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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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US demands release of diplomat in Pakistan
By CHRIS BRUMMITT, Associated Press – 5 mins ago
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – The United States demanded the immediate release of an American diplomat arrested in the shooting deaths of two Pakistan men, saying Saturday that the man had immunity from prosecution and was illegally detained.
The statement from the embassy raised the stakes in what could emerge as a major dispute between Pakistan and the United States, which is pushing for closer ties with Islamabad to help fight Islamist militancy.
The embassy said the man was acting in self-defense on Thursday in Lahore when he shot and killed two armed men as they approached his car. It said the men were intending to rob him, something police officers have also said.
The man, who has not been named, was taken into custody soon after the shooting and police have said they are investigating him and could file murder charges. U.S. officials were only granted access to him late Friday.
"The United States Embassy in Pakistan calls for the immediate release" of the diplomat, the statement said.
Pakistani officials were not immediately available for comment. They have largely ignored questions over any immunity the American may have.
when and how did this guy become a diplomat ?!? This rat is a low life mercinary , a hired gun , a murderer , the US Embassy should go F*** themselves , people of Pakistan should raid the US Embassy if this bastard is released, he should be hanged! :angry:
Time is the key.. In this new age, attention span of people is very short. Tomorrow they'll forget every thing. Last month Salman Taseer was killed, now no one ask what happened to the criminal, no one interested any more. Same will happen in this case.

I pray some terrorists do not attack some where in Pakistan, specialy in Lahore, People attention will be easily diverted.

Salman Taseer was killed this month.. you are going too fast buddy.. brake brake...
This guy is NO diplomat , he runs a dubious company and is a blackwater-type hired gun , first of all he had no business to be in Pakistan and secondly he has case of murder against him , he should not be released , its good that he has been chained like the dog that he is

when and how did this guy become a diplomat ?!? This rat is a low life mercinary , a hired gun , a murderer , the US Embassy should go F*** themselves , people of Pakistan should raid the US Embassy if this bastard is released, he should be hanged! :angry:

Emotions have their own place but this is not the way out which you mentioned above, there need only strict action by government according to constitution of Pakistan without any pressure. No need to violate situation because violence in Pakistan is what exactly anti-Pakistan elements want.
This American suvaar should be hanged to death for carrying a weapon and cruising in a car with a fake license number.
If these two charges (1. possession of illegal weaponry, and 2. using fake number plates) are enough to hang a person, then lot of people in Pakistan can be also hanged for committing these two crimes.

I heard one victim's was about to get married in a few month.
I am not a sympathizer of Mr. Davis but he did not killed this innocent man. This unfortunate man was run over by an American SUV.

Let us be fair in our judgement of things.

Kill him like Sialkot brother style... (they are innocent) unfortuntly they killed (BUT THIS AMERICAN A****) must be killed like that because he deserved that style!!
Lynching is not a solution for any crime. Have crime rate drastically fallen in Pakistan after the lynching of two innocent people in Sialkot?

Law and Order situation should not be disturbed at any cost by civilians. Think about fate of Pakistani Americans. They will suffer in response. And diplomatic crises would be another big issue.

We should act civilized, and show the so called 'civilized world' that we are not a jungli quom - suitable to be bombed back to stone age.
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Now we get the opportunity to HAVE SOME BARGAIN....

Man for man (or woman)

Davis is accused for murder in Pakistan → sent him to jail → run trial and sentence him death penalty → immediate American response → refer to court → anticipate anti-american demonstrations → more amerian pressure → take issue into the parliament → raise dr. aafia issue → make deal → woman against man
if he is diplomat why is it so difficult for everybody to confirm.
Dunya news reporting

1. Raymond Davis had no reason for carrying weapons.
2. Raymond Davis has no diplomatic immunity.
3. If he had any immunity US would not have asked for one.
4. They are investigating his visa.

Sources: Foreign Office (Pakistan)
Tribune Alerts:

Raymond to Police Investigating Officer:




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"A new angle to the incident, submitted in a statement by Davis himself, has it that the vehicle he was driving had had a minor collision with a Rickshaw a little before the incident. Therefore, if not a robbery, the two men could have chased the vehicle to argue with the driver."
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We should act civilized, and show the so called 'civilized world' that we are not jungli quom - suitable to be bombed back to stone age.

To set the record straight
NOT a single person has laid a finger on this guy.
He has shot dead two innocent civilians.
He then went on a rampage and is guilt of every traffic violation that we have a law for in Pakistan.
He was so scared that he shot the two guys from behind and then shot them one more time after they were on the ground. He did not even stop there and started taking there photos and harassed public and police with his weapon. Injuring and ramming various people and vehicle's on the road many of them being children.
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