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Real Alien Found? Is This The Smoking Gun?


May 28, 2011
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Guys here’s something that could change our scientific beliefs forever that we are alone in the universe. But there are billions of stars in our own galaxy, the Milky Way and trillions of galaxies in the universe! That makes it a mind boggling figure that cannot be comprehended. Even if 1% have basic life forms, there would be billions upon billions of stars systems capable of supporting such life. Out of this even if 1% of these life supporting systems have intelligent life there could more advanced civilizations in the universe than all the grains of sand on planet Earth and then some!

This is all conjecture – until now. Check out this report from Project Orion and decide. Is it a humanoid or an alien from another star system?

After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the ‘Atacama Humanoid’ remains a profound mystery.

The ‘humanoid’ was first discovered in 2003 in the remote Atacama desert region of Chile, but its existence was largely unknown until 2009, when scientists were invited to examine the mummy-like remains of the ‘humanoid’ in Barcelona Spain. In the summer of 2012, Ramón Navia-Osorio Villar, President of Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Exobiológicos graciously permitted a scientific team under Project Sirius to do further tests on the ‘humanoid’.

The ‘Atacama Humanoid’ is a 13 centimeter, or 6 inch, body that is very desiccated but completely intact. The CAT scan clearly shows internal chest organs (lungs and what appears to be the remains of a heart structure). There is absolutely no doubt that the specimen is an actual organism and that it is not a hoax of any kind. This fact has been confirmed by Dr. Nolan and Dr. Lachman at Stanford.

Here are some images and a video.





So, are we alone in the universe? Think again! We may be part of a universe teeming with advanced civilizations! Remember, the universe is 15 billion years old. Our Solar System came into being less than 4 billion years ago. There could be millions of ‘Solar Systems’ such as ours that were formed billions of years even before the birth of our own Solar System.

What does that mean? There could therefore be super advanced civilizations that are billions of years ahead of us in technology that would seem magic to us! Even faster than light travel would be passé to them. They would have graduated to more esoteric forms of propulsion like manipulating the space-time continuum to travel vast inter stellar distances I the blink of an eye.

So, was this ‘humanoid’ an alien from another star system? If proved true that this ‘humanoid is actually an alien from another part of our galaxy, then this would have a profound impact on the social fabric of our own civilization. Would this discovery change the world environment including religion, science and human behavior?

Fascinating stuff, what?

More details here…
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cant comment on this but as a Muslim we already believe that we are NOT alone in this universe :)

Please elaborate . And apart from Djinns and one more whose name i forgot , do you guys believe in any other life forms ??

@isro2222 Dont tell me hes annunaki or a grey....:lol:

Desert Please . They are way too small to be Annunakis , Grey ones or any other :P
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Didn't they find something similar in Lahore a few years back.

Wow! :woot: What happened then? Was this creature sent for analysis? What were the results of the DNA tests?
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loloz . great photoshop tbh. no museam can allow anyone to handle a mummy in hands. not possible.

youtube is a fools pandora box.
Wow! :woot: What happened then? Was this creature sent for analysis? What were the results of the DNA tests?

The DNA was taken and injected into a certain monsoon frogs transforming them into intelligent hop on hop off creatures.
After being trained in highly classified laboratories, these creatures now fly spy hawks and pigeons into India. :lol:
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