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Raghad, age 5, died due to bombing Russian warplanes on Al Habait


Jul 15, 2012
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So is that the invisible "ISIS" that Putin is attacking?

I find it ironic that Putin has embarked upon a crusade in Syria to fight "terrorism" while he is actively supporting the biggest war criminal of the 21st century who has killed over 200.000 Syrians. You could not have made this up even in a comic.

This selective targeting of terrorism is hilarious but thankfully it is bound to fail. I can guarantee that. It will be another humiliating adventure like the one in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Only absolute cretins are hellbent on removing just 1 cancer instead of all the cancers when the patient suffers from numerous cancers.
The strikes conducted by Russia:


As you can see Russia only targets Syrians, not ISIS. ISIS is not even close to the Russian air strikes that were conducted.

Some people acted childish when I said Russia is helping ISIS but they are actually doing this.

Putin is commiting a grave mistake. All world powers are in Syria. Instead of reaching the only sane conclusion (to cure the patient you have to remove all cancer cells and not just 1 or 2) and do what is necessary (remove the Al-Assad regime and the terrorist groups + proxies) Putin is being highly selective.

Prolonging the Al-Assad regime rule won't solve anything or make Syria a better place. Rather the opposite it will make locals adopt a more extreme approach as they will realize that no matter how many crimes the Al-Assad regime commits they are largely on their own. In such a climate "strong" terrorist groups like ISIS seem like the best "protector".

I simply cannot phantom how stupid geopolitical rivalries have destroyed Syria and are destroying it over 4 years after the conflict began instead of solving the crisis.
Hundred have died in Yemen bombing by coalition forces as well. So stop being a hypocrite. Americans have killed more toddlers in their wars in last one decade alone than there can ever be. If you wanna see the real scums then looks on the left and right side with whom you people are bunk budies right now.

Lastly using pictures of a dead child to gain sympathy against your enemies is like down the gutters kinda low.
Hundred have died in Yemen bombing by coalition forces as well. So stop being a hypocrite. Americans have killed more toddlers in their wars in last one decade alone than there can ever be. If you wanna see the real scums then looks on the left and right side with whom you people are bunk budies right now.

Lastly using pictures of a dead child to gain sympathy against your enemies is like down the gutters kinda low.

The Al-Assad regime has killed 200.000 Syrians. Through systematic massacres, torture, using chemical weapons, indiscriminate carpet bombings of entire towns, villages and cities, by importing Iranian, Hazara, Iraqi, Lebanese etc. terrorists etc. Are you really comparing those methods and an almost 5 year old insane rampage with a few hundred civilian casualties in Yemen due to air bombardments against the Houthi terrorist cult who deliberately hide among civilians? The Arab coalition would at this rate need to bomb Yemen for 100 years to reach the number of people that the Al-Assad regime has killed. If not 150 years.

Americans have never killed such a huge number of civilians since the Vietnam War. By far most of the casualties in Iraq since 2003 have been bound in sectarian fights between the various groups in Iraq. You can blame the Bush administration for their idiotic decision to invade Iraq, yes, but the Americans never killed 200.000 civilian Iraqis directly.
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The Al-Assad regime has killed 200.000 Syrians. Through systematic massacres, torture, using chemical weapons, indiscriminate carpet bombings of entire towns, villages and cities, by importing Iranian, Hazara, Iraqi, Lebanese etc. terrorists etc. Are you really comparing those methods and an almost 5 year old insane rampage with a few hundred civilian casualties in Yemen due to air bombardments against the Houthi terrorist cult who deliberately hide among civilians? The Arab coalition would at this rate need to bomb Yemen for 100 years to reach the number of people that the Al-Assad regime has killed. If not 150 years.

Americans have never killed such a huge number of civilians since the Vietnam war. By far most of the casualties in Iraq since 2003 have been bound in sectarian fights between the various groups in Iraq. You can blame the Bush administration for their idiotic decision to invade Iraq, yes, but the Americans never killed 200.000 civilian Iraqis directly.

Wow you people really go all the way when you really want to start a propoganda against Asad. This war in syria is not being fought because Asad is not stepping down. This war is being fought because Saudis and Americans want to get their foothold and kick out russian from the regions. This is a war of egos and power. Same thing happend in egypt where saudis saw a democratic government as a threat to their own royal hides and decided to put a dictator on the top.

Terrorists or not no one has the right to kill 5 innocents just to kill one scum bag. The fact that you casually try to cover deaths of innocent women and children with justification of killing houthis shows how big of cowards you people are. The wars Saudis have started with American blessings will only end in genocide and that will be your legacy in future.

For the first time your own soldiers are dying from the fires that you people have lit for others. In the end there wont be any winners but just a bunch of pathetic Royals and NeoCons who didnt knew when to quit.
Wow you people really go all the way when you really want to start a propoganda against Asad. This war in syria is not being fought because Asad is not stepping down. This war is being fought because Saudis and Americans want to get their foothold and kick out russian from the regions. This is a war of egos and power. Same thing happend in egypt where saudis saw a democratic government as a threat to their own royal hides and decided to put a dictator on the top.

Terrorists or not no one has the right to kill 5 innocents just to kill one scum bag. The fact that you casually try to cover deaths of innocent women and children with justification of killing houthis shows how big of cowards you people are. The wars Saudis have started with American blessings will only end in genocide and that will be your legacy in future.

For the first time your own soldiers are dying from the fires that you people have lit for others. In the end there wont be any winners but just a bunch of pathetic Royals and NeoCons who didnt knew when to quit.

You are trolling now as you cannot reply to the facts that I put forward.

I don't care about all this and realize that there are no angels when wars are being waged.

The undeniable fact though is that the Al-Assad regime's war crimes, brutality and number of people that they have killed surpasses everyone by far. It's not even a contest.

Your pro-Assad nonsense is nothing more than a cheap defense of the biggest mass-murderer in the 21st century. You have no right to cry about other cancers such as ISIS when you openly support the Al-Assad regime.

I don't support anyone but the Syrian people and their right to elect their own leader. I support the same right for everyone and I am not pro-regime anyone in the Muslim world.
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What would be even better than wiping ISIS/FSA terrorists off the map is wiping the vulgar and utterly repulsive Saudi parasitic regime off the map.

Muslims will not have peace until the Wahabi terror regime is completely annihilated.
You are trolling now as you cannot reply to the facts that I put forward.

I don't care about all this and realize that there are no angels when wars are being waged.

The undeniable fact though is that the Al-Assad regime's war crimes, brutality and number of people that they have killed surpasses everyone by far. It's not even a context.

Your pro-Assad nonsense is nothing more than a cheap defense of the biggest mass-murderer in the 21st century. You have no right to cry about other cancers such as ISIS when you openly support the Al-Assad regime.

I don't support anyone but the Syrian people and their right to elect their own leader. I support the same right for everyone and I am not pro-regime anyone in the Muslim world.

Do tell what facts are there. Prove to me that 200000 people were just killed by Asad and not by opposition. You are just preaching pack of lies to sell your own story. You people have squat. I still remember Asad was blamed for using srine gas but in the end it was the rebels who used it to defame government. That is the kind of people you support. Come with some good evidence and then i will buy you story.
After what you people are doing in yemen you have lost every moral right to talk bad about what Asad did.
Do tell what facts are there. Prove to me that 200000 people were just killed by Asad and not by opposition. You are just preaching pack of lies to sell your own story. You people have squat. I still remember Asad was blamed for using srine gas but in the end it was the rebels who used it to defame government. That is the kind of people you support. Come with some good evidence and then i will buy you story.
After what you people are doing in yemen you have lost every moral right to talk bad about what Asad did.

What a bunch of nonsense. It's widely known by everyone that is not swallowing Al-Assad/Mullah/Russian propaganda that Al-Assad is the main source of misery in Syria. His crimes have been widely documented. I don't understand how this can even be a topic of discussion.

Why don't you just google "Al-Assad war crimes" and stop embarrassing yourself?

The sarin gas attack in Ghouta was done by the Al-Assad regime and this has been confirmed by every serious source.

Rest assured that the Al-Assad regime will be removed.

People like you who cry about rebels have no right to do so when you support the Al-Assad regime. People like me who are critical of both and neither pro-Al-Assad regime or pro-ISIS/Al-Nusra have every right to point out your likes hypocrisy out.

The funniest part of the story? The Saudi ambassador in UN asked Russia to stop its airstrikes against terrorists, while they are killing Yemeni civilians on a daily basis.

It wasn't more than few days ago that Al-Saud massacred 131 Yemenis in a wedding in Yemen.

Clowns, clowns with guns they are.
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