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Rape of Nanking- Japanese atrocities

That is a good explanation. :tup:

However, I can't help but feel that in the eyes of many Indians, anything that is bad for China, is good for them.
The same can be said about China ,considering China has moved in where India is not so popular,ex:Nepal,Myanmar,Sri Lanka .

The "Look East policy" for instance, that is being espoused by the Indian government. What do Indians and Japanese have in common, from a geostrategic viewpoint? Answer: A common rivalry with China.
Look East policy is part of greater Indian desire to improve ties globally,if you notice it begins in 1991,same year USSR collapsed,and now we had to be more globalized.
And nations like Singapore hold huge economic significance to India.
Also we all know Asia's rise begins with East-Asia,judging how well economies of Indonesia and Vietnam are doing.Active engagement with them is mandatory.

Despite what Chinese think-tanks might suggest.If indeed Look East policy was Sino-centric we would have started it way long back in 1965.

As you said, Indians overwhelmingly have a friendly attitude towards Japan, even if this attitude is not returned. Imagine if WW2 happened all over again, who would they be supporting? In the event of a repeat of the Sino-Japanese war?

We would do the same thing ,what we did for the Korean war:Localize and end the conflict as soon as possible.

The Role of India on the Prisoners of the Korean
We would do the same thing ,what we did for the Korean war:Localize and end the conflict as soon as possible.

Not the government, who would the people support?

Just take a look on Bharat Rakshak and see even the most educated of Indians, advocating delivering nuclear warheads to Japan and encouraging their use against China.

It is my opinion that in the event of another Sino-Japanese war, the sympathy of the Indian people would lie with the Japanese. Regardless of what they know of the previous Sino-Japanese war.
It is my opinion that in the event of another Sino-Japanese war, the sympathy of the Indian people would lie with the Japanese. Regardless of what they know of the previous Sino-Japanese war.

But then it is your opinion.:coffee:
It wasn't just Nanking, it was everywhere. Japanese recruits would be "toughened" to killing by gathering up Chinese citizens and using them as bayonet dummies. Babies were tossed in the air and caught on bayonets. Rape was automatic. The list of crimes is titanic and beyond description.

The truly sad thing is that in Germany, German crimes are taught, and the people are well aware of them. In Japan, history has been rewritten. Many texts portray Japan as the victim in WW2; that it was a war of self-defense, and essentially nothing is mentioned about China. They focus on the nuclear attacks, not on the millions of Chinese dead.

Reparations would do little and are impractical. But simple acknowledgement and apology would go a long ways.
Not the government, who would the people support?

Just take a look on Bharat Rakshak and see even the most educated of Indians, advocating delivering nuclear warheads to Japan and encouraging their use against China.

It is my opinion that in the event of another Sino-Japanese war, the sympathy of the Indian people would lie with the Japanese. Regardless of what they know of the previous Sino-Japanese war.

Stop and think why that kind of talk is bandied about on cyber-space? Don't you think that is a reaction? May this have something to do with how (at least some) Indians perceive the role of the Chinese Govt. in the fraught sub-continental morass.
Something that is contemporary.

About the Japanese in WW2. People know about their exploits and activities in S.E. Asia. Not too different from Nanjing. Not to forget the infamous "Death Railway" in Burma. Who were the victims- the Allied POWs including Indian Soldiers of the British Indian Army. That is part of recorded history. As much as Japanese atrocities in China.
But that is not contemporary.

The common Indian could'nt really care one way or another about a Sino-Japanese conflict.


Till he sees a perceived trouble maker on one side. (contemporary perceptions).

Then he may make a choice to take sides.

Whether the respective Govts. are part of this, is another matter.
Not the government, who would the people support?

Just take a look on Bharat Rakshak and see even the most educated of Indians, advocating delivering nuclear warheads to Japan and encouraging their use against China.

And in the very same forum i had seen many Chinese people advocating,preemptive mass nuclear strike on India,so what do u think about that,r they educated,simply ur call.

It is my opinion that in the event of another Sino-Japanese war, the sympathy of the Indian people would lie with the Japanese. Regardless of what they know of the previous Sino-Japanese war.

Same question to u also,in an Indo-Pak war with whom actually Chinese sympathize,regardless of what they know about Indo-pak relation,it holds true for everybody
It wasn't just Nanking, it was everywhere. Japanese recruits would be "toughened" to killing by gathering up Chinese citizens and using them as bayonet dummies. Babies were tossed in the air and caught on bayonets. Rape was automatic. The list of crimes is titanic and beyond description.

The truly sad thing is that in Germany, German crimes are taught, and the people are well aware of them. In Japan, history has been rewritten. Many texts portray Japan as the victim in WW2; that it was a war of self-defense, and essentially nothing is mentioned about China. They focus on the nuclear attacks, not on the millions of Chinese dead.

Reparations would do little and are impractical. But simple acknowledgement and apology would go a long ways.

Oh Look Whose Talking A Representative Of A Terrorist nation. Usa Is Still Doing The Same Thing That Was Done By Japan I Saw A Video Of a Marine Tossing A Baby Of Dog.Raping Afgan And Iraqi Women.Blowing The Car With Tanks Ramming Around The City.

Blowing Cows With rocket Launchers.u people Are not ever Animals Worse than Animals.

And Responsible For All The Bomb Blasta being Done in Pakistan.
Same question to u also,in an Indo-Pak war with whom actually Chinese sympathize,regardless of what they know about Indo-pak relation,it holds true for everybody

Exactly right. Now think about that in the context of the thread topic and you'll see my point.

I don't believe many Indians would sympathize with China over Japan.
The only reason the Japanese politicians had the audacity to rewrite the history of WW2 was the connivance of the US.

An island country having territory dispute with all its neighbours and reluctant to take initiative to dissolve the bad blood with a rising power of a 1.4 billion population, I can't wait to see how Japan will fare in the next 20 years.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, let's pretend we can coexist in peace first.:cheers:
Our Pakistani soldiers also suffered at the hands of the Imperial Japanese Army - in fact the Japanese all most get a pass because of the crimes of the Germans are focussed upon, because they targeted mainly Europeans.

The rape of Nanking is one of the most disgusting and brutal crimes in human history.
Sure.Form childhood we Chinese are taught that
Japan is a perpetrator but at same time we were told that Japanese people are hardworking people.Whatever we are all some neses to westerners, I mean the other part of this world, "round-eye" people.

Same here. In school we were taught the facts about WW2. We were taught that Chinese and Japanese are very hardworking people. I always had a lot of respect for Chinese people to be honest. My grandfather always spoke very highly of China. Hell I even admired Pakistanis to an extent, I remember my school gave out Indian and Pakistani flags during '99 and had us all light candles. it's only after becoming a member of this forum and having encountered so much hatred that my opinions have somewhat wavered. I always keep in mind though that this is the internet and that's just how it works.
Exactly right. Now think about that in the context of the thread topic and you'll see my point.

I don't believe many Indians would sympathize with China over Japan.

Would Chinese people sympathize with India over Pakistan? No right? (I'm not even sure that the GoC sympathized over 26/11) My point is that's just how the world works. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"... something to that effect.

So I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

See I dont want to go into details here or divert the topic;

Just read this once and get over this hyper-foolish notion that you and some others seem to harbor.

Former Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Chairman Anil Kakodkar has asserted that India has credible thermo-nuclear bombs, in the "plural", with a yield of "much more" than 45 kilotonnes each.

"Why are you using singular? Make that plural," he said when asked if India had a credible thermo-nuclear bomb during an interview with journalist Karan Thapar on the Devil's Advocate show on television channel CNN-IBN.

Kakodkar says India has credible thermo-nuclear bombs in the "plural" | NetIndian | India News | Latest News from India | Breaking News from India | Latest Headlines

Emphasising that India's hydrogen bomb test Pokhran II was "successful" and achieved all the desired goals, Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Anil Kakodkar today said the controversy over the yield was "unnecessary" as the country has deterrence capability of up to 200 kilotons.

India capable of building N-deterrence up to 200 KT: Kakodkar

In fact, Chidambaram said India had the capability to build fission and thermonuclear weapons with yields up to 200 kilotons. Trying to put a damper on the raging controversy on the yield of India’s H-bomb, Chidambaram said that due to ‘‘proliferation sensitivity, the design details of the thermonuclear device have not been made public’

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