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Rats Rule at Indian Temple


Feb 12, 2006
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Rats Rule at Indian Temple
Sharon Guynup and Nicolas Ruggia
National Geographic Channel


June 29, 2004

The floors are a living tangle of undulating fur. Small, brown blurs scurry across marble floors. Thousands of rats dine with people and scamper over their feet.

It may sound like a nightmare from the New York City subway to some, but in India's small northwestern city of Deshnoke, this is a place of worship: Rajastan's famous Karni Mata Temple.

This ornate, isolated Hindu temple was constructed by Maharaja Ganga Singh in the early 1900s as a tribute to the r.a.t goddess, Karni Mata. Intricate marble panels line the entrance and the floors, and silver and gold decorations are found throughout.

But by far the most intriguing aspect of the interior is the 20,000-odd rats that call this temple home. These holy animals are called kabbas, and many people travel great distances to pay their respects.

The legend goes that Karni Mata, a mystic matriarch from the 14th century, was an incarnation of Durga, the goddess of power and victory. At some point during her life, the child of one of her clansmen died. She attempted to bring the child back to life, only to be told by Yama, the god of death, that he had already been reincarnated.

Karni Mata cut a deal with Yama: From that point forward, all of her tribespeople would be reborn as rats until they could be born back into the clan.

In Hinduism, death marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one on the path to a soul's eventual oneness with the universe. This cycle of transmigration is known as samsara and is precisely why Karni Mata's rats are treated like royalty.

Gautam Ghosh, professor of anthropology and Asian studies at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, noted how rare this r.a.t-worshipping temple is. "In India, as in the West, rats aren't treated with particular veneration."

In Hinduism, many deities take animals forms. "The main theological point is that there's no dividing line between what forms gods or goddesses can use," said Rachel Fell McDermott, professor of Asian and Middle Eastern cultures at Barnard College in New York City. "There's nothing to say they can't take form as a fish, a bird, or even a r.a.t."

Ghosh noted that this temple is linked to the royal family who ruled Bikaner, a nearby city. When a Hindu royal family is seeking greater power, they look to the local cults for a patron god—or, according to London-based art historian George Michell, usually a goddess—to help them attain that power.

The male gods are not as powerful for direct involvement in people's lives, he explained, so cults surrounding local goddesses are commonly used to help sway things in their favor. "Kings who want to be powerful in India must be protected by goddesses," Michell said. This is how the Karni Mata Temple was established.

ah now your finding articles given by my links in other threads, good none-the-less. :P

Dont see what to discuss here? I've never been to there nor is worship of Karni Devi prevalent here where I stay however Ganes's you can say mascot is r-a-t , just like Saraswatis maskot is duck, lakhsmi's white owl and Karthik's peacock.

oops read the article incarnation od Durga, Durga has 108 forms as per Puranas.

Animal form among gods and goddesses isnt uncommon at all, China have pig year to what not.

I wouldnt dine with them though, but thats just my taste of viewing things.
What is the purpose of such posts is beyond me.
It amaze me how people have all the time in the world to search for such topics.
What is the purpose of such posts is beyond me.
It amaze me how people have all the time in the world to search for such topics.

I read National Geographic in my spare time. :D
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