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Reaffirming ban on graphic content.

That is straight forward suppressing information. We can not ignore that the IS exists.

I do not ignore that ISIS terrorist occupied lands in Syria and Iraq under the rule of a terrorist leader exists, I just deny them what they believe is their right to be recognized as IS.
i posted a funny image..and i got a notification. do you people not allow any posting of images no matter they are funny or serious?

oo n it was not about Syria it was about Iphone
Who do you mean by enemy/we?

The term IS should be banned, posters who refer to ISIS as such should get a warning. Repeat offense should lead to a temporary ban. I could care less if @C130 is American or not, punishment would be the same.
for me no one is enemy . enemy of them . what whom those consider enemies like ISIS lovers post iraqis us or anyone whom they killed . iraqis kill ISIS and post here . no one is my enemy
@Jungibaaz @Horus @Chak Bamu @WebMaster :

It is my opinion that links to graphic stuff should be allowed, maybe as "hidden links" with a warning to those who click it. I'm saying this because the graphic nature of some pictures actually depicts the graphic nature of reality out there. What is happening in Syria and other war torn places is not pretty. By completely censoring all such content, you may be whitewashing what is happening..
Sorry I disagree with you
PDF is NOT the web itself

if you think someone is compelled to see the graphic nature of the story then he can look it up outside PDF.

no links, hidden or otherwise should be allowed.

no one can claim that he or she has seen nothing to make up his/ her mind about what the terrorists have done in Middle east and South Asia.

those who still are unmoved or confused about what to say about rape fatwas, cannibalism and mass slaughters .. will not change their minds no matter how many links you provide them

they will move to the next level and would justify it with irrelevant examples of conflicts elsewhere that have nothing to do with the subject matter and scope of the story

so I fully support complete and No Nonsense ban on such graphics..
and I request permanent Bans on those people who Ignore the warnings

Where are the Syria and Iraq threads that used to be sticky in the ME section ???
@WebMaster where is Syrian updates and Iraq fight against ISIL thread?

These are the threads in which almost every page has some sort of video or picture containing graphic content. Both have been temporarily moved.

Cleaning these threads which have some 8k, 6k, and 4k etc. posts is a mammoth job, they'll be back when they're clean.

Previous violations we are not banning over unless in some cases. However, any display after they've been cleaned, regardless of what the situation was before, banning will follow.
Can you guys go ahead and find graphic vids/pics and report them please.
The Pakistan Defence management intends to create a plate form for discussions & analysis related to Pakistan & world affairs, defence tech & military.We intend to find solutions for growing challenges and problems faced by our regimes and regional alliance. We strongly discourage:
2)Negative agenda against any state
3)Promotion of any religious contents.
4)Literature promoting terrorist organizations.

Members are requested to help us in making Pakistan Defence as website's authoritative source of defence & military knowledge.
The Pakistan Defence management intends to create a plate form for discussions & analysis related to Pakistan & world affairs, defence tech & military.We intend to find solutions for growing challenges and problems faced by our regimes and regional alliance. We strongly discourage:
2)Negative agenda against any state
3)Promotion of any religious contents.
4)Literature promoting terrorist organizations.

Members are requested to help us in making Pakistan Defence as website's authoritative source of defence & military knowledge.

Great post, but actions speak louder than words.

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