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Rare Glimpse of Dogfight above LOC

ofc, why would we support IAF, in pakistan's dark days 65, bengali pilots along with pakistanis participated in paf against IAF and shot down indian jets... so PAF has a special place in aviation enthusiast of bangladesh no matter how much they might hate pakistan for what they did in 71...
also let's not forget...its a historical fact that the Muslim bengalis were the FIRST to demand Pakistan. When most Muslims ignored Jinnah, bengali Muslims supported his call for Pakistan...
i remember an indian sukhoi pilot in some documentary many years back said that we will take the jet into combat at high altitude so that it must be detected by the enemy radars and fighters and if the enemy has guts to challenge it then come on and challenge it. on 27 feb PAF falcons challenged them and the "mighty" sukhois were getting locked and fired upon and they were turning back and one of those mighty sukhois went back with an AIM 120 C stuck in its a*s with smoke trails all over the battle zone.

This is definitely AJK, looking at the construction of the house in the video.

i remember an indian sukhoi pilot in some documentary many years back said that we will take the jet into combat at high altitude so that it must be detected by the enemy radars and fighters and if the enemy has guts to challenge it then come on and challenge it. on 27 feb PAF falcons challenged them and the "mighty" sukhois were getting locked and fired upon and they were turning back and one of those mighty sukhois went back with an AIM 120 C stuck in its a*s with smoke trails all over the battle zone.

One thing is confirmed and undeniable fact. Su 30 went down or not, SU30s were on CAP, but didn't do much when IAF were under attack by the PAF. Air superiority balloon is burst good and proper.
This tweet from a dedicated Indian defence observer says otherwise.

Oh dear all those dreams of air superiority over the PAF shattered over night. Just what happened to the MKI and it's ability to;
-Engage four targets at once, resulting in a kill ratio of 4:1 for the IAF.
-Use thrust vectoring to give it overwhelming agility in a dogfight, the Vipers would be beaten at their own game.
-Have first sight shoot advantage from the mighty NIIP NO11M Bars PESAradar (mini AWACS nickname), with a 200 km tracking range, and 60 km in the rear hemisphere, the PAF simply wouldn't even come within range of the IAF jets having all been shot down.
- The Elta EL/M-8222 jamming pod and it's ability to "fry" incoming BVR missiles, no PAF missiles would get through with this baby.
- It's two man crew would be at ease engaging the single simpletons of the PAF
and I could go on.

I feel like literally bringing up every post of these idiotic Indian trolls we have had to deal with for the last 13 years and shove their BS right back in their faces. Of course many disappeared overnight....

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At best the SU30MKI was impotent in this air battle. At worst it got shot down. At first I thought this may be a ploy by the India to secure funding to buy new fighters...but considering the political objectives of Modi to appear militarily strong and the aftermath of air chiefs getting sacked.. this air battle went badly for IAF.

We should celebrate success but get ready for the next fight. The IAF will probably acquire 150 new aircraft to replace its vintage aircraft. In the future they have 500 modern aircraft. Will 250 JF-17 and 85 F-16 by sufficient?
At best the SU30MKI was impotent in this air battle. At worst it got shot down. At first I thought this may be a ploy by the India to secure funding to buy new fighters...but considering the political objectives of Modi to appear militarily strong and the aftermath of air chiefs getting sacked.. this air battle went badly for IAF.

We should celebrate success but get ready for the next fight. The IAF will probably acquire 150 new aircraft to replace its vintage aircraft. In the future they have 500 modern aircraft. Will 250 JF-17 and 85 F-16 by sufficient?
let them. by the time they get to take the first delivery of their 150 new aircrafts, we'll already have 400 JF-17 blk3s operational...
150 new aircraft to replace its vintage aircraft. In the future they have 500 modern aircraft. Will 250 JF-17 and 85 F-16 by sufficient?

PAF shud start building redundancy by acquiring one more platform with low radar signature...
let them. by the time they get to take the first delivery of their 150 new aircrafts, we'll already have 400 JF-17 blk3s operational...
Does not depending so much of single plate forum is kinda risky??Hope project azm deliver some other in next 5 years
both MiG-21 and Su-30 have SPJ from ELTA other than this they also have escort jamming pod but it seems IAF did not employ EW during that encounter and IF this was the case than it become very difficult to understand the reason of non employment of any EW by Indian side.

At least on personal grounds it is difficult for me to accept this as their overconfidence or ignorance about PAF capabilities after all IAF is a professional force.
What's about their EW systems overwhelmed by the PAF EW ones...
Does not depending so much of single plate forum is kinda risky??Hope project azm deliver some other in next 5 years
well project azm will replace the JF-17s, yes we have gotten that advanced. There are numerous advantages to having ONE multirole platform especially from the point of view of ease of maintenance and upgrades. usaf just stuck with 2 platforms for the longest time, i.e. F15s and F16s in spite of their vast wealth and resources.
Eagerly waiting for block jf blk 3.ACM shahid latif said we can introduce 4 or 5 if needed but other sources said 3rd will be last which means they are hopeful to get results from Project azm soon
What's about their EW systems overwhelmed by the PAF EW ones...
If that is true (and it is entirely possible that it is) then the indians should be ashamed of their pilots. PAF pilots have it drilled into them to fly electronically blind and fight it out with guns from the get go...its a pathetic state to be in for the indians that their pilots could not fight when electronically blinded.
That could be a trick to snuff frequencies of our Air Force?
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