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Ready to work with India to settle border dispute: China


Jan 27, 2014
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United States
BEIJING: Ahead of the 17th round of Sino- India talks on the contentious boundary issue, China today said it is ready to achieve an early and mutually acceptable deal to make border areas a "bridge and bond" between them.

"An early settlement serves the interests of both China and India. It is a strategic objective set by the two governments," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a media briefing here.

India and China will hold their 17th round of Special Representative talks on the boundary issue in New Delhi on February 10-11, the first meeting since the countries inked the Border Defence Cooperation Agreement (BDCA) last year.

The talks will be led by National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon and Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi.

"China is ready to work with the Indian government to advance the process of negotiations so as to achieve a fair and reasonable framework acceptable to both sides in order to make the border areas into a bridge and bond between the two peoples to facilitate their exchanges and communication," Hong said.

He was responding to a question that talks have not achieved anything significant since 2005 when the two countries signed an agreement on political parameters to resolve the boundary ..

Hong said the two sides have done a lot of work to resolve the vexed dispute during the last 16 rounds of talks.

"The boundary question between India and China is a left- over from history. Over the years, the two sides have done a lot of work to achieve a settlement of the issue.

"On an adhoc level, we have exchanged in-depth views on the issue and positive progress has been achieved" during 16 rounds of talks since 2003 when the mechanism of the Special Representatives meeting was established, he said.

"The two sides have reiterated that the boundary question should not overshadow the overall development of the bilateral relations," he said elaborating on efforts by both the counties not to let the dispute impede the progress of bilateral ties.

"Pending the final settlement of the boundary question, the two sides should work to uphold peace and tranquillity of the border areas," he said.

Read more at:
Ready to work with India to settle border dispute: China - The Economic Times
Solution is Simple . Both India and China are over nationalistic . No amount of money can replace a single inch of land . Make what both India and China control officially acceptable borders . India should give up its claim on Aksai Chin and China on AP .

Anything else and there cannot be any agreement . But i am sure Indian opposition will nuke even this sensible step , doesn't matter who is in opposition .
This was our original "swap" offer in 1960:

BBC News - India climbdown may help China border dispute

By Subir Bhaumik
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
17 April 2012

India has been reluctant to part with any portion of the disputed territory since the 1950s.

It rejected a swap offer made by China's former Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in 1960, asking India to recognise China's control of Aksai Chin in the west as a quid pro quo for China's recognition of the McMahon line.

After rejecting that offer, India initiated a "forward policy" to control the disputed territories in the Himalayas.


Maybe India today would be more open to a compromise, like this previous offer to swap recognition of AP for recognition of Aksai Chin?
The China India relation has more positives then negatives. the new leadership in india could begin a new era of relationship with china, lets start from Afghanistan, central asia and terrorism.
A positive move by India and China for working together in Afghanistan in post 2014 could become mile stone in indo china relationship Both have high stakes in the stability and capability to sort the Afghan mess. Similarly, both could fill the strategic vacuum in Afghanistan for the common good.
Solution is Simple . Both India and China are over nationalistic . No amount of money can replace a single inch of land . Make what both India and China control officially acceptable borders . India should give up its claim on Aksai Chin and China on AP .

Anything else and there cannot be any agreement . But i am sure Indian opposition will nuke even this sensible step , doesn't matter who is in opposition .

Well if such a solution is in sight i am sure any government in centre would grab that opportunity..... Opposition job is to Oppose and they will keep doing it..... But that should not be a worry for such a step......

Having a peaceful relationship with china will be very good for india.....
This was our original "swap" offer in 1960:

BBC News - India climbdown may help China border dispute

By Subir Bhaumik
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
17 April 2012

India has been reluctant to part with any portion of the disputed territory since the 1950s.

It rejected a swap offer made by China's former Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in 1960, asking India to recognise China's control of Aksai Chin in the west as a quid pro quo for China's recognition of the McMahon line.

After rejecting that offer, India initiated a "forward policy" to control the disputed territories in the Himalayas.


Maybe India today would be more open to a compromise, like this previous offer to swap recognition of AP for recognition of Aksai Chin?

Man there is no enmity between India and China if border issue is resolved . More or less we are Eastern religion people . Ancestor worshipping and stuff . But we will need a strong PM to Push it through .
Frankly, China's biggest military concerns come from the Pacific region. Not from the Western border.

India could help the USA in their goal to contain China (everyone knows that is their goal even if they publicly say we are cooperative partners).

Or India could solve the border dispute with China, then we could both relax on the Sino-Indian border, to concentrate on the bigger threats.

The geography of the Himalayas already rules out the possibility of a full-scale land war in any case.

And the nature of our differing economic growth models would lead to a great deal of benefit from economic cooperation rather than direct competition.
indians always takes example of china for their hard-work and dedication without an external support...unfortunatiely the two old civilizations have dispute in between...it should be resolved asap for prosper and powerful asia.
than SCO will be the powerful org in world.
Frankly, China's biggest military concerns come from the Pacific region. Not from the Western border.

India could help the USA in their goal to contain China (everyone knows that is their goal even if they publicly say we are cooperative partners).

Or India could solve the border dispute with China, then we could both relax on the Sino-Indian border, to concentrate on the bigger threats.

The geography of the Himalayas already rules out the possibility of a full-scale land war in any case.

Solving issue with china is better for India . US is thousand of miles way . We have shared borders with china from thousand of years peacefully . And we have had great cultural exchanges both ways . And for next thousands of years as well we have to share borders . Superpower U.S.A. is a blip on such huge timelines .

Rather have a friendly neighbor than war-escalating friend . And Pakistan/ Iran/Iraq is great lessons for us . U.S. allies more or less go down to dogs once they are done with them .
i am thinking for long time that it is about time of formation of Asian union special in our region when USA decided that 60% of its naval fleet will be in asia pacific region by 2020
i was thinking it is about time of formation of Asian union special in our region when USA decided that 60% of its naval fleet will be in asia pacific region by 2020

Indp-Chinese naval fleets will not allow U.S. domination either in Pacific Ocean or South China seas unchallenged . Best of luck to other countries .
Make status quo the international border and move on...
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