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Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets

Stay away with your cheeky, cocky, impertinent, impudent, frivolous & flippant content.
Or get ignored.
Do not tag me. I do not engage with sh*twits and bird brained people/

I can understand that your A$$ is on fire as a Modi bhakt, but you have to solve your own problems. Dont knock other doors like mine.

wow, you own a dictionary.... from the thread it's obvious whose butt is on fire... it's ok, I can understand your masters have lost a lot of money....
wow, you own a dictionary.... from the thread it's obvious whose butt is on fire... it's ok, I can understand your masters have lost a lot of money....

You are Ignored, because you did not pay heed to my warning.

Now as far the unfair negative rating conferred upon me, I am going to @WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Horus that you are prejudiced and are indulging in illegitimate & unjust activities involving PDF rules & regulations

I will be glad if they demote you and disband you from enjoying such privileges.

@WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Horus

My following post has been meted out with a negative rating unjustifiably just because My anti Modi views collide with this @MilSpec Modi Bhakt analyst/detractor who under the fit of fury did what he did.

If you would see the beginning, you would note that he started it himself, being personal, mocking me.
How can you have such Indians granted such a luxury only to be flouted by them later on?


@Oscar I would request you to do the needful & restore my affected post to its original position and punish this RSS/Modi bhakt who might repeat it several times with others.

MilSpec rated your post
Negative Rating in the thread Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/real-rea...-on-your-pockets.460477/page-25#ixzz4PuiMVY4f
Last edited:
Yeah..The reason to tag you is this. When you have given +ve rating to OP's Article and there is a point in that where he said Why 2000 rupees was brought (sarcastically), I thought it is right to point out the reason for that to you. That was a quite long essay, even I could not read it completely, but understood why 2000 rupee note was brought.

That's it.

Disappointing. I had hoped that the reason was more substantial, not a reference to a minor observation made.

As for the bright young CA's protest, he is being true to his profession and seeing it in terms of the impact on the tax-paying population of the country.

All along, you may or may not have noticed, the rejection of this move has been on several grounds:
  1. That it is an unnecessary step; that there were other, less disturbing methods that would have caused less dislocation, methods that had been used in other countries and even in India on similar occasions in the past; RESULT - LOSS OF FAITH IN THE CURRENCY;
  2. That it is an inefficient step, in that it sequesters a huge amount of the currency in circulation without providing a reasonable substitute, and that it failed to gauge the suitability of this step given the state of preparedness of the banking system and its ATMs; RESULT- HUGE INCONVENIENCE TO THE ORDINARY CITIZEN FORCED TO STAND IN QUEUES AND FORCED TO DEPEND ON PLEDGES AND ORDERS OF THE GOVERNMENT THAT COULD NOT BE IMPLEMENTED;
  3. That it is an unplanned step: it is embarrassing that the administration did not foresee queues, ATM breakdowns, complete failure of the banks to maintain extended hours or to provide the announced sums of money to those who sought withdrawals, uncertainty about the income tax implications, impact on foreign tourists, impact on the unwell and those who needed medical attention and hospitalisation: RESULT - CONFUSION AT EVERY STAGE;
  4. That the impact was not designed to detect and bring out the holdings of the super-hoarder or super-generator of black money, but was designed to fall on the intermediate trader or businessman or artisan or luxury good retailer, including gold retailer, a far smaller segment of defaulters on income tax; RESULT - THE POLITICAL CLASSES GET AWAY SCOT-FREE, THE VERY LARGEST INDUSTRIALISTS GET AWAY SCOT-FREE, CRIMINALS AND GANGSTERS HABITUATED TO STORING THEIR FUNDS ABROAD GET AWAY SCOT-FREE;
  5. That in the implementation, it neither affected the super-hoarder nor the medium category, but fell massively on day-to-day transactions in town and country alike, in total ignorance or indifference to the fact that India's economy is still massively dependent on cash; RESULT - DAY-TO-DAY COMMERCE AND TRADE HAS COME TO A GRINDING HALT, AND COMMODITY PRICES HAVE STARTED ROCKETING UPWARDS.;
  6. That the very bad design of the scheme has led to all 100 rupee notes being concentrated on conversion of demonetised notes, to allow liquidity to continue, and that this sucking out of the 100 rupees notes has meant pressure on 10, 20 and 50 rupees notes, leading to great difficulties for all those dealing with daily life in terms of 100 rupees and 50, 20 and 10 rupee notes; RESULT - THE POOR GET HIT THE MOST.
You are Ignored, because you did not pay heed to my warning.

Now as far the unfair negative rating conferred upon me, I am going to @WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Horus that you are prejudiced and are indulging in illegitimate & unjust activities involving PDF rules & regulations

I will be glad if they demote you and disband you from enjoying such privileges.

@WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Horus

My following post has been meted out with a negative rating unjustifiably just because My anti Modi views collide with this @MilSpec Modi Bhakt analyst/detractor who under the fit of fury did what he did.

If you would see the beginning, you would note that he started it himself, being personal, mocking me.
How can you have such Indians granted such a luxury only to be flouted by them later on?


@Oscar I would request you to do the needful & restore my affected post to its original position and punish this RSS/Modi bhakt who might repeat it several times with others.

MilSpec rated your post
Negative Rating in the thread Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/real-rea...-on-your-pockets.460477/page-25#ixzz4PuiMVY4f

Stay away with your cheeky, cocky, impertinent, impudent, frivolous & flippant content.
Or get ignored.
Do not tag me. I do not engage with sh*twits and bird brained people/

I can understand that your A$$ is on fire as a Modi bhakt, but you have to solve your own problems. Dont knock other doors like mine.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/real-rea...-on-your-pockets.460477/page-25#ixzz4Pv1Sz3IF

Language reflects upbringing.
You are Ignored, because you did not pay heed to my warning.

Now as far the unfair negative rating conferred upon me, I am going to @WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Horus that you are prejudiced and are indulging in illegitimate & unjust activities involving PDF rules & regulations

I will be glad if they demote you and disband you from enjoying such privileges.

@WebMaster @Oscar @waz @Horus

My following post has been meted out with a negative rating unjustifiably just because My anti Modi views collide with this @MilSpec Modi Bhakt analyst/detractor who under the fit of fury did what he did.

If you would see the beginning, you would note that he started it himself, being personal, mocking me.
How can you have such Indians granted such a luxury only to be flouted by them later on?


@Oscar I would request you to do the needful & restore my affected post to its original position and punish this RSS/Modi bhakt who might repeat it several times with others.

MilSpec rated your post
Negative Rating in the thread Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/real-rea...-on-your-pockets.460477/page-25#ixzz4PuiMVY4f

Could you point out the post number please, thank you.
Could you point out the post number please, thank you.


This message by ashok321 has been hidden due to negative ratings. (Show message)

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/real-rea...-on-your-pockets.460477/page-23#ixzz4Pvqezv8Q

He started with mocking me.
When I replied, He gave me a negative rating out of revenge.

There are worst posts than my simple post, yet he never gave negative ratings because he is hand in gloves with RSS/Modi right wingers.

How fair?

You should confer these privileges upon someone who is neutral.
Which he is not.

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