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Rakhigarhi is possibly the biggest Harappan site, say archeologists.


Sep 13, 2013
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Rakhigarhi, the biggest Harappan site - The Hindu

Bigger than Mohenjo-daro, claims expert
The discovery of two more mounds in January at the Harappan site of Rakhigarhi in Hisar district, Haryana, has led to archaeologists establishing it as the biggest Harappan civilisation site. Until now, specialists in the Harappan civilisation had argued that Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan was the largest among the 2,000 Harappan sites known to exist in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The archaeological remains at Mohenjo-daro extend around 300 hectares. Mohenjo-daro, Harappa and Ganweriwala (all in Pakistan) and Rakhigarhi and Dholavira (both in India) are ranked as the first to the fifth biggest Harappan sites.

“With the discovery of two additional mounds, the total area of the Rakhigarhi site will be 350 hectares,” asserted Professor Vasant Shinde, Vice-Chancellor/Director, Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute, a deemed-to-be university in Pune. The two mounds are in addition to the seven mounds already discovered at Rakhigarhi, about 160 km from New Delhi. The eighth and ninth mounds, spread over 25 hectares each, are situated to the east and west of the main site. Villagers have destroyed much of these two mounds for cultivation. A team of archaeology teachers and students of the Deccan College discovered them when they surveyed the site in January.

Dr. Shinde, a specialist in Harappan civilisation and Director of the current excavation at Rakhigarhi, called it “an important discovery.” He said: “Our discovery makes Rakhigarhi the biggest Harappan site, bigger than Mohenjo-daro. The two new mounds show that the Rakhigarhi site was quite extensive. They have the same material as the main site. So they are part of the main site. On the surface of mound nine, we noticed some burnt clay clots and circular furnaces, indicating this was the industrial area of the Harappan site of Rakhigarhi.”

Dr. Shinde had earlier led the excavations done by the Deccan College at the Harappan sites of Farmana, Girawad and Mitathal, all in Haryana.

On the surface of mound eight were found terracotta bangles, cakes, and pottery pieces, typical of the Harappan civilisation, said Nilesh P. Jadhav, Research Assistant, Department of Archaeology, Deccan College.

Artefacts found

From January 10, the Deccan College team has excavated five trenches on the slope of the mound four and another trench in the burial mound numbered seven. The excavation in mound four has yielded a cornucopia of artefacts, including a seal and a potsherd, both inscribed with the Harappan script; potsherds painted with concentric circles, fish-net designs, wavy patterns, floral designs and geometric designs; terracotta animal figurines, cakes, hopscotches and shell bangles, all belonging to the Mature Harappan phase of the civilisation. The five trenches have revealed residential rooms, a bathroom with a soak jar, drainages, a hearth, a platform etc … The residential rooms were built with mud bricks. The complex revealed different structural phases, said Kanti Pawar, assistant professor, Department of Archaeology, Deccan College.

Much of the Harappan site at Rakhigarhi lies buried under the present-day village, with several hundreds of houses built on the archaeological remains. The villagers’ main occupation is cultivation of wheat and mustard, and rearing of buffaloes.

Making cow dung cakes is a flourishing industry. There is rampant encroachment on all the mounds despite the Archaeological Survey of India fencing them. Amarendra Nath of the ASI had excavated the Rakhigarhi site from 1997 to 2000.

An important problem about the Harappan civilisation is the origin of its culture, Dr. Shinde said. The Harappan civilisation had three phases: the early Harappan from circa 3,500 BCE to circa 2,600 BCE, the mature Harappan which lasted from circa 2,600 BCE to circa 2000 BCE, and the late Harappan from circa 2000 BCE to 1,600 BCE.

Dr. Shinde said: “It was earlier thought that the origin of the early Harappan phase took place in Sind, in present-day Pakistan, because many sites had not been discovered then. In the last ten years, we have discovered many sites in this part [Haryana] and there are at least five Harappan sites such as Kunal, Bhirrana, Farmana, Girawad and Mitathal, which are producing early dates and where the early Harappan phase could go back to 5000 BCE. We want to confirm it. Rakhigarhi is an ideal candidate to believe that the beginning of the Harappan civilisation took place in the Ghaggar basin in Haryana and it gradually grew from here. If we get the confirmation, it will be interesting because the origin would have taken place in the Ghaggar basin in India and slowly moved to the Indus valley. That is one of the important aims of our current excavation at Rakhigarhi.”
Yes after hinduvas finally proved indian aborginals were aryans who spread indo-european languages. Now its time to change another historical and scientific fact, lets move IVC origin in to India lol

But i tough hindutvas believed in Akhand Bharat? It seem Pakistanis reclaiming their heritage is finally paying off. Anyway congrats on finding yet another sand bag, i wonder how many sand bag type ivc sites Pakistan most have? Probably in thousands but we only pay attention to proper cities.
Yes after hinduvas finally proved indian aborginals were aryans who spread indo-european languages. Now its time to change another historical and scientific fact, lets move IVC origin in to India lol

Anyway congrats on finding yet another sand bag, i wonder how many sand bag type ivc sites Pakistan most have? Probably in thousands but we only pay attention to proper cities.

Bhartis don't need sand bags , they got enough hot air from Puranas, heard some fellow has even successfully cross referenced Bharti puranas and vedas with historic and scientific facts ..
LOL such desperation on the part if the Indians now they claim the whole civilization started in India, and based on what? Some two bit professor discover mounds while on a field trip lmaoo pathetic yet predictable :lol:

Oh yeah and we are just supposd to take their word for it because only Indian archeologists are allowed to excavate their so called ruins. :rofl:
LOL such desperation on the part if the Indians now they claim the whole civilization started in India, and based on what? Some two bit professor discover mounds while on a field trip lmaoo pathetic yet predictable :lol:

Oh yeah and we are just supposd to take their word for it because only Indian archeologists are allowed to excavate their so called ruins. :rofl:

what the hell does Shan mean by Indian aboriginals?
Dudes who were around during Ganges river civilization I guess probably your ancestors lol.

If we follow the Aryan Invasion theory, Supposedly, the Dravidians were driven Southward right? So since it is the people who make up the civilization, wouldn't the progeny of the Harappans be in the southern region?

Again, I am really ignorant when it comes to racial politics and demographics.

But then again, I always saw people who claimed to have ancient history and leeching of their ancestors are the same sort who have done nothing, and are far below in the civilizational scale.

I mean, look at the West, it is the single most powerful group of nation in the history of this planet. Even though they did have the Romans and the Greeks to lay the foundation, they did slip into the Dark ages, in the Golden Age of Islam and come back stronger than ever.

This why I love history, a person's interpretation of a historical event reveals their own prejudices.
What civilization would that be?

The civilization centered around the Ganges river I guess.

If we follow the Aryan Invasion theory, Supposedly, the Dravidians were driven Southward right? So since it is the people who make up the civilization, wouldn't the progeny of the Harappans be in the southern region?

Again, I am really ignorant when it comes to racial politics and demographics.

But then again, I always saw people who claimed to have ancient history and leeching of their ancestors are the same sort who have done nothing, and are far below in the civilizational scale.

I mean, look at the West, it is the single most powerful group of nation in the history of this planet. Even though they did have the Romans and the Greeks to lay the foundation, they did slip into the Dark ages, in the Golden Age of Islam and come back stronger than ever.

This why I love history, a person's interpretation of a historical event reveals their own prejudices.

If you believe in AIT then we got nothing to talk about because that theory has been proven false.
The civilization centered around the Ganges river I guess.

If you believe in AIT then we got nothing to talk about because that theory has been proven false.

I don't believe because I don't know what to believe.

The issue is politically charged and I am ignorant of the issue, and the topic gets troll bombed immediately.
LOL such desperation on the part if the Indians now they claim the whole civilization started in India, and based on what? Some two bit professor discover mounds while on a field trip lmaoo pathetic yet predictable :lol:

Oh yeah and we are just supposd to take their word for it because only Indian archeologists are allowed to excavate their so called ruins. :rofl:

Don't let Shan's ignorance influence you, don't be his racist side kick, you are better than that. Plenty of research material, both Indian and Western is available, you just need to look for it.
Don't let Shan's ignorance influence you, don't be his racist side kick, you are better than that. Plenty of research material, both Indian and Western is available, you just need to look for it.

He can have an opinion.

But Shan's racism is freaking weird. I don't know to respond to it, because his racism is so strange.
The civilization centered around the Ganges river I guess.

Going by Shan's comment,
Yes after hinduvas finally proved indian aborginals were aryans who spread indo-european languages.
Aryan were the ones who formed civilization centered around Ganga, which is also the widely accepted theory (my knowledge from PDF). Ancestors of Indians that Pakistanis generally refer to are Dravidian - people from Harrapa.

He can have an opinion.

But Shan's racism is freaking weird. I don't know to respond to it, because his racism is so strange.

Borderline stupid, better off ignoring him.
Don't let Shan's ignorance influence you, don't be his racist side kick, you are better than that. Plenty of research material, both Indian and Western is available, you just need to look for it.

My comment has nothing to do with race does shan believe in AIT idk maybe but I do not believe in AIT.

As for IVC sites in India I have done my research and I have spoken about this on many other threads on this topic. It is just funny how desperate some of your academics are.
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