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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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I think people are missing the point. Nothing Illegal was preformed. Everything is within legal framework. If you don't like it get rid of the Diyat Law which allowed this. No one can be blamed. Laws are laws they don't work on moral convictions and hissy fits. They are set in the books and are followed as accurately as can be.

What exactly do people want ? The trial was proceeding and the family decided to forgive him because they received large financial sum and according to Pakistani law this(Blood money deal) can be performed and was. So all these protests that are going to happen on Friday what exactly are they protesting ? That the courts did their jobs ?
according to Najam Seiti....he is saying that negotiations were going on for the past 1 month and ISI and army was directly involved in freeing RD

and according to Najam, this is a win win situation for ISI. It is completely a different perspective on release of RD...

all these bastard foreigners have been brought here especially during the past 3 years ever since this demoCRAZY has come. In Mushy's times, CIA was not allowed to roam freely and visas to cia agents were also not given freely. But now in 3 years of demoCRAZY, countless visas have been issues to americans in which ISI was very UNHAPPY about! This lanatee demoCRAZY has sold us out!

Aapas Ki Baat | Muneeb Farooq - March 16 2011 Talk Show @ Pakistan Herald
I think people are missing the point. Nothing Illegal was preformed. Everything is within legal framework. If you don't like it get rid of the Diyat Law which allowed this. No one can be blamed. Laws are laws they don't work on moral convictions and hissy fits. They are set in the books and are followed as accurately as can be.

What exactly do people want ? The trial was proceeding and the family decided to forgive him because they received large financial sum and according to Pakistani law this(Blood money deal) can be performed and was. So all these protests that are going to happen on Friday what exactly are they protesting ? That the courts did their jobs ?

diyat law has lots of complications, it includes the simple murder case, but if the case involves the terrorism charges, the illegal activity charges, if u know abt this diyat law, it is very different and simple law the handling complicated cases of terrorism and anti national security activities

the guys involves in the case in opposition to raymond davis, that is the punjab government, esp the federal govt who was hell bent on supporting the davis guy as a deplomat and holding diplomatic immunity were responsible for not registering the exact case... and the lawyer involved, its like charging killer for a theft, obviously the killer is not a thief

the governemt also knew all about what happened behind the scenes like bribing the families with american visas which is illegal by any law
I think people are missing the point. Nothing Illegal was preformed. Everything is within legal framework. If you don't like it get rid of the Diyat Law which allowed this. No one can be blamed. Laws are laws they don't work on moral convictions and hissy fits. They are set in the books and are followed as accurately as can be.
What exactly do people want ? The trial was proceeding and the family decided to forgive him because they received large financial sum and according to Pakistani law this(Blood money deal) can be performed and was.

Yes indeed it was done within the legal framework, but the question everyone is raising is why did the same family who vowed to never let this man go free, actually changed their stance after receiving money. Another thing to answer is the way the whole case was handled and the public kept in dark about this trial. No one had a clue that the diyat law is an option in this case although the govt officials themselves knew that it was being negotiated on the background. The trial itself is to question and not so much the law in my opinion.

When so many murder cases take years to resolve in the judicial system, how was the final ruling was taken in just 2 hours and RD out of the country within hours of the verdict.
Bon voyage, Raymond Davis

By Ayesha Siddiqa
Published: March 17, 2011

Raymond Davis was released on Wednesday and flown out of the country. A lot of people are asking if justice was done. The release raises two fundamental questions.

First, who was responsible for the release?

Second, what were the concessions made on both sides of the table to facilitate the release?

The future of Pakistan-US relations and geo-political developments in the region will depend on the nature of the final agreement.

The release was clearly not the work of the federal or provincial governments. Although Najam Sethi tweeted about Shahbaz Sharif playing a critical role, his responsibility may be limited to facilitating the entire release drama. Notwithstanding Punjab Law Rana Sanaullah’s claim that the provincial government was not in the know on the decision, it is hard to rule out PML-N involvement in trying to convince the families of those killed by Raymond Davis to forgive him under provisions of Shariah law.

The Qisas and Diyat law, which was passed in 1997 by the then Nawaz Sharif government, has been used on hundreds of occasions to buy forgiveness for killers. This law privatises a crime like homicide and devolves the responsibility for punishing a killer to the next of kin of the victim. The reason it was not used earlier in the Davis case was possibly because the time was not ripe.

Rana Sanaullah’s lame statement reflects his anticipation of a reaction from hardcore right-wingers inside the PML-N. With cooperation from the right quarters, however, Shahbaz Sharif’s government will be able to deal with any public protest.

In any case, the general perception was that the religious right organisations did not manage to bring people out on the streets on the Davis issue. Therefore, they were keen to link it with the blasphemy laws issue. There may be some street protests and comments from Imran Khan trying to pin it all on the federal government. But the Zardari-Gilani duo could not have managed it as their first effort resulted in friction within the party.

There should be little doubt that the release was possible due to successful negotiations between the CIA and the ISI. This was all along a spat between the two intelligence agencies which Pakistan’s media did not point out until very late. Another twitterati, Columnist Cyril Almeida, raised the question of a possible link between Gen Pasha’s extension, the Pakistan Army’s agreement to launch a military operation in North Waziristan and Davis’ release, pointing at some secret agreement. Without GHQ’s involvement the judiciary might not have appreciated the significance of the matter for national security and not stopped the Lahore High Court from giving a judgment on the immunity issue immediately.

The million-dollar question now is: what was agreed upon? It seems that the US and Rawalpindi have renegotiated terms of engagement so GHQ will play a greater role in dealing with Washington than the Presidency in Islamabad. General Petraeus’s recent testimony to the US Congress mentions the Pakistan Army’s apprehensions regarding not being taken into confidence on Afghanistan. It is a considered opinion in Washington that Pakistan was not totally on board with the objectives of the war on terror. Did Raymond Davis, a CIA contractor, fall victim to this misunderstanding and has he been released after the problem was sorted out? Another pertinent question pertains to the future of American policy on Pakistan-based militant groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and others. Does a possible agreement involve America backing off from its focus on these organisations, which are considered friendly by the military?

Raymond Davis’ release will for some time increase anxiety amongst the Pakistani people, including the urban-educated-twitterati. GHQ will ensure that this does not really boil over. Or perhaps this will give a lead to an internal move to bring domestic change. What’s certain is that the way the issue has unfolded is fairytale material.
diyat law has lots of complications, it includes the simple murder case, but if the case involves the terrorism charges, the illegal activity charges, if u know abt this diyat law, it is very different and simple law the handling complicated cases of terrorism and anti national security activities

the guys involves in the case in opposition to raymond davis, that is the punjab government, esp the federal govt who was hell bent on supporting the davis guy as a deplomat and holding diplomatic immunity were responsible for not registering the exact case...

the governemt also knew all about what happened behind the scenes like bribing the families with american visas which is illegal by any law

Yes but only murder charges were filed so it allowed for the law to happen had they in turn filed terrorism or espionage charges he wouldn't be acquitted from those since that would have nothing to do with the family. As far as the Visa part this is not proven so can not be brought in.
Yes indeed it was done within the legal framework, but the question everyone is raising is why did the same family who vowed to never let this man go free, actually changed their stance after receiving money. Another thing to answer is the way the whole case was handled and the public kept in dark about this trial. No one had a clue that the diyat law is an option in this case although the govt officials themselves knew that it was being negotiated on the background. The trial itself is to question and not so much the law in my opinion.

Well they changed their mind and that is their choice. Also all important proceedings were published about the trial. Of course not every detail can be given obviously. The diyat law was actually put forth on CNN before it even became a reality. see here

This was from March 3rd

When so many murder cases take years to resolve in the judicial system, how was the final ruling was taken in just 2 hours and RD out of the country within hours of the verdict.

Correct they can depending the case take a very long time to resolve. However once the Diyat Law was put forth there is nothing they can do. The story behind the story is speculative and will probably never be known.
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Yes but only murder charges were filed so it allowed for the law to happen had they in turn filed terrorism or espionage charges he wouldn't be acquitted from those since that would have nothing to do with the family. As far as the Visa part this is not proven so can not be brought in.

i agree the national security matter didnt involve the family, but still charges need to be made,

i said the diyat law provided justice to the families, but the law didnt enabled the davis guy to be set free of all terrorism, national security issues charges, esp that possession of illegal weapons charges
i agree the national security matter didnt involve the family, but still charges need to be made,

i said the diyat law provided justice to the families, but the law didnt enabled the davis guy to be set free of all terrorism, national security issues charges, esp that possession of illegal weapons charges

It could possibly be the prosecution decided to only proceed with the main charges as the evidence behind the murder was far stronger then his exact operational status in Pakistan and what exactly he was doing. Since nothing else was pressed besides the murder charges once those were gone the case was closed.
What sort of democracy is this in Pakistan.?. Can someone explain to me which democracy is this? Are there sects in Democracy aswelll?? HaveI been missing out on this stuff? Why does the intelligence agency hide this $hit from us? Is this Pakistan only there's?? WTF mannnnn :mad:
It could possibly be the prosecution decided to only proceed with the main charges as the evidence behind the murder was far stronger then his exact operational status in Pakistan and what exactly he was doing. Since nothing else was pressed besides the murder charges once those were gone the case was closed.

its not clear, if the evidence were how much strong, but after the murder, davis denied his covert status and pished on to lie that he is a diplomat and that he has immunity, then hos covert status started releasing in the papers, all those american pressures, those threats and black mailing, arrestin pak diplomat to take revenge, just meant that davis was no normal guy, his hit and run manner, his professional target killing, his background as being a military guy, a contractor..

photos of military instalations were found with him etc etc, so u cant say the evidences were weak, i dont think so

i believe a big mistake, i-e a compromise is being made on american pressure...

i dunno why this guy was not interrogated in an army fashion for more intelligence info and evidences..
Not about Davis, I am telling you to quit Pakistan. (deleted) country, it is what it is. Oh wait, more F-16 Blk 52 !!! Oh yes, we accept that. :lol:

Well they changed their mind and that is their choice. Also all important proceedings were published about the trial. Of course not every detail can be given obviously. The diyat law was actually put forth on CNN before it even became a reality. see here
Thanks for the link. I wonder if such discussions were made public in the Pakistani media in relation to the Diyat Law. Yes I did hear rumors about the US paying off the relatives of the deceased, but it was never in the context of the Diyat law. Maybe some Pakistani members can throw more light on this.

Correct they can depending the case take a very long time to resolve. However once the Diyat Law was put forth there is nothing they can do. The story behind the story is speculative and will probably never be known.
I agree, that once the court had the relevant papers, there was no point in dragging on the case. I wonder in how many earlier cases was the Diyat law exercised.
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