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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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Well, it is not the families' decision to make - the state must uphold justice. The point is that you CAN get away with murder in Pakistan if you are rich - this case is a clear example.

many poor had also got away even without paying money under this law when victim families pardoned the killers.
@ Mirza
The family was pressurized.p
Insaf nai $$$ chaiye bas


For one has self respect one would not compromise even if pressurised.

So that is a weak argument.

And who says they were pressurised.

Any links where they directly said so?
Why was Victims lawyers not allowed and were arrested while this blood money was being given and taken?
Most of the people are accusing the PPP but the news says otherwise, even though PPP wanted to play its part .. it was ISI, Army & Sharif Brothers who have taken the complete credit .....

One question guys: if in this same case .. if a pakistani diplomats shots some one in the US, Would this same sets of rules can be applied, and would US accept this, Would pakistani authorities can bring such an outcomes from US authorities
@ developereo
He was charged for other crimes. For illegal weapons , he was fined Rs. 20000 (which he paid) and for spying , 41 days in jail (which he had already faced).
Insaf nai $$$ chaiye bas
Hey jana any of your relatives want to go to US?? Then Get yourself shot by an American in pakistan and you have it.

Isnt this what you have been supporting in the past 85 pages? Am I right?

Edit:- Now, what is the definition of being Bay-Gairat?? Anyone?

why dont you send your poverty stricken hungry people over to US i will arrange for them dont worry. and oh that will be even without killing anyone ;)

and no thanks none of my relatives want to go to US because we are very much content in Pakistan and also by grace of Allah we are happy whatever we have here. :)
the issue is not about the Blood Money. . The thing we ask our government and courts is that why was'nt he charged for the espionage??

:agree: well interestingly not many of them are asking it rather they are perturbed with Islam here
Firstly who the fcuk is the victims family to pardon the killers? What kind of a medival foolish logic is that.

Today if your husband has an insurance of say 50 lakhs and you get your husband killed by say some contract killer and in a shariya court you "pardon" the killer out of your so called "divine virtues", so isint it a good excuse for you to take all the 50 lakhs of Insurance money, give 5 lakhs to the contract killer as his fees and begin living with your new lover/husband in your ex-husbands property?

The medival laws were for 1500 years ago. They are not relevant now.
This case has set a example of dealing with murders in Pakistan, From now on any one can kill a Pakistani citizen at will provided he is ready to dole out few $.... This will be the policy to be adopted by future murder's .. pretty simple & easy justice
The Qur'an specifies the principle of Qisas (i.e. retaliation), but prescribes that one should seek compensation (Diyya) and not demand retribution.

We have prescribed for thee therein ‘a life for a life, and an eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose, and an ear for an ear, and a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds retaliation;’ but whoso remits it, it is an expiation for him, but he whoso will not judge by what God has revealed, these be the unjust.[1]

The Qur’an directed to pay Diyat just according to this law both in case of intentional as well as un-intentional murder. A variation of Diyat was present in pre-Islamic Arabia, where it was paid in terms of goods or animals rather than cash.
Why not the same rules be applied for that lady who is held by US.. .....why double standards
Everybody got played in the hands of Politicians + Army+ ISI..
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