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Raghad, age 5, died due to bombing Russian warplanes on Al Habait

What a bunch of nonsense. It's widely known by everyone that is not swallowing Al-Assad/Mullah/Russian propaganda that Al-Assad is the main source of misery in Syria. His crimes have been widely documented. I don't understand how this can even be a topic of discussion.

Why don't you just google "Al-Assad war crimes" and stop embarrassing yourself?

The sarin gas attack in Ghouta was done by the Al-Assad regime and this has been confirmed by every serious source.

Rest assured that the Al-Assad regime will be removed.


Sure it doesnt take one to be drunk to be disillusioned. With Iran and Russia now involved in Syria the $hit is about to hit the fan and face so brace for impact so stay with your disillusion.
The funniest part of the story? The Saudi ambassador in UN asked Russia to stop its airstrikes against terrorists, while they are killing Yemeni civilians on a daily basis.

It wasn't more than few days ago that Al-Saud massacred 131 Yemenis in a wedding in Yemen.

Clowns, clowns with guns they are.

Not only did that never occur the Arab coalition would need to engage in Yemen for 100-150 more years to reach the number of civilian casualties that the Al-Assad regime has killed in less than 5 years of conflict.

Also nobody here is saying that any war participant is innocent but to idolize/proclaim the biggest mass murderer of the 21st century as a legitimate ruler is beyond pathetic.

Coalition denies hitting wedding hall in Yemen - Al Jazeera ...

Arab coalition spokesman Brigadier-General Ahmed al-Asseri said there had been no air operations in the area in the al-Mokha area for three days so "this is totally false news".
Air space can be monitored worldwide so Houthi propaganda never stop to amaze me.




It's BS news. First they said it were Apaches and now fighter jets.

Hence why the world (international media) has not been fooled by this news.

Sure it doesnt take one to be drunk to be disillusioned. With Iran and Russia now involved in Syria the $hit is about to hit the fan and face so brace for impact so stay with your disillusion.

You are talking about delusion all while you openly support the most brutal regime of the 21st century? That's quite tragicomical.

Also I am and have never been delusional. Unlike you I know fully well that the Al-Assad regime has no long-term future in Syria. Something that you have a hard time accepting. A few Russian bombardments of FSA and civilian Syrians won't change that.
So let's see who will eventually be disappointed. You the supporter of the most brutal regime of the 21st century (North Korea is probably only ahead of the Al-Assad regime) or me the supporter of the Syrian people and for a future democratic Syria.

Speaking about North Korea.

North Korea-themed park opens in Syria as 'show of friendship' between Assad and Kim | Middle East | News | The Independent

Syria calls in North Korea to monitor its presidential election

Not only did that never occur the Arab coalition would need to engage in Yemen for 100-150 more years to reach the number of civilian casualties that the Al-Assad regime has killed in less than 5 years of conflict.

Also nobody here is saying that any war participant is innocent but to idolize/proclaim the biggest mass murderer of the 21st century as a legitimate ruler is beyond pathetic.

Coalition denies hitting wedding hall in Yemen - Al Jazeera ...

Arab coalition spokesman Brigadier-General Ahmed al-Asseri said there had been no air operations in the area in the al-Mokha area for three days so "this is totally false news".
Air space can be monitored worldwide so Houthi propaganda never stop to amaze me.




It's BS news. First they said it were Apaches and now fighter jets.

Hence why the world (international media) has not been fooled by this news.

Coalition denies the attack? Yeah, King Salman also isn't an old prick. Let's just cut the nonsense, okay?

When has coalition ever admitted that it has killed civilians? What about tens of pics of burned corpses on the ground in Taiz?

If you want to quote with that bs, you better leave it. You have posted that ridiculous pics dozens of times here. Don't copy paste that nonsense all over the place, and you are not obliged to quote me, no one forces you to do it, especially when you want to write that nonsense above.
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The turks are false.Who is Syrian crisis made?Sick people from Turkey、Europe、 USA.
Coalition denies the attack? Yeah, King Salman also isn't and old prick. Let's just cut the nonsense, okay?

When has coalition ever admitted that it has killed civilians? What about tens of pics of burned corpses on the ground in Taiz?

If you want to quote with that bs, you better leave it. You have posted that ridiculous pics dozens of times here. Don't copey paste that nonsense all over the ace, and you are not obliged to quote me, no one forces you to do it, especially when you want to write that nonsense above.

First of all I have NEVER denied that the Arab coalition, along with Houthi's and Saleh, have not killed civilians when conducting bombings or shelling. This is war and not a game.

Secondly it makes no sense to compare an almost 5 year long insane Al-Assad regime rampage with the war against the Houthi's and Saleh which has only lasted 6 months.

It's like comparing WW2 with the Iraq-Iran war. Makes zero sense.

Fact of the matter is that the Arab coalition was not behind that bombing. Their lies were exposed as many times before. Airspace can be monitored worldwide and no coalition fighter jets were anywhere near Mokha (which has not been attacked at all) the day that this attack occurred.
First of all I have NEVER denied that the Arab coalition, along with Houthi's and Saleh, have not killed civilians when conducting bombings or shelling. This is war and not a game.

Secondly it makes no sense to compare an almost 5 year long insane Al-Assad regime rampage with the war against the Houthi's and Saleh which has only lasted 6 months.

It's like comparing WW2 with the Iraq-Iran war. Makes zero sense.

Fact of the matter is that the Arab coalition was not behind that bombing. Their lies were exposed as many times before. Airspace can be monitored worldwide and no coalition fighter jets were anywhere near Mokha (which has not been attacked at all) the day that this attack occurred.

There is nothing ridiculous about that.

And your source that the attack did not happen is the devil (coalition) itself? Makes sense.

Show me one single case when that clown, Assiri, has admitted they have killed civilians.

It's like asking the rapist whether he has raped the victim or not.
Not only did that never occur the Arab coalition would need to engage in Yemen for 100-150 more years to reach the number of civilian casualties that the Al-Assad regime has killed in less than 5 years of conflict.

Also nobody here is saying that any war participant is innocent but to idolize/proclaim the biggest mass murderer of the 21st century as a legitimate ruler is beyond pathetic.

Coalition denies hitting wedding hall in Yemen - Al Jazeera ...

Arab coalition spokesman Brigadier-General Ahmed al-Asseri said there had been no air operations in the area in the al-Mokha area for three days so "this is totally false news".
Air space can be monitored worldwide so Houthi propaganda never stop to amaze me.




It's BS news. First they said it were Apaches and now fighter jets.

Hence why the world (international media) has not been fooled by this news.

You are talking about delusion all while you openly support the most brutal regime of the 21st century? That's quite tragicomical.

Also I am and have never been delusional. Unlike you I know fully well that the Al-Assad regime has no long-term future in Syria. Something that you have a hard time accepting. A few Russian bombardments of FSA and civilian Syrians won't change that.
So let's see who will eventually be disappointed. You the supporter of the most brutal regime of the 21st century (North Korea is probably only ahead of the Al-Assad regime) or me the supporter of the Syrian people and for a future democratic Syria.

Speaking about North Korea.

North Korea-themed park opens in Syria as 'show of friendship' between Assad and Kim | Middle East | News | The Independent

Syria calls in North Korea to monitor its presidential election


No where i said i had love for Assad. I just hate hypocrites who blame others while doing the same thing.

Yemen war probe scrapped under Saudi pressure: rights group | Business Standard News

UN inquiry into Saudi Arabia 'war crimes' in Yemen shelved after Saudi opposition | Middle East | Travel | The Independent

This is your real face.

Do tell me what is difference between this

Yemen’s capital could be next target for Saudi-led ground forces - The Washington Post

and what asad is doing?

The fact that you think matter is laughable shows your level maturity. You people are no better than Asad.
The funniest part of the story? The Saudi ambassador in UN asked Russia to stop its airstrikes against terrorists, while they are killing Yemeni civilians on a daily basis.

It wasn't more than few days ago that Al-Saud massacred 131 Yemenis in a wedding in Yemen.

Clowns, clowns with guns they are.

I posted that video in world affairs section.

Just proves without a shadow of a doubt that ISIS/FSA is a Saudi-led terrorist organisation.

Saudis are angry Russia is killing off the boys of Saudi Arabia.
And your source that the attack did not happen is the devil (coalition) itself? Makes sense.

Show me one single case when that clown, Assiri, has admitted they have killed civilians.

It's like asking the rapist whether he has raped the victim or not.

No coalition fighter jets engaged in that part of Yemen the day that this supposed accident occurred. My previous post prove that they lied as they changed their story. As I wrote airspace worldwide is monitored 24/7 and it is very easy to see if there were any coalition fighter jets in the air in that area the day of the attack. No media has reported such a thing being the case.

Numerous times. There is a difference between killing civilians systematically for 5 years by carpet bombing almost every part of Syria day and night, by engaging in mass executions of prisoners, by torturing prisoners to death (as young as 10 years old), gassing them with sarin gas etc. and then killing civilians in a few air strikes (not systematic) due to Houthi's hiding among civilians, mistakes or wrong intelligence reports on the ground.

Can you mention a single war where no civilians have died?

There is nothing ridiculous about that in short. What is ridiculous is using Twitter and pro-Houthi clowns and not objective sources as your main source to judge a conflict.

Anyway let's just say (to make you happy and contrary to the ground realities) that the Arab coalition has killed 200.000 Yemeni civilians, summarily executed thousands of war prisoners, systematically tortured them to death in regime prisons, gassed them to death, used foreign terrorists from across the world to kill Yemenis etc. would that make the crimes of the Al-Assad regime any better? Of course not.

No where i said i had love for Assad. I just hate hypocrites who blame others while doing the same thing.

Yemen war probe scrapped under Saudi pressure: rights group | Business Standard News

UN inquiry into Saudi Arabia 'war crimes' in Yemen shelved after Saudi opposition | Middle East | Travel | The Independent

This is your real face.

Do tell me what is difference between this

Yemen’s capital could be next target for Saudi-led ground forces - The Washington Post

and what asad is doing?

The fact that you think matter is laughable shows your level maturity. You people are no better than Asad.

Less than 1000 civilian casualties in 6 months of war vs. 200.000 Al-Assad casualties in less than 5 years. A perfect comparison right there. That's like comparing the Pakistani military and their conduct in FATA and elsewhere with Hitler or Stalin.

Anyway there is no point in having civil discussions with Al-Assad fanboys. Nothing to expect. Just prepare yourself for his removal and that of his regime.
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No coalition fighter jets engaged in that part of Yemen the day that this supposed accident occurred. My previous post prove that they lied as they changed their story. As I wrote airspace worldwide is monitored 24/7 and it is very easy to see if there were any coalition fighter jets in the air in that area the day of the attack. No media has reported such a thing being the case.

Numerous times. There is a difference between killing civilians systematically for 5 years by carpet bombing almost every part of Syria day and night, by engaging in mass executions of prisoners, by torturing prisoners to death (as young as 10 years old), gassing them with sarin gas etc. and then killing civilians in a few air strikes (not systematic) due to Houthi's hiding among civilians, mistakes or wrong intelligence reports on the ground.

Can you mention a single war where no civilians have died?

There is nothing ridiculous about that in short. What is ridiculous is using Twitter and pro-Houthi clowns and not objective sources as your main source to judge a conflict.

Anyway let's just say (to make you happy and contrary to the ground realities) that the Arab coalition has killed 200.000 Yemeni civilians, summarily executed thousands of war prisoners, systematically tortured them to death in regime prisons, gassed them to death, used foreign terrorists from across the world to kill Yemenis etc. would that make the crimes of the Al-Assad regime any better? Of course not.

Less than 1000 civilian casualties in 6 months of war vs. 200.000 Al-Assad casualties in less than 5 years. A perfect comparison right there. That's like comparing the Pakistani military and their conduct in FATA and elsewhere with Hitler or Stalin.

Anyway there is no point in having civil discussions with Al-Assad fanboys. Nothing to expect. Just prepare yourself for his removal and that of his regime.

Also no point discussing with dilluded idiot who casually compare deaths to boost his ego. Americans laid waste to two countires afer 1000 people died in their country. Yet here you talk about deaths of 1000 people like they are maggots. You people killed some 1000 people so go die with some fuccking shame.
Also no point discussing with dilluded idiot who casually compare deaths to boost his ego. Americans laid waste to two countires afer 1000 people died in their country. Yet here you talk about deaths of 1000 people like they are maggots. You people killed some 1000 people so go die with some fuccking shame.

Listen cretin, I am not the one who is supporting the mass murder of civilians. You are by openly supporting the worst war criminal of the 21st century (Al-Assad). My factual posts were written to show the stupidity of your comparison which makes no sense and which EVERY sane person can see.

In every war civilians die but only mentally disturbed people like you would compare those situations (200.000 vs less than 1000 casualties) with each other to begin with. There is no point for me to repeat myself as you do not understand the difference between systematic and deliberate murder and less than 1000 civilians dying in 6 months of war due to air bombardments aimed at Houthi terrorists.

Don't bother to reply. Time to take a break from this forum. Far too many cretins around for my liking.
fake news……...... what the hell with west country

fake news……...... what the hell with west country
The people who are crying over this were the people who set fire to Syria and let it go to hell for 4 years.

Time to end this and give some damn stability to the country. Syrians need to get their lives back to normal.

Remove the terrorists, and then have actual oppositions sit and talk to Assad and find a peaceful solution.
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