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Unless India has an 8-1 advantage over China, India will not move a single troops into China. Further more, China hold the higher ground so the ratio should be higher. Finally, before you talk about all the technical advantage from India, the reality is that there are minimal to none. What India should do its strengthen its defense. If India can do what Vietnam did to China in 1979, than India would have won the war. Its more than pure fantasy for India, as a down hill power, to attack an uphill power without absolute numerical and technical advantage. India need a US vs Iraq type of advantage over China in order to attack China.

I am not debating on technology and what we have currently. If you read, what I have said, we 'should' have the capability to inflict unacceptable conventional damage in an area other than Arunachal Pradesh. Not we have. The strategy of static defense in Indian armed forces is being slowly replaced with assault. The current mountain division being raised is the first step in that direction. What we sorely do not have is an airborne assault capability.
I am not debating on technology and what we have currently. If you read, what I have said, we 'should' have the capability to inflict unacceptable conventional damage in an area other than Arunachal Pradesh. Not we have. The strategy of static defense in Indian armed forces is being slowly replaced with assault. The current mountain division being raised is the first step in that direction. What we sorely do not have is an airborne assault capability.

What you are talking about is offensive capabilities. India should not even be thinking about doing this against Chinese troops on Tibet until it has USA vs Iraq type of advantage vs China. Do India have that advantage now? Far from it. If anything, China has a slight advantage. That is why India has been following the correct deterrent when it has the bend and not break strategy before. If it trying to deploy offensive capability along, it would invite unwanted tension but would be useless as it wont' make much headway attacking up hill against a marginally superior force.
What you are talking about is offensive capabilities. India should not even be thinking about doing this against Chinese troops on Tibet until it has USA vs Iraq type of advantage vs China. Do India have that advantage now? Far from it. If anything, China has a slight advantage. That is why India has been following the correct deterrent when it has the bend and not break strategy before. If it trying to deploy offensive capability along, it would invite unwanted tension but would be useless as it wont' make much headway attacking up hill against a marginally superior force.

Hahahaahha Tell us a Chinese who is not dam sure about his own identity :undecided:

By the you always talk about things which you dont know a jack about but hey did that stop you from commenting :no:
But you said India should not be talking !!!!!!
Common comradooooo americanooooo we live in a dam free country we can speak and think what we want. We dont need to move our @ss to other country just to have freedom of speech . Just saying ;)
What you are talking about is offensive capabilities. India should not even be thinking about doing this against Chinese troops on Tibet until it has USA vs Iraq type of advantage vs China. Do India have that advantage now? Far from it. If anything, China has a slight advantage. That is why India has been following the correct deterrent when it has the bend and not break strategy before. If it trying to deploy offensive capability along, it would invite unwanted tension but would be useless as it wont' make much headway attacking up hill against a marginally superior force.

Again, I am not talking about what we have. you are talking about current capabilities, I am talking about what we should have. Irrespective of what China thinks, the IA doctrine vis-a-vis China has changed. The objective over the next decade is to build the capability to not threaten, but, to inflict unacceptable conventional damage, which today we do not possess. Now, you may have a point of view of offensive capabilities. But, tensions are raised by both sides. We are wary of Chinese capabilities in Tibet. Does it raise our tension levels, yes. The objective is not to win an all out war, which anyway is a far fetched scenario. The objective is to let an adversary know, that the area of conflict will not be contained in area which is not acceptable.
Hahahaahha Tell us a Chinese who is not dam sure about his own identity :undecided:

By the you always talk about things which you dont know a jack about but hey did that stop you from commenting :no:
But you said India should not be talking !!!!!!
Common comradooooo americanooooo we live in a dam free country we can speak and think what we want. We dont need to move our @ss to other country just to have freedom of speech . Just saying ;)

well, you attack me when I present simple facts about warfare. When you attack, you need more troops than the defenders. When you attack up the mountain, the difference need to be extremely pronounced. India have no chance to invade China. What India should focus on is to prevent Chinese invasion.

Again, I am not talking about what we have. you are talking about current capabilities, I am talking about what we should have. Irrespective of what China thinks, the IA doctrine vis-a-vis China has changed. The objective over the next decade is to build the capability to not threaten, but, to inflict unacceptable conventional damage, which today we do not possess. Now, you may have a point of view of offensive capabilities. But, tensions are raised by both sides. We are wary of Chinese capabilities in Tibet. Does it raise our tension levels, yes. The objective is not to win an all out war, which anyway is a far fetched scenario. The objective is to let an adversary know, that the area of conflict will not be contained in area which is not acceptable.

Personally, I don't believe China has the ability to win an all out war against India even today. But the gap could be widening if India do not improve its economy to stay with China.
well, you attack me when I present simple facts about warfare. When you attack, you need more troops than the defenders. When you attack up the mountain, the difference need to be extremely pronounced. India have no chance to invade China. What India should focus on is to prevent Chinese invasion.

Nah I don't attack weak . I am not Chinese. :rofl:

Read yoru post again you write "India should not be talking" so I just bring that to your attention even you shouldn't be speaking where you don't belong .

What you are writing is your logic and understanding. And I see no rule to believe you ;)
Nah I don't attack weak . I am not Chinese. :rofl:

Read yoru post again you write "India should not be talking" so I just bring that to your attention even you shouldn't be speaking where you don't belong .

What you are writing is your logic and understanding. And I see no rule to believe you ;)

What I'm saying is correct. India should not be talking about offensive attacks into China. Let along plan an offensive strategy, provide weapons for offensive attacks and even try such a suicidal attack against China. It should stop this fantasy before talking about it in public. Privately, its one thing. But publics talking about even raising "offensive corps" its just ridiculous. Even if India have this thought, it should even talk about it. But in any case, any such military offense is suicidal given the geography and capabilities of two sides.
What I'm saying is correct. India should not be talking about offensive attacks into China. Let along plan an offensive strategy, provide weapons for offensive attacks and even try such a suicidal attack against China. It should stop this fantasy before talking about it in public. Privately, its one thing. But publics talking about even raising "offensive corps" its just ridiculous. Even if India have this thought, it should even talk about it. But in any case, any such military offense is suicidal given the geography and capabilities of two sides.

Offence is best defence. Its a tool that often works. It has worked for Pakistan:), why not for India?
The author seemed to forget about our Y-20 once operation we can bring as many troops we want and heavy equipment to deal with your hardcord. You can only afford 10 C-17 but we can afford over few hundred Y-20, but the time of war we shall see who will bring more trooops to the border.

凤凰视频2013-07-22 实拍运20第五次试飞 更多原型机或将出现 - YouTube

Few hundred y-20.:omghaha:
Wake me up in 2030.
What I'm saying is correct. India should not be talking about offensive attacks into China. Let along plan an offensive strategy, provide weapons for offensive attacks and even try such a suicidal attack against China. It should stop this fantasy before talking about it in public. Privately, its one thing. But publics talking about even raising "offensive corps" its just ridiculous. Even if India have this thought, it should even talk about it. But in any case, any such military offense is suicidal given the geography and capabilities of two sides.

Thats what you think !!!! and we dont give a dam about that.
What do you know of war strategies ??? Ever heard of "Offence is the best defence"

Suicidal attack :undecided: I didn't know Chinese army is recruiting Auto-Bots to fulfil falling service capable population.

And its ridiculous to talk in public :rofl: may be in your country we call it freedom of speech ;)

And still if you think its ridiculous deal with it GOI has made it public ;)
Publicly talking things is part of "Psy-Ops" but how would you know that ;) ever think why Chinese department of warnings keep themselves busy with daily declarations ???

And do you know the geography and capability of both sides :undecided:
How about local political situation - TAR ;) but sure india will use that key in situations like that and if I am not wrong your fake current country's CIA is working closely on that key :rofl:
After read the exhausting article, I just realised that it mean Hard-corps action and not Hardcord action :rofl: lol I was so excite at the begining.

You expect something like that in PDF ??? Why thats too blocked in china ???
And man if you are not a kid and need internet for hardcore action ..... Oh i feel sorry for you :no:

no wonder you wish to kiss an imaginary creature

The author seemed to forget about our Y-20 once operation we can bring as many troops we want and heavy equipment to deal with your hardcord. You can only afford 10 C-17 but we can afford over few hundred Y-20, but the time of war we shall see who will bring more trooops to the border.

凤凰视频2013-07-22 实拍运20第五次试飞 更多原型机或将出现 - YouTube

You and your hardcore desire :rofl:

BTW comrade troop movement in such platforms is made when its heating up. Not during war.
If China start bringing troop to border India will do that too. Its vice versa too.

Flying such plane to border in time of war is risking your soldiers to one dam A2A missile or sam
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