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Rape of Nanking- Japanese atrocities

I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.
I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

Whats wrong with you?

coz there's someone with Japanese flag kicking their *** in several threads, a technique Indians on this forum use a lot

there you go

p.s. Chinese have never forgotten what Japan did to us.
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I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

And u call us paranoid !!:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

And you think Indians are obsessed with Chinese . Get a life troll.
Well it actually was as simple as the "good" allies and the "evil" axis powers back then. A shameful chapter of humanity.
I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

:agree: :agree: :agree:
However we must question your motives for posting this.

Jayron is alright, he's not like the other Indian trolls on this forum. :tup:

On topic, I don't think any Chinese will ever forget what happened during WW2.

The holocaust killed 6 million Jews, but the Imperial Japanese Army killed 20 million Chinese. It is surprising, that the holocaust is often mentioned in the international media, but the Japanese war crimes are not.
Just read on wiki about Nanking.
It is inhumane beyond words.I believe Japan should apologise for the war crimes in China..
@ post no.2

Do people even bother to look at the first post these days? Or do they just look at the flags and start yakking?
Do people even bother to look at the first post these days? Or do they just look at the flags and start yakking?

For an Indian person, to sympathize with the plight of the Chinese people, is so rare... that I don't blame below_freezing for being suspicious.

You've been on this forum for a while, I'm sure you know how it goes.

The only times I have ever witnessed Indians talking about the Japanese atrocities in WW2, is when they are losing an argument (about the 1962 war for instance), and trying to find something to attack us with.
the only reason why you wont hear anything aside from the holocaust is because jews controls the media and its only natural that they remind us year after year with a movie and then a oscar for anything related to the persecution of jews

to be honest I think it was a inhumane thing that happen but would i lose sleep or feel the need to be apologetic over it?...hell no

its like asking all white people to compensate for slavery in the US..aint happening

it is best that future generations not let it happen again
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the only reason why you wont hear anything aside from the holocaust is because jews controls the media and its only natural that they remind us year after year with a movie and then a oscar for anything related to the persecution of jews

to be honest I think it was a inhumane thing that happen but would i lose sleep or feel the need to be apologetic over it?...hell no

its like asking all white people to compensate for slavery in the US..aint happening

the best future generations can do is to now let it happen again

Was that a typo or actually u meant it,repeat it again?
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