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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Well done to the traffic wardens who chased down this murderous thug and aprehended him , now justice must be done.
Seriously man! Stop embarrassing your fellow Pakistanis. Statements such as these will give others an excuse that Pakistanis believe in conspiracy theories more than facts.

Edit your posts kindly.

oh shut up, i was kidding. :P any dim-witted moron would realize this.

and its not like r.a.w. doesn't do any damage to Pakistan...who was the driving force behind the Bengali Liberation in 71? Or have you been fooled into thinking r.a.w. personnel just sit in their office and drink tea all day and never once think about doing harm to Pakistan. don't fall prey to reverse psychology.

back to topic. :cheers:
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It now seems from the witness videos that it was not indeed a robbery attempt but a murder on the streets by a paranoid american.

Americans are known for their cunningness to defend their citizens where ever they are and on whatever they do . They are likely to pressurize the government and fly this "criminal' back home..

sad but true.

Alas still some so-called high level retired army officers from US army still trying to come up with lame excuses and some of his apologists from our neighbourhood are also backing the facepalms
This american is clearly a lier , the place where this happened ( in Mozzang ) the traffic almost travels bumper to bumper and saying that these motor cyclists were 'tailing' him is just hog wash as almost all vehicles will apear to tail each other.

Let this be a test for the Justice system of Pakistan.
any Pakistani forigen Officials man can carry guns in any country of the World like they (USA) doing. ?

Rehman Malik today is quoted by News Channels saying NO Foreigner is allowed to carry weapons in Pakistan.

The American killer/s could not be produced in Court as time was finished.
If this guy is let off without proper sentencing then next time the mob shoud catch these thugs and finish them off right there at the spot
oh shut up, i was kidding. :P any dim-witted moron would realize this.

and its not like r.a.w. doesn't do any damage to Pakistan...who was the driving force behind the Bengali Liberation in 71? Or have you been fooled into thinking r.a.w. personnel just sit in their office and drink tea all day and never once think about doing harm to Pakistan. don't fall prey to reverse psychology.

YouTube - Musharraf exposing RAW activities infront of Indian

back to topic. :cheers:

I know that. Not saying Raw is innocent but i really thought that you were serious.
Let's get back to the topic.

If reports are to be believed then Davis doesn't look like a diplomat. He was caught before in spy activities.
Posting it here itself :)

Spy Game: US, Pak tangle gets messy, bloody

Read more: Spy Game: US, Pak tangle gets messy, bloody - The Times of India Spy Game: US, Pak tangle gets messy, bloody - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: The United States said Thursday it will try hard to ensure there is no anti-American backlash from a shooting incident on a busy Lahore street on Thursday in which a US consular official, who Pakistanis suspect is a spy, shot and killed two locals, who Americans suspect may have been jihadis.

"We want to make sure that a tragedy like this does not affect the strategic partnership that we're building with Pakistan. And we'll work as hard as we can to explain that to the Pakistani people," was the tempered reaction from State Department spokesman Philip Crowley even as the two 'allies' faced yet another explosive diplomatic situation following the incident.

The episode has all the ingredients of a scene from a spy thriller, with spooks from each side offering their version of the shooting. Broadly, the official version from both sides is that the consular official, identified in some reports as Raymond Davis, was driving through a busy Lahore marketplace when he was accosted by two motorcycle borne men who tried to rob him, upon which he shot them. One died on the spot and another died in a hospital.

Davis called the consulate for help and a complement of embassy personnel who rushed there in a SUV ended up running over another person who later died in the hospital. This is where the narrative enters unofficial terrain. It appears the Americans tried to flee the scene holding back an angry mob at gunpoint, but they got stuck in a traffic snarl, and were apprehended by the police. Davis was then taken into custody, going by the grainy video image of a white male flashed on Pakistani television.

Then the story enters grey area, with various sides giving their own spin through the media. Under pressure to release Davis and stick to the ''shot two robbers in self-defense' version, Pakistanis have been throwing up awkward questions through the media, such as why was Davis driving alone through a marketplace, especially after a suicide bomb blast earlier this week, at a time when anti-American sentiment is high in Pakistan and Americans are asked to avoid exposure? Where was he going, why was he armed, and what is his real assignment in the Consulate ? It also turns out the vehicle he was driving had fake number plates.

The Pakistani implication is that he is a spy, belonging either to the CIA or the security firm Blackwater aka Xe services. Washington has not helped clarify the matter by being evasive in defining his duties, only saying he is an official attached to the consulate. Some reports said he arrived in Pakistan only ten days ago and he is attached to a security detail, although diplomatic status would have given him immunity. Pakistani police has said he will be charged with the killings if he does not have diplomatic status.

Amid all this kerfuffle, which comes weeks after the two sides fell out over outing of the CIA station chief in Islamabad by Pakistani elements (suspected to be ISI-linked), a U.S expert has suggested the shoot-out was more likely a spy meeting gone awry, and not a robbery or car-jacking attempt as is being portrayed.

"It looks like an informant meet gone bad more than a car-jacking attempt," Fred Burton, a former deputy chief of the U.S. Diplomatic Security Service's counter-terrorism division said on a Washington Post blog. "Either the consulate employee's route was compromised by terrorist or criminal surveillance, or it's feasible he was set up in some sort of double-agent operation, if this wasn't a criminal motive."

Burton also praised Davis' "outstanding situational awareness" to recognize the attack unfolding and shoot the other men. "It shows a high degree of firearms discipline and training," he added. Indeed, considering the attackers were armed, and possibly had the element of surprise to their advantage, the American official , or operative, appears to have displayed both presence of mind and skill. U.S spymasters had ordered a review of procedures in engaging with potential contacts in the aftermath of the Afghan border incident in which seven CIA personnel were killed by a rogue Jordanian agent they believed was a trusted informant.

But the Pakistani media, particularly those close to the establishment, portrayed the two dead men as "thorough gentlemen" who had little to do with the spycraft. One newspaper, under the headline "American Rambo goes berserk in the city" had an entirely different version of the incident, claiming that the U.S official had first run over a youth and only after he was chased and stopped by a mob did he shoot the two men.

In any event, the incident adds to the growing tension between the two sides. Americans worry that the weak civilian government and public opinion is being manipulated by hard-line elements in the military and the ISI to provoke anger against the United States. There was grim foreboding in Washington on Thursday about the possible backlash against the U.S, with old-timers recalling the burning down of the American Embassy in Islamabad in 1979.
i havent checked the internet since yesterday. any development or clarification in this case?
Posting it here itself :)

Spy Game: US, Pak tangle gets messy, bloody

Here is what the author Chidanand Rajghatta looks like.


Mr. Chidanand Rajghatta

this guy must have fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Here is what the BBC says:

US official Raymond David on Lahore murder charges

A US consular employee has been charged with murder after two motorcyclists were shot dead on a busy street in the Pakistani city of Lahore, police say. Raymond David reportedly said he fired his gun in self-defence because the men were pursuing him in his car.

Another person was run over and killed by a vehicle carrying Mr David's colleagues as they came to his aid, police and witnesses said. Mr David is expected in court later in the Punjab province capital. Lahore's police chief, Aslam Tareen, told the BBC Mr David was employed on "security duties" in the consulate.

'Rambo goes berserk'
He did not have diplomatic immunity and was not one of the foreign security personnel allowed to carry firearms, according to the Pakistani authorities. Mr Tareen said a Glock pistol had been recovered from Mr David and that pistols had also been found on the two men shot dead.

Mr David said in a statement that the motorcycle rider and his pillion passenger had been trying to hijack his vehicle at gunpoint, according to police. Police officer Umar Saeed told the Associated Press new agency the American said to officers that he had withdrawn money from a cash machine shortly before the incident.

Some Pakistani police have said the two men were probably robbers.

The US embassy in Islamabad has confirmed the man involved was a consular official but has not specified his role. The funerals of the three people killed in the incident are expected to take place later on Friday.

More than 100 protesters blocked the road in the aftermath of Thursday's incident, setting tyres ablaze. Demonstrators later gathered outside the police station where the foreigner's car - a white Honda Civic with a Lahore registration plate - was impounded.
Details of the shooting are still unclear, but a salesman, Mohammad Ramzan, told Dawn newspaper that he had seen a foreigner rushing from a car holding a gun. "Within seconds he trained his gun at two motorcyclists standing at the Qurtaba Chowk traffic signal and opened fire," Mr Ramzan said.

Police said that the foreigner had used a radio to call colleagues for help immediately after the shooting - and that a second consular car turned up to rescue him.

It is believed the third person killed was run over by the vehicle as it sped to his aid.
The foreigner had tried to flee the scene, but two traffic wardens chased and detained him nearby before handing him over to police, chief traffic officer Ahmad Mobeen told Dawn.

A headline in The Nation, a right-wing newspaper that often publishes anti-American commentary, said, "'American Rambo' goes berserk in Lahore".

The BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan in Pakistan says that the incident could worsen anti-American sentiment in Pakistan. "We want to make sure that a tragedy like this does not affect the strategic partnership that we're building with Pakistan," state department spokesman Philip Crowley told journalists in Washington. "And we'll work as hard as we can to explain that to the Pakistani people."

Many Pakistanis resent the US because of regular air strikes carried out by American drone aircraft against militant targets in north-west Pakistan, and because of America's role in neighbouring Afghanistan.
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