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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The following information, drawn from a State Department chart outlining immunities afforded to foreign diplomatic personnel residing in the United States, highlights the basic differences between consular and diplomatic immunities.


Source: US Diplomacy.org

From above, any unbaised man can easily conclude--

Davis Raymond arrest was legall--
He can be tried in courts--
He is not fully immune to-- murder, self defence--

The 1963 Vienna Convention on consulate relations does not give any immunity on grave crimes like murder.

Both conventions are entirely different, one dealing with immunity to diplomatic staff while the other deals with consular staff. Vienna Convention on Consulate relations 1963, in its article 41 clearly states that in case of grave crimes like murder there is no immunity.

I think it must be clear to all.
assalam alaikum

accha hi hay k american say kisi tarah jaan choot jay lol
Is it confirmed those two were ISI agents?

If Mr. Davis's diplomatic credentilals were acceped by the Foreign Ministry then he has immunity, however unfair that maybe. If his activiies at the time of the shootings relates to cousular work, well then there is no case against him.
Why dont you read how a referenced document should be read--

Member of technical and administrative staff -- Maybe arrested or Detained-- No¹-- but there are conditions-- represented by the symbol ¹.
Follow the conditions how it will be Yes--

For your ease-- 1 Reasonable constraints, however, may be applied in emergency circumstances involving self-defense, public safety or the prevention of serious criminal acts.

Read my post wherein I said he can not be prosecuted - and its unconditional without any attachment!

Its simple NO!
If Pakistani government frees Raymond Davis then probably situation will be like whats going on in Egypt, at one side Pakistani Government might lose USA and on the other side it might lose everything else

either put him in jail forever (Pakistani Jail) or terminate him, Period
The world super power is whining like a baby for its criminal citizen. :rofl:

Talk about hypocrisy. Bloody terrorists!
If US is willing to put off a relationship with Pakistan just because we are refusing to hand over an American terrorist to them and want him to try in our courts, than so be it! We don't need your sh*t . Go fu*k yourselves.
solomon2 is crying for this guy because he is a jew :lol::lol:
Read my post wherein I said he can not be prosecuted - and its unconditional without any attachment!

Its simple NO!

Read my posts again, which i have backed with credible sources-- he can be prosecuted by law-- for your statements back it up or it will be just a RANT!!!
I think..its not an issue for which the ties between US and Pakistan will get effected...but since the issue has got really hyped among the public, it will be interesting to see how the story ends up
The world super power is whining like a baby for its criminal citizen. :rofl:

Talk about hypocrisy. Bloody terrorists!

Replace the word world super power with Pakistan and what you find?

Aafia Siduiqi!!

Did not Pakistan cry for above lady?

Whose hypocricy now?
Read my posts again, which i have backed with credible sources-- he can be prosecuted by law-- for your statements back it up or it will be just a RANT!!!

Second position - that of technical n adminstrative staff says he can not be prosecuted - by your own source!

Its a clear cut NO - as per your source!

The omlette is done - dont flip it one more time!
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