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Rally in Bangladesh slams India’s leaders for blasphemy, anti-Muslim policies

As Bangladesh Protests Anti-Islam Remarks, Ruling Party Leader Says 'Govt Under Pressure' to Act​

The chairman of the Religious Affairs Sub-Committee of the ruling Awami League, Khandakar Goulam Moula Naqshbandi, said events in India have consequences in his country.

9 hours ago | The Wire Staff

Muslims take part in a procession after the Friday prayers to protest against the blasphemous comments on Prophet Muhammad by BJP members, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Photo: Mohammad Ponir Hossain/Reuters.

New Delhi: Amid protests over the remarks against Prophet Mohammad by two now-suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) functionaries, a senior leader of Bangladesh’s ruling Awami League has said that the Bangladesh government is “under pressure” to take “action” as events in India have consequences in his country.

Khandakar Goulam Moula Naqshbandi, chairman of the Religious Affairs Sub-Committee of the ruling Awami League and a member of the Advisory Committee, also said that disruptive forces try to take advantage of such a situation to disturb law and order in Muslim majority Bangladesh.
“Many issues arise due to conspiracy at the international level and petty politics at the local level, but the situation worsens if immediate action is not taken,” Naqshbandi said while talking to a group of Indian journalists here.

“Bangladesh is under pressure from clerics and civil society to take action over the remarks against the Prophet,” he said, adding that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina knows how to deal with the situation.

Naqshbandi said that Bangladesh has good relations with India, which is a friendly country.

He said that the particular incident is prima facie an internal matter of India, but “such incidents affect the people here (in Bangladesh).”

On Friday, hundreds of people took to the streets in several major cities in Bangladesh, protesting against the controversial remarks made by two former BJP spokespersons against the Prophet.

Also read: The Full List of 20 Countries and Bodies That Have Condemned the BJP Leaders’ Remarks

The protestors rallied after Friday prayers, chanting slogans across Savar, Narayanganj, Pabna, Manikganj, Barishal, Khulna, among others. They demanded that the Bangladesh government condemn the derogatory comments and boycott Indian products in the Muslim majority country, according to Daily Star.

The Muslim community in Bangladesh called upon the government to take “diplomatic steps” to condemn the derogatory remarks, the newspaper reported.

Naqshbandi said that such statements should be avoided as they can hurt the sentiments of anyone.

Despite the expulsion of Naveen Jindal and suspension of Nupur Sharma and first information report (FIR) against them by the BJP in the case, Naqshbandi said it was a “late move” and the step was taken after the protests from Arab countries.

“The (Bangladesh) government is assessing the situation,” he said.

When asked whether the Committee on Religious Affairs will give any advice to the Hasina government in the matter, Naqshbandi said, “We have discussed this with the minister in-charge and after further discussion, we will issue a statement.”

He said that India and Bangladesh have very close relations and also true that many international powers are trying to spoil the relations between the two countries.

On the question of continuing attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, he said Prime Minister Hasina has zero tolerance against religious fundamentalists and that is why she has acted expeditiously in such matters.

When communal violence took place in Comilla and Peerganj, the government acted immediately and the accused were arrested within 12 hours, he said.

India has emphasised that the remarks made by two former BJP functionaries do not reflect the views of the government.

Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi has underscored that India accords the “highest respect” to all religions.

Meanwhile, Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Dhaka University Dr. K.M. Saiful Islam Khan said that there is no need to give more importance to the matter after proper steps were taken by the Government of India.

(With PTI inputs)

Do you now!

I am actually shocked to hear that you got educated, I thought the UK curry industry only hire uneducated from our country.

Tell me the truth, where were you born? To be specific, please name the restaurant kitchen your mother gave you birth in?

Was your birth even registered, I mean to say, does UK government know you were born in their land? As illigal immigrants do not regester their kids always.

It is great to hear that you came a long way and went to school, got education. I obviously do not know what type of education you got but can see you still struggle with english. Keep it up though, maybe one day you will get into a uni!

I had my guess that what sort of family you belong to. When I lived in Bangladesh we heard our maids went to pir babas who promised them jannah. I use to think its only the uneducated poors this fraud pirs can convince and make them murids. Now i see if you and can add up things.

Another thing is you about the crap you say here that got you banned last week. Still you have no shame, shows your upbringing unfortunately.

There is also a good chance that you are a half breed. Do a dna test or maybe do those ancestory checks. (will be cheap for for you on your restaurant wages) maybe you will find you are half white, black or hispanic, who knows!

Just wanted to ask one last thing, do you now have visa to work in the kitchens in UK or still illegal?
I have long stopped responding to the posts of that @BananaRepublicUK because of the typical characters that you also noticed in his writing.
To be honest it is hard to take anyone seriously who thinks cow is not yummy but ammi


I haven’t laughed so much in ages!

Tell me! Did you invent this phrase yourself?

If so, you are a genius!

Take my hat off to you!!

But ammi can also be yummy. As long as it is your Children’s ammi hehe
Nice way of trying to downplay protests
You government bent over for Arabs and got r*ped by Arab governments
Every single Muslim was angry and protested against Indias blasphemy
There is no such thing as “Islamists” anyways because there is only 1 true Islam which we all follow. Following Islam strictly doesn’t make one an “Islamist”.
Indian media needs to calm down on the gomutra and gobar cakes so they see the reality. Your 56 inch bent over backwards for Arabs and kicked out his own party members as “fringe elements”.

According to indian media, every muslim who proudly wear traditional muslim clothes and protest against vile hindutva terrorists, are «Islamist».

Islamist must be the most idiotic and meaningless word. It is as meaningless as Europeanist, Americanist or Chinist, Chistianist, Buddhist (wait a minute….)

As Bangladesh Protests Anti-Islam Remarks, Ruling Party Leader Says 'Govt Under Pressure' to Act​

The chairman of the Religious Affairs Sub-Committee of the ruling Awami League, Khandakar Goulam Moula Naqshbandi, said events in India have consequences in his country.

9 hours ago | The Wire Staff

Muslims take part in a procession after the Friday prayers to protest against the blasphemous comments on Prophet Muhammad by BJP members, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Photo: Mohammad Ponir Hossain/Reuters.

New Delhi: Amid protests over the remarks against Prophet Mohammad by two now-suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) functionaries, a senior leader of Bangladesh’s ruling Awami League has said that the Bangladesh government is “under pressure” to take “action” as events in India have consequences in his country.

Khandakar Goulam Moula Naqshbandi, chairman of the Religious Affairs Sub-Committee of the ruling Awami League and a member of the Advisory Committee, also said that disruptive forces try to take advantage of such a situation to disturb law and order in Muslim majority Bangladesh.
“Many issues arise due to conspiracy at the international level and petty politics at the local level, but the situation worsens if immediate action is not taken,” Naqshbandi said while talking to a group of Indian journalists here.

“Bangladesh is under pressure from clerics and civil society to take action over the remarks against the Prophet,” he said, adding that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina knows how to deal with the situation.

Naqshbandi said that Bangladesh has good relations with India, which is a friendly country.

He said that the particular incident is prima facie an internal matter of India, but “such incidents affect the people here (in Bangladesh).”

On Friday, hundreds of people took to the streets in several major cities in Bangladesh, protesting against the controversial remarks made by two former BJP spokespersons against the Prophet.

Also read: The Full List of 20 Countries and Bodies That Have Condemned the BJP Leaders’ Remarks

The protestors rallied after Friday prayers, chanting slogans across Savar, Narayanganj, Pabna, Manikganj, Barishal, Khulna, among others. They demanded that the Bangladesh government condemn the derogatory comments and boycott Indian products in the Muslim majority country, according to Daily Star.

The Muslim community in Bangladesh called upon the government to take “diplomatic steps” to condemn the derogatory remarks, the newspaper reported.

Naqshbandi said that such statements should be avoided as they can hurt the sentiments of anyone.

Despite the expulsion of Naveen Jindal and suspension of Nupur Sharma and first information report (FIR) against them by the BJP in the case, Naqshbandi said it was a “late move” and the step was taken after the protests from Arab countries.

“The (Bangladesh) government is assessing the situation,” he said.

When asked whether the Committee on Religious Affairs will give any advice to the Hasina government in the matter, Naqshbandi said, “We have discussed this with the minister in-charge and after further discussion, we will issue a statement.”

He said that India and Bangladesh have very close relations and also true that many international powers are trying to spoil the relations between the two countries.

On the question of continuing attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, he said Prime Minister Hasina has zero tolerance against religious fundamentalists and that is why she has acted expeditiously in such matters.

When communal violence took place in Comilla and Peerganj, the government acted immediately and the accused were arrested within 12 hours, he said.

India has emphasised that the remarks made by two former BJP functionaries do not reflect the views of the government.

Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi has underscored that India accords the “highest respect” to all religions.

Meanwhile, Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Dhaka University Dr. K.M. Saiful Islam Khan said that there is no need to give more importance to the matter after proper steps were taken by the Government of India.

(With PTI inputs)

At least Bangladesh Hujurs can spell "Boycott" unlike the Hindutva Pujaris

BD also needs to introduce pre-clearance and check against income tax payment for travel to india to stop eid shopping trips etc.
You know, the expense in doing all this will come out of BD tax payer's pocket.

Boycott of FMCG and tourism will not hurt BD but will hurt India.
"Tourism" is rather a misnomer. There is nothing visit worthy in India especially for Bangladeshis. Its more of a shopping and errand running trip. So these are mostly business trips. Or medical visits.

BTW, what FMCG does India exports to BD?

I doubt grains and cereals come under this FMCG category.
To be honest it is hard to take anyone seriously who thinks cow is not yummy but ammi
Best thing I read in a while

Wah wah

You two should get on like a house on fire 🔥 Of course be careful not to burn each other!

But please leave matters of economics to the likes of @UKBengali!!!
Thought you got education as well! Now I get it, its that type of special education.

Rally in Bangladesh slams India’s leaders for blasphemy, anti-Muslim policies​

Muslim leaders urge Dhaka to send formal condemnation message to New Delhi
Anadolu Agency | June 09, 2022

the speakers called for a boycott of indian products until the country abandons its anti muslim stance photo afp file

The speakers called for a boycott of Indian products until the country abandons its anti-Muslim stance. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

Bangladesh’s biggest non-political Islamic platform, Hefazat-e-Islam, on Thursday held a big rally in the capital Dhaka in protest against defamatory comments about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by some officials of the Indian ruling party.

Leaders of the organisation called on the Bangladeshi government to send a formal condemnation message to the Indian authorities against disrespect to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

If the Indian government fails to punish the offenders, it would tarnish the constitutional image of the country as a secular state, Hefazat leader Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury said while addressing the rally.

The participants also chanted slogans against India's oppressive state policy targeting Muslims for a long time and urged all Muslims across the world to be united against any oppression.
The speakers called for a boycott of Indian products until the country abandons its anti-Muslim stance.

Last week, the ruling Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal, the BJP's Delhi media head, made insulting remarks about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), triggering a wave of condemnation at home and from the Islamic world.

India, however, on Monday said the remarks do not reflect the views of the government, with the relevant bodies taking strong action against them.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi also stressed that they "do not, in any manner, reflect the views of the Government of India."
The BJP on Sunday said that it had suspended Sharma and expelled Jindal in response to the insulting remarks.

The ruling party of the South Asian biggest democratic state also issued a statement, saying, “(The BJP party) strongly denounces insults of any religious personalities of any religion.”

friday is the day for protests ? why not on other days ?
friday is the day for protests ? why not on other days ?

Friday is prayer day. Protests after prayer. Get choked on tear gas and hot water cannon, play with brickbats for a while, leave left chappal on the street, buy another pair on the way back to the Madrasa.
All Hadiths of so called siah sattah ( including Bukhari and Muslim) aren't sahih.

Sunni Hadith books have some disturbing materials. We should follow Hadiths that don't contradict Quran!

Here is an informative article! ( From Hindustan times , but it's a very rational and informative article! If anyone want to understand it , they have to read the full article! As I just copied only the para that contain direct reference from Quran! ) !

What the Quran says
A perusal of the Quran will reveal that marriage in Islam is a civil contract, meesaaq (4:21), and as such it can be finalised only between persons who are intellectually and physically mature enough to understand and fulfill the responsibilities of such a contract. This can be further understood from the verse; “And test the orphans until they reach the age of nikah (marriage), and if you find in them rushdh (maturity of intellect) release their property to them.”(4:6). It may be noted here that the Quran makes intellectual maturity (which always falls beyond the age of puberty) the basis to arrive at the age of marriage. This is also in conformity with the Quranic description of marriage as emotional bonding between two mutually compatible persons through which they seek “to dwell in tranquility” (see 7:189 and 30:21) in the companionship of each other which is not possible if either of the spouses is mentally undeveloped.

So Rasulullah (PBUH) can't go against Quran! So yes surely the age of hazrat Aisha ( Ra) in Hadith books are fabricated; Same as "Black carway can cure all disease other than death"!

So yes hazrat Aysha (Ra) was 16 & 19 years old ( during her marriage and consumate) not 6 and 9!

Finally fabricated Hadiths are main reasons some disgusting people dare to insult Rasulullah ( PBUH)!

this should be declared officially to all specially non muslims that the age of hazrat ayesha was 16 at the time of marriage . this should be corrected immediately .

Prophet remarks row: Bangladesh sees protests, calls to boycott Indian products​

Bangladesh sees protests, calls to boycott Indian products

Bangladesh sees protests, calls to boycott Indian product- Twitter

Dhaka: Several political parties and Islamists of Islami Andolon Bangladesh (IAB), Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam Bangladesh, and Islami Oikyajote demonstrated countrywide after prayers on Friday noon against the remarks on Prophet Mohammad by BJP leaders.

The Islamists also called upon all to boycott Indian products.

Pro-Pakistan political parties also held demonstrations.

IAB chief and Charmonai Pir, Syed Rezaul Karim, who is deemed a 1971 war criminal, would lead the next mass procession, said the protesters.

At the protest at the south gate of the national mosque at Baitul Mukarram, IAB leaders said they would take out a mass procession towards the Indian High Commission in Dhaka and submit a memorandum if those who made comments on the Prophet are not brought to justice. They also demanded a protest motion be taken in the parliament censuring the remarks of BJP leaders.

More than hundred groups of Islamists staged demonstrations countrywide, including by blocking the Nabinagar-Chandra Highway.

In Chittagong, the Islamists organised protest rally in Chawkbazar, Anderkilla, Hathazari, and other areas.

In Narayanganj, protesters under the banner of “Narayanganj Ulema Parishad” brought out the procession on the premises of DIT Railway Mosque in the city. Speakers at the demonstration called upon the government to take diplomatic steps and condemn the remarks.

Protests were also reported from Pabna, Manikganj, and Khulna.

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