of the world.
Why, the theorists even roped in Nostradamus and Holy Quran, as having predicted the 9/11.

Common sense, as they say, is not so common in my part of the world.

One of the reasons may be , that all three Abrahamic religions i.e Jew, Christian and Islam,
predict similar events ( with different out comes off course).

This leads to Human interpretation and thus the theories to suit one's own point of view.
Notice that as the years passed and as each loony conspiracy theory lost its hold, new and inevitably more fantastic ones take their prominences. Every year there is a gathering of loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers on 'Ground Zero' and every year their numbers decreases. They should be with this group...

Inedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Breatharianism is a related concept, in which believers claim food and possibly water are not necessary, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana (the vital life force in Hinduism), or, according to some, by the energy in sunlight (according to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources of prana). The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practised as a lifestyle in place of the usual diet.
I simply can't believe what I am reading. A guy proposes that a friggin 150 kt NUKE was detonated under NYC, and it MAGICALLY focused all its energy on those buildings. I'm stunned. It's a joke, right?

There's so much wrong with this on so many levels. Hmm... did anyone think that seismographs might detect it? Even the NK 2kt fizzle registered. Or that even deep underground nuclear blasts release radiation? That any nuclear test, anywhere in the world, is impossible to hide?

I'll as again, PLEASE, for people to THINK. Ponder it. Does it make any sense to concoct such an outrageously complicated plan (multiple hijackings, nano-thermite, MOSSAD, CIA, and now NUKES!?) to justify war when simply releasing nerve agents at a mall (and blaming a nation) could be done by one person? THINK - the U.S. invaded Iraq (I don't like the fact) without any sort of false flag op besides the accusation of WMD.

Are people really this gullible? No wonder scam artists get rich so easily. :cry:

^^ About like THAT. :sick:

I agree. The outrageous claims of nukes, thermite, and hijackings is clearly wrong and ridiculous.

The most simple explanation is the CIA asset Tim Osman (arabic name Osama Bin Laden) was maneuvered into attacking the World Trade centers through real hijackings. I won't comment on the Pentagon case as there is far too little information about it to make an educated judgment.
some people think that man never landed on moon
some thinks a nigerian prince is sending them mails
some thinks 9/11 was a inside job

rest of 99.99999999 percent tells them for a mental evaluation
some people think that man never landed on moon
some thinks a nigerian prince is sending them mails
some thinks 9/11 was a inside job

rest of 99.99999999 percent tells them for a mental evaluation

& may be some people count themselves as 99.999999 wear mask of ignorance. For them it doesn't exist if out of knowledge or out of awareness.
Every people decide what better for him, think or ignore.
anyone with common sense knows this was an inside job just like mumbai attack :lol: .....where the hell were 20,000 fighter jets of america for 10 minutes...thats the time gap between the first and the second plane hitting the tower....considering air defence never sleeps and they have planes on their radars when the planes are in the center of atlantic
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