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Ram the Aries, Ramos the Druid, Rama the Conqueror

Ram and the Druidesses
Xavier Séguin October 12, 2014

The odyssey of Rama profoundly marked the dawn of our history. If the West has forgotten everything, some people still cherish his memory. Here’s another source that reflects the fabulous saga of Ram: the tradition of Islander Druidesses of Sein and Avalon.
During the Era of Lion, Western countries acted the transition from traditional matriarchal society that is corrupt, which has allowed the emergence of patriarchal model under the charming authority of Rama.
At that time, women were uncontested master of mystery and magic. They possessed clavicles and arcane, they could read in the ledger, they led humanity on steep paths of magic. Great was their authority, great and dangerous too.
Dominated by pride, they gradually lost contact with the Invisible which became at the same time the prerogative of the Druids. This sacred function may not remain vacant, this is a secret law of life. Incredulous and ferocious, the Druidesses wanted to resume their authority through violence.
Concocted by these female devils, strange diseases appeared and decimated the human, male preferably. The Black Death was on white people. Another version of the Saga says it was lung disease, but the two symptoms may have been present.

A young druid had shown a singular gift for cures and potions. Ramos was his name, aka Ram, which can be translated “one who knows” or “spirit of peace”. His knowledge of the virtues of medicinal plants was amazing because of his young age.
As Setanta aka Cuchulainn, Ram came from Hyperborea, because he was the son of god and god himself, as Jesus will say much later. Hyperborea, the enchanted island in the northern sky, is also called Nibiru, the wandering planet.
The Greeks called it the Garden of the Hesperides, for there grew apples of gold, ie oranges, fruit that does not exist on earth. This is actually not a magical land floating in the sky, but a mother ship type Black Star from Star Wars, done in heaven. Here lived the gods, and with them some humans, elected officials who served and entertained.
In the Bible, it is the garden of Eden, where early man lived in the company of gods until they displease them and make clear. Here we recognized Adam and Eve.

Fallen from Paradise, Adam settled in Middle-earth, the New Atlantis with its capital Minas Tirith on the now engulfed Dogger Bank in North Sea. Second capital Edinburgh or Castle of Eden is still the capital city of Scotland.
Minas Tirith is also the origin of Rama, who came from Hyperborea as Adam did. Are they one and the same person? It is not impossible, if you believe that the Indian tradition called an isthmus Adam’s Bridge or Rama’s Bridge, as if they were one. It is even likely, if you consider the name of the Muslim fast, Ram Adam.
For the convenience of the story, I will continue to name him Rama. Very young, he had visited the northern countries, initiated by the wizards of the cold wild. Then he went among blacks in Central Europe to study the intricacies of their powerful sorcerers. It is even said that he studied with marabouts in Africa. Everywhere his modesty and wisdom made miracles and priests willingly initiated him into their magic. Back home in Middle-Earth, the young Ram concocted an herbal remedy wtih mistletoe that eradicated leprosy silicosis in no time, to the amazement of all, to the great satisfaction of healed, to the chagrin of Druidesses.
Easily elected Chief Druid healers, ie as military leader, as it is one of the roles of the druid, the young Ram enacted a first step that made him even more popular among the people, while increasing in the same proportion the fury of the Druidesses: he forbade human sacrifices and other bloody sacrifice.
Mad with fury, the Druidesses pronounced a death sentence against Ram. Therefore, the white peoples separated into two camps: supporters of Ram under the sign of Aries, and the other were supporters of Thor under the sign of Taurus.
Ram emigrated more like conqueror than exiled with a several million people circa 8000 BCE. He crossed Europe, reached the Caucasus and the Taratha, the gateway to Asia, where he found strong allies among Celts, former prisoners of war of black people who had gained their freedom. These people followed the law of Thor. Their meeting with Ram took place in a country which took the name of THOR-RAM or Touran. Thus was born the first empire of Ram, called I-RAM or Iran. He established his provisional border in Afghanistan, it followed the path of the Ram or Jam river.

“One of the great wonders of the medieval world is a very tall, heavily ornamented minaret nestled in a green valley at the edge of the Jam river in what is now Afghanistan. Often called the Minaret of Jam, the monument was almost a millenium ago illuminated by a torch at its top, and surrounded by a thriving town with small industries and outlying farms. Some archaeologists believe the region around the Minaret of Jam was once called Firuzkuh and was the summer capitol of the Ghurids, a Muslim empire in the 11th and 12th centuries, that spanned all of what we know now as Afghanistan as well as parts of eastern Iran and northern India.”

Ram then seized Egypt, an old Atlantean colony to which he gave the constitution known as RAM or HAM MON, the Law of Ram. The Black Pharaohs submitted themselves to his law and Ra continued his conquests.
Meanwhile another army marched on India. It defeated the black people by winning a long and painful siege in Ayodhya which opened the doors of India. The suite is found in the Ramayana, which means the race of Ram. But the empire doesn’t stop in India.

Then Ra seized Egypt where there was an old Atlantean colony to which he gave the constitution known as the RAM or HAM MON MON, law of Ram. The Black Pharaohs submitted themselves to his law and Ra continued his conquests.
Meanwhile another army marched on India, defeating the black people by winning the long and painful siege of Ayodhya that opened the doors of India.
Rama pacified the entire subcontinent extending the influence of his immense empire to Tibet, to Ceylon, to the borders of the empire of Naacals where the floating island Mu stood in the middle of the ocean Pacific.

But the empire does not end so quickly. Much of China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and even Australia were part of his planetary field.
The continuing is in the Ramayana, meaning The race of Rama. But the episodes of Rama Odyssey were relocated in India, where the young Rama was born, which is not true, as we have shown. This process was often seen in ancient times, number of legends were adaptated to the countries and continents.
The very name of Ram is English and links to astrological era of Aries, which certify a Celtic origin. In truth, Rama is neither Indian nor European. He is from the mother ship of the Aesir gods, a huge island-vessel called Hyperborea or Walhallah, the Valley of Allah. When the Greek poet Nonnus recounts the saga of the Indian Bacchus, he also makes us relive the race of Ram.
So many ancient legends and myths are dealing with this prominent figure of unknown past, one could hardly believe. Now that you’ve been warned, you will meet him everywhere.
Ram came to the extreme limits of life, imposing in his states the pure doctrine of the Hyperboreans. And Ram disappeared from the world leaving behind him a worldwide fame of justice and of magnitude.

And the ancient Druidesse with evil powers turned into Sleeping Beauty: her life long she awaits prince charming, handsome Rama that will not come.
When awake, she will know that her powers are not from Rama or from Adam or from God or from Allah but from herself.
The Vajra Of Indra
Xavier Séguin July 2, 2013

Diamondlike lightning, transparent purity of crystal, purity of the mind liberated from its matrix of nonsense: lightning purifies the mind and makes it perfect as a flawless diamond.
Puzzling mystery! I explained the legend in another article. Here i care about the curious double meaning of the word, who is keeping on asking me.
The Sanskrit word vajra means both thunderbolt and diamond. I’ve been thinking this on and on for decades.
A thunderbolt gave me the clue through an obscure text of the manuscripts found at Nag Hammadi, entitled trepanation to tickle the pineal gland – the gland of awakening, nestled in the heart of the cerebral mass.
They built fabulous lightning traps with polarized stones where they caught the power of flashes to turn into balls of lightning, much less hazardous for human health.
Suddenly increase the tension of the nervous system to trigger the rise of kundalini energy, that was the goal. Not to grill anyone!

Beware: the nerve impulse is a stream, it has speed, power and above all a direction. A sudden reversal of nerve impulses may cause the death of the subject – under certain circumstances. Many techniques, especially in Asia, have been developed to reverse nerve impulses. Many of them used the virtues of some sound modulations, vibrating sounds, or appearing to the ear as split or impossible to locate.


The original vajra had open ends, it was then a loud transmitter, a musical instrument if you want. But his music was unique. She gave to the cosmic body, so to speak. It reoriented each electron body to its optimal frequency modulation, which enables it to better make and receive cosmic waves. We imagine the use of such an instrument was tricky because the power could kill him if he fell into profane hands.

Vajra also made it one of the elements of ancient science deemed harmful to the human race, and, as such, have been set aside there are twenty-two centuries and preserved since the Nine Unknown.
This is also why a Buddhist legend, the Buddha, anxious to preserve the health of his contemporaries, was to join the branches of vajra which has since lost all effectiveness.
In today’s Buddhism, it is no longer used as a ritual object, a symbolic only. The trumpets or horns of Jericho rather are part of these ancient musical instruments that were not used only for dancing.
Or rather for trance dances. We still possess some, such as Tibetan bowl, mountain horn, Australian didgeridoo and jaw harp. Some shamans or martial masters are still experiencing this kind of sound modulations emitted by the human throat in devastating purposes. One of the most famous in the West is the KWAI, the cry that kills the karateka.

This cry -Kwai- is a sound blown on a certain note and modulated by a certain intention. There are many parameters to respect if you want to get the perfect kwai or -why not?- the precise sound that made the walls of Jericho fall.
I can tell you that this is an F sharp. Or a D, but what D? Every sound has its width, height, and depth. The sound I mention is multidimensional. Reproduce any sound is possible only by becoming this sound.

Thus true music is trance music. There is no trance without dance … even if there is a transcendence.Lost in translation: transe sans danse = transcendance Who knows? Especially not me.
And if ever I did, I would not tell you. And if I told you, you would not believe. And you would be right. Believe without believing, that is the rule. Not any obscure rule invented by sadism, but light to enjoy without clipped wings. I do believe it.
Yet if you ask me, I would say that I do not believe it. There is a simple, very simple way to find the range of sounds that heal. There is another way almost as simple to make, using a crystal and its polarized light, a laser to vary the intensity of nerve impulses. These concepts have been thoroughly and meticulously studied for millennia, they are part of the knowledge that the Emperor Ashoka ruled dangerous and he confided the secret to load Nine Unknown. Imagine the puzzle: I have to tell your head stories that do not concern it. Worse: that threaten it. Only I do not have a choice.
If there was a way to talk to someone other than your head, be sure that I would use. Besides, I try to do this the best I can, with images. Distract your greedy head, giving it an occupation while you and me, without it and its damn censorship, we can have a real exchange, heart to heart.
These things are forgotten, yet they can save us tomorrow. Who knows? Soon the army will seat your cities, soon the walls will fall in dizzying sound of trumpets. And who will blow the didgeridoo?

The Nuke Bomb Of Shiva
Xavier Séguin November 14, 2011

Ghurka suddenly appeared in his powerful vimana and destroyed the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas with a single projectile charged with all the Power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flames as bright as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendor.

It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas. The corpses were so burned that they were unrecognizable. Their hair and nails were falling down; the pottery broke for no apparent reason and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all food was infected … To escape this fire, soldiers threw themselves into rivers to wash their bodies and their equipment …” No need to be atomic engineer to know what’s up. These lines made the exact description of a nuclear irradiation, what excludes the chance of a fairy tale.

It is highly unlikely that, describing a purely imaginary weapon, the author of Mahabharata listed the very real effects of a nuke bomb. Therefore we must conclude, whether we like it or not, that nuclear technology is not a modern invention.
Of course, the present science does not admit that a prehistoric culture has used UFOs to drop nuke bombs, although there is very convincing evidence. In Pakistan and in India, in the Indus Valley, lie the ruins of several ancient cities, which were brutally destroyed. They are not mentioned in history: we can conclude they are prior to historical times. They are suspected to be some of the Rishi cities of the mythical empire of Rama. The two largest ones are called nowadays Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, but we ignore their names at their flourishing time.
Each of them could give accomodations to 200,000 inhabitants. Could they be the cities of Vrishis and Andhakas, these three cities destroyed by Ghurka and his iron thunderbolt? However, it seems that these cities have been destroyed instantly: on the road, excavations allowed to discover skeletons striked during their working activity. After several millenia, these skeletons are still as radioactive as those in Hiroshima. This high radioactivity rate caused serious health problems, so serious that the Indian government finally closed the site for further investigations.

Another argument reinforces the hypothesis of atomic wars in the distant past. This is the cave episode, during the last Ice Age, when humans have turned into moles for some three thousand generations.
This episode is not fictional, it is actually part of our heritage, which is why the theme of burial is so present in the popular literature: The Twelve Monkeys, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Hollow Earth

Very often, thinking imagine a possible future, the authors will catch a slice of pre-ancient history in the Akashic records… database of everything that we experienced during our endless history.
Those of them who make it in conscience have this precious gift called “infused science”. It is such a pleasure to explore the distant past of our fellows. We must besides retouch the picture that these war quotes give us of Shiva.

Because there have been several Shivas.
He who possesses Pasupata, the ultimate weapon, is only one of the princes of the Atlantean era, one of the former gods, geneticist creator of Hanuman and other hybrid gods. This one is not the great Shiva, original principle of Dravidian Shaivism. For Shiva the Source, impersonal and transcendent principle, can in no way be confused with the guardian of an atomic bomb, which is only a human homonym. In France, the ElieElijah are numerous. The Jesus are also numerous in Latin America…
Who can confuse Elijah/Elie Semoun with the god of the Bible or Madonna with Virgin Mary?
Similarly we will be careful not to confuse the Hinduism of Ram or Rama, of European importation, with Shaivism Dravidian coming from another primordial continent, Gondwana, which included India, Africa and Antarctica.
Hinduism ramanite, from a Trinitarian Atlantean white religion, begins in the fifth millennium BCE, while the black Dravidian Shaivism, religion of the One, is much older.
. .
Noah Of India
Xavier Séguin September 20, 2011

In the huge amount of legends that make up the mythology of ancient India, can be found most of our myths, whether they have the same origin, or whether they describe real events. The flood made ManuAdam and Noah for the Hindus live an adventure quite familiar to us.

A Fish Called Vishnu
“One day, when doing his ablutions, a man named Manu discovered in the palm of his hand a little fish which begged him to let it live. Taking pity on it, Manu placed it in a vase. The next day, the fish had grown so much he had to transport it to the lake. Soon the lake became also too small. To the surprise of Manu, the fish could talk:
“I am God Vishnu”
“Throw me into the sea, said Vishnu, I will be more comfortable there”. Then the god warned Manu that a flood would happen soon. Vishnu sent him a large ark, with orders to embark two specimens of each living species and seeds of every plant. Manu obeyed, and he boarded the ark when the ocean swelled and overwhelmed everything. We can see nothing anymore, except Vishnu in his fish body, a huge narwhal with golden scales. Manu moored his ark to the narwhal’s horn and Vishnu towed it through the waters.
Thus they came to the emerged summit of the North Mountain, Former Gods had foresee the flood and prepared shelters on mountaintop. See Les cités des cimes where they ran aground. The fish said then:
“I saved you. Moor your ark to a tree, so that water cannot take it away while you are on the mountain. And as the waters will recede, you will get down with them.” And Manu descended with the ebb. The flood destroyed everything.

Manu was all alone. His animals colonized the earth, his plants germinated and nurtured them, but Manu stayed alone in the world.


No Woman Around
A year later, emerged from the waters a girl who introduced herself as ‘Manu’s daughter’. He married her and they had children together, the ancestors of the present mankind.” (source)Graham Hancock, Imprint of the Gods Note that in this version of the myth, once again, the man begins to live without a woman, she comes afterwards. Moreover, when she arrives, she introduces herself as Manu’s daughter.

How was she made without a woman to carry her? By genetic manipulation of the DNA from Manu, the only survivor. Let us be clear, the only survivor from the race of slaves. For the divine race, well protected in the Mountaintop Cities of the Andes, or on top of Mount Olympus, or on the Kurdistan Range, had suffered just a little from the devastating flood to which they had prepared. For they knew every event as they all repeated on the cyclic movement of time.
Systematically, in all versions of myths, are encoded valuable information that make them educational jewelry, sophisticated and with an almost perfect efficiency of transmission. In the eyes of the truth seeker, the ancient myths are undeniable masterpieces, on the same plan as the cave paintings of Lascaux or Altamira. Such a perfection could be achieved only by the careful effort of great sages. Thus we can see in the ancient myths a unity coherent, realistic, documented, and it deserves all our attention.
This valuable legacy constitutes for our mankind the testament of the former gods. Here, Vishnu, one of the three gods of the Brahmanic trinity or religion of Ram, clearly appears as a man-fish. We know the role played by some snake-men in the creation of our species. Vishnu does he represent the creator of Manu, the first man? Even if this is not clearly specified in this myth, the answer is yes. For in the Brahmanic trinity, Vishnu is the father creator, Brahma is the Holy Spirit, and Rudra the destroyer.

Note that thereafter, Rudra will merge with Shiva the Source, the only god of the previous religion. In the Dravidian Shivaism, no trinity indeed, but one principle, both immanent and transcendent, might be called the Source. When Ram came to India in the fifth millennium BCEBefore Common Era he introduced a coarser religion, in which the gods were only the princes of the first Atlantis… How Ram could he tolerate a god superior to his own three? He therefore gave to the former god a role in the Atlantean Trinity, the role of the wicked, of course. So that believers turn away from him faster.
They checked me for being a Hindu terrorist as I asked a guy if he ate BEEF!!!! And he got scared as he knew what Hindu terrorists like you do to their people in India.

The world, for the next many decades will be dealing with a Muslim ISIS and the Hindu ISIS. In India, RSS, Shiv Sena and others are clearly showing work, events and sign of turning into a massive ISIS of Hindus. You people kill others who eat beef, but don't say a word to people who export beef for billions (Hindu businessmen), you don't want to have Muslims and Christians and Sikhs inside your country, forceful rapes, murders, mass graves in Kashmir???? That's what these mythical creatures that never existed taught you, to kill minorities for no reason??? And here you are calling others terrorists and all, JUST like you kill others because they don't agree with your idle worship and terrorist focus??

The Children in India are now FORCED to wear bands with their cast written on it. The Children in India are forced to read and believe the stories of this crap you posted on here, called the "Vedic times" without any evidence of these ever existing. I can draw Mr. Sham on a page and assign him a task and a story. And he becomes a God and I should follow him??? AND then he wants Hindus to kill other who eat BEEF, BUT, don't ask the Hindus who killl Cows to EXPORT Beef because it brings Lakshami (Money) in BILLIONS?????

Isn't Modi a follower of the SAME characters drawn by Photoshop and that existed in the history in books without any reference to real "anything"? How about post some Cigars too, the ones Ram used to put i Sita's ***** after smoking it, 6000 years ago. And then he would go hunt other minorities who ate beef. You and Modi are following his foot steps!!
Man,you have gone insane after that recent cavity search:lol:!!
@waz bhai,just look at the manner in which this guy is openly mocking and abusing our religion and our holy figures without any apparent reason!!

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