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Rahul: break up of Pakistan was 'an achievement of the Gandhi family'

Gin ka Pakistan

Jul 1, 2009
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Rahul Gandhi - Politician,picture, profile, info and favourites

Rahul Gandhi says, once the Gandhi family decides on something, it makes sure that is accomplished — whether it is throwing out the British, breaking up Pakistan or taking India into the 21st century.
From: Pakistan News.Net , Monday 16th April, 2007 (IANS)

Rahul spoke '1971 reality', says Pakistan politician

A leading Pakistani politician has paid a left-handed compliment to Congress MP Rahul Gandhi - for apparently speaking the 'truth' about the 1971 creation of Bangladesh.

Referring to Gandhi's statement that the break up of Pakistan was 'an achievement of the Gandhi family', Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed said Rahul Gandhi was the first Indian 'who has told the truth of 1971'.

Online news agency said that Sayed, secretary general of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was speaking to the media here.

He said Gandhi's remarks Saturday, made in Badaun in Uttar Pradesh at an election rally, show that India's strategy 'was clear from day one, namely, to partition its neighbour through sponsorship of state terrorism'.

He went on to add that India 'created and armed the Mukti Bahini', a Bengali militia which fought the Pakistani troops, 'just as it created and armed the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka' in the 1980s.

'It is an irony of history that the Frankenstein monster of terrorism and extremism that Indira Gandhi created ultimately devoured her in the form of the Khalistan movement,' she said.

Indira Gandhi, Rahul's grandmother, was the prime minister when the India-Pakistan war of 1971 led to the secession of East Pakistan and its emergence as an independent country called Bangladesh.

Sayed said what was equally important was 'the mindset in the Indian establishment and their political elite regarding Pakistan'.

He urged the Indian leadership to 'stop perceiving Pakistan as an 'enemy', which had to be either weakened or divided'.
Poor guy forgets that break up of Hindustan was Jinnah's achievement.

He also forgets that taking Kashmir issue to the UNO (now UN) was a blunder of his grand father :)
Blunder? Please explain why.

In broadcast to the nation on 3rd November, 1947, Pandit Nehru said, "We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. That pledge we have given not only to the people of Kashmir and to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it".

In his letter No. 368 Primin dated 21 November, 1947 addressed to the PM of Pakistan, Pandit Nehru said, "I have repeatedly stated that as soon as peace and order have been established, Kashmir should decide of accession by Plebiscite or referendum under international auspices such as those of United Nations".
Pt. Nehru also said hindi chini bhai bhai. So nothing doing on his sayings. This is modern india and can not move or work on his sayings
Rahul Gandhi - Politician,picture, profile, info and favourites

Rahul Gandhi says, once the Gandhi family decides on something, it makes sure that is accomplished — whether it is throwing out the British, breaking up Pakistan or taking India into the 21st century.
From: Pakistan News.Net , Monday 16th April, 2007 (IANS)

Rahul spoke '1971 reality', says Pakistan politician

A leading Pakistani politician has paid a left-handed compliment to Congress MP Rahul Gandhi - for apparently speaking the 'truth' about the 1971 creation of Bangladesh.

Referring to Gandhi's statement that the break up of Pakistan was 'an achievement of the Gandhi family', Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed said Rahul Gandhi was the first Indian 'who has told the truth of 1971'.

Online news agency said that Sayed, secretary general of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was speaking to the media here.

He said Gandhi's remarks Saturday, made in Badaun in Uttar Pradesh at an election rally, show that India's strategy 'was clear from day one, namely, to partition its neighbour through sponsorship of state terrorism'.

He went on to add that India 'created and armed the Mukti Bahini', a Bengali militia which fought the Pakistani troops, 'just as it created and armed the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka' in the 1980s.

'It is an irony of history that the Frankenstein monster of terrorism and extremism that Indira Gandhi created ultimately devoured her in the form of the Khalistan movement,' she said.

Indira Gandhi, Rahul's grandmother, was the prime minister when the India-Pakistan war of 1971 led to the secession of East Pakistan and its emergence as an independent country called Bangladesh.

Sayed said what was equally important was 'the mindset in the Indian establishment and their political elite regarding Pakistan'.

He urged the Indian leadership to 'stop perceiving Pakistan as an 'enemy', which had to be either weakened or divided'.

So what about the claims by some indian members over here that India attacked across International border because it couldnt stand the pain of refugees... Nonsense!
if the breakup of pakistan is brainchild of Ghandis . i agree to it .

but so is the bnreakup of india- by breaking it into sikh and hindu muslim and hindu , etc. etc and then fueled by BJP.
at the same i would also welcome rahul's idea that pakistan need not be weakened for our gain. first its inhuman and secondly it wont work like this a weak pakistan will be worst nightmare for india.
No one is bothered to check the source of the information .......

Its an India newspaper....Hindustan times....

What a Hippocratic mindset.......if Indian newspaper writes anything against Pakistan...its a Hindu Paper ..biased...and not acceptable ...an enemy of the state....

But when the same news paper writes anything that offends India....it suddenly turns credible.....
well firstly when a Pakistanis news is quoted it is bias...but when some Pakistani comes out and says something about PAKISTAN indians take it as the BIBLE of the time!! so it works both ways GLOMEX!!!

secondly i would like to thank gandhi that finally INDIAN leader has come out and said that INDIA wanted to BREAK PAKISTAN and it had nothing to do with REFUGEES pouring into INDIA!!!!

secondly going to the UN was a master piece by the indians...the reason being WE TOOK THERE WORD FOR IT....we thought they meant it.....and that my friend was our mistake 60 years ago and till today we are fighting over it....we should have not listened and just taken over kashmir in 48 when we could have!!
And then they say India is not a threat to Pakistan! my foot. Any chance we get ever and we will get one inshallah, we should return the favor in kind.
We should release statements like Soviet Union was not a threat to United States.USA just wanted to poke its *** everywhere.
Let me tell you all something interesting.
An UNCLE of mine who eventually retired as a very senior PAKISTAN AIRFORCE OFFICIAL narrated it to me.
After 1971 war US imposed military sanctions on PAKISTAN. So in hour of need PAF delegation of which the above mentioned person was a part decided to visit CHINA for making few deals. CHINA was very different from CHINA of today and the delegation changed flights & airports and reached BEIJING after 18 hrs. They were received and checked into a CHINESE STATE GUESTHOUSE by 1~2:am after midnight. As they were planning to sleep , an aide of MAO Se TUNG came and told them that CHAIRMAN MAO would like to meet you right now. They were all shcoked to know that CHAIRMAN MAO seldom sleeps.
Eventually they all went to see MAO at that time of the night. He received them cordially and asked if there accomodations are comfortable. After brief introductions by the PAF chief, CHAIRMAN MAO interrupted them and asked that they all look de-moralised & dipressed. The PAF chief replied that its because of the 71 war result.
MAO smiled and said that they should all be optimistic because by this act of INDIA has laid down the foundation of its own breakup. The reason CHAIRMAN MAO gave was that PAKISTAN was created for MUSLIMS while INDIA engulfing far more ethnicites chose the path of a SECULAR REPUBLIC. By aiding a separatist ethnic movement in BENGAL , INDIA has in fact damaged its own infrastructure . MAO further added that in 4~5 decades INDIA will be no more and further divided into smaller states based on ethinc backgrounds.
Conclusion: RAHUL GANDHI is yet to realise the full achievment of his family
Let me tell you all something interesting.
An UNCLE of mine who eventually retired as a very senior PAKISTAN AIRFORCE OFFICIAL narrated it to me.
After 1971 war US imposed military sanctions on PAKISTAN. So in hour of need PAF delegation of which the above mentioned person was a part decided to visit CHINA for making few deals. CHINA was very different from CHINA of today and the delegation changed flights & airports and reached BEIJING after 18 hrs. They were received and checked into a CHINESE STATE GUESTHOUSE by 1~2:am after midnight. As they were planning to sleep , an aide of MAO Se TUNG came and told them that CHAIRMAN MAO would like to meet you right now. They were all shcoked to know that CHAIRMAN MAO seldom sleeps.
Eventually they all went to see MAO at that time of the night. He received them cordially and asked if there accomodations are comfortable. After brief introductions by the PAF chief, CHAIRMAN MAO interrupted them and asked that they all look de-moralised & dipressed. The PAF chief replied that its because of the 71 war result.
MAO smiled and said that they should all be optimistic because by this act of INDIA has laid down the foundation of its own breakup. The reason CHAIRMAN MAO gave was that PAKISTAN was created for MUSLIMS while INDIA engulfing far more ethnicites chose the path of a SECULAR REPUBLIC. By aiding a separatist ethnic movement in BENGAL , INDIA has in fact damaged its own infrastructure . MAO further added that in 4~5 decades INDIA will be no more and further divided into smaller states based on ethinc backgrounds.
Conclusion: RAHUL GANDHI is yet to realise the full achievment of his family

How wrong Mao was !!
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