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Reactor of India's first indigenous nuclear submarine INS Arihant goes 'cri

Wow, India finally has its first nuclear sub after years of boasting about having one. Now, once a ballistic missile is fired from the sub, India will have the first test fire of its first SLBM, after all the tests on the pontoon. India is only the country in the world that boast about PLSM (Pontoon launched ballistic missile) being a SLBM.

Gallbladder leaking today?
Its a great for the BARC scientist. Their contributions are amazing. Simply lot of research are going on at Kalpakkam, and they are funding research projects done by students in various collages.
Way to Go now for a Nuclear Powered AC :)
The sea trials will include the submerged test-firing of the 'B-05' ballistic missile. The Arihant can carry 12 of these nuclear-tipped missiles, each of which has a range of 700 km. Sections of a second submarine, to be named Aridaman are already at an advanced stage of outfitting at the Ship Building Centre (SBC) in Vizag. Sources indicate the submarine could be launched by next year. Sections of a third submarine are also under construction at the Larsen & Toubro's Hazira facility. The three SSBNs have been under construction under a secret navy-DRDO-Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) project called the 'Advanced Technology Vessel' (ATV) project. India's strategic plans call for a fleet of five nuclear powered attack submarines (SSN) and five ballistic missile submarines (SSBN), a goal that is unlikely to be achieved before 2025.

Read more at: INS Arihant reactor goes critical, submarine to start sea trials | Watch activation video : North, News - India Today
May it never see combat.

I second that.

by any chance is it arihant?


Just been on BR, this is USS Key West.

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