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Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak


If we can keep this trend going, this virus will be over before April.
If we can keep this trend going, this virus will be over before April.
over before April ?? No the virus have been existing in Yun nan caves for thousands to millions years and the bats can spread them again to CN cities at anytime.

u'd better to find out a way to improve Han-Cnese body resistant/ immunity system than hoping the virus will be over soon.

Dont pls dont transmit the virus again and again to other nations :mad::mad:
over before April ?? No the virus have been existing in Yun nan caves for thousands to millions years and the bats can spread them again to CN cities at anytime.

u'd better to find out a way to improve Han-Cnese body resistant/ immunity system than hoping the virus will be over soon.

Dont pls dont transmit the virus again and again to other nations :mad::mad:
Dude, where do you get so much time?
S’pore’s ‘gold standard’ of Covid-19 detection is far more effective than rest of world: Harvard study

SINGAPORE — Almost three times more cases of the Covid-19 virus could have been found globally if the rest of the world possessed the same “gold standard” detection capability as Singapore, a study by Harvard University researchers has found.

“We consider the detection of 18 cases by Feb 4, 2020 in Singapore to be a gold standard of near-perfect detection,” said the report’s authors, adding that they had used a model to estimate the probability of detection in other countries relative to Singapore.

The world is detecting imported cases of Covid-19 at 38 per cent of Singapore’s ability to do so, said four epidemiologists from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health in the study, that has not yet been peer-reviewed.

“Singapore has historically had very strong epidemiological surveillance and contact-tracing capacity and has shown in the Covid-19 epidemic evidence of a high sensitivity of case detection,” said the researchers.

The pre-print report, which was uploaded on online medical archive medRxiv, looked at aggregated data of imported cases as of Feb 4 from the World Health Organization (WHO), taking into account 191 territories around the world.

Imported cases are those with known travel history from China.

The researchers also compared the records with air travel data from various sources, including the International Air Travel Association, and the surveillance capacity of nations based on the Global Health Security Index (GHSI) by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which last year ranked Singapore’s preparedness for major disease outbreaks below Malaysia and Thailand.

Using a model to determine how well countries have detected imported cases, the researchers picked Singapore as a benchmark based on its demonstrated ability to pick up confirmed carriers of Sars-CoV-2, the technical name of the virus which causes the disease Covid-19.

They also cited a previous study, also by a similar team of Harvard researchers, which found that among countries with substantial travel volume, Singapore had “the highest ratio of detected imported cases to daily travel volume”.

The previous study named Singapore as a statistical anomaly which had 12 more reported import cases than what had been expected, based on daily travel volume.

The same report uploaded online last Tuesday had suggested that Indonesia, which has not detected any cases of Covid-19 so far, might have missed cases. The report was called “insulting” by Indonesian Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto earlier this week.

Harvard Professor Marc Lipsitch said in response to the criticism that the academics had meant to be “helpful” and had conducted the study to see if the total number of detected cases was representative of the actual incidence of Covid-19.

In the latest study, the researchers, including Prof Lipsitch who was involved in both studies, said their model is 95 per cent statistically reliable.

The researchers said their model in the latest study is 95 per cent statistically reliable.

High surveillance countries, such as Thailand, Australia and South Korea, came in at 40 per cent of the city-state’s ability to detect imported cases, the study concluded. Low surveillance ones, such as several African and Middle Eastern nations, achieve just 11 per cent of Singapore’s capacity.

“Put another way, this implies that the true number of cases in travellers is at least 2.8 times the number that has been detected,” the study said.

However, Singapore’s detection is “probably not 100 per cent efficient”, and the model was also able to estimate that there are around 1.8 undetected cases for every detected Covid-19 patient in the city-state.

It noted the number of Singapore cases that have no known links to China or any recent travel history. “Singapore’s detection like that in other countries has relied largely on symptoms and travel history, so the number of asymptomatic or low-severity cases missed by such a strategy is unknown,” the authors said.

What the study implies is that the true number of Covid-19 cases could be higher than previously thought, they added.

The model proves that the number of undetected cases of coronavirus is correlated to air travel connectivity and is inverse to a country’s detection capacity — and that the risks of the virus going undetected could happen anywhere around the world.

“(This could lead) to the potential risk of self-sustained transmission, which may be an early stage of a global pandemic,” the study said.



In Malaysia, accumulated 22 cases, cured 13 and zero death.

Wuhan woman 'deliberately SPITS at her neighbours' doorknobs' as her building is ravaged by coronavirus
  • Security footage captures the woman's suspicious behaviour on Saturday
  • More than 30 people had been diagnosed with the disease in her complex
  • Some patients were in quarantine at their homes when her act was caught
  • It is unclear if she was infected and police have launched an investigation
  • China ordered Wuhan to quarantine all confirmed and potential patients
  • The virus has killed at least 910 people and infected over 40,640 globally

PUBLISHED: 10:20 GMT, 10 February 2020 | UPDATED: 10:23 GMT, 10 February 2020


Surveillance footage released by Chinese news outlet Kan Kan shows the woman in Wuhan repeatedly looking around while walking in a corridor at nearly 10pm at a residential complex


+She has been accused of deliberately spitting at her neighbours' door handles after her building was quarantined. It remains unclear if she was infected with the new coronavirus



Apparently several stories like this are making the rounds on WeChat and freaking everybody out. My wife just said last night if some Chinese person sits next to me on the subway just get up and move away.
Good news. A 1-year-old Singaporean recovered after just 2 days of being tested positive.

Singapore isn’t a place for virus.
Too hot, too humidity!
Similar to the climate of Vietnam.
There is no medicine no cure for the virus.
Lots of cases in Vietnam people get infected then return healthy.
the only thing they do during isolation and quarantine is open all windows to let daylight and fresh air to come in.

two women are discharged from hospital.


Another couple discharged from hospital


I notice all receive flowers.

very funny

as if they are on a cruise trip.
Apparently several stories like this are making the rounds on WeChat and freaking everybody out. My wife just said last night if some Chinese person sits next to me on the subway just get up and move away.
99% of young CNese r selfish kids "thanks" to 1 child policy and their parents were trained/borned to be peasants ""thanks" to Mao's Great leap forward (Huawei, Alibab bosses r stupid peasants during Mao era and get rich now just by selling usless Hwei phones, fake products on Ali website), so 99% Cnese always acts like dump azzes.

Low IQ Cnese seem learn Nothing from 2003 Sars lesson, they dont even care to make any emergency plan for the next epidemic but bragging like idiot how "rich-poweful CN is" here 24/24 hours. What u guys do is just like what we do to CNese in VN now, we put them in 14 days quarantine and try to stay away from them by forcing them working online.

If CN govt keep making No emergency plan for the next epidemic, then we'd better protect ourselves-our families by staying away from all Cnese around us.

5 more people have been discharged in Singapore.

Case 1 (from Wuhan) has finally discharged on Feb 19, I was quite worried as he has stayed in the hospital for almost a month.

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(URGENT) S. Korea says new coronavirus begins spreading locally.
All Headlines 11:09 February 20, 2020

S. Korea reports 31 new cases of coronavirus, total now at 82

All Headlines 10:08 February 20, 2020

SEOUL, Feb. 20 (Yonhap) -- South Korea reported 31 new cases of the new coronavirus on Thursday, bringing the total number of infections in the nation to 82.

This week's surge in the number of infected people, increasing the nation's total infections by more than 50, has raised fears that the virus may have been spreading locally.

Of the 31 new cases, 30 are in Daegu, 300 kilometers southeast of Seoul, and neighboring North Gyeongsang province. The remaining one was reported in Seoul, the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.


FEBRUARY 19, 2020 / 9:14 AM / UPDATED 15 HOURS AGO
South Korea reports 20 new coronavirus cases, church services at center of outbreak

The spike in new cases is unprecedented so far in South Korea and brings the number of people infected in the country to 51.


Two die of coronavirus in Iran, first fatalities in Middle East
Elderly people die in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus in the holy city of Qom, officials say.


Two cruise ship Diamond Princess passengers died of covid-19.
クルーズ船の乗客2人死亡 新型コロナ感染確認の80代の男女
2/20(木) 11:45配信



Update 2020-02-19

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*678 new confirmed cases occurred in 2020-02-19. However, net confirmed cases is 399 after deducting cases mis-classified as COVID-19 for the period before.

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