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Raid on PN Base - Objectives of Foreign Intelligentsia

Pakistan Army, Navy and Rangers successfully eliminated all terrorists who had kept hostage, the Pakistan Navy Aviation Base for almost fourteen hours. In this assault at least 10 military personnel embraced Shahadat and 14 were wounded

First of all kudos to the brave men in uniform who stood up when time demanded and got the job done and at the same time a grateful thanx from across the border to the families of the fallen heroes, as they have given a befitting reply to this menace of terror that has threatened our way of life. A job truly well done and am sure am not alone in that feeling.

In this raid two upgraded P-3C Orion surveillance aircrafts parked at the base have been either damaged or destroyed. Earlier too on August 10, 1999 an Orion air craft of same version had been hit by India near Badin.

It was Atlantique not Orion, factually wrong and fantasiesd, unless IAF managed to shoot one more down without PAF/PN disclosing it!!! Just the trailor to the rest of non sensical rationale posted in this piece.

There are media reports that, the aircrafts were probably upgraded against the wishes of manufacturer

And the conspiracy theory begins. Looks like Lockheed-Martin is the new terror outfit eh?

We can also not ignore here the news regarding killing of Mullah Omer being aired with reference to Afghan Intelligence Agency when the operation clean up of the base was under its way. The purpose of releasing of this news was to create security hype when Pakistan is really in critical situation. Bomb Blast on Islamabad–Peshawar Motorway Bridge near Rashakai Interchange Nowshera was another terrorists’ action carried out by anti Pakistan elements on same day.

Now seems the Afghanis staged it.

All this also needs to be seen in the backdrop of report regarding handing over of Gawader Port for operational purpose to China and visit of president Zardari to Russia. Add to this the threatening statements by Obama and security forces differences with American counterpart agencies over killing of OBL and last but not least Obama’s statement of targeting Pakistan again are enough evidences in reaching the actual objectives, and the greater game plan being unfolded by Americans in thorough connivance with Indian agencies on Pakistan’ soil
Without going into much details further lets examine the selection of target i.e. Parked Orion Surveillance Aircrafts (strategic assets), timing of raid i.e. just after couple of days of OBL killing and above narrated facts clearly narrowing down the hidden hands and reveal the goals of the plan. In short , the oblivious objectives set of this plan could be; to isolate Pakistan globally, hitting its maritime defensive and strategic capability, lowering of national morale, providing a chance to local traitors to criticize security forces, causing instability, targeting economic capital, posing Pakistan as the world most insecure country and ultimately paving the ground for landing their unholy forces for capturing Pakistan’ nuclear assets, stopping China’s and Russian economical activities in Arabian Sea, paving way for keeping some type of U.S. task force of Brigade size for meeting U.S.-Indian in Indian Oceans, and providing chance to India act as regional watchdog

All these conclusions from a single attack?:hitwall:

In the light of the above objectives we can visualize the hidden hands behind the attack on Pakistan Navel Base, i.e. India, U.S, and Israel collaboration in and their continuing treacherous alliance. In this connection there are three possibilities, firstly, we can say that they have managed to target several Pakistan Navy assets, create a major hole in Pakistani war capability, shake the national morale, and give a boost to protracted propaganda in mainly US media about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and sites. The incident of Naval Forces occurred at a time when the Pakistani nation faced a major security breach on May 2,2011 and parliament passed a resolution against U.S. unilaterally action of Abbottabad. CIA and ISI differences over OBL killing and others intelligence matters clearly caused the trust deficit between them. The reasons are obvious because Pakistan security agencies and ISI have only single interest i.e. guarding national whereas CIA has multidimensional interests of super power.

Oh by destruction of 02 Orions a major hole has been created in war fighting capability?:what: Is PN limited to 4 aircrafts only?:cheesy: The OBL issue surely caused a trust deficit between CIA and ISI. CIA trusted that ISI will find OBL and eliminate/help eliminate him, but instead it found elements in ISI(?)/PA(?) sheltering the said character!!! Now what kind of a "security service" having "ONLY SINGLE INTEREST IE GUARDING NATIONAL etc" is at a failure to (a) locate and find the said persona who is wanted globally ie OBL inspite of inputs from other intl Int services and inputs provided at govt levels (b) being an ally of one nation fail to inform them of presence of the said person and not help in his apprehension?

It’s a coordinated attack planned by RAW in collaboration with CIA. It’s very much connected with the Abbottabad Operation, Raymond Davis release and terrorists attacks in Quetta. On May 16,2011 a Saudi diplomat was also gunned down by men on a motorbike as he drove through Karachi in Pakistan, just days after two hand grenades were lobbed at the consulate building, police say.

Ah RAW has become as bad as IA. Dont give it that much credit also. Both RAW and IA are nowadays sitting and watching the show, as is infact the whole world. 80s - the era of Gen Zia and his plans to play the fundamentalist card (which was working spectacularly in Afghanistan against USSR) against India in Kashmir to give "it a thousand cuts to bleed from and die", and now 2011, an India which bled but survived and grew economically and as a result militarily stronger and on other hand a Pakistan, which saw its own policies turn on its self, their own frankenstein after them, fighting a desparate battle for own survival !!!! What a spectacular turn around of fortunes. Evil intent never did pay off!!!!

While you are obsessed with Kashmir, your 'survival' (how we threaten it, I still fail to understand it, we dont want to assimilate you, we dont want you broken also as that shall increase our headache), the increased lawlessness and fundamentalisation of your national society and lack of security and your contorted sense of identity, India has quitely held on (paying a price for it no doubt but not a high one) and grown stronger.

A day earlier Obama said that America will land her forces to target her enemies in Pakistan. In fact Tripple III (Indian, Israel Intelligence set up) launched this operation to facilitate American agenda of hitting Pakistan first covertly and then overtly. I would also like to suggest to my political and religious leadership to raise the voice against local traitors and stop encouraging those elements innocently who are in fact towing American agenda of increasing instability in Pakistan through fomenting terrorism. At the same time our security forces have to undo their lapses.

Where is the proof of this?

Credible reports are there that major incident of terrorism in Pakistan of PNS Mehran probably launched via Afghanistan by RAW in collaboration with CIA. Reports also reveal that terrorists were foreigners and JSOC-trained guerillas terrorists. They have been have been trained in Indian Rajistan and Afghanistan. They were provided rocket launchers and other weaponry in a camp located in Indian Rajasthan. The aim of launching this operation was to pave the path of landing American troops in Pakistan.

Great piece!!! Someone wanting to lauch an own party and stand for elections? Or someone high on coke??????
Question arises if indeed RAW and CIA are involved, why are their names not being taken up. Who are we scared off or is it because the current tola is nothing more then a bunch of traitors who have sold out their souls to the US of A

Because the issue is that this is a pure work of fantasy. If CIA and RAW, as claimed, are in cahoots, then what stops India and US from overt ground invasion? Wont that have been simpler??? Please please please, for the sake of god, use your intelligence to think things out!!

In either case one thing is for sure either we get rid of these corrupt bastards, re-evaluate our relationship with the US and specially our role in the WOT or loose Pakistan forever

Its already lost, the way things are going. Only you have failed to realise it. Thats why we laugh our heads off when you say 'India is our biggest enemy'
ISI chief said they already identified targets in India and if things get worst soon you will see action in A'stan and India.

You have identified targets ..... great news. Atleast now you can start taking decisions and acting on them!!!

And it was said in context of if Indians undertake any mission to take for example our beloved Dawood Ibrahim!!!! Which we dont want to!!!! And not in context of if things in Pakistan gets worse. They will and they shall.
One more 26/11 in India from Pakistan, you will see the whole pakistan as a barren land and will only be known in history books.

Then we wont even give a RATS @$$ about peace

What was that? Any insights into planned Indian response? Because we certainly dont intend to do anything as politically there is no will.
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1786019 said:
just try to change the incomplete , distorted map of PakisTan as being displayed in your avatar / d p. .. :police:
actually that avatar was protest against the same, then i realized it is giving wrong impression. Changed. thanks.
Sadly, even after sharing all the relevant information, logs and recordings, which Pakistan government labels as literature material (and after a goof up from India last week, which has embarrassed all of us Indians), you still can not take that as an example of only India day-dreaming anymore... as it's not only India pointing fingers at you... US courts (who are your allies) are running a case against terror suspects (David Headley, Rana et all) and they are questioning some people in Pakistan's agencies on that, other than the fact (that are slowly unfolding) that these guys trained in, operated with and were supported by Pakistani links... All related to 26/11... Now if you understand the simple law of 'liabilities'... 'The company is responsible for its employees!', then I am sure that you can apply it relatively clearly...

For PNS Mehran incident, there has not been a 'single' finger being pointed at R&AW or CIA by any formal sources and till such happens, me or anyone from India and all the ears and minds that matter, will take them as conspiracy theories from very fertile minds and thats it!

At the very outset no concrete evidence has been provided by india as well. To which your govt. call evidence might be an evidence in its eyes but not credible in the eyes of court. Secondly, they so called headly now giving statements about ISI involvement and :blah: Its going to be very interesting that you started believing on words of mouth even of those who are drug dealers. if the conviction gonna based on words of mouth in courts, then I can simply blame anyone for any act.

As far as finger pointing through any formal source is concerned, there is a difference, we believe in investigations first then will point the fingers on right persons, we do not start shouting on our media like india did when the first bullet fired on 26/11.

its really sad to see a once glorious nation being reduced to this . Pakistan had bombs going off everyday, killing thousands and instead of introspection they want to blame India the US and Israel .
not long ago about 30 years back our then Indian government also used to claim a foreign hand in everything that went wrong . in 91 we were bankrupt yet with a lot of hard work and self realization were able to attain the position we are in today .(i do not need to tell you what that is .everybody knows) .
the point i am trying to make is that every body makes mistakes , its how you rectify them that defines you . i do not see any reason for Pakistan not to grow and become stable , just change your mindset .
question should be asked who going to benifits the most by distroying those -P-3C planes ?
or to whome the nest order of replacement will go ...
looking at the post OBL killing , the order won't go to US ..

The aircrafts + upgrades were anyway donated free by US. So there is no question of any payment. Even the new ones that Pakistan has requested and the US has agreed to donate will come free. So no question of ordering.
Zardari is supported by Pakistan army..
Thats reality..

not really , zardari is not supported rather it's the democracy which our army is now supporting for the democratic institutions to strengthen the system ... :coffee: after musharraf , PakisTan army now stays politically neutral though this neutrality is being considered as to be inclined in favour of the bastard ppp govt. among the people of PakisTan ... :hitwall:
L0ng --- |||ive PakisTan ... :pakistan:
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