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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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We need is a revolution

To kick out all politians
Close down American Embassy and specially Google
Close down all the diplomatic channels with US untill they sort their mess

And make all politicians PAY FOR THEIR DEEDS ...!! REVOLUTION IS NEEDED
Naah. Being greedy and being a submissive slave is a South Asian trait not only a Pakistani trait. Indians, Bangladeshis, and Afghans would've done the same.

Remember after 9/11, India's former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was kissing a$$ to Bush and said India can do all it can to help U.S. in war on terror and can offer U.S. access to all their ports and bases (forgetting the fact that India doesn't even share a border with Afghanistan), and Bush made a quick smile and ran to Musharraf.

My advise to you is to call yourself Somalian. They would rather starve to death than take a penny from America.

Good Luck with your new identity :wave:

So suddenly this hate filled person has become South Asian now!

Till the other day he claimed to be a Central Asian and having nothing in common with Indians.

Guess what, it is true. Don't bring India into it. It is your own issue.

Deal with it.
Fair enough, but since Davis was an alleged spy, you'd think it to be their business too?

I think it is in better interest of the Pakistan Army to stay out of this. This is an issue that needs to be dealt with the GoP and the Judiciary. Involving the Army would complicate the matter further... I am sure there are polarizations within the armed forces on this issue and last thing we want is that to come out in the public, especially when they are on the forefront of the WoT. This would give the extremists to exploit the weakness and cause more damage to the country.
Was it ever established that RD had diplomatic immunity? or was it left open ended and doesn't matter anymore?

Any more details on the trial he is going to face in the US?
mods should remove these f-16 pictures from the header, a symbol of slavery........... its annoying every self respected pakistani
saw one comment on cnn

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identity less, homeless, faithless....

mulana jauhar self exiled himself for he thought, he is living in a slave country :S

goras are gone, slavery has not ended....
o aunty why changed flags today?
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