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Ready for war: At Ambala Cantt, an elite force ready to respond

Man every time we post any minute or macro achievement its always a Pakistani forum member who like to reply with
"So what? We have nukes!"
"India is (enter any generic childish insult)"
"We will destroy you"

Or some other random bull shit

And you dare say we want war?
We are more famous for peacekeeping and we like to keep it that way.

Now I'm sure after reading this many of the aforementioned members won't hesitate to reply more generic bull shit like

"You are just cowards" or something else like that.

I think you should agree that you people have a habit of provoking conflicts.

mehhhhhhhhh no we do not have any such habit . If Indians are provoked at a drop of a hat what can we do it is not our fault
Pakistan is shaking in fear -


1. Pakistan stole 1/3 of Kashmir from a enemy that is almost seven times larger. 70 years later it still holds it.
2. Seven times larger India only managed to humble Pakistan on the back of 70 million Bangla Mukhtos and even then against a small force of 55k in "away game" in 1971.

This elite Indian Strike Corp can't do jack unless they can get the Bangla Mukhto's to team up with them.

Commander Indian Strike Corp - Ambala "aunitie can we pleaj get help from Bangla bhai Mukhtos namaskar?" and PM auntie replies "araaaaaaaaay me phinsh making mohchjli first".

You just killed every argument with this one word "stole" haha
True face
mehhhhhhhhh no we do not have any such habit . If Indians are provoked at a drop of a hat what can we do it is not our fault
I speak from experience my friend.
Many a times it does happen that you might over look such things so I'm not blaming you for that.
they are still ready its been one week now let them remove gear and go bar out of cant
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