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RAP blocking foreign investment in North East Indian states of Manipur,Nagaland,Mizoram etc.

Lol it's for the state govt to repeal the RAP. It is a politically suicide move by any state govt to repeal the RAP.
And Chinese FDI last year into India Was around 1.8B. This Chinese user faking himself as an Indian Manipuri should know facts before posting. He has zero iota of knowledge on Indian law.
RAP is mandated by the Ministry of Home Affairs . Politically suicide? as much as the cm are the pawn of central gov, RAP certainly destroys any real chances of economic development.
Any economist in the world would tell you ,a system like RAP will kill any possible economic development. It's not possible to sustain economic development & growth under such laws.
RAP is mandated by the Ministry of Home Affairs . Politically suicide? as much as the cm are the pawn of central gov, RAP certainly destroys any real chances of economic development.
Any economist in the world would tell you ,a system like RAP will kill any possible economic development. It's not possible to sustain economic development & growth under such laws.
It is there for protection of tribes. Why not have the tribes petition for its withdrawal? Why not state legislators campaign on the election plank, win and put pressure on central govt? Even Andhra had tribes at independence, now go to Andhra, all tribes are mainstreamed, something your leadership couldn't do. They got used to free lunch until now. They are seeing economic pie getting bigger and just now realizing about RAP. That is just disingenuous to your people and to this country.

How is it that a state with 27 lakh people could only earn 2000 crores for themselves? Because you don't pay sales tax, income tax, excise duty etc. Its all freely provided under special category. Yet you complain for not trading with China. Lol.

Also do you think China got Tibet or Xinjiang, by peaceful means? You convince your beloved China of independence of Tibet and Xinjiang, then I'll forward request for independence to our higher authorities. Lol.

Just simple Education isn't the problem,the human resource is high quality in Manipur and Mizoram,some of the highest literacy rate,low crime and has favourable condition for future planning . It's about utilization and deriving special skills.

Almost all of the old initial Indian old corps were from British planned major Indian cities and had access to global trade network ,they had FDI along with gov subsidy to help grow
-the phase I of Indian corporates.A great deal of Indian and foreign minds has been utilized to develop economy in the mainland .
Now ,since some of the states has grown significantly during the phase I after utilizing what the British had left for them,it was rendered substantially achievable for certain other states to invest and increase export while checking inflation.
Before and after independence the British invested steadily in India.
No state grew magically out of thin air.

But the states I mentioned never enjoyed the phase I of development,and on the contrary, they were rather uniquely cut off from any access to FDI and global supply chain so as to prevent foreign interaction.
And GOI never showed any intention nor have put any effort in planning economic growth in the region.
One has to be seriously ignorant to not see the unfair treatment .Only thing that has been unquestionably incurred therein, is some of the gravest human rights abuse in the world .

It wasn't central leadership that developed the states but the states themselves. Infact, Central was focused on North from the beginning. Because, that's where they get maximum seats. South is as much distant to North as Northeast but Southern leadership took initiative to develop industries. Today, South known for its IT industry. British didn't set up computers for us but Southern leadership took that initiative. We were called names before in the north now they respect us. So stop hiding behind excuses and elect leaders who have vision and not just on free doles.
It is there for protection of tribes. Why not have the tribes petition for its withdrawal? Why not state legislators campaign on the election plank, win and put pressure on central govt? Even Andhra had tribes at independence, now go to Andhra, all tribes are mainstreamed, something your leadership couldn't do. They got used to free lunch until now. They are seeing economic pie getting bigger and just now realizing about RAP. That is just disingenuous to your people and to this country.

How is it that a state with 27 lakh people could only earn 2000 crores for themselves? Because you don't pay sales tax, income tax, excise duty etc. Its all freely provided under special category. Yet you complain for not trading with China. Lol.

Also do you think China got Tibet or Xinjiang, by peaceful means? You convince your beloved China of independence of Tibet and Xinjiang, then I'll forward request for independence to our higher authorities. Lol.

It wasn't central leadership that developed the states but the states themselves. Infact, Central was focused on North from the beginning. Because, that's where they get maximum seats. South is as much distant to North as Northeast but Southern leadership took initiative to develop industries. Today, South known for its IT industry. British didn't set up computers for us but Southern leadership took that initiative. We were called names before in the north now they respect us. So stop hiding behind excuses and elect leaders who have vision and not just on free doles.

You are clearly confused,what is the RAP supposed to protect the tribes from? Economic development?
May be GOI wants to keep the region relatively under the rader? specially devoid of chinese investment?
That's like a recurrence of how GOI made NE region miss the phase I of development and hindered all developmental prospect for the past half a century.
In NE ,not every indigenous group is categorized as ST or exempted from tax, taxation is no problem when there's stable income opportunity due to real economic growth .Those are cheap payback for what major has been taken away. And again not every community is exempted from tax.

And please don't compare Tibet.xinjiang with Manipur,Nagaland,Mizoram,those Chinese regions are more developed than any part of India now.
The people there get free education,lodging,meal,minimal job assurance,medical insurance, accommodation,High speed railwayservice. etc etc.Those regions don't have laws like RAP ,despite being a communist nation.

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please don't compare Tibet.xinjiang with Manipur,Nagaland,Mizoram,those regions are more developed than any part of India now.
The people get free education,lodging,meal,minimal job assurance,medical insurance, accommodation.
High speed railway etc etc.Those regions don't have laws like RAP ,despite being a communist nation.
These hard truths are the reasons Indians on pdf play dog whistle politics when northeasterners make a reasonable complaint about anything.
You are clearly confused,what is the RAP supposed to protect the tribes from? Economic development?
May be GOI wants to keep the region relatively under the rader? specially devoid of chinese investment?
That's like a recurrence of how GOI made NE region miss the phase I of development and hindered all developmental prospect for the past half a century.
In NE ,not every indigenous group is categorized as ST or exempted from tax, taxation is no problem when there's stable income opportunity due to real economic growth .Those are cheap payback for what major has been taken away. And again not every community is exempted from tax.

And please don't compare Tibet.xinjiang with Manipur,Nagaland,Mizoram,those Chinese regions are more developed than any part of India now.
The people there get free education,lodging,meal,minimal job assurance,medical insurance, accommodation,High speed railwayservice. etc etc.Those regions don't have laws like RAP ,despite being a communist nation.

Please you keep harping about China as if it was always this developed. In 1991, its percapita was less than India's. Its only in the last 2 decades it took a march on us.

Stop this nonsense, you are clearly a Chinese or at the least its sympathizer. Either which case, no one is buying your propaganda here.

India should have been like China at least with respect to Northeast. Throw away garbage article like 371 that protected you and send in the mainlanders and crush the indigenous population with heavy handedness and showed you some tall buildings and roads for it. That would have satisfied you. Stop being moronic you idiot.
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Please you keep harping about China as if it was always this developed. In 1991, its percapita was less than India's. It only in the 2 decades it raced to where it is. It took every one of them working towards common goal. Not one part leeching on the other. Stop this nonsense. If you have problem emigrate to China, there is nothing much you can do other than that.

North-easterners - Go to China
Muslims - Go to Pakistan
Lol. All anti-Indians should find a place of their choice to emigrate. Because India is not for you.

What I don't understand is that the OP has a grievance regarding a rule/law, and all your reaction is to ridicule that grievance and ultimately, tell him to get the hell out of the country.

What I don't understand is that the OP has a grievance regarding a rule/law, and all your reaction is to ridicule that grievance and ultimately, tell him to get the hell out of the country.


What ridicule? You guys can't face the reality. I just showed him what is it that India providing them. 93% of their budget for god sake. His immediate reaction to that was why not leave us independent. That is not an option for anyone per our constitution. You are only Indian by constitution. That is not your land. Indian constitution doesn't allow for separation. Only course of action is to emigrate which I suggested.

By the way, he is a false flagger and you know it.
What I don't understand is that the OP has a grievance regarding a rule/law, and all your reaction is to ridicule that grievance and ultimately, tell him to get the hell out of the country.


And who wanted the law in the first place? If he or she wants the law repealed then stand for elections, win and then ask central govt to repeal. BJP govt is actually very happy to repeal laws like 371.
You don't invite the enemies in just cos you don't agree with the party currently ruling the country with. In short "one" doesn't go against the country just cos one doesn't agree the party ruling with. It applies to a lot of people.

RAP is mandated by the Ministry of Home Affairs . Politically suicide? as much as the cm are the pawn of central gov, RAP certainly destroys any real chances of economic development.
Any economist in the world would tell you ,a system like RAP will kill any possible economic development. It's not possible to sustain economic development & growth under such laws.

Lol. Then you stand for elections saying you will repeal the RAP, become CM, and then repeal. First do it and then let's see if Home Ministry accepts your proposal.
What ridicule? You guys can't face the reality. I just showed him what is it that India providing them. 93% of their budget for god sake. His immediate reaction to that was why not leave us independent. That is not an option for anyone per our constitution. You are only Indian by constitution. That is not your land. Indian constitution doesn't allow for separation. Only course of action is to emigrate which I suggested.

By the way, he is a false flagger and you know it.
It's like you keep someone in house arrest than give him some change for pocket money ,through if he was allowed to get a job he would have probably been much better off ,free and earning more-Are you even able to get the gist of it?¿

Not our land??????????????? That's not the land of brown/black folks from mainland , indigenous yellow folks has been inhabiting this region for thousands of years,we had our own constitution before India,there is UN protocol for indigenous region protection! though ignorant folk may be unaware of it.

You have the typical nasty Indian agenda in your mind ,that's why you think the above situation I mentioned is akin to doing good. Zero effort for real economic development while
giving some change in the name of gov aid.
Nobody other than thieving minded 1ndians would think that way,who just want our land but not willing to spend money on the people living on it.
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It's like you keep someone in house arrest than give him some change for pocket money ,through if he was allowed to get a job he would have probably been much better off ,free and earning more-Are you even able to get the gist of it?¿

Not our land??????????????? That's not the land of brown/black folks from mainland , indigenous yellow folks has been inhabiting this region for thousands of years,we had our own constitution before India,there is UN protocol for indigenous region protection! though ignorant folk may be unaware of it.

You have the typical nasty Indian agenda in your mind ,that's why you think the above situation I mentioned is akin to doing good. Zero effort for real economic development while
giving some change in the name of gov aid.
Nobody other than thieving minded 1ndians would think that way,who just want our land but not willing to spend money on the people living on it.
Read Indian constitution.Once it is part of India nothing can separate it not even UN, believe me Pakistan tried. It is as much your land as mine. So stop exclusivity usage. If you still continue this talk of separation, be prepared for a fight of life rather than empty cliches on PDF.

You keep harping like an Idiot after I have given evidence of huge money ($2 billion a year) that central govt transfer to you. Your own revenue collection is less than $200 million. I don't understand the thieving analogy, who is thieving from who. To be honest, India could argue that land has already been bought by the yearly transfers made to your state.
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Please you keep harping about China as if it was always this developed. In 1991, its percapita was less than India's. Its only in the last 2 decades it took a march on us.

Stop this nonsense, you are clearly a Chinese or at the least its sympathizer. Either which case, no one is buying your propaganda here.

India should have been like China at least with respect to Northeast. Throw away garbage article like 371 that protected you and send in the mainlanders and crush the indigenous population with heavy handedness and showed you some tall buildings and roads for it. That would have satisfied you. Stop being moronic you idiot.

You sound like typical indian scammer.

Xinjiang,Tibet was part of China as a nation centuries before the British devised India for you brown/black folks in mainland.
People like you are so eager to copy china when it's convenient even though the foundation of China and India was nothing alike.
Northeast states like M anipur,M izoram,N agaland was never part of India pre mid-late 19th century .And was occupied without consensus during a time that was supposed to be a modern post-colonial era;no historical rights over NE.

Unlike in Xinjiang or Tibet where han Chinese have always settled for many many centuries and are genetic brothers, the brown/black mainland Indians aren't genetic brothers and they aren't native settlers of the NE region .The brown/black folks are foreigner with almost ZERO cultural & genetic similarity with the indigenous people.

You see the difference? Or too thick-headed for that?

You parasites wish for the article 370 & 371 to be removed and for our land to be invaded,and turn it into the hellhole that is mainland india teeming with slums,rape,crime,beggars ,but there's UN protocol for indigenous region protection.

"crush the indigenous population with heavy handedness and showed you some tall buildings and roads for it. That would have satisfied you."

GOI bombed mizoram,the INDIAN army has killed hundreds of thousands of people and caused one of the greatest humanitarian crisis in modern world democracy,be it rape by Indian army and orchestrated mass encounters of civilians or massacring whole villages.
And you're talking about hard handedness just now?
Does even china has a draconian law like AFSPA? Which allows the military to kills civilians on a whim ?

"And Crush the indigenous population "

I guess you didn't knew that like any typical country, china,follows UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

Go and educate yourself https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/wp-

Not just the indigenous minorities are protected ,they are even exempted from One -child policy.
Meanwhile ,after indian army mass encountered a generation of youths,family planning (which was devised due to states like bihar/up) was imposed and severely reduced population.
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You sound like typical indian scammer.

Xinjiang,Tibet was part of China as a nation centuries before the British devised India for you brown/black folks in mainland.
People like you are so eager to copy china when it's convenient even though the foundation of China and India was nothing alike.
Northeast states like M anipur,M izoram,N agaland was never part of India pre mid-late 19th century .And was occupied without consensus during a time that was supposed to be a modern precolonial era.No historical rights over NE.

Unlike in Xinjiang or Tibet where han Chinese have always settled for many many centuries and are genetic brothers, the brown/black mainland Indians aren't genetic brothers and they aren't native settlers of the NE region .The brown/black folks are foreigner with almost ZERO cultural & genetic similarity with the indigenous people.

You see the difference? Or too thick-headed for that?

You parasites wish for the article 370 & 371 to be removed and for our land to be invaded,and turn it into the hellhole that is mainland india teeming with slums,rape,crime,beggars ,but there's UN protocol for indigenous region protection.

GOI bombed mizoram,the INDIAN army has killed hundreds of thousands of people and caused one of the greatest humanitarian crisis in modern world democracy,be it rape by Indian army and orchestrated mass encounters of civilians or massacring whole villages.
And you're talking about hard handedness just now?
Does even china has a draconian law like AFSPA? Which allows the military to kills civilians on a whim ?


I guess you didn't knew that like any typical country, china,follows UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

Go and educate yourself https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/wp-

Not just the indigenous minorities are protected ,they are even exempted from One -child policy.
Meanwhile ,after indian army mass encountered a generation of youths,family planning (which was devised due to states like bihar/up) was imposed and severely reduced population.
Lol. Only an idiot could justify China with respect to Tibet and Xinjiang. Now I know your loyalty. Tough luck buddy. Entire Northeast is India period. Now go cry a river.
Lol. Only an idiot could justify China with respect to Tibet and Xinjiang. Now I know your loyalty. Tough luck buddy. Entire Northeast is India period. Now go cry a river.
That's the best retort you have after all that? Just a vain argument like "Only an idiot could justify China with respect to Tibet and Xinjiang" to justify your nonsese.

Read Indian constitution.Once it is part of India nothing can separate it not even UN, believe me Pakistan tried. It is as much your land as mine. So stop exclusivity usage. If you still continue this talk of separation, be prepared for a fight of life rather than empty cliches on PDF.

You keep harping like an Idiot after I have given evidence of huge money ($2 billion a year) that central govt transfer to you. Your own revenue collection is less than $200 million. I don't understand the thieving analogy, who is thieving from who. To be honest, India could argue that land has already been bought by the yearly transfers made to your state.
When occupied illegally? It's just about militaristic conquest,not any constitution, get real. Legally Manipur's constitution supercedes the Indian constitution .Y'all have no option but to acknowledge your true thieving self in the end.GOI has shady rights upon Nagaland too,that's why GOI is still peddling the naga peace accord instead of using all out military response.Because Nagaland is an illegal occupation.
And y'all are trying to berate china about Xinjiang and Tibet which has been historically under chinese empire and part of china for most part of chinese history.

Like any nation could literally grab a piece of land ,like india and provide minimal grant and aids as mandatory for some hilly and backward areas . And keep it that way for half a century. No big deal.
That doesn't make it an act of charity.
That's not real investment.
But what you acknowledge?A
you're either too thick to get it or willingly oblivious ?Not that I expected any better.
Manipur,once a powerful nation in ASEAn with thousands of years of history ,reduced to a C-rate state of India and living under AFSPA.
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