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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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ISLAMABAD: The United States on Saturday called for the immediate release of a US citizen Raymond Davis, allegedly involved in killing of two local citizens in Lahore, it said was unlawfully detained by authorities, US embassy in Islamabad said.

"When detained, the US diplomat identified himself to police as a diplomat and repeatedly requested immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations," it said in a statement.
Sala.. what diplomatic immunity are they talking about? Killing citizens of another country under the saftey of diplomatic immunity is the complete crap. He should be tried and punished under the laws of the land on which he committed the crime. Diplomatic immunity laws should be removed.
To set the record straight
NOT a single person has laid a finger on this guy.
He has shot dead two innocent civilians.
He then went on a rampage and is guilt of every traffic violation that we have a law for in Pakistan.
He was so scared that he shot the two guys from behind and then shot them one more time after they were on the ground. He did not even stop there and started taking there photos and harassed public and police with his weapon. Injuring and ramming various people and vehicle's on the road many of them being children.

Can you shed light on the source of this information?
Tribune Alerts:

Raymond to Police Investigating Officer:




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Lahore shootings: As the case unfolds, the mystery deepens – The Express Tribune

"A new angle to the incident, submitted in a statement by Davis himself, has it that the vehicle he was driving had had a minor collision with a Rickshaw a little before the incident. Therefore, if not a robbery, the two men could have chased the vehicle to argue with the driver."

the more he conceals the more his case is in trouble..
To set the record straight
NOT a single person has laid a finger on this guy.
He has shot dead two innocent civilians.
He then went on a rampage and is guilt of every traffic violation that we have a law for in Pakistan.
He was so scared that he shot the two guys from behind and then shot them one more time after they were on the ground. He did not even stop there and started taking there photos and harassed public and police with his weapon. Injuring and ramming various people and vehicle's on the road many of them being children.
You do not need to explain to me about what happened in this case. I can read and analyze too.

People did not get the chance to lay their fingers on him. And timely action of police also helped. Otherwise, situation could have been worse.
if he is diplomat why is it so difficult for everybody to confirm.

If he was a diplomat, it can be easily verified. No question asked. Diplomatic Immunity.
Prob is he is not a US diplomat, refer to rescue rangers post no 561.
You do not need to explain to me about what happened in this case. I can read and analyze too.


People did not get the chance to lay their fingers on him. And timely action of police also helped. Otherwise, situation could have been worse.

Multiple public statements of the people involved in the incident and actual live footage shot by multiple civilians can be found at

Sir so many people were there so its obvious statements are different
Jitne log utni baatain
Dunya News proves Raymond Allen Davis is not a diplomat. Shows letter from US Embassy informing Pakistan's Foreign Office he is a member of the Embassy's "administrative and technical staff" and requesting issuance of non-diplomatic ID Card.

Watch Dunya News.
None of you who disagree with my remarks know anything more or less factually than I do.

Who among you was there? Who believes what they read in any newspaper?

Here is a more truthful headline:

Brave US Diplomat Fights Back Killing Terrorist Attackers in Lahore, Seat of Much Terrorist Violence in Recent Years

didnt comment on your first post but your comments are typical of the 'ugly american' - i thought u were smarter than this!:tdown:
didnt comment on your first post but your comments are typical of the 'ugly american' - i thought u were smarter than this!:tdown:

The only "facts" of record are photos of Mr. Davis's auto shot up windshield with the bullets having passed through the car and blowing out his rear window of the car as well.

Both attackers were armed, per police statements to date, and Mr. Davis got out of the car to defenend himself/return fire, per the police statements.

No one worldwide gives credence to johnny come lately curbstone, conflicting statements so called "witnesses"...all you have to do is read through this long Thread to find numerous contradictory statements on the same points...no facts whatsoever other than an American was attacked and defended himself.

"Smart" is knowing to wait until the hard facts are documented, not being caught up in a negative pop culture bunch of jibberish.

Some really absurd conspiracy theories here.

Fact is Pakistan and NATO which includes the US...Paksitan is a NATO Affiliate, formally, fyi, are at war with terrorism and the terrorists. The terrorists are themselves Pakistanis, too, radical Muslims killing fellow peaceful Muslims.

Fact is the day before this event a terrorist suicide bomber killed several and wounded many more right there in Lahore. Lahore is a hot bed of terrorist violence for some time now with folks in Canada and Europe "making it up as they go" which only further damages the reputation and image of the nation of Pakistan.

It is shameful to have so few condoling the terrorist suicide bombing the day before and then have all this childish hue and cry blaming one American for defending himself in a time and place of runaway lawlessness and radicalism which has to be put down by the local people or it will conclude with absolute anarchy which this site is reflecting as it goes on by the "pop culture" wild eyed untrue and wildly made up inputs of non-fact and wild allegations and conspiracy theories.

Of course the fact that many are overseas says many writing on here are not loyal to Pakistan or they would be at home, in uniform, helping fight terrorism, or teaching free public schools for the poorer children, or practicing medicine in the less developed and inner city areas of greatest needs.
The terrorists are themselves Pakistanis, too, radical Muslims killing fellow peaceful Muslims.

Agreed bro, above is the stark fact.
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