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Rally in Bangladesh slams India’s leaders for blasphemy, anti-Muslim policies

Islamists in Pak, Bangladesh hit streets to protest Prophet insult in India​

Published on Jun 08, 2022 11:04 PM IST


Massive protests in Bangladesh and Pakistan over prophet insult by axed BJP leaders Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal. Islamist group jamaat-e-islami hit the streets in Dhaka to protest prophet's insult in India. They sought immediate arrest of those who hurled controversial statements about Prophet. In Pakistan, jamaat-e-islami members hit streets in Gujranwala city of Punjab province to denounce the remark on prophet. Watch this video for more.​

Nice way of trying to downplay protests
You government bent over for Arabs and got r*ped by Arab governments
Every single Muslim was angry and protested against Indias blasphemy
There is no such thing as “Islamists” anyways because there is only 1 true Islam which we all follow. Following Islam strictly doesn’t make one an “Islamist”.
Indian media needs to calm down on the gomutra and gobar cakes so they see the reality. Your 56 inch bent over backwards for Arabs and kicked out his own party members as “fringe elements”.
BD should officially protest.

BD also needs to introduce pre-clearance and check against income tax payment for travel to india to stop eid shopping trips etc.

BD can take steps without inflicting self damage.

These boycotts are best lead at a grass route level. BD should boycott finished indian goods.
BD should officially protest.

BD also needs to introduce pre-clearance and check against income tax payment for travel to india to stop eid shopping trips etc.

BD can take steps without inflicting self damage.

These boycotts are best lead at a grass route level. BD should boycott finished indian goods.

Just Jack up airport taxes to Kolkata during Eid season.

As long as India doesn’t throw a hissy fit.

Tell Hinduvta it’s an anti terrorism measure - that will mollify them.
Just Jack up airport taxes to Kolkata during Eid season.

As long as India doesn’t throw a hissy fit.

Tell Hinduvta it’s an anti terrorism measure - that will mollify them.
I like your thinking. There is absolutely no reason that i can think off why BD allows these twice annual nonsense that facilities draining of hard currency in an islamaphobic nation.
No its not , what is revered in Islam is snake oil salesmen ship .

Try changing the story and tell people there is no heaven an see how many turn up being "brave".
Bravery comes in all forms, putting your life down for a belief is not it.

Bunch of degenerates.

This polarization is inevitable , if not now , then latter when they gain a majority, like in any Muslim nation.

Are you calling all Muslims "degenerates"? Whoa!!

@Kambojaric and @The Eagle bhais.
Muslims shouldn’t be angry at the BJP.

They should be angry at the Hadith for containing these nonsense.

They should disavow it and burn it in public.

Here is a much better explanation than the poorly written Hadith.

All Hadiths of so called siah sattah ( including Bukhari and Muslim) aren't sahih.

Sunni Hadith books have some disturbing materials. We should follow Hadiths that don't contradict Quran!

Here is an informative article! ( From Hindustan times , but it's a very rational and informative article! If anyone want to understand it , they have to read the full article! As I just copied only the para that contain direct reference from Quran! ) !

What the Quran says
A perusal of the Quran will reveal that marriage in Islam is a civil contract, meesaaq (4:21), and as such it can be finalised only between persons who are intellectually and physically mature enough to understand and fulfill the responsibilities of such a contract. This can be further understood from the verse; “And test the orphans until they reach the age of nikah (marriage), and if you find in them rushdh (maturity of intellect) release their property to them.”(4:6). It may be noted here that the Quran makes intellectual maturity (which always falls beyond the age of puberty) the basis to arrive at the age of marriage. This is also in conformity with the Quranic description of marriage as emotional bonding between two mutually compatible persons through which they seek “to dwell in tranquility” (see 7:189 and 30:21) in the companionship of each other which is not possible if either of the spouses is mentally undeveloped.

So Rasulullah (PBUH) can't go against Quran! So yes surely the age of hazrat Aisha ( Ra) in Hadith books are fabricated; Same as "Black carway can cure all disease other than death"!

So yes hazrat Aysha (Ra) was 16 & 19 years old ( during her marriage and consumate) not 6 and 9!

Finally fabricated Hadiths are main reasons some disgusting people dare to insult Rasulullah ( PBUH)!
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If this boycott really happens even partially, it will make @Bilal9 very happy.

This boycott is not what I am looking for (though there are lot more folks in Bangladesh - especially in business circles who will be in that boat) :-)

Boycotts are not productive long term.

I am more looking forward to Indian govt. removing the blocks for imports from Bangladesh and bringing trade to an even keel. Right now they are exporting 40~50 Billion and we are exporting a measly 2 Billion.

Before last year - we barely exported more than 500 Million worth to their country yearly, they blocked our exports using flimsy excuses for fifty long years. Anyone can see that this is one-sided.
I will be blunt and hopefully mods won’t ban me again!

Hadiths writers were your typical biographers.

Over active imaginations and projectors.

Most of them seem to have been perverted.

In my opinion Muslims should shun and burn Hadiths.

It’s as blasphemous as salman Rushdie’s infamous book.

Koran should guide your personal life. Your public life must adhere to the law of the land.
Agree , but other than the "Burning" part! As it's another type of intolerance and violation of freedom of religion that's not acceptable in Quran!

So let others follow and believe what they want to! Let's follow the laws of Quran who want to really submit to Allah!

Lakum deenukum waliya Deen! :-)
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noway, I CANNOT believe it, the 2nd picture, that is.

according to many Pakistani tv anchors, PDF and most of all by moron e ahzam, BDians are richer than croesus. and do not depend on favors from the world nor do 1 crore of them work in india alone. or that in BD itself men don't idle around while women toil in garment factories, no siree they do NOT!
Early Arabs wrote this trash called the Hadith!!!
Agree about trash! But only tirmiji was born in Mecca. Others ( including Bukhari) aren't even Arab.

They say that Bukhari used to take bath and perform wudu before writing Hadiths!

But how can a Hadith be undoubtedly sahih if taking bath and performing wudu are the requirements of a Hadith being sahih, then it's certainly not Hadith from Rasulullah!

Besides , most of Hadiths are from a specific Sahaba named Abu huraira who became Muslim much later!

How many Hadiths are narreted by Hajrat Abu Bakar siqque , Hajrat Umar Faruq and other closest Sahabas of Hazrat Muhammad ( PBUH) ? Very few right? But they were supposed to narrate most of Hadiths since they were not only closest but also were in very important position!

So it's clear that there are indeed something wrong!

Sadly most of Muslims nowadays are worshipping Bukhari gong instead of Allah Rabbul alamin!
So abusing Hindus is no problem but the moment someone says some mean words about your religion you start chimping out?
So abusing Hindus is no problem but the moment someone says some mean words about your religion you start chimping out?
Quran directly prohibited abusing the deities from other religions. But ahle Abu jahils ( nominal Muslims) are doing so in a regular basis!

But it's forbidden to confess! If Muslims need to regain their honor, they must follow the sirat Al mustakim of Quran Sharif, and avoid the quicksand of fabricated Hadiths who's marketing terms are sahih Hadiths!

However what Nupur Sharma did is indeed wrong. But she got the fuel from so called sahih Hadiths that totally go against Quran!

And he who go against Quran ,can't remain Muslim!
Quran directly prohibited abusing the deities from other religions. But ahle Abu jahils ( nominal Muslims) are doing so in a regular basis!
Unfortunately most Muslims don't share your mindset, Bangladeshi Facebook spaces are filled with vile abuse towards Hindus. And these aren't some Jamati idiots, even you see very educated ones who are completely radicalized and filled with hatred towards other religions. Even their own Bangladeshi Hindus aren't spared
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