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Ram the Aries, Ramos the Druid, Rama the Conqueror

The Wisdom Of Lama
Xavier Séguin October 12, 2014

Having conquered half the world, from Europe to India and beyond, Rama became peacemaker and instructor of his peoples.
Peacemaker, instructor … The Hyperborean tradition gave him the adjectives attributed to his brother Cuchulainn. Under the name of Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl, Cuchulainn pacified Mesoamerica and brought Indigenous education, science and technology, just as Rama did in his vast Indo-European empire.
Faithful to Hyperborea, Rama spread the practice of Atlantis. He encouraged the pursuit of enlightenment by lightning and other means. “The federal system gave this huge portion of the world two thousand years of Druidic peace. It takes only two words:.. Federation and Arbitration” (source) It is also due to the sacred science of Atlantis, like sharing society into four colleges or castes, which has long been the rule in Tibet as in Ireland, Egypt and Mesoamerica: all lands that have kept the Atlantean heritage.
This system of four colleges, called functional quadripartition will be swept away by the Celtic triad and tripartition that ensued, which Dumézil believed eternal. In India, the initial system of four castes also comes from Rama, but this system has been warped over time by the multiplication of castes and sub-castes. It is now more of a liability than a balancing factor

The new cult of Rama developed a set of practices that give rise to Hinduism, while the primary Shaivism practiced by first occupants Dravidians, was upstaged. This phenomenon is unfortunately inevitable. Any new religion erases the previous one, and to impose its supremacy, it transforms gods before demons.
The case is found at all times. Thus Judaism has dethroned the ancient Babylonian worship in which the main administrator of the Earth, called Saddam became Satan , prince of matter and main demon. Black Dravidians could not avoid forfeiture and their only god Shiva, creator of all things, has become one of the gods of the new religion, a destroyer, fierce and willingly god focused on weapons of mass destruction. However, Rama had the wisdom not to turn Shiva demon. Not quite …
Shiva became the third – indeed dangerous – god associated with Vishnu and Brahma, main gods of the Hyperborean pantheon. Still, thanks to the wisdom of Rama, Shiva Baba is worshipped in India, next to Hindu practised by the heirs of Hyperborean. In Europe, the Christian priests did not have the same tolerance to the Old Religion from Hyperborea. Many druids were killed or forced to hide.

Like Solomon, another great king who claimed him, Rama served less weapons than its charm. His conquest was especially the hearts.
“The prestige and wisdom of Rama did more than weapons to confederate these vast territories of disparate populations. Finally, he established his capital at Oudh (Ayodhya), delegated his powers to a temporal leader assisted by a council of druids, and retired in Tibet, which he made the first “neutral country” of history. He took the religious title of Lama.” (source)
Or rather this title was formed by his name, this can be explained. In the Indian pronunciation, the difference between R and L is imperceptible. Indians tend to roll the R, which sounds quite like a European L. Thus Rama could easily become Lama. Note also that in the Indian pronunciation, Rama pronounce Ram, the latter A is mute. Thus chanting tone “Hare Krishna Hare Ram”. Still, he printed his lasting mark on the world’s mountaintop.
His example of meditating and his powers – in shamanic or druidic sense – had a profound influence on these highlanders already rubbed with Hyperborean magic and customs in the distant past. This spiritual renaissance was hatched some kind of sect of magicians called Böns opposed to the worship of Lama, and fierce defenders of traditional practices, i.e. theirs. Böns magicians were tolerated by Lama who treated them with respect, after having show several tricks with his own magic.
Thus the wise Lama became the founder of a new religious practice called Lamaism – still practiced today. The spiciness of the matter is that Lamaism is considered nowadays as Tibetan Buddhism. Indeed Lamaism was founded several millennia before the birth of Buddha. This apparent contradiction is simple to solve. When Buddhism spread over, it crossed Lamaism so tightly it simply took the place of the founder. Lama became Buddha. But religion -spiritual practice rather say- is exactly the same. Religions disappear, temples remain.
Nowadays Lama is forgotten, as it happened to many glorious kings, but India remember God Rama and Tibetan priests still bear this title, Lama, without knowing where it comes from.

The Rama Bridge
Xavier Séguin August 23, 2014

An isthmus once connected the southern tip of India to the island of Sri Lanka. The popular belief is called Adam’s Bridge or Bridge of Rama.
According to the Ramayana, the bridge was built to allow Rama to reach Sri Lanka where his wife Sita was a prisoner of the king demon Ravana.
This legend has a geological reality: Rama Bridge or Rama Setubandha is a chain of shoals extending from the island of Sri Lanka to the Coromandel coast, southern tip of India. There is geological evidence that, in the past, Adam’s Bridge has been a continuous isthmus 33 km long and submerged to maximum 90 m. deep. Its particular curvature indicate that it was built by man, although very few specialists dare say for sure. Geological evidence suggests that this bridge is a former land connection between India and Sri Lanka.
The 18 mile long bridge separates the Gulf of Mannar (southwest) from the Palk Strait (northeast). Some of the sandbanks are dry and the sea in the area is very shallow, being only 3 ft to 30 ft (1 m to 10 m) deep in places, which hinders navigation. It was reportedly passable on foot up to the 15th century until storms deepened the channel: temple records seem to say that Rama’s Bridge was completely above sea level until it broke in a cyclone in AD 1480. The Ramayana and archeological studies agree assess the human presence on Sri Lanka at about 1.7 million years.
Could the age of the bridge be similar?
In 2002, NASA produced a photography satellite taken between India and Sri Lanka. This lets see under the water between the southern tip of India and Sri Lanka structure overlapping passes of the mountain range underwater.
It may well be an ancient sunken bridge …
Satellite images showing the materiality of the isthmus had a high profile in India, where clear evidence is seen that the Ramayana was right. Although a NASA spokesman felt compelled to put a flat there, “These images are ours, but our interpretation is different remote sensing images or photographs. orbit can not provide direct information about the origin or age of a chain of islands. They certainly do not indicate whether humans were involved in producing this structure.”
Here is the legendary NASA motto, “Who knows keeps silent”
Also in India, in the north-east, this time. In February 2002, off Surat in the Gulf of Cambay, marine scientists have recorded sonar images of square and rectangular shapes, 50 m deep.

India’s minister of science and technology has made dredging site. The findings, utensils, tools, ornaments, show a sophistication that has surprised archaeologists around the world.
U.S. writer Michael Cremo is the author of Forbidden Archeology. He participated in the evaluation of raw data as researcher in archaeological history for Bhakti Vedanta Institute, India.
“The radiocarbon dating of a piece of wood belonging to the site marks an age of 9500 years, which would date this sunken city of the end of the last ice age, or maybe before, but I’m afraid that American archaeologists are trying to reduce that time. They see a very dim view of the arrival on the scene of an archaeological so ancient civilized urban site.
If that is the case, we would have here the first known civilization, prior to Sumer thousands of years.

It is older than the Egyptian, older than the Chinese. That should upset the global picture of urban development. If we can identify the culture of the people, and if it is of a Vedic culture as I think, it will rewrite the history of India, so far due to Western archaeologists.”
(source)Michael Cremo, the Bhakti Vedanta Institute website Bombay
Currently, they pay little more than 3,500 years to the Vedic culture archaic Devenagara. This dating would be the Vedas and their thousands of songs the oldest known text, prior to the wedge-shaped writing.
. .
About discoveries in the Gulf of Cambay, Michael Cremo says it will probably rewrite the history of India. But it is not only the history of India that researchers like him are trying to rewrite the whole history of the world.

This site echoes of their research and mine. Too many puzzles remain, which are about to be solved. Why did early civilizations appeared already developed with no evidence of evolution? Where did the Olmecs come from? Who helped the ancient Egyptians started?
Who were Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha? Did the Atlanteans exist? Were there developped civilizations before ours? Otherwise, how could be explained the wonders of Çatalhöyük, Gobekli Tepe and Derinkuyu, Turkey? And Harappa, and the Indus valley? And Mahabalipuram? And the Rama bridge?
Not to mention Yonaguni and all sunken cities? And Teotihuacan? And Mesoamerican pyramids, and all swallowed by the jungle Asian temples? And Tiwanaku, and other cities of the Andes? Numerous technical prowess and incomparable achievements are accrediting the golden age myth of an ancient god-like civilization.

A civilization so advanced and techno-developped that primitive human, our ancestor, thought divine. Hence religions.
Despite his pride, Western bourgeois of the 18th century did not invent technological progress. Despite our naivety, we are not the first. Neither alone, be sure. Why does civilization, just like men, have such a short memory?

The World of Rama Archives - Eden Saga - english

You mean...all this shiit you wrote.....is real??? Here comes "the Vedic times" for everyone to believe in as these were real like the divide of Indo-Pak. The only issue is, even the Indians know its not real. But the Hindu fanatics ruling the country MUST show the world there background that no one could prove.

You didn't find anyone eating beef today to kill??? So you thought you'd tell the world about Vedic times?? Where are the Ferrari from back 6000 years ago :rofl::angel:!! Good going, keep posting. I'd rather have you guys post here and waste time than hurting other human beings because they eat beef!!!!

Sorry my friend. I did not write this. This is how westerners who realize that they have lost their pagan religions to the onslaught of Christianity look towards Hinduism.
The Pelasgians or the Sea People
Xavier Séguin May 11, 2015

The Sea People! For most of us, these words are meaningless. But for the ancient Egyptians, they were like devils out of hell.
They came on their fast ships, they came in their flying machines, they came perched on elephants – at that distant time when the pachyderms were unknown in African savannas.
These devils came from nowhere, they were talking fire from heaven. Their wives had the sky and the sea on the eyelids and other cosmetics on the face. The warriors dressed in purple and orichalcum were wearing crystal helmets. They had iron spears spitting lightning. Their flying machines were sowing death and destruction. Their unknown weapons terrified the bravest, and all were frightened by these giant animals crushing huts and barricades. Nothing and no one seemed able to stop the march of the Giants of the Sea and the Sky. In a few days, everything seemed lost.
The texts that we have do not specify the existence of flying machines in the army of the Sea People. But other texts of the same period did, so we can infer that it was the case for them too. The people of Rama in particular was renowned for using flying machines, and the biblical King Solomon was too.

“The Sea Peoples invade and destroy everything in their path. Many cities are taken and destroyed, without the heroic resistance of the Athenians, the Mediterranean would have been conquered.” (source)Plato, Timaeus The same Greeks baptized have the Pelasgians.
“Pelasgians” (Greek Πελασγοί / Pelasgoí) is the name given by the ancient Greeks to the first inhabitants of Greece, before the great Achaean invasions, wind and Ionian. The etymology of the name is uncertain.

In the Iliad, Homer speaks of it as a native people of Thessaly, “the tribes of the Pelasgians good spears, Pelasgians inhabitants of busty Larissa” (source)Wikipedia
The good sets in question would rather sticks that breathe fire. But the thing was forgotten by the time of Homer. As for the origin it gives Pelasgians, we know that the Greek singer was an imitator rather unreliable, which earned him the contempt of the wise.
Homer deserved to be driven from the contests with a stick, and similarly Archilochus

“Herodotus says that the first name of Greece was Pelasgia (Πελασγία) Pelasgic and gives origin to the Aeolians. Argos is called” Pelasgian “by Homer, and Dodona, in Epirus, worships Zeus Pelasgic. Some buildings, such as the Cyclopean walls Athens, are also termed Pelasgic.” (source)Wikipedia
Thus the Pelasgians and the Cyclops are bound up, the Pelasgians are the descendants of the famous men who mounted these colossal walls of which the Bible speaks as proud giants.
Please note that the trail is not marked. All these events took place before the time that our teachers call history. The origin of the Pelasgians remain taboo for the official history as the existence of Atlantis and Hyperborea will not be admitted. Documents of the time constraints, the debate is closed. Too bad. The track is promising.

“In his book The Parallel Lives, Plutarch mentions the Pelasgians as possible ancestors of the Romans,” after traveling most of the land and conquered many nations, they stopped at the place where today is Rome, and for mark the force (Rome) of their weapons, they gave this name to the city that they built it.” (source)Wikipedia
Another link is woven between the Pelasgians and the people of Ram, one of the gods of Hyperborea. I have already shown how Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome, was linked with Rama, Rama was otherwise himself.

I begin to understand that these are really the Sea Peoples, and where they come from. The earliest would have arrived, in my opinion, soon after the great flood of 10,500 BCE. Departure or disappearance of Atlantis-island vessel and the devastating tsunami that followed forced the people of the Sea to take refuge on the nearest land.
Some went to US shores, it is the Quetzalcoatl in Mesoamerica and Viracocha in the Andes. Others came to settle on the Atlantic coast, they are confused with the Hyperboreans. Others went on the African coast, it is the Yoruba and former Malians.
Others have put to fire and sword the Mediterranean coast, are the Pelasgians or Peoples of the Sea. This would explain why “pre-Hellenic elements of archaic Greek also have certain affinities with Sumerian.” (source)Wikipedia

We know that Socrates, whose mother was a midwife, is demanding a Pelasgian origin. Because the Pelasgians, heirs of the Hyperboreans, had learned their nomlbreuses medical and surgical techniques.
We are confronted here once more, the famous people of the Hyperborean Rama, Rama the emperor of the world, who managed the feat of pacifying and harmonizing the two thirds of this beautiful planet – and not only India, as the Indians believed. The historical character of Rama was not a prince of India, he is doomed to a global unifying task. While we are going to succeed this unification – or fail in a war of all against all – learn from the saga of Ram seems vital.
If it is the Ramaites track, we should find our Pelasgi on the road to India, in Central Europe. And this is the case. “Finally, to the Neolithic, the Yugoslav historiography refers to as” Pelasgians vinciens “(or” Vinciens “) holders inhabitants of Vinca and Culture as” Pelasgians diminiens “those of Culture of Dimini, also pre-Hellenic.” (source)Wikipedia Everything coincides, dates, locations, descriptions. I can say without fear of error that the Sea Peoples or Pelasgians are the survivors of the two major floods caused by the gods before.
The first flood, the great tsunami of Atlas, in 10500 BCE and the second flood, the disappearance of the plateau of Dogger Bank and the second Atlantis, around 2000 BCE.
The Pelasgians are the straight heirs of Hyperborean giants. They have built all the Cyclopean monuments in the Mediterranean area. As this poterne of Mycenae – today Mykonos, Greece.
Rama Airlines
Xavier Séguin October 12, 2014

Rama airlines could be the name given to a powerful fleet of the past:
the fleet of a rich prehistoric empire, ruling over northern India,
known as Rama’s Empire.


Rama’s empire is widely mentioned in the sacred literature of ancient India. It was a highly developed civilization, just like ours, or even more developed. At its peak, around 12,000 BC, the empire had seven major capital cities called the seven Rishis, located in northern India. In these cities, comfort and luxury were everywhere. Exquisite food, exotic zoos and aviaries, parks in bloom, the ancient descriptions remind of modern cities. And what follows is even harder to swallow:
The Rama’s planes could travel anywhere on Earth, and even go to the moon or stars.
To fly from one city to another, the nobles had individual aircrafts called Vimanas, and also airliners called Pushpaks. According to a Jain text of 850 BC, the Pushpaks were “overhead trolleys used for normal transport and could carry a lot of people from one capital to another.” And all this took place in an atmosphere of science-fiction from the sixties, that makes you want to get a closer look. The show made by the Rishi cities was really weird.
[img width="200" height="333" title="The gold jewels may well be models of Vimanas" class="alignright" alt="The gold jewels may well be models of Vimanas" src="http://eden-saga.com/wp-content/uploads/vimanaUFO200po.jpg" border="0">
Apart from the palaces and big estates equipped with sophisticated pipes, we can also see there factories, geo-energy power plants, lightning sensors, and alignments of small houses for workers. What an amazing modernity for the worlds before the great flood! Although they are the most concerned, archaeologists are unaware of these findings they consider totally absurd.
Let us hope that, sooner or later, they will learn also from the light.
After a lifetime spent exploring the earliest Sanskrit texts, the expert in Indian culture Alain Daniélou has made a startling discovery: the vimanas are described with two large diamonds on the front and two smaller rubies in the back. Diamonds shine in white, rubies in red.
Just like our modern car lights, white headlights, and red tail lights!
Daniélou was amazed, and so are we. Even on details like the color of car lights, History is repeating
Enough to confirm the existence of the Akashic Records, where everything is written.

During the Silver Age, many flying machines crisscrossed the sky, showing the white glare of their headlights or the red glow of their tail lights. What a magical show! How could we forget it? So when it was necessary to determine the color of our contemporary vehicles’ rear lights, someone has “remembered” this former wonder. He simply had to make a trip to the Great Library of the Universe.
It is very easy indeed: just open the door of Dream.You do it every night.

Quotes, descriptions and stories about vimanas are numerous in the Mahabharata and other scriptures of ancient India. You can find an attempt to classify them: the texts distinguish three kinds of flying machines, small Vimanas to go from one city to another, larger Pushpakas to go from one continent to another, and much faster gears to go into space. Please note this only applies to the Indian subcontinent. Because at that time, many other flying machines were moving everywhere.

In the Middle East, for example, King Solomon did not despise the joys of flight. In Egypt and among the pre-Olmecs, it was also a custom of the “gods”. Among the Ashvin people, there was another kind of flying machine, the Vailixi, which could fly and sail, even under the sea. Thanks to this technological superiority, the Ashvins finally defeated the Ramas. Who were these Asvins? Who were this rival high-tech people? Why not the Atlanteans?
Then the Mahabharata would tell us the war of all against all, the war of the Atlanteans against the Ramas, of Zeus against the Hecatonchires, of the Anunnaki against the Great Planners, the Elohim? A war of the West against the East, already, probably doubled with a religious war, already: the Ramas worshiped a Trinitarian deity, and the Atlanteans, themselves, were strict followers of the One, as evidenced by the U.S. clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.
Notice To Handymen
To build your Vimana, please follow this ancient manual: “Strong and durable must be the body of the Vimana, like a great flying bird made of light material. Inside must be put the mercury engine with its metallic heating device underneath. Thanks to the latent power of mercury which allows movement, a man sitting inside may travel long distances in the sky.” (Source)Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, 11th century
Nowadays, the use of mercury on that purpose has been totally forgotten, and that makes our bad scientists laugh.
“The movements of the Vimana are such that it can climb vertically, descend vertically, tilt forward and back. With the help of machines, human beings can fly in the air and eventually return to the ground.” (Source)Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, 11th centuryNo one could invent out of nothing so compelling technical details. Studying these descriptions, U.S. researcher Richard Thompson makes a fundamental distinction between two kinds of vimanas, corresponding to two different technological approaches.
You mean...all this shiit you wrote.....is real??? Here comes "the Vedic times" for everyone to believe in as these were real like the divide of Indo-Pak. The only issue is, even the Indians know its not real. But the Hindu fanatics ruling the country MUST show the world there background that no one could prove.

You didn't find anyone eating beef today to kill??? So you thought you'd tell the world about Vedic times?? Where are the Ferrari from back 6000 years ago :rofl::angel:!! Good going, keep posting. I'd rather have you guys post here and waste time than hurting other human beings because they eat beef!!!!
Ahh,Aurangzeb still pissed at us for getting your cavity checked by the US Police on suspicion of being an ISIS tango:rofl::rofl:!!Man,i feel sad for you,only people like you can take this amount of humiliation on a daily basis and still want to live in the US pretending to be a Murican:sarcastic:!!Btw,ask them to use some lubricant the next time they search your "precious" cavity:omghaha:
Xavier Séguin May 16, 2015

Rama track never ceases to ramify. Ram in my RAM, Rome in my ROM, all is ramming the point home to Rama. My memories are rammed, I let Ram on the rampage when he was rambling through Europe to Asia, dramatic panorama or angelic rampart when General Rama becomes Prince Charming Rama.

This new track is added to the previous ones, without effort on my part, rather a kind of contagion. The research that follows is not mine, it was made by a friend who nabbed the virus to my touch. I give him the floor.
Immram of Rama
“The Western monasticism had not the eastern deserts as inspiration.

You have to look at the other end of Europe to the Celtic lands, to understand it. Evangelized between the second and the fifth century, North Gaul and the British Isles – Ireland in particular – are covered with monasteries in the sixth century It is a collective model of flight from the world that is growing, but not necessarily full life together – some monks have their own huts. The abbots are cements in these communities that also are intended to complete the evangelism. The Irish St. Colomban and Saint Brendan are itinerant monks, combining Celtic heritage and Christian vocation.
In the Celtic tradition, they take the “Immram” the travelogue of a mythological hero, they Christianized through the pattern of peregrinatio Proter Deum (pilgrimage to God)

In the word immram, it is easy to recognize the root RAM, which refers to Rama. The first Immram has been the incredible journey of mythological hero Rama, the first king of men.
“A Immram (plural Immrama) is a kind of tales of Irish mythology that narrates the travel of a hero (or important person) in the Other World of the Celts, sometimes called Tír na nÓg (the “Land of Youth”) and Mag Mell (the “Plain Fun”). Written in the context of Irish monasticism, they present a Christianized version of these myths, while maintaining a Celtic substrate. The usual translation of the Gaelic word is traveling or navigation.”
(source)Traveling, as the incredible Odysseus of Rama. Navigation by sea or by air, using his ramjets – the vimanas of Rama.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immram
Immram for God
But since this mythical immram, original, the new religion made a clean sweep of that nonsense. Yet here and there, practices do persist. To make it possible through centuries, they must evolve, and hide. Former immram was the trip of a god, the new immram is a pilgrimage to God.
“This ascetic exile is missionary journey. they intend to spread Christianity, and founded the Monasteries for it. In other words, if they do not fix themselves, they contribute to trust the monks in the countries they travel, and especially they write rules for these monks. Saint Brendan trip and almost thirty years of Iceland in Brittany (French), or even to the Azores and Madeira.” (source)Extract from the magazine “L’Histoire les Collections – L’ÂGE D’OR DES ABBAYES” april-june 2015
Tradition says he went to Americas as well, in company of Saint Malo from Brittany.

“We owe him the prestigious Irish monastery Clonfert founded in the sixth century and, according to some medieval authors, would have allowed thousands of monks. Brendan wrote a rule for them, which was dictated to him by an angel according to vita sancti Brendani.
Saint Columban is certainly the one who founded the most monasteries during his travels. His disciples have spread his rule. Hard, it is based on the authority of the abbot, prayer, mortification (floggings and corporal punishment are many) and the manual and intellectual work. In the seventh century, houses claim to his rule of the British Isles in the Rhine valley and Italy (Bobbio) through the Paris Basin and Normandy (Coutances).” (source)Extract from the magazine “L’Histoire les Collections – L’ÂGE D’OR DES ABBAYES” april-june 2015


The Irish dynamism helps to root Christianity in the Frankish world and evangelize little Christianized regions such as Alemannia (Switzerland and German South-West). He was at the origin of important cultural revivals, using the expertise of pagan artists. Thus, their shields ornmentation work finds its extensions on the pages of liturgical manuscripts. Illumination was born” (source)Extract from the magazine “L’Histoire les Collections – L’ÂGE D’OR DES ABBAYES” april-june 2015
“Three great Immrama are known – and what interests us is – like panorama – the one that was at the origin of these epics in his honor that became a common name in the Celtic world.

This is also linked to Homer and Odyssey. The sacred thread of Rama was taken over by these monks evangelizing another religion, and despite them teaching the ancient tradition they fight. ” (source)LZ, Notes de recherche
But are they really fighting?
Monks or Druids?
These wise and adventurous men had found a good way to preserve their sacred culture in the troubled centuries that marked the decline of Rome and the future of the Holy Germanic Roman Empire. Centuries troubled by real events or by History traps.

For it may be that some of these centuries have never existed. It could be that we were told stories, Jesus could have never existed, and Christ could possibly be a Roman emperor
The Irish monks could spread the knowledge of the ancient religion and sow the hallowed footsteps throughout Europe to the Caucasus. And later in “holy land”, thanks to the effort of the Templars, who are the heirs of Brendan and Malo andColumban, famous traveling monks -or druids – of the Middle Ages.

“The pioneers monks were called illiterate … I rather think thy speake foreign language, ie Irish as Urs (Ursicinus) which is said to be the founder of a community before retiring to a cave and tamed wild animals.
Monk Ursinus came from Ireland. But Ursicinus was also the name of a Roman general. Ursicinus was a senior military officer, holding the rank of “master of cavalry” (magister equitum) in the later Roman Empire c. 349–359.[In AD 351 or 352 he was entrusted with the suppression of the Jewish revolt against Caesar Constantius Gallus. Tiberias and Diospolis, two of the cities conquered by the rebels, were almost completely destroyed, while Diocaesarea was razed to the ground.Ursicinus also was ordered to kill several thousand rebels, even young ones.
(source)Wikipedia I discovered this yesterday. (source)Ludmilla Z. Research Notes
Congratulations on this great discovery! I add that Urs refers to the Bear Clan, a Celtic and Amerindian clan. It is also in the name of Prince Arthur or Arthus, a Celtic prince educated in Rome. Rome, Rama, the Celts, some Irish monks … We expect to see Corto Maltese passing through the page …

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The Empire Of Rama
Xavier Séguin November 12, 2008

No other civilization in the world has captivated so much the imagination that the civilization of the Indus Valley, in which some authors have seen the mythical empire of Rama. The civilization of the Indus Valley has its roots 8,000 years ago at Mehrgarh.

The Harappan culture had largely exceeded the borders of what is now Pakistan, it was center in Sindh and Punjab. The two greatest cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, emerged much later it seems, around -2600 along the Indus Valley, on the Indian and on the Pakistani shores.
This civilization, knowing the writing, having some urban centers and a social and economic structure, was rediscovered in 1920 during excavations at Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh near Sukkur and Harappa, in western Punjab and southern Lahore. Many sites, extending from North of the base of Himalaya to the East of Indian Punjab, until the Gujarat in South and East and until the Baluchistan in the West, have also been discovered and studied.

Although the archaeological site of Harappa was partially damaged, in 1857, by the engineers building the Lahore-Multan railroad, who used bricks from the ruins of Harappa as ballast. It was not the first time, except perhaps on such a large scale. However, we found an abundance of artifacts. (source)Wikipedia
Jewelery of precious metal finely crafted, pottery, sculptures, all these objects show a great craftsmanship and a refined taste. Tools and utensils well designed confirm this feeling of development in Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.

“The two cities may have existed simultaneously and their sizes suggest that they served as capitals of their provinces. In contrast to other civilizations, burials found from these cities are not magnificent; they are more simplistic and contain few material goods. This evidence suggests that this civilization did not have social classes. Remains of palaces or temples in the cities have not been found. No hard evidence exists indicating military activity; it is likely that the Harappans were a peaceful civilization. The cities did contain fortifications and the people used copper and bronze knives, spears, and arrowheads.
The Harappan civilization was mainly urban and mercantile. Inhabitants of the Indus valley traded with Mesopotamia, southern India, Afghanistan, and Persia for gold, silver, copper, and turquoise. The Mesopotamian model of irrigated agriculture was used to take advantage of the fertile grounds along the Indus River. Earthlinks were built to control the river’s annual flooding. Crops grown included wheat, barley, peas, melons, and sesame. This civilization was the first to cultivate cotton for the production of cloth.
Several animals were domesticated including the elephant which was used for its ivory.” (source)

The strong radiation emanating from fossil corpses, at Mohenjo-Daro, forced the Indian government to close the site. Would have Rama’s Empire been destroyed by a nuke bomb?
As the pre-dynastic Egyptian civilization, this culture of Harappa remains an archaeological enigma. Very little is still known about this civilization of Indus. Its origins (-3000) and its decline (-1500) are mysterious, its language is unknown, and its writing indecipherable. No hint of temples, or religious buildings of any kind; thoroughly modern cities, a very high level of material comfort, a clear concern for health, no apparent difference in social class. No other civilization, not even Egypt or Mesopotamia, has shown such a degree of planning and development.

Except perhaps at the other end of the Earth, a people equally mysterious, the Olmecs. And the supermen of Teotihuacan. Besides also the remains of other civilizations in India …
At Mahabalipuram in southern India, a legend says that a city was submerged 10,000 years ago. However, just before the tsunami of 26th December 2004, the waters receded very far. And the inhabitants of the town have seen the emergence of the ruins of a temple and of a stone house, as well as an elephant and two giant lions carved in granite. Two years earlier, Graham Hancock had set up an underwater expedition revealing the presence of masonry and frame walls, dated from 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. As in the legend …

Talking about Indian legend, the one of the Bridge of Rama is worth reading.

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