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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Continued detention of Davis may hurt defence ties, warns US

From the Newspaper
By Baqir Sajjad Syed
(8 hours ago) Today


Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani talking to US Senator Buck Mukeon, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, who called on him at PM House. - File Photo

ISLAMABAD: A visiting delegation of the powerful US House Armed Services Committee conveyed a veiled threat on Friday that Pakistan-US defence cooperation could be under cloud if the standoff persisted on the issue of immunity for Raymond Davis, an American national accused of killing two men in Lahore.

This was perhaps the strongest yet US message conveyed to Pakistani leaders.

“In a meeting today with Prime Minister Gilani, a bipartisan US congressional delegation protested the continued illegal detention of the American diplomat in Lahore,” a late-night press statement issued by the US embassy said.

Under diplomatic norms, protestations or differences during high-level interactions are not officially revealed to the press by foreign missions.

The statement said the delegation “called on the government of Pakistan to abide by its obligation under international and Pakistani law to recognise his diplomatic immunity, and immediately release him.”

The three-member delegation is led by Buck McKeon, Chairman of the House Committee.

A source present at the meeting said the delegation’s protest was quite strongly worded and was being seen as a warning that bilateral defence cooperation could face problems if Davis was not granted immunity and released without delay.

A statement issued by the prime minister’s office said that while responding to US congressmen’s concern about the welfare of Davis, Mr Gilani assured them that he had been extended due facilities and security by the Punjab government.

The matter, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said, was sub judice and would be decided by court.

A US embassy spokesperson did not respond to a question regarding the nature of the protest.

The government has so far been shying away from taking a clear position on the issue of immunity because of political and diplomatic considerations in addition to the legal complexities in the case.

The US House Armed Services Committee, which is responsible for funding and oversight of defence spending and legislations relating to defence, would soon begin deliberations on the promised $2 billion military and security aid for Pakistan.

Additionally, millions of dollars in Coalition Support Fund, which is primarily reimbursement of expenditures incurred in support of US operations, are still outstanding.

Look at their stance on this issue "to hell with the rights of those who were killed, just give us the damn murderer back", so weak, pathetic and inhuman. It shows how empty their slogans of human rights are.
^^ Some body should give them the middle finger..
But sadly their middle fingers are reserved for each others.
Guys, please do not quote Najam Sethi to make your point. He seems to be suffering with cognitive paralysis which hinders his ability to ever do an unbiased facts-based analysis.

The US consulate itself admitted in its press release that Raymond Davis is a pseudo name, and not the real name of the man in custody. Even if we are to accept that the man in custody has diplomatic immunity, it can only be extended to him if his real identity is made known by the US consulate. As the facts are for now, he is Raymond Davis who came to Pakistan on an "unofficial official" business with no diplomatic immunity. And since when did diplomats start using pseudo names? On a second thought is the ambassador to Pak also using a fake name, how about Hillary Clinton or maybe even Obama?

A diplomat does not use a pseudo name, roams around in a private vehicle with a fake License plate, snapping around pictures of sensitive installations. The 2 dead guys were shot in the back according to the postmortem report. I kinda don't understand how they were trying to rob Raymond while running away from him. Also, Raymond shot from behind the car's wind shield and did not misfire a single shot. Again an extraordinary feat for a diplomat to accomplish. If he is let off the hook, I say we nominate him for a Guinness record-- Most shots hit on the target by a Diplomat.
You people have been seeing these veiled threats reports - that my crystal ball already saw - some moons ago, and I told you so. For Pakistani people its immotional issue, but for GOP its strategic issue to deal with.

On one side is one soul - on the other important relations, coupled with USD-arms.

So of course GOP wont get veered or waffle - they will let go RD.

Told ya so!
sorry, but this thread is pretty huge, can anyone post some links to the facts of the case?

what we know about the guy? what he was carrying? what the americans say?

or could the OP please be updated?
This is from yesterday:

Timeline: The Raymond Davis Case | DAWN.COM | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia

Here is a brief outline on the recent major events that have taken place during the mysterious case of Raymond Davis:

Jan 26: Raymond Davis, an American official, shot two Pakistani men in what he said was self-defence in a market area in Lahore. Davis called for help and the second vehicle got into a fatal accident with a pedestrian and fled the scene. Onlookers gathered around Davis and took his footage and that of his bullet-ridden vehicle. Police came to the scene and took Davis into custody for a statement.

Jan 27: Raymond Davis is held by police authorities for the shootings. Different sources claim that Davis is not a diplomat and cannot carry any type of weapons. The US embassy confirms his employment as a technical adviser. However, police authorities said that Davis was held-up at gunpoint and reacted in self-defence.

Jan 29: US officials claim that Raymond Davis has diplomatic status in Pakistan and refer to the Vienna Convention. But sources said that Davis did not have diplomatic status per se. Davis is remanded in custody with Pakistani police authorities.

Jan 30: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani does not comment on the Davis arrest until officials confirm his identity and status in Pakistan as a foreigner. Many media personnel allege that the vague circumstances surrounding Davis could possibly mean that he might be a CIA agent.

Jan 31: ABC News in the US and the Huffington Post report that Davis was associated with a security firm in Florida, which had a vague background leading to more reports of a possible CIA connection. The government has not decided to hand in Raymond Davis to US officials. Local lawyers call for a trial.

Feb 1: President Zardari announces that Pakistan will decide the fate of Raymond Davis while the US demands Davis is returned. Lahore High Court blocks any moves made by international parties to remove Raymond Davis from Pakistan’s custody. Interior Minister Rehman Malik reiterates that Pakistan will make the decision on Davis. Prime Minister Gilani says that US pressure will not influence the decision making process in the Davis case.

Feb 2: Interior Minister Rehman Malik states that Raymond Davis holds a diplomatic passport. A court extends Davis’s remand in Pakistani custody.

Feb 3: US embassy states that Davis has diplomatic immunity.

Feb 4: Pakistani government sources claim that Raymond Davis’s diplomatic immunity appears to be “dubious.”
Just dunnit...

Essentially the below quoted article reads like "Please don't be angry with Dobby, Master"

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Friday told a visiting US congressional delegation that Raymond Davis, a US citizen involved in killing of two Pakistanis, had been provided all facilities and security by the provincial government.

“The matter is sub judice and would be decided by the court,” the prime minister told the US congressional delegation led by Senator Buck Mukeon, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, that called on him at the Prime Minister’s House.

The prime minister said Pakistan was fully committed to a long term, broad based and stable strategic relationship with the US. “These relations are vitally important not bilaterally but also for the regional stability and overall peace in the world. Hence, it is imperative for both the sides to make every possible endeavour for further strengthening of the existing cordial ties,” he said.

Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan continues to confront courageously the menace of terrorism and had made unmatched sacrifices in human as well as economic terms. Expressing his government’s gratitude for the US assistance, the prime minister called for development of a mechanism through which the required provision of equipment and assistance for building the capacity of Pakistan’s armed forces could flow unhindered.

He said the whole Pakistani nation was united in rooting out terrorism and the war against terror cannot be won without the support of the masses but the gains in it must be consolidated through socio-economic and infrastructure development projects and investment in the affected areas.

The prime minister called for a common strategy by Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US for realisation of durable peace, stability development and progress in Afghanistan. He apprised the US Congressmen of the recent interaction between Pakistan and Afghanistan, including his own visit to Kabul in December, which was followed by Chairman of High Peace Council Prof Burhanuddin Rabbani and Afghan foreign minister’s visits to Pakistan.

The US Congressional delegation commended Pakistan’s pivotal role in the war against terror and expressed gratitude of the US government and Congress for the sacrifices made by Pakistan’s armed forces and security personnel.

They also recognised the economic difficulties of Pakistan aggravated by the unprecedented devastating floods of last year. They agreed with the prime minister that both sides through their concerted efforts should build up the relations, which are significant for international peace.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Minister for Interior Rehman Malik, Minister for Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Senator Syeda Sughra Imam, Secretary Defence and other senior officers were present in the meeting.
our politicians always seem to be ready to support the american line when required.

i guess thats why the americans always complain about the army, they maintain at least a modicum of sovereignty.
The United States of America is making a joke out of itself by continuing to make threats and arguing at the highest level that this murderer is a diplomat and demanding his release.

So now it looks like that all it takes to join the corp. of diplomats from the United States is to be a white gun totting remorseless murder

The increase in bombings and terrorist activity in Pakistan in recent days is DIRECTLY related to the detention on this American murderer.

He is guilty of murder, of carrying firearms illegally, of driving with fake number plate, of rash driving resulting in injury and death, his status in the country is dubious.
He must NOT be released and justice must take its course.

armed americans infiltration of our country through these made up legal covers of diplomatic immunity is simply not acceptable.
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Pakistan is not going to release American murderer Davis so the Americans and go ahead and arrest Hussain Haqqani , Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States.

That works out doesn’t it?
Here is a Pakistani large local daily newspaper update on the status of US diplomat Raymond Davis.


DAWN Saturday, February 5, 2011
(4 hours ago) Today

Raymond Davis, an American national who killed two Pakistanis in Lahore. — Photo by Reuters

WASHINGTON: Pakistani officials are indicating that Raymond Davis, a US official charged with murder in Pakistan, may soon be released.

Two Pakistani officials in the United States told The Associated Press on Friday they expected Davis to be free in days, once a Pakistani court goes over documents US officials have submitted to prove his diplomatic status.

The Pakistani officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

US officials said Raymond Davis, who works at the consulate in Lahore, acted in self-defence in shooting and killing two armed men who approached him on the street after robbing someone else.

Publicly, Pakistani officials have avoided definitive statements on whether Davis qualifies for diplomatic immunity, saying his fate is up to the court.

But the officials who spoke to AP said their government had to let the case proceed until the US produced the necessary documents on Davis’ status.

They said Pakistani police believed the evidence supported Davis’ story.

Davis was arrested soon after the January 27 shootings. He made a brief appearance in court Thursday, and his next appearance is set for February 11.

Besides the two men who were shot dead, a bystander was killed when he was struck by an American car rushing to the scene to help Davis.

Here is the Raymond Davis American diplomat news coverage in the ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION a large US daily on Friday, Feb. 4, 2011:


Atlanta Weather
Light rain
39° F

National / World News 8:25 p.m. Friday, February 4, 2011

AP sources: Pakistan likely to release US diplomat

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Pakistani officials are indicating that a U.S. diplomat charged with murder in Pakistan may soon be released.

Two Pakistani officials in the United States told The Associated Press on Friday they expect Davis to be free in days, once a Pakistani court goes over documents U.S. officials have submitted to prove his diplomatic status. The Pakistani officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

U.S. officials say Raymond Davis, who works at the consulate in Lahore, acted in self-defense in shooting and killing two armed men who approached him on the street after robbing someone else.

Publicly, Pakistani officials have avoided definitive statements on whether Davis qualifies for diplomatic immunity, saying his fate is up to the court. But the officials who spoke to AP said their government had to let the case proceed until the U.S. produced the necessary documents on Davis' status.

They said Pakistani police believed the evidence supported Davis' story.

Davis was arrested soon after the Jan. 27 shootings. He made a brief appearance in court Thursday, and his next appearance is set for Feb. 11.

Besides the two men who were shot dead, a bystander was killed when he was struck by an American car rushing to the scene to help Davis.


February 04, 2011 08:25 PM EST
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Here is a Pakistani large local daily newspaper update on the status of US diplomat Raymond Davis.

Here is the Raymond Davis American diplomat news coverage in the ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION a large US daily on Friday, Feb. 4, 2011:

Atlanta Weather
Light rain
39° F

National / World News 8:25 p.m. Friday, February 4, 2011

AP sources: Pakistan likely to release US diplomat

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Pakistani officials are indicating that a U.S. diplomat charged with murder in Pakistan may soon be released.

Two Pakistani officials in the United States told The Associated Press on Friday they expect Davis to be free in days, once a Pakistani court goes over documents U.S. officials have submitted to prove his diplomatic status. The Pakistani officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

COLOR="Blue"]U.S. officials say Raymond Davis, who works at the consulate in Lahore, acted in self-defense in shooting and killing two armed men who approached him on the street after robbing someone else.[/COLOR]

Publicly, Pakistani officials have avoided definitive statements on whether Davis qualifies for diplomatic immunity, saying his fate is up to the court. But the officials who spoke to AP said their government had to let the case proceed until the U.S. produced the necessary documents on Davis' status.

They said Pakistani police believed the evidence supported Davis' story.

Davis was arrested soon after the Jan. 27 shootings. He made a brief appearance in court Thursday, and his next appearance is set for Feb. 11.

Besides the two men who were shot dead, a bystander was killed when he was struck by an American car rushing to the scene to help Davis.


February 04, 2011 08:25 PM EST
The federal government already has low credibility in the matter, it is supportive of Americans, but you've picked up temporary and weak allies in Pakistan

They have the worst choices, they can hand him over to you and face the ire of the nation or not hand him over and face the ire of America. So far it looks like they are going to edge towards America... So interesting times up ahead.

They should do what they have already stated, calling the case sub-judice. Let the courts acquit him of the murder charges and that will be acceptable to the people and will be the best way out.
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