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Ready for war: At Ambala Cantt, an elite force ready to respond

india can deploy anyone in their territory. Nothing to discuss here.
I don't get the point of posting a 2 year old video now? That too shot by Mujahidden? Don't you have shame to take credit of terrorist acts? lol

Good Day to you and your bright mind!
Pakistan is shaking in fear -


1. Pakistan stole 1/3 of Kashmir from a enemy that is almost seven times larger. 70 years later it still holds it.
2. Seven times larger India only managed to humble Pakistan on the back of 70 million Bangla Mukhtos and even then against a small force of 55k in "away game" in 1971.

This elite Indian Strike Corp can't do jack unless they can get the Bangla Mukhto's to team up with them.

Commander Indian Strike Corp - Ambala "aunitie can we pleaj get help from Bangla bhai Mukhtos namaskar?" and PM auntie replies "araaaaaaaaay me phinsh making mohchjli first".

From 93k strong garrison to 55? A year later the date should be revised as just a few thousand garrisons.
From 93k strong garrison to 55? A year later the date should be revised as just a few thousand garrisons.

Read below. This is from Dawn. If you insist I can find academic or other third party sources. In fact I posted newspaper clipping (India) enumerating the numbers on PDF but I don't have time to find them now. If you doubt the link I provided I will dig up rest of the sources.

"Some writers put the figure of surrendered people to 93,000 but according to Hamoodur Rahman Commission, about 90,368 were made Prisoners of War (POWs), including 54,154 Army soldiers, 1,381 Navy personnel, 833 Air force staff, paramilitary including police personnel consisted 22,000, and 12,000 civilians government employees and their dependents from West Pakistan"

Link > http://www.dawn.com/news/718001/a-leaf-from-history-the-fall-and-surrender

Even the 55K soldiers were minus all their heavy equipment and most were dregs from regiments in West Pakistan which of course retained the bes and bulk of the strike units including airforce. For comparison we have the example of superpower, USA which had over 120k men and NATO forces complementing a small country Afghanistan with population below 30 million. Yet they hsave failed to subdue that country.

Back in early 1970s there were over half million US soldiers in Vietnam - a country which has similar climate as Bangladesh. Again US was defeated. In Bangladesh 55k soldiers had to fight Bangla Mukhtos, garrison a hostile Bangla population of over 60 million, fight against invading Indian Army in alien conditions that are unlike anything in West Pakistan. In addition they were 1,300 miles away from home.
Read below. This is from Dawn. If you insist I can find academic or other third party sources. In fact I posted newspaper clipping (India) enumerating the numbers on PDF but I don't have time to find them now. If you doubt the link I provided I will dig up rest of the sources.

"Some writers put the figure of surrendered people to 93,000 but according to Hamoodur Rahman Commission, about 90,368 were made Prisoners of War (POWs), including 54,154 Army soldiers, 1,381 Navy personnel, 833 Air force staff, paramilitary including police personnel consisted 22,000, and 12,000 civilians government employees and their dependents from West Pakistan"

Link > http://www.dawn.com/news/718001/a-leaf-from-history-the-fall-and-surrender

Even the 55K soldiers were minus all their heavy equipment and most were dregs from regiments in West Pakistan which of course retained the bes and bulk of the strike units including airforce. For comparison we have the example of superpower, USA which had over 120k men and NATO forces complementing a small country Afghanistan with population below 30 million. Yet they hsave failed to subdue that country.

Back in early 1970s there were over half million US soldiers in Vietnam - a country which has similar climate as Bangladesh. Again US was defeated. In Bangladesh 55k soldiers had to fight Bangla Mukhtos, garrison a hostile Bangla population of over 60 million, fight against invading Indian Army in alien conditions that are unlike anything in West Pakistan. In addition they were 1,300 miles away from home.
None of this is relevant.

What is relevant is this - the (erstwhile) most pro Pakistani populace (East Pak) wanted out. The only ML Govt province of India wanted out.

And got out.
Read below. This is from Dawn. If you insist I can find academic or other third party sources. In fact I posted newspaper clipping (India) enumerating the numbers on PDF but I don't have time to find them now. If you doubt the link I provided I will dig up rest of the sources.

"Some writers put the figure of surrendered people to 93,000 but according to Hamoodur Rahman Commission, about 90,368 were made Prisoners of War (POWs), including 54,154 Army soldiers, 1,381 Navy personnel, 833 Air force staff, paramilitary including police personnel consisted 22,000, and 12,000 civilians government employees and their dependents from West Pakistan"

Link > http://www.dawn.com/news/718001/a-leaf-from-history-the-fall-and-surrender

Even the 55K soldiers were minus all their heavy equipment and most were dregs from regiments in West Pakistan which of course retained the bes and bulk of the strike units including airforce. For comparison we have the example of superpower, USA which had over 120k men and NATO forces complementing a small country Afghanistan with population below 30 million. Yet they hsave failed to subdue that country.

Back in early 1970s there were over half million US soldiers in Vietnam - a country which has similar climate as Bangladesh. Again US was defeated. In Bangladesh 55k soldiers had to fight Bangla Mukhtos, garrison a hostile Bangla population of over 60 million, fight against invading Indian Army in alien conditions that are unlike anything in West Pakistan. In addition they were 1,300 miles away from home.
I thought east Pakistan was a home? Considering you guys believed it is east Pakistan or Pakistan...
1300 miles away from home is a lame excuse... let me put it to you this way... if Pakistan won like they did in the 60s and partial victory like how it happened in 65s Pakistan would have bragged about it. But now the excuse is they were away from home without support etc. bro they have started following scorched earth policy in Bangladesh... destroying off their own weapons/fighters etc... plus 70 proved how ineffective pakistans campaign was for a guerrila war. It was certainly up to standard or more and proved themselves in conventional scenario... just couldn't handle all the surprises from about everywhere...
plus the weather didn't play in pakistans favor from mid war... when the mansion began.

Indians cannot think beyond war?
You're right. I am so sick of this shit that's going on for such a long time.
Like cmon India grow up... learn to forgive and live together in harmony... have they forgot Gandhi is Indian or what?
Lol govt evacuated the border villages as if there will be a retaliation.

Let the people go back to their villages its crop harvesting time. Don't worry about any response lol
Indians cannot think beyond war?

Your Defense Minister was like Nasalaein Yaad rakhein gi before 29th- The look on face on the Morning of 29th was priceless-

Indian PM just today said we do not wish to encroach upon other's territories even DM here said capturing other countries territory is not Indian culture-
Pakistan is shaking in fear -


1. Pakistan stole 1/3 of Kashmir from a enemy that is almost seven times larger. 70 years later it still holds it.
2. Seven times larger India only managed to humble Pakistan on the back of 70 million Bangla Mukhtos and even then against a small force of 55k in "away game" in 1971.

This elite Indian Strike Corp can't do jack unless they can get the Bangla Mukhto's to team up with them.

Commander Indian Strike Corp - Ambala "aunitie can we pleaj get help from Bangla bhai Mukhtos namaskar?" and PM auntie replies "araaaaaaaaay me phinsh making mohchjli first".


Was the last part meant to be funny ?
Read below. This is from Dawn. If you insist I can find academic or other third party sources. In fact I posted newspaper clipping (India) enumerating the numbers on PDF but I don't have time to find them now. If you doubt the link I provided I will dig up rest of the sources.

"Some writers put the figure of surrendered people to 93,000 but according to Hamoodur Rahman Commission, about 90,368 were made Prisoners of War (POWs), including 54,154 Army soldiers, 1,381 Navy personnel, 833 Air force staff, paramilitary including police personnel consisted 22,000, and 12,000 civilians government employees and their dependents from West Pakistan"

Link > http://www.dawn.com/news/718001/a-leaf-from-history-the-fall-and-surrender

Even the 55K soldiers were minus all their heavy equipment and most were dregs from regiments in West Pakistan which of course retained the bes and bulk of the strike units including airforce. For comparison we have the example of superpower, USA which had over 120k men and NATO forces complementing a small country Afghanistan with population below 30 million. Yet they hsave failed to subdue that country.

Back in early 1970s there were over half million US soldiers in Vietnam - a country which has similar climate as Bangladesh. Again US was defeated. In Bangladesh 55k soldiers had to fight Bangla Mukhtos, garrison a hostile Bangla population of over 60 million, fight against invading Indian Army in alien conditions that are unlike anything in West Pakistan. In addition they were 1,300 miles away from home.

what does it tell us about the intelligence of the generals who ordered the crackdown ?
Indians cannot think beyond war?
Man every time we post any minute or macro achievement its always a Pakistani forum member who like to reply with
"So what? We have nukes!"
"India is (enter any generic childish insult)"
"We will destroy you"

Or some other random bull shit

And you dare say we want war?
We are more famous for peacekeeping and we like to keep it that way.

Now I'm sure after reading this many of the aforementioned members won't hesitate to reply more generic bull shit like

"You are just cowards" or something else like that.

I think you should agree that you people have a habit of provoking conflicts.
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