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Ramadan 'police' target Pakistan's cafe society

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Jul 16, 2012
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Ramadan 'police' target Pakistan's cafe society | World news | guardian.co.uk


With its wooden floors, leather sofas
and customers peering at their Apple
laptops as they sip their coffees, Mocca
Cafe is the not the den of iniquity that
might normally attract a police raid.

But Islamabad's police have suddenly
found cause to turn their attention to
the capital's poshest eateries in an
effort to enforce a patchily applied,
decades-old law forbidding people
from eating or drinking in public during the fasting month of Ramadan.

Customers and proprietors were
shocked on Saturday when, nearly
halfway through the holy month,
Mocca and at least two other popular
eating spots in the well-heeled Kohsar
market were visited by police officers cracking down on the illicit
consumption of muffins and brownies,
not to mention smoothies and skinny

Members of what pass for Islamabad's
cafe society said they could not
remember anything like it. The
manager of Gloria Jeans, a nearby
restaurant, said he had never even
read the Ramadan law until the police arrived.
He has now placed a sign in
the restaurant saying it is only "open
to the communities not observing the
fast of Ramadan".

A message circulated on an expatriate
email list by a customer who had been
in the Gloria Jeans coffee shop at the
time reported a "large commotion". "

There was a lot of hostility in the air
because foreigners were being served
while others (Pakistanis) were being
told to leave," the email said, before
going on to advise expats to give
restaurants a wide berth until the end of Ramadan. "

Personally, I wouldn't take the
chance after the anger I felt while in
the coffee shop.
" The raids, which police say were
prompted by a complaint from a
member of the public, followed last
month's police assault of a journalist
who had the temerity to consume a
soft drink in his car at a secluded hilltop beauty spot overlooking

He said he was beaten with belts by
the officers, who threatened to charge
him under the Ramadan Ordinance, a
law passed in 1981 by General Zia-ul-
Haq, the then military ruler who did
much to make Pakistani society more Islamic.

Prior to the law, which allows for
transgressors to be jailed almost on
the spot for up to three months,
restaurants simply covered their
windows to conceal diners from public

The heavy-handed policing of eating
raises fears among some critics of a
rising tide of Islamic conservatism
within the state and society at large.
"This sort of behaviour is totally
unwarranted, and a sign of the
extremism that has infiltrated into the
said Raza Rumi, a newspaper
columnist. "We have this double standard where
the police take no action on the
important things but when it comes to
enforcing these Islamist positions they
are more efficient than ever," he said.
The police involved in last week's raids
say they were simply enforcing the
law. One senior officer, who did not
wish to be named, said he was actually
trying to discourage extremists. "Personally I have no problem with
people eating, but if the restaurants
and hotels in the less privileged parts
of the city are not serving food then it
gives us an image problem with
militants and religious people.
They say the common people abide by the
law, why don't you take action against
the posh areas?" The sensitivities of Pakistani liberals
are all the more acute in Kohsar
The small collection of shops
and restaurants located between a
mosque and a children's play area was
the place where Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab province, was
gunned down by one of his
government bodyguards in January
He was walking past Mocca Cafe when
his guard, furious at Taseer's public
defence of a Christian woman
sentenced to death under the
country's much-criticised blasphemy
laws for allegedly insulting Islam, shot him dead.
these tamashbeen liberals dont even know how to respect holy month of ramadan....cause their upbringing is tamashbeen from young age they see dance parties and wine parties in their homes with their parents dancing with stranger tamashbeen liberals.....they dont know what ramadan is....neither do they know what fasting is...........

islamabad police should import pigs from india....then they should blacken the faces of these tamashbeen liberals eating in ramadan make them sit on the swines and then hand them over to Border security force of india as gifts for dewali...........these tamashbeen liberals dont deserve to live to live in Pakistan....they should return to their home india.
these tamashbeen liberals dont even know how to respect holy month of ramadan....cause their upbringing is tamashbeen from young age they see dance parties and wine parties in their homes with their parents dancing with stranger tamashbeen liberals.....they dont know what ramadan is....neither do they know what fasting is...........

islamabad police should import pigs from india....then they should blacken the faces of these tamashbeen liberals eating in ramadan make them sit on the swines and then hand them over to Border security force of india as gifts for dewali...........these tamashbeen liberals dont deserve to live to live in Pakistan....they should return to their home india.

What the hell those tamashbeens do man???
Sip a coffee in a cafe...!!!!
Get a grip on the extremism.... Sheesh..... :fie:
these tamashbeen liberals dont even know how to respect holy month of ramadan....cause their upbringing is tamashbeen from young age they see dance parties and wine parties in their homes with their parents dancing with stranger tamashbeen liberals.....they dont know what ramadan is....neither do they know what fasting is...........
So what is wrong in it , everyone has their right to live in there own way !!!

What the hell those tamashbeens do man???
Sip a coffee in a cafe...!!!!
Get a grip on the extremism.... Sheesh..... :fie:
Did you have saw 3 Idiots , the boy always get confused between "D" and "B" .
So what is wrong in it , everyone has their right to live in there own way !!!

Did you have saw 3 Idiots , the boy always get confused between "D" and "B" .

no......not at all......every one is bound to follow the law..........law is made so that it can be observed and followed....and in Pakistan no law can be made that go against the teachings of Islam.............since we are 98 percent muslim majority country....

these tamashbeen liberals have dont shame what so ever......they are zero when it comes to morals,respect and pious acts.....

if these tamashbeen liberals dont believe in fasting....then they should eat in their homes....not come out in the public and eat.....such cafes should be blacklisted and their owners should be jailed............
no......not at all......every one is bound to follow the law..........law is made so that it can be observed and followed....and in Pakistan no law can be made that go against the teachings of Islam.............since we are 98 percent muslim majority country....

these tamashbeen liberals have dont shame what so ever......they are zero when it comes to morals,respect and pious acts.....

if these tamashbeen liberals dont believe in fasting....then they should eat in their homes....not come out in the public and eat.....such cafes should be blacklisted and their owners should be jailed............

You cannot force your will on other people in the name of law... :sick:
If in a country one is not free to EAT; and that according to you is correct, then I have no more words to blabber here... :sick:
And AFAIK this law you are stating never came into effect... I might be wrong though... :coffee:
If you can provide with a link or something about the law, it will be highly appreciated....

Please refrain from trolling...
Indulge in constructive criticism if nothing else...
Delete that post or an infraction will follow soon...
Pakistani people will deny this as an one off incidence...

Infractions/bans will be handed out to Indians...

Thread will be closed soon...

Everyone will sleep happy... :cheers:

Don't know about others but I certainly won't deny it. Forbidding others (those who don't fast) from eating in public places during hours appears no tyranny to me. I also believe it has more to do with morality than with legislation.

Situation is more like someone is slaughtering a cow in front of pure Hindus or someone is smoking in public places in countries/states where smoking in banned.
You cannot force your will on other people in the name of law... :sick:
If in a country one is not free to EAT; and that according to you is correct, then I have no more words to blabber here... :sick:
And AFAIK this law you are stating never came into effect... I might be wrong though... :coffee:
If you can provide with a link or something about the law, it will be highly appreciated....

Please refrain from trolling...
Indulge in constructive criticism if nothing else...
Delete that post or an infraction will follow soon...

in ramadan you cant eat in the open and hotels are to be closed and cafes to.....tamashbeen liberals can eat in side their homes but in the public where 98 percent population is fasting......you cant expect 0.01 percent tamshbeen liberals to come out and mock their beliefs.....................

i am not trolling.....this is the fact and reality......

tamashbeen liberals already drink,and do gambling inside their home....they do adultery too....dance parties and new year eve and fancy dress parties are on weekends......tamashbeen liberal to tamashbeen liberal....tamashbeen liberal ka waiter bhi tamashbeen liberal.....

these people have a lot of money since they consider everything halal....nothing is haram for them according to them....they dont follow religion....they dont follow law of the land...they dont respect the traditions......since they come elite class and have friends on powerful positions....no one can put hand on them....take example of salmaan taseer.........he was into adultery every one know and he had one known illegitimate son aatish taseer from indian sikh lady....who knows how many other illegitimate sons he had who keep defending him on this forum...........according to law of the land adultery is punishable by law but since he was a governor and a rich man...he used to influnce the law................lastly he was influencing the session judge and was visiting jail to meet blashphemy offendor......using the post of governor to influence the law of the law and justice.......

these same tamashbeen liberals cry about corruption......they have problem with defence spending cause they know in war their real home india will be destroyed so they try to stop it by raising idiotic issues.........these same tamashbeen liberals if u go on their twitter of facebook.....all the corrupt morally and financially corrupt people will be found on their friends list....they are liars and evil people.......
Don't know about others but I certainly won't deny it. Forbidding others (those who don't fast) from eating in public places during hours appears no tyranny to me. I also believe it has more to do with morality than with legislation.

Situation is more like someone is slaughtering a cow in front of pure Hindus or someone is smoking in public places in countries/states where smoking in banned.

Agreed on the morality and legislation part...
But I cannot come to terms with you equating cow slaughter to eating during fasting hours...
Not that I give two hoots about the cows being slaughtered...
But cow slaughtering should be equated to something which disrespects a religious symbol... Because cow is a religious symbol to some... I dont think eating or not eating food comes under that roof...
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