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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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No need for crystal balls. This is a well-known tactic by professionals.

I am not saying he did it, but the fact that he calmly walked over there after shooting those two people, and methodically took photographs shows he is a professional in this matter.

and why did he shoot these two people in the first place?
Its time for some good Pakistani leather chitrool for US official..what a taste he will take back home to remember for life! I wish i could gift a bottle of fresh olive oil to concerned police station to add some flavor to chitrools!

They have him in Jail, that's the best thing. Don't let him out. Do not let US consulate interfere. Otherwise this guy is gone.

He doesn't need to go back home, he should spend his life in jail.
and why did he shoot these two people in the first place?

The following version of events seems plausible.

Here's what I know from a police source:

The two people Raymond Davis shot dead were returning from a court hearing where one of them was a witness in a murder case. One of the murder victim’s brother had been murdered a month ago and he was carrying a licensed pistol for his own protection, fearing for his own life. Raymond Davis, the US Consulate ‘Technical Advisor’, off-duty, comes out of a bank after withdrawing some money from an ATM machine. In a case of pure bad luck, the two guys on the motorcycle pass by his car as he drives away from the bank. At a traffic stop, Raymond sees the sidearm of one of the guys and pulls out his gun as a precuation thinking they either want to rob him or could be terrorists. In Lahore, people have a tendency to stare at foreigners because they are a novelty, especially in public. The guy on the motorcycle, who himself is paranoid about his own life, sees Raymond pull out his gun and grabs his own weapon for protection. He doesn't pull it out or fire at Raymond, just grabs it. At that moment Raymond, mistakenly thinking he's about to be fired upon and trained to pre-empt, fires shots through the windshield of his car at both the motorcycle guys killing both. They were shot from behind. He then takes pictures of the two dead people (to prove later that one of the dead guys was armed) and starts to leave the scene of the crime. At this moment eye-witnesses start to chase him. Raymond had already called for back up soon after the shots are fired. A back-up vehicle arrives in minutes and sees the traffic jam and takes the incoming lane on the wrong side to get to Raymond. In the process it hits two pedestrians, one of whom is killed. It then abandons the rescue plan and speeds away (i.e. hit and run). In the meantime a traffic warden and eyewitnesses stop Raymond’s car, which is blocked by a traffic jam. He hit a rickshaw while trying to get away and overturns it with four children inside it. This further infuriates an already agitated crowd. Raymond refuses to come out of his car telling the traffic warden the crowd would kill him. A couple of angry people shatter his rear window and one of his back lights. The traffic warden, sensing the mood of the crowd and in a move that probably saved Raymond from being lynched by the crowd, asks Raymond to move into the passenger seat and himself gets into Raymond’s driver seat and drives him to the nearest police station.

Again, nothing is proven, but it is just a possibility. The physical evidence will decide the final verdict.
They have him in Jail, that's the best thing. Don't let him out. Do not let US consulate interfere. Otherwise this guy is gone.

He doesn't need to go back home, he should spend his life in jail.

Do you seriously think you'll be able to keep an American in jail for the rest of his life?
For those who remember the old Pakistani drama Andhera Ujala,

"drawing room ki sair keraein inko".
Hello, Hello... What's This?

Steve "Ray" Davis is apparently former Special Forces and runs Hyperion Protective Consulting LLC ( a Private Security Company) based in Orlando, Florida.
Lahore Shooting: Raymond Davis, American Official Involved in Shooting in Pakistan Identified - ABC News

A senior former U.S. diplomatic security agent suggested Thursday that the American involved in a fatal shootout in Lahore, Pakistan, was the victim of a spy meeting gone awry, not the target of a robbery or car-jacking attempt.

"It looks like an informant meet gone bad more than a car-jacking attempt,” said Fred Burton, a former deputy chief of the U.S. Diplomatic Security Service’s counter-terrorism division.
SpyTalk - Lahore shootout: Spy rendezvous gone bad?

Fred Burton

Hijacking you say? :cheers:
Just some food for thought:
According to one official, for example,
prior to the Transformational Diplomacy Initiative, State would have
evacuated the post in Peshawar, Pakistan, 2 years ago.
However, the U.S.
government considers its operations in Pakistan to be critically important.
Makes for good reading.
without going into the merits and demerits of what actually happened (and it is quite murky), the authorities are going to let things 'cool-off' and the guy will be quitely wisked-off in the middle of the night to the US - this is SOP in Pakistan.
this is just a little drama to appease the public esp when PPP is so feeling dead now, we all know the conclusion..., all lines lead to one destiny..
Shots were fired into Mr. Davis's windshield, which shots exited through his car rear window, shattering the rear window glass.

No one shoots through their own windshield, and the impressions from the bullet holes prove the shots were fired into the windshield.

This is just another story which contradicts several other stores, which have Davis exiting his car to shoot the two attackers.

Just get over it and let the law and court take their course. Making up long winded opinions or using such speculations from Pakitani press are not facts and are just a waste of time.

Davis was attacked pure and simple, and acted to save his own life.

I note that everyone has gone silent over the second US Consulate car as it may just have been driven by a Pakistani staffer instead of by another America. Now we can't beat up on the Pakistani nationals working with NATO/US in the war on terrorism can we?
I note that everyone has gone silent over the second US Consulate car as it may just have been driven by a Pakistani staffer instead of by another America. Now we can't beat up on the Pakistani nationals working with NATO/US in the war on terrorism can we?

You assume much. The Law Minister has requested the driver be handed over and Pakistani or not he will stand trial for his acts.

Just get over it and let the law and court take their course. Making up long winded opinions or using such speculations from Pakitani press are not facts and are just a waste of time.

ABC and Washington Post are Pakistani?
incidents like these fuel militancy & radicalism in pakistan! and in the muslim world!! the guy walks away clean and is not even handcuffed when taken to court!

no value for pakistani blood!
Shots were fired into Mr. Davis's windshield, which shots exited through his car rear window, shattering the rear window glass.
Oh wow what a story you made out of your bloody A$$.Look at the video above.His windshield is perfect when he is running away like a after the shooting.Look at the video above.You seem to be in denial mode that American can't be wrong.This has nothing to do with him being American.What he did was wrong and yous should admit that instead of trying to defend the indefensible act.
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