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Rare discovery pushes back Iron Age in India

I am not surprise as Atranjikhera is one of the oldest Iron Age Site in India dating back to 1000 - 800 BC in Etah District which is just 50 ~ KM from Agra.
Yes, but this discovery pushes the date by another 1000 years.

But i am not sure exactly when Iron Age started in India.
Till now it was considered that iron age in northern India started around 1200 to 300 BCE. while the earliest iron age found in southern India belonged to 1000 BCE.

er research has cast doubt on the genetic bottleneck theory. For example, ancient stone tools
in southern India were found above and below a thick layer of ash from the Toba eruption and were very similar across these layers, suggesting that the dust clouds from the eruption did not wipe out this local population.[37]
Additional archaeological evidence from Southern and Northern India also suggests a lack of evidence for effects of the eruption on local populations, leading the authors of the study to conclude, "many forms of life survived the supereruption, contrary to other research which has suggested significant animal extinctions and genetic bottlenecks".[40]
However, evidence from pollen analysis has suggested prolonged deforestation in South Asia, and some researchers have suggested that the Toba eruption may have forced humans to adopt new adaptive strategies, which may have permitted them to replaceNeanderthals
and "other archaic human species".[41]
This has been challenged by evidence for the presence of Neanderthals in Europe and "Homo floresiensis
" in Southeastern Asia who survived the eruption by 50,000 and 60,000 years, respectively

This is para from the Wiki explaining an UltraPlinian range Supervolcanic eruption happened in Indonesia,around 74000 years ago :coffee:

Toba catastrophe theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you supporting kumari kandam theory? :)
This is a remarkable discovery!!!
It means two things
1) The iron age which could 've begun anywhere before 2200 BCE coincides with the mature harappan period of 2600–1900 BCE, this is the time when SSC,Sindhu-Saraswati civilisation (aka Indus valley civilisation) was at its peak.
So far it was believed that the inhabitants of SSC used bronze age tools.
2) An Iron find in the Deccan indicates indigenous origins.. It also means that the ppl who had migrated to central part of India picked up the technology from deccan.

The article......
Rare discovery pushes back Iron Age in India

HYDERABAD: Iron Age may have come into existence in Telangana much before the rest of the world. At least that's the conclusion reached by archaeologists excavating the University of Hyderabad campus who found iron artefacts dating back to roughly 2,200 BC.

The team of archaeologists, led by professor KP Rao, has found several artefacts, including small knives and blades besides earthen pots. "The implements that were found were tested at the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) using a method called Optically Simulated Luminescence (OSL). The metal objects were dated to anywhere between 1800 BC and 2,400 BC. So we are assuming they were made during 2200 BC," Prof KP Rao told TOI.

This, he said, predates the existing understanding about the advent of the Iron Age in the country. Worldwide, experts have put the dawn of the age around 1200 BC, marking the time when humans started exploiting metals to make basic tools.

"In India, it was understood that the Iron Age came into being around 1,800 BC in the Lahuradeva site in Uttar Pradesh. But this latest development shows that the Iron Age started much before that, at least in our country," Rao said.

"It only goes to show that our ancestors had a rudimentary yet good knowledge about wielding weapons made of metals. We had estimated that the only metal that was moulded was copper, but due to its scarce nature it was not a feasible option. The idea of using abundant iron ore for tools and weapons is a landmark achievement," he added.

The idea of using iron has only come to lead to more and more developments. "It is because of their advancements did we reach the space-age," he said.

Currently, archaeologists have excavated 25 burial sites in the UOH area and the samples have been subjected to DNA analysis.

@anonymus @thesolar65 @OrionHunter @SrNair and others :)
See bhakts screwing history - 'Bloody rookie' archaeologists. :D @gubbi

Levina Apa when she doesn't get food on time :whistle: :-

View attachment 223956
Does it want food or posing for a picture?
Yes, but this discovery pushes the date by another 1000 years.

Till now it was considered that iron age in northern India started around 1200 to 300 BCE. while the earliest iron age found in southern India belonged to 1000 BCE.

Are you supporting kumari kandam theory? :)
Then Atranjikheda settlement should have been the extension.

BTW the place belongs to Later vedic period 1000 - 700 BC and and it is generally believed that During Rig vedic time Use of Iron was unknown

Atranjikhera Archeological Site
Jurassic auntie!!! :angel:

well..considering your weight :yes4:

This is a remarkable discovery!!!
It means two things
1) The iron age which could 've begun anywhere before 2200 BCE coincides with the mature harappan period of 2600–1900 BCE, this is the time when SSC,Sindhu-Saraswati civilisation (aka Indus valley civilisation) was at its peak.
So far it was believed that the inhabitants of SSC used bronze age tools.
2) An Iron find in the Deccan indicates indigenous origins.. It also means that the ppl who had migrated to central part of India picked up the technology from deccan.

The article......
Rare discovery pushes back Iron Age in India

HYDERABAD: Iron Age may have come into existence in Telangana much before the rest of the world. At least that's the conclusion reached by archaeologists excavating the University of Hyderabad campus who found iron artefacts dating back to roughly 2,200 BC.

The team of archaeologists, led by professor KP Rao, has found several artefacts, including small knives and blades besides earthen pots. "The implements that were found were tested at the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) using a method called Optically Simulated Luminescence (OSL). The metal objects were dated to anywhere between 1800 BC and 2,400 BC. So we are assuming they were made during 2200 BC," Prof KP Rao told TOI.

This, he said, predates the existing understanding about the advent of the Iron Age in the country. Worldwide, experts have put the dawn of the age around 1200 BC, marking the time when humans started exploiting metals to make basic tools.

"In India, it was understood that the Iron Age came into being around 1,800 BC in the Lahuradeva site in Uttar Pradesh. But this latest development shows that the Iron Age started much before that, at least in our country," Rao said.

"It only goes to show that our ancestors had a rudimentary yet good knowledge about wielding weapons made of metals. We had estimated that the only metal that was moulded was copper, but due to its scarce nature it was not a feasible option. The idea of using abundant iron ore for tools and weapons is a landmark achievement," he added.

The idea of using iron has only come to lead to more and more developments. "It is because of their advancements did we reach the space-age," he said.

Currently, archaeologists have excavated 25 burial sites in the UOH area and the samples have been subjected to DNA analysis.

@anonymus @thesolar65 @OrionHunter @SrNair and others :)

Iron age at 2200 BC.....holy shit* :o: Any idea which civilization existed here in these time ? It means there were more advanced civilizations around during the time of the Indus Valley. Possibly more advanced than Indus.

Any idea what language they used ?
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Yes, but this discovery pushes the date by another 1000 years.

Till now it was considered that iron age in northern India started around 1200 to 300 BCE. while the earliest iron age found in southern India belonged to 1000 BCE.

Are you supporting kumari kandam theory? :)

Can you please read the link posted in.there.Toba Catastrophe was not a .psuedo science like Kumari Kandam .I didnt see anything like that in those para.
The link is talking about the same subcontinent that we have now.But it says we already have stone tools around 74000 years ago.
Star Wars said:
Iron age at 2200 BC.....holy shit* :o: Any idea which civilization existed here in these time ? It means there were more advanced civilizations around during the time of the Indus Valley. Possibly more advanced than Indus.

Any idea what language they used ?
It is very unfortunate that the archeologists have very little interest in finding out the civilisations that flourished in southern India. According to them our history begins at iron age and the first well known account is the sangam period, pandyas etc.
It is often assumed that ppl migrated from northern India to southern India, as in the culture of north India was passed on to us (which i think is not true as proven by the excavations at Adichanallur Some pottery parallels - The Hindu ).
The first epigraphic evidence (tamil- brahmi inscription) belong to 3-5AD.

well..considering your weight :yes4:
arrrghhh @Armstrong has been spreading rumors about me. :butcher:
Can you please read the link posted in.there.Toba Catastrophe was not a .psuedo science like Kumari Kandam .I didnt see anything like that in those para.
The link is talking about the same subcontinent that we have now.But it says we already have stone tools around 74000 years ago.
Frankly I didnt know about this incident. :)
The stone age is supposed to have started 3.4million years ago so 74k years sounds fine to me. Or am I missing something?
Atomic age also came first in India, predating the rest of the world by 4000 years at least. Indians made nuclear bombs as far back as 1700 BC, when they used them on Indus valley civilization using their virmanas(worlds' first aircrafts).

Atomic age also came first in India, predating the rest of the world by 4000 years at least. Indians made nuclear bombs as far back as 1700 BC, when they used them on Indus valley civilization using their virmanas(worlds' first aircrafts).

I dont mind if you can not contribute to this thread but atleast dont derail it.
It is very unfortunate that the archeologists have very little interest in finding out the civilisations that flourished in southern India. According to them our history begins at iron age and the first well known account is the sangam period, pandyas etc.
It is often assumed that ppl migrated from northern India to southern India, as in the culture of north India was passed on to us (which i think is not true as proven by the excavations at Adichanallur Some pottery parallels - The Hindu ).
The first epigraphic evidence (tamil- brahmi inscription) belong to 3-5AD.

arrrghhh @Armstrong has been spreading rumors about me. :butcher:

Frankly I didnt know about this incident. :)
The stone age is supposed to have started 3.4million years ago so 74k years sounds fine to me. Or am I missing something?

Aaccording to that link we already have had a mature ancient settlement in there.But I was talking about a possible human civilization in Deccan area.
Okay so i guess you dont believe in continental drift.

From the looks of it, yes, we might have had an advanced civilisation in Deccan.

That theory of continental drift fail and archeologist have no answers what they discovered in Pakistan(its a hint for you)

.Nope you are wrong.
Dr Spencer wells researches proved that theory.
Two migrations was happened in Subcontinent.First one was through Coastal India to Australian Continent.Another one was from Middle East to Central India.
Tribals in our region still have that perfect Negroid features.

That theory fails
That theory of continental drift fail and archeologist have no answers what they discovered in Pakistan(its a hint for you)

That theory fails

How ?
Where is the proof ?
It is internationally recognised theory that Human Genes has encoded his /her own history.
And he proved that .
It is very unfortunate that the archeologists have very little interest in finding out the civilisations that flourished in southern India. According to them our history begins at iron age and the first well known account is the sangam period, pandyas etc.
It is often assumed that ppl migrated from northern India to southern India, as in the culture of north India was passed on to us (which i think is not true as proven by the excavations at Adichanallur Some pottery parallels - The Hindu ).
The first epigraphic evidence (tamil- brahmi inscription) belong to 3-5AD.

arrrghhh @Armstrong has been spreading rumors about me. :butcher:

Frankly I didnt know about this incident. :)
The stone age is supposed to have started 3.4million years ago so 74k years sounds fine to me. Or am I missing something?

OK let me tell you guys when history of our sub continent begins.

Actually we have two separate history one is from south of India and another one is east.
Ancient Pakistan

The oldest civilization of the world is called Oldowan (2.6–1.8 Ma) (Oldowan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and in ancient Pakistan we discovered oldest civilization which is almost similar to Oldowan and it is called Riwat (1.9– 0.045 Ma) (Riwat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and this discovery fail all previous theories. After that we have another civilization also in ancient Pakistan and it become third oldest civilization of the world and that is Soanian (0.5–0.12 Ma) (Soanian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now let see how much positive rating i will get

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Abu Nasar @Akheilos @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @MastanKhan @Jungibaaz @Kaan @GreenFalcon @Zarvan @PWFI @chauvunist @Areesh @BDforever @Fahad Khan 2 @JanjaWeed @Devil Soul @Fulcrum15 @ranjeet @Koovie @Jazzbot @Raja.Pakistani @NKVD @nair @levina @Jungibaaz @W.11 @American Pakistani @HRK @Leader @iranigirl2 @Jaanbaz @Ceylal @MOHSENAM @Zizou @500 @Luftwaffe @Armstrong @Sidak @scorpionx @Indischer @Roybot @krash @American Pakistani @Soumitra @Nihonjin1051 @cnleio @Jf Thunder@Imran Khan@Horus@Norwegian@OrionHunter @cb4 @Arsalan@Donatello@Oscar@Hyperion@Bratva@DESERT FIGHTER@Dazzler@ChineseTiger1986 @Tempest II @A.Rafay@Ahmad1996@airmarshal@Akheilos@Armstrong@arushbhai@AstanoshKhan@AZADPAKISTAN2009@balixd@batmannow@Bilal.@chauvunist@Crypto@Dr. Stranglove@Evil Flare@EyanKhan@GIANTsasquatch@graphican@Green Arrow@Guleen Ahmed@HRK@Jazzbot@Junaid B@Jzaib@Khalidr@khawaja07@Leader@Luftwaffe@Marshmallow@mr42O@Muhammad Omar@nomi007@Pak123@Pakistani shaheens@Pakistanisage@Peaceful Civilian@pkuser2k12@Pukhtoon@PWFI@raazh@Rafael@Rashid Mahmood@RescueRanger@Saifkhan12@Sedqal@SHAMK9@Spy Master@Stealth@Strike X@SUPARCO@sur@syedali73@Tameem@TankMan@Tayyab1796@Zarvan@waleed3601@AdeelFaheem@Rajput_Pakistani@Men in Green@orakzai4u@IceCold@LoveIcon@razahassan1997@Cheetah786@Dil Pakistan@Donatello@asq@junaid hamza@SBD-3@cb4@AsianUnion@Aether@xyxmt@Proudpakistaniguy@WishLivePak@Waffen SS@FaujHistorian@Fracker@Ranches@ghoul@Jf Thunder@GreenFalcon@genmirajborgza786@orangzaib@Pakistani Exile@KURUMAYA@Irfan Baloch@ali_raza@Syed.Ali.Haider@dexter@Patriots@muslim_pakistani@W.11@Meengla@zaid butt@ajpirzada@Shoaib Rathore@OrionHunter@CHARGER@Major Sam@yesboss@TheFlyingPretzel@TheNoob@Bratva@ghazaliy2k@Viny@StormShadow@suresh1773@SOHEIL@venu309@danish_vij@Force-India@faisal6309@SpArK@S.U.R.B.@vsdave2302@jarves@WAJsal@pursuit of happiness@Winchester@janon@pak-marine@AgNoStiC MuSliM@420canada@sathya@HughSlaman@ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @cirr @rott@rockstar08 @atanz

How ?
Where is the proof ?
It is internationally recognised theory that Human Genes has encoded his /her own history.
And he proved that .

Read post # 29
OK let me tell you guys when history of our sub continent begins.

Actually we have two separate history one is from south of India and another one is east.
Ancient Pakistan

The oldest civilization of the world is called Oldowan (2.6–1.8 Ma) (Oldowan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and in ancient Pakistan we discovered oldest civilization which is almost similar to Oldowan and it is called Riwat (1.9– 0.045 Ma) (Riwat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and this discovery fail all previous theories. After that we have another civilization also in ancient Pakistan and it become third oldest civilization of the world and that is Soanian (0.5–0.12 Ma) (Soanian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now let see how much positive rating i will get

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Abu Nasar @Akheilos @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @MastanKhan @Jungibaaz @Kaan @GreenFalcon @Zarvan @PWFI @chauvunist @Areesh @BDforever @Fahad Khan 2 @JanjaWeed @Devil Soul @Fulcrum15 @ranjeet @Koovie @Jazzbot @Raja.Pakistani @NKVD @nair @levina @Jungibaaz @W.11 @American Pakistani @HRK @Leader @iranigirl2 @Jaanbaz @Ceylal @MOHSENAM @Zizou @500 @Luftwaffe @Armstrong @Sidak @scorpionx @Indischer @Roybot @krash @American Pakistani @Soumitra @Nihonjin1051 @cnleio @Jf Thunder@Imran Khan@Horus@Norwegian@OrionHunter @cb4 @Arsalan@Donatello@Oscar@Hyperion@Bratva@DESERT FIGHTER@Dazzler@ChineseTiger1986 @Tempest II @A.Rafay@Ahmad1996@airmarshal@Akheilos@Armstrong@arushbhai@AstanoshKhan@AZADPAKISTAN2009@balixd@batmannow@Bilal.@chauvunist@Crypto@Dr. Stranglove@Evil Flare@EyanKhan@GIANTsasquatch@graphican@Green Arrow@Guleen Ahmed@HRK@Jazzbot@Junaid B@Jzaib@Khalidr@khawaja07@Leader@Luftwaffe@Marshmallow@mr42O@Muhammad Omar@nomi007@Pak123@Pakistani shaheens@Pakistanisage@Peaceful Civilian@pkuser2k12@Pukhtoon@PWFI@raazh@Rafael@Rashid Mahmood@RescueRanger@Saifkhan12@Sedqal@SHAMK9@Spy Master@Stealth@Strike X@SUPARCO@sur@syedali73@Tameem@TankMan@Tayyab1796@Zarvan@waleed3601@AdeelFaheem@Rajput_Pakistani@Men in Green@orakzai4u@IceCold@LoveIcon@razahassan1997@Cheetah786@Dil Pakistan@Donatello@asq@junaid hamza@SBD-3@cb4@AsianUnion@Aether@xyxmt@Proudpakistaniguy@WishLivePak@Waffen SS@FaujHistorian@Fracker@Ranches@ghoul@Jf Thunder@GreenFalcon@genmirajborgza786@orangzaib@Pakistani Exile@KURUMAYA@Irfan Baloch@ali_raza@Syed.Ali.Haider@dexter@Patriots@muslim_pakistani@W.11@Meengla@zaid butt@ajpirzada@Shoaib Rathore@OrionHunter@CHARGER@Major Sam@yesboss@TheFlyingPretzel@TheNoob@Bratva@ghazaliy2k@Viny@StormShadow@suresh1773@SOHEIL@venu309@danish_vij@Force-India@faisal6309@SpArK@S.U.R.B.@vsdave2302@jarves@WAJsal@pursuit of happiness@Winchester@janon@pak-marine@AgNoStiC MuSliM@420canada@sathya@HughSlaman@ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @cirr @rott@rockstar08 @atanz

Read post # 29

Oldowan civilisation???
in Pakistan???? ROFL

1) If anything Oldowan is not about Pakistan.

2) And so far oldowan tools (out of Africa) 've also been discovered in Iran, Israel, Pakistan,south Asia and South China.

3) It was NOT a civilisation.
Frankly your post was so funny that I could not stop laughing for a long time. LOL

@MULUBJA this was the thread you were talking about? :)

Dont miss @ghazaliy2k 's epic discovery "Oldowan civilisation". hehehe
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