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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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why was the criminal handed over to the american consulate??, and why is he not being arrested

secondly, why he is being charged on american laws, this is completely rediculous?? he happened to do crime in 'pakistan' which is not governed by american laws, and he committed the crime to pakistanis and he killed three of them, so why is he not being tried by pakistani laws

does the govt prove that there is no jurisdiction of pakistani laws among american visitors and what ever happens even if they crime, they will be supported by american laws just as the repeated violation of pakistani soverignty by the drones and still our govt is deadly and criminally silient??
So far I have seen multiple accounts here as to what happened. Is it customary in Pakistan to jump to conclusions and condem before you know that facts? After all isn't that what you accuse other countries of doing to pakistani's?

The guy jumped to conclusion and killed ordinary people, took the law in his hand, and his crime gets hidden behind self defense ...:sick:
American Eagle the mere fact that you justify this murder pretty much shows your bias against Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular.I have seen your other threads where you spread bullshit and then claim that you unbiased.
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This could be possibly a kidnapping attempt (as the riders were armed and got close to the American's car). Or the American was a trigger-happy douche. We just do not know.



LAHORE: A US national shot two persons dead, while a third killed by car hit at Mazang Road in Lahore.

According to police arms were found from the deceased who were dacoits, ARY News reported on Thursday.

"Armed motorbike riders tried to stop the car of a staffer of US mission at Qurtaba Chowk on Mazang Road," police said. The American national with the first name as David opened fire at armed motorcyclists and killed two men on the spot. One of the deceased has been identified as Faizan Haider, while the identity of other man yet to be established. Another man, Abdul Rehman, was hit by the vehicle and killed in the incident.

According to Police the motorbike riders were robbers having criminal record at several police stations.

Police have taken the US man into custody.

A spokesman of the US embassy talking with ARY News expressed ignorance from the incident.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif has summoned report of the incident from provincial police chief.

Source: American's fire, car hit, kill three in Lahore,1/27/2011 9:08:28 PM

I am more concerned about the tragedy of that innocent man (Abdul Rehman) who got crushed to death during the rampage activities.
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The first and foremost responsibility or presenting facts to the world lies with the Pakistani govt.

As long as the Pakistani govt. doesn't come up with an account of what actually happened, there's no point speculating.
Regardless of the circumstances it is wrong even if it done in self defense.If diplomat was facing some security threat he should have called Police Hotline at 15 and i am sure they would have reached the spot very quickly considering that the area where this happened is near Police Buildings.Besides he could also run away.This is not a war zone we're talking about where everyone can do whatever they want to do.I hope justice is served and even if he goes back then death is avenged anyhow.There is a proper procedure if you're in danger.I mean if i as a Pakistani is facing some threat the first thing i would do is call Police instead of shooting the attacker myself and if i do that i will go to jail for murder.

I don't think it is very feasable to expect someone who is under fire to drive around and look for the nearest policeman.
I don't think it is very feasable to expect someone who is under fire to drive around and look for the nearest policeman.

Exactly, If I'm under fire and I have a firearm at my disposal, I'll just shoot without thinking for even a second.

Every human being in the world is allowed that liberty. It's called self-defence.
Are the police, witnesses and the media lying?
Anyone is a combat zone, which all of Paksitan has become, is entitled to defend themselves.

So, since everyone else has judged without full facts, I will do the same.

Innocent by reason of self defense from attack by terrorists who were shouting heretical epthets at the American Diplomat as they charged him with drawn guns.

Dear sir,
while i can understand you defence of your countryman, i hope you don't get into generalization of this sort. Combat zone you say? Pakistan is anything but. While terrorist attacks do happen, it's not an everyday affair. And it's certainly no Lebanon of 80's.

The facts known so far are this... The US official, Mr Davis, claims he was followed by two persons on a motor bike who tried to stop him at a traffic signal, one of them carrying a gun. He says he shot back in defence, killing both. One of these men received four shots on his back. The other three in his back and one his side. Eye-witnesses confirm that there were two persons on bike and one of them had a pistol on him. They also say that they were shot while they were trying to escape. That explains the shots received on their backs. The front panel of the car shows five bullet holes.

The question is Why would he fire on them if the threat had been neutralized?

Why was he alone and in a civil car?

But that has to be cleared by the inquiry.

What is clearly not self-defence was the third person killed by the consulate vehicle when it violated the one-way traffic rule and hit several vehicles before hitting the man on his bike. He was a trader.

The person behind the wheels should be put behind bars for this. This was clear murder.
American Eagle the mere fact that you justifies this murder pretty much shows your bias against Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular.

What you're saying is this:

If someone shoots at you, put your hand in your pocket, take out your cell phone, dial the number of the police, wait for someone to pick up the call, then tell them about your location and the exact nature of the problem.

This whole sequence of events can take anywhere between 15-30 seconds and add another 3-5 seconds if the phone is on autolock.

And in those 15-30 seconds, the attacker would just shoot you and run away.
American Eagle the mere fact that you justifies this murder pretty much shows your bias against Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular.

and these people are in american military
So far I have seen multiple accounts here as to what happened. Is it customary in Pakistan to jump to conclusions and condem before you know that facts? After all isn't that what you accuse other countries of doing to pakistani's?

Get of your high horse.

8 Bullet wounds to the rear of the 1st Rider

4 Bullet wounds to t
he rear of the pillion + 1 to the head.

( How is shooting someone in the back "self defence"...They were escaping).

Is it customary in Pakistan to jump to conclusions
And this is unique to Pakistan how?

condem before you know that facts?
Neither do you, so we can cut the crap.

Facts we do know...

1. He breached SOP
2. He was not allowed nor authorized to carry weapons, neither did the American Consulate request a special permit from the Min. Interior for any such permission - CCPO Lahore
3. He is a Security Investigator at the Lahore Consulate.
4. CCPO has said that if he is not covered under diplomatic immunity then they will be lodging a "Murder" case
5. The civic Davis was driving was not US consulate property but owned by Sohial Raza from Gulberg.
6 . The Land Cruiser that killed the innocent motorcyclist Registration: LZ 697 - Was using a fake registration plate. -CCPO Lahore

7. Onus of Evidence is on the accused if he claims Self Defence.
8. Under the international convention if a diplomat kills someone due to his or her negligence ( he or she is not just sent off scott free).

9. Breach of Protocol - No information was sent to DPD of his movement.
The Hindu : News / International : Police: U.S. official in Pakistan shootout

The U.S. Embassy said an American employee was involved in the incident in Lahore, but could not confirm details.

A U.S. consular employee shot and killed two gunmen as they approached his vehicle in a congested street in Pakistan on Thursday, police said. A pedestrian was also killed by a speeding American car trying to help, an officer said.

The U.S. Embassy said an American employee was involved in the incident in Lahore, but could not confirm details.

Police officer Umar Saeed said the men were suspected robbers, but provided no evidence to back up the statement. He said the American, who was not identified, shot at the men in self-defence.

Western diplomats travel with armed guards in many parts of Pakistan because of the risk of militant attack. Lahore has seen frequent terrorist bombings and shootings over the last two years, though the city’s small expatriate population has not been directly targeted.

Mr. Saeed said the American was being held by police following the incident.

He said the American shot both men as they approached the vehicle on a motorbike. Mr. Saeed said the man managed to alert colleagues who were in a car behind him. He said that the car hit a passer-by as it rushed to the scene. The hit passer-by later died at the hospital.

Local TV showed footage of what it said was the American’s car, which had several bullet holes in the front windshield.

In the north-western city of Peshawar in 2008, gunmen shot and killed an American aid worker as he drove to work. Suspected militants also opened fire on the vehicle of the United States’ top diplomat in the city the same year, but she survived the attack.

Street robberies are not uncommon, and foreigners would be perceived as lucrative targets in the poor country.

Lahore is a city of 12 million people in eastern Pakistan not far from the Indian border. The United States has a small diplomatic mission there.

While the facts of the incident are still being established, it may add to anti-American rhetoric in the country.

Sections of the media are prone to fanning right-wing conspiracy theories that frequently feature armed foreigners roaming the country at will, violating its sovereignty. The United States is pumping millions of dollars in aid to the country, but many people still regard it with suspicion or outright enmity.

Keywords: Pakistan shootout, US consular employee involvement, self defence, terrorist bombings

If they don't take action against this guy, extra judicial killings are going to be exercised on American employees in Pakistan by the public. Remember what happened when criminals were getting away? Pakisani people started catching them and putting them on fire.
The point remains the Americans cannot see truth. There allegations are turned into reality where as eye witness are painted as speculators.

Local TV showed footage of what it said was the American's car, which had several bullet holes in the front windshield.

The above immediate quote starting "Local TV showed..." is taken directly from the news release in Lahore. Did anyone notice the American was fired on???? He defended himself. Tough, he had every right to defend himself.

In my years in Pakistan, and ever since, armed Pakistanis on the streets are nothing new. What is new is terrorists attacking Americans on the streets of Lahore in this instance.
Get of your high horse.

8 Bullet wounds to the rear of the 1st Rider

4 Bullet wounds to t
he rear of the pillion + 1 to the head.

( How is shooting someone in the back "self defence"...They were escaping).

And this is unique to Pakistan how?

Neither do you, so we can cut the crap.

Facts we do know...

1. He breached SOP
2. He was not allowed nor authorized to carry weapons, neither did the American Consulate request a special permit from the Min. Interior for any such permission - CCPO Lahore
3. He is a Security Investigator at the Lahore Consulate.
4. CCPO has said that if he is not covered under diplomatic immunity then they will be lodging a "Murder" case
5. The civic Davis was driving was not US consulate property but owned by Sohial Raza from Gulberg.
6 . The Land Cruiser that killed the innocent motorcyclist Registration: LZ 697 - Was using a fake registration plate. -CCPO Lahore

7. Onus of Evidence is on the accused if he claims Self Defence.


Has your govt. come out with an official statement yet?

If no, then what's the point speculating?
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