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FROM AIR & COSMOS 17th april 2015 N-2449






Gone are the dark years for Dassault Rafale export . Egypt could have served as a trigger for the export of French flagship jet. After Cairo, New Delhi just voted for a shelf purchase of 36 French aircraft, no technology transfer. While the Team Rafale (Dassault, Thales, Safran) is
exclusive negotiations with India for three years for the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Air-craft) for 126 Rafale, 108 aircrafts in India, the statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on an official visit to the Elysee, April 10, surprised everyone.

For India, the equation is simple: the negotiations between Dassault and New Delhi are blocked
for months on the question of the liability of aircraft out of the local production chain, while the Air Force is in urgent need of new combat aircraft, "crucial", in the words of Minister of India. It must be said that the French Rafale should replace a very aging fleet of MiG-21 and MiG-27 dating from 1960-1970, which records a very high attrition rate.



However, India, regional power, is facing a tense strategic context. There is Pakistan, of course, that puts nemesis for applying and adapting F-16 performance, and that the territorial dispute over Kashmir is still open, but more importantly, there is China. Chinese expansionism deeply upset New Delhi. The two countries share more than 3,000 miles of land borders with areas of tension. But the war of power between the two most populous countries in the world is also played on the seas.The Chinese ships incursions in the Indian Ocean irritate New Delhi, who intends not to be done. In this, the Rafale will be a real strategic power tool.

The reasons for the acquisition of the French combat jet by india are there: to have a long-range strike capability, deterrant, mainly oriented towards China. Because, equipped with a type of Scalp cruise missile several hundred kilometers of reach, India, with the Rafale, is capable of striking deep cry inside Chinese territory..While in this air-sea configuration with an Exocet missile, the Indian Air Force will also act very effectively against any Chinese building intrusion into its territorial waters, and make the Indian Ocean remains India In this context, the statement of intent to acquire 36 fighters is not so surprising, corresponding to a 36 aircraft fleet.


Still, this announcement raises many questions.At First, it is only a statement of intent. No contract is signed yet. State-to-state negotiations will open on the 36

rafale which will set the price, armaments or delivery. A contract could be signed this summer, although negotiations with the Indians are traditionally difficult. If, as a rule, the first deliveries occur three years after signing the contract, New Delhi might ask to shorten these deadlines.. But the big outstanding question is: what happens to trading on the 126 planes under negotiations for three years? If this first contract for 36 Rafale, no technology transfer is successful, will
the MMRCA program be impacted . Because in the end, the need for the Indian Air Force remains. These first 36 jets will not allow India that wait without discredit, pending the arrival of a fleet of modern aircraft.
For the French defense, the contract will be a breath of fresh oxygène.While it still lacks more than € 2 billion to balance the budget in 2015 of hosts, thanks to these deliveries, the Air Force could see its own deliveries pushed back in favor of those of the Indians, which would ease the French financial burden ...

Three is "assured Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, about a possible sale of Rafale United Arab Emirates, on his return from a visit to Riyadh. But there is also Qatar and Malaysia ... The first sales of the Rafale could trigger other. For more interested customers sign later, the more they will have to wait to receive their jets...

Guillaume Belan

in the box part

India does not give up making Rafale

While the Indian Defense Ministry was negotiating with Dassault, it | will now discuss with the French Government for the purchase of additional aircraft beyond the 36 Rafale announced on 10 April. "Negotiation government to government is more suitable than the tendering procedure by" justified the Indian Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar, on 13 April. New Delhi hopes to quickly finalize talks with Dassault hanging for three years.

For now, the change of interlocutor does not change the terms of trading on the MMRCA contract. Interviewed by "Air & Cosmos," Sitanshu Kar, spokesman of the Indian Ministry of Defense does not exclude 108 aircraft

Rafale are manufactured in India, as stipulated in the tender Initial. "India has not yet decided whether to buy other Rafale shelf or whether they will be assembled at home," he says. A point confirmed Laxman Behera, researcher and expert in "Procurement Code" at The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi Strategy: "The negotiation of government-to-government does not mean abandoning the production of Rafale in India . "Technology transfers are always possible. The researcher believes, however, that from now on, the French government, not Dassault, who will take responsibility for delays or manufacturing defect.




The Indian aviation industry is progressing. This is the Eric Trappier, President of Dassault, and Pierre-Eric Poinmellet, de'finies Vice President, pounded on March 25 during delivery to the Indian Air Force First Mirage 2000 modernized. Progress, certainly, but still seem insufficient to ensure on-site production of such a complex jet like Rafale. In our preview edition of Aero India show,

Stéphane Lauret, president of Safran India highlighted the problems related to qualified labour .He felt that there was such a real lack of adequate training for careers in aviation in India.


India has, however, already licensed product of western aircraft such as the Jaguar. Today, industrial HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd) also produced locally Russian Su-30MKI. In both cases, same approach was adopted. Initially, the industry
India has merely asembler subsets books by foreign industry before gradually increase its involvement in production of devices . If the Jaguar in the 1980s and in 1990 ended up being entirely locally made, there remains doubts about the real involvement of Indian industry in the production Su-30MKI.

Even if the planes would currently produced fully in India, its level of complexity is not comparable to the Rafale.Indeed, the Flanker is a plane using mainly hydraulic mechanics.
on the contrary, rafale is a plane using mainly electrical and electronic systems .

To show the generational leap from Flanker and Rafale, we can highlight the board oxygen system. On board the Rafale, oxygen for the pilot is generated by a system boards, while the Sukhoi Su-30MKI is equipped with oxygen tanks. The onboard oxygen generation system increases the battery life but it is more complex to produce.


The establishment of industrial resources necessary for Rafale production in India is very complex. As stated Eric Trappier, Dassault Rafale and partners team can build on their already ancient settlement and their local partners. But the scale of the Rafale license requires to expand greatly the cooperation with India.

Dassault is ready to be involved much more in India, and agreements to this effect were found with HAL. The sticking point concerned the guarantee of the quality of the jets produced in India. Given the magnitude of the task, it is understood that the French manufacturer has been reluctant to take charge of the quality of these.

The order for 36 Rafale products in France will allow India to quickly have a fully operational system, and so meet the needs of the Indian Air Force. It also saves time for possibly prepare the longer term production in India of French fighter.
■ Emmanuel Huberdeau

thanks to me

India has, however, already licensed product of western aircraft such as the Jaguar. Today, industrial HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd) also produced locally Russian Su-30MKI. In both cases, same approach was adopted. Initially, the industry
India has merely asembler subsets books by foreign industry before gradually increase its involvement in production of devices . If the Jaguar in the 1980s and in 1990 ended up being entirely locally made, there remains doubts about the real involvement of Indian industry in the production Su-30MKI.

Even if the planes would currently produced fully in India, its level of complexity is not comparable to the Rafale.Indeed, the Flanker is a plane using mainly hydraulic mechanics.
on the contrary, rafale is a plane using mainly electrical and electronic systems .

To show the generational leap from Flanker and Rafale, we can highlight the board oxygen system. On board the Rafale, oxygen for the pilot is generated by a system boards, while the Sukhoi Su-30MKI is equipped with oxygen tanks. The onboard oxygen generation system increases the battery life but it is more complex to produce.
I think what France is implying here (by taking that analogy from MKI) is that if you increase orders, it could be economically viable for Dassault to undertake complete ToT. I guess French order for Rafale is around 200 (@Gabriel92 right?) and if India is looking to induct about an equal number of planes, coupled with an assumption that more export orders are received for Rafale, it would actually be beneficial for Dassault to shift production base (atleast for Indian contract) to here in India. This might help better and quicker execution of orders on French side.
UAE Restarts Rafale Talks With France

PARIS — The United Arab Emirates has restarted talks on ordering the Dassault Rafale, with a planned major upgrade of the fighter jet in contrast to the off-the-shelf deals for Egypt and India, said an Arabian Gulf official source familiar with the issue.

"Yes, there are renewed discussions," the gulf source said April 14. The talks could take some time "to reach an understanding" that meets the needs of the UAE Air Force, the source said.

France has been in talks for more than five years on a sale of 60 Rafales, with the UAE requiring a more capable fighter with an extensive weapons suite. The Rafale would replace the fleet of Mirage 2000-9s.

The fresh talks are looking at requirements rather than reviving discussions for 60 Rafales and it is too early to say how many aircraft would be purchased for how much, .

The UAE is seen a potential buyer after Egypt sealed a deal for 24 Rafales and India announced a plan to order 36 off the assembly line in France.

"There are discussions going on with the Emirates, they are going in the right direction," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told journalists at the the Anglo-American Press Association on April 16.

France is pursuing an "economics diplomacy," he said. "The president, prime minister, defense minister and myself — we work very closely together." That approach was applied generally and to the Rafale specifically, he said.

Fabius said he met UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed al-Nahyan during a trip to Saudi Arabia on the weekend of April 11-12, confirming a report by daily Le Monde. "There is a French saying — all things come in threes," the French minister said, referring to the Rafale deals with Egypt and India, the report said.

Dassault Aviation Chairman Eric Trappier said on March 11 that the French company was back in talks with the UAE, but that these were not contract negotiations.

The UAE is in talks with the US to order 30 Block 61 Lockheed Martin F-16s, which would add to the 80-strong fleet of Block 60 fighters, Reuters has reported.

Executives at the International Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi in February noted the UAE crown prince spent an hour behind closed doors at the Dassault stand on the opening day. The UAE had helped fund Egypt's purchase of the Rafale, but it was also likely that they spoke about the fighters for the gulf state's own Air Force, the executives said.

The UAE Air Force has focused on an upgrade of the systems and engine of the Rafale, including active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, frontal sector optronic and an electronic warfare suite, systems supplied by Thales, and a 9-ton-thrust M88 engine, uprated from the 7.5-ton engine that powers the French Air Force and Navy fighters.

French industry has said the 2011 Libya air campaign showed there was no need for a higher engine thrust on the Rafale.

The potential UAE version, dubbed M88-9, could deliver nine tons of thrust by "increasing the entering airflow from 65 kg/s to 72 kg/s and the compression rate from 24.5 to 27," according to News, the Rafale blog, which in 2011 ran a story from weekly magazine Air & Cosmos.

That would require the air intake to be enlarged, a costly "structural modification" that had been a stumbling block in talks with the UAE, the 2011 report said.

On Dec. 30, France launched a program worth some €1 billion (US $1.06 billion) to upgrade the Rafale F3 to the F3R standard by 2018. The new version will fire the MBDA Meteor long-range air-to-air missile, a laser version of the Sagem Armement Air Sol Modulaire powered smart bomb, and carry a Thales new-generation laser targeting pod, dubbed Talios, to succeed the present Damocles. The AESA RBE2 radar and Spectra electronic warfare system will also be improved.

Egypt will receive the F3R version, Trappier said.

Thales co-developed the Damocles pod under the name Shehab for the UAE Air Force's Mirage 2000-9.

The UAE had been putting pressure on France to fund a co-development of an upgraded targeting pod and considered buying the Lockheed Martin Sniper as an alternative, business daily Les Echos reported in November 2011.

Abu Dhabi had agreed with then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy to consider the Rafale as a replacement to the fleet of Mirage 2000-9s bought in 1998.

Fabius said there are also discussions on the Rafale with Qatar.

"But sometimes these discussions are long, sometimes they speed up — which we saw in Egypt — sometimes they are brief," Fabius said.

"It depends on the overall situation, depends on the country's needs – the aircraft is the same but sometimes they ask for different specifications. There are discussions going on with Qatar and other countries," he said.

Qatar is now seen as slipping down on the list of prospective Rafale buyers after having been near the top, a parliamentary official said. Negotiations for an order of 24 fighters and an option for a further 12 was reported in February to be in the final stage.

Trappier declined to comment when asked about Qatar at the company's annual results press conference on March 11.

The arms sales can be seen as reflecting a sharp and deadly shift in the region, with the fighting in Yemen being a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the parliamentary official said.

Iraq, Syria and Libya are nations in armed turmoil. Russia has canceled an embargo and will deliver the S-300, a sophisticated surface-to-air missile, to Iran. The US has warned that delivering the weapon may hurt the Western agreement to lift sanctions against Tehran.

In Europe last year, Dassault, Snecma and Thales opened the Rafale team's office in Brussels to bid in the Belgian tender for a replacement of the F-16, the 7 sur 7 news website reported.

The Rafale team will pitch the F3R model against the Lockheed Martin F-35, Boeing F/A-18 E/F, Eurofighter Typhoon, and Saab JAS-39 Gripen in the Belgian Defense - Air Combat Capability Successor Program, the report said

UAE Restarts Rafale Talks With France
The deal for even 36 Rafale will not happen if Dassault do not wrap up negotiations by May end :lol:

Dassault has really lost the plot with Rafale.
Seems olybrius had left the new forum after mpnet closed. Do let us know if you come across his new home. His postings were a treat for any rafale fan. Wish we could invite him to a place which offers him more freedom to do the things his way.. I saw ur post there btw but yet not seen Oly in the link where you invited him. Bookmarked it already for updates as thats almost parallel thread to this here in pdf (of course both are managed by you)...

After four years of difficult negotiations – as well as even a collapse of talks (over the contract for 126 aircraft) – the Government of India has inked an $8.85 billion U.S. deal with France for 36 Dassault Rafale multi-role fighters. The first batch of fighters will be delivered to India by September 2019, the remainder will be received over the subsequent 30 months.

Within the contract itself, $3.84 billion U.S. will be spent on the aircraft themselves and an additional $2 billion will be put towards the requisite maintenance and logistics infrastructure to operate the fighter. Dassault has also guaranteed that the Indian Air Force (IAF)’s Rafales will maintain a 75% availability rate.

$1.9 billion will be spent on IAF-specific customization, such as the integration of an Elbit helmet-mounted display and sight (HMD/S) system and other internal subsystems.

A munitions package worth $800 million U.S. is also being acquired, this will include Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles and SCALP air-launched cruise missiles.

According to Defense News, which had spoken to a source in the Indian Ministry of Defence, this will be divided with 30% of the contract’s value will be invested in Indian military aeronautics research and development and 20% will be committed towards production contracts for the Indian defence industry.

Notes, Comments & Analysis:

When the Indian Air Force (IAF) originally selected Rafale as the winner of its much coveted Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) requirement, it had intended to procure 126 fighters. In addition, most of those fighters were supposed to have been built locally in India.

Disagreements, particularly over cost, resulted in that program falling through, but in its place, the IAF has succeeded in securing two squadrons off-the-shelf as well as a solid commercial offset package, which will channel 50% of the contract’s value as a stimulus for the Indian economy.

Moreover, India’s defence industry will benefit from close to $4.5 billion in commercial offset investments from France’s leading defence vendors. This investment will not only offer work contracts for the Indian private sector but in some areas (e.g. aircraft electronics and propulsion), it could result in an infusion of valuable technology research and development support and expertise.

It would be surprising if the IAF opts for another medium-weight platform. At this stage, the Rafale is a proven and relatively well-adopted platform (thanks to recent orders from Egypt and Qatar). By investing in the maintenance and logistics infrastructure to operate the first two squadrons, the IAF would be well advised to gradually build its Rafale fleet. A look from the Indian Navy could be interesting as well.

Moreover, India’s offset clause could be utilized to accrue supra-contractual benefits. Under the current contract, the French defence industry will commit 20% of the contract’s value to production work in India. However, additional Rafale orders can be leveraged as a means to gain added concessions, such as local assembly and/or manufacturing as well as parts manufacturing, which can, in turn, be connected into the Rafale’s global supply chain. In other words, India could leverage additional orders to access the supply market for third-party users such as Qatar and Egypt.

Technology wise, the Rafale will imbue the IAF will the following operational gains above its current fleet:

First, the Rafale is marketed with a markedly high availability rate (with the French guaranteeing a 75% availability rate), which in contrast to the troubled Su-30MKI offers the IAF a platform it can depend on upon in rapid mobilization as well as under stressful wartime conditions.

Second, the Rafale boasts a very strong balance of range and payload, enabling it to effectively take on a wide range of air-to-air and air-to-surface mission roles (which the IAF will exploit via the Meteor, SCALP, and other munitions).

Third, which is is not exclusive to the Rafale in the context of the IAF, but the fighter’s potent sensor and electronics warfare and countermeasures suite places it as both a highly survivable and threatening asset.

India’s private sector and state-owned industries should be able to draw upon the expertise and technology support of Dassault, Thales, MBDA, and Safran Group, which may enable the Kaveri and other programs to overcome specific developmental challenges in the short-term, which can in turn create space for the Indian research base to rectify those obstacles indigenously over the long-term without pressure from the armed forces’ short-term operational needs.

This will directly feed into the Tejas, enabling it to not only come to fruition but to enter service as the solution the IAF had envisioned in recent years. India’s next-generation manned and unmanned aircraft programs will also benefit in various direct and indirect forms.

Overall, the Rafale contract is certainly expensive, but with 50% of it coming back as a targeted stimulus for the Indian economy, New Delhi secured a worthwhile deal.

The Rafale Deal – Finally Inked

By Lt. General P.C. Katoch (Retd.)
Former Director General of Information Systems, Indian Army


The Union Minister for Defence, Manohar Parrikar and the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, signing the intergovernmental agreement on Rafale, in New Delhi on September 23, 2016


The Union Minister for Defence, Manohar Parrikar and the French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, exchanging the Rafale contract agreement, in New Delhi on September 23, 2016


16 years after the IAF projected the demanded for new multi-role fighters and four years after the Rafale deal was mooted in 2012, India has finally signed the agreement with France for 36 Rafale fighters. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian signed the deal at a ceremony in New Delhi on September 23. Inked at Euro 7.87 billion, it is one of the biggest import deal signed by India in recent decades. All the 36 fighters are to be imported from France. While the first Rafale is to be received by India within three years, all 36 will be received by early 2022. The Rafale is armed with the Meteor air-to-air missiles that have a range of 150 kms, which will give a combat edge over the F-16 fighter aircraft held by Pakistan sine the missiles onboard F-16 have a range of 80 kms. According to French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation's CEO Eric Trappier the Rafale is more in competition with the American F-35 fifth-generation fighter because it is a generation ahead of the F-16.

These 36 Rafale fighters will be tweaked to specific multiple Indian requirements. These will include requirements like capability for cold start at high-altitude regions like Leh, Israeli helmet-mounted displays, advanced missile warning and synthetic aperture radars etc. The deal does not put any restrictions for the Rafale to carry nuclear weapons and for using them as strategic platforms. The overall per unit cost of the 36 Rafales being imported will be some Rs 1,640 crore taking into account the weapon package, complete spares and costs for 75 per cent fleet availability, plus performance-based logistics support for five years. Though different fighters cannot be compared since they have their own roles and capabilities, India can buy two to three Russian heavy-weight Sukhoi-30MKIs or five to six indigenous Tejas light combat aircraft for every Rafale.

But it's also true that while a Tejas has a limited range of 400 km and weapon load-carrying capability of 2.5 tonnes, a Rafale can go up to 1,650 km with a 9.3-tonne load. India will pay around 15 per cent (around Rs 9,000 crore) as the first installment. Under this logistics support, Dassault will ensure that at least 75 per cent of the fleet remains operational or air worthy at any given time under what is called the existing frontline fighter, the Sukhoi 30-MKI has only 60 per cent availability clause. The Rafale deal has a 50 per cent offsets clause, under which France will have to invest half of the actual contract value (some 3.94 euros) back into India, which has the potential to generate direct and indirect employment opportunities in India. According to government sources, India saved some Euros 328 million from bargaining over the price for the original medium multi role combat aircraft (MMRCA) being negotiated by the erstwhile UPA regime. The Rafale deal does fall short of previous proposals for India to buy 126 of the jets because of costs and assembly guarantees. Rafale aircraft are currently being used for bombing missions over Syria and Iraq. The Rafale can fly distances of up to 3,800 kms (2,360 miles).

Significantly, the Rafales will come with much better weapons and maintenance support packages now as compared to what was being negotiated by the previous government. The Rafale has a faster turnaround time, capable of undertaking five sorties in a day. The French company will make India-specific changes, such as next generation missiles like Meteor and Scalp, which will add capability much beyond India’s immediate adversaries. The Meteor, is a BVR (Beyond Visual Range) air-to-air missile with a range in excess of 150 km. It will allow IAF to hit targets inside both Pakistan and Tibet from within its own territory. The Scalp is a long-range air-to- cruise missile with a range of 300 km and precision of two metres. The IAF has not procured any new fighter jets since the start of this century, the last one being the Sukhoi 30-MKI from Russia that was first ordered in mid-1990’s and since have been produced under license in India by HAL. The Rafale will certainly be a boost for the IAF, however the real edge will come when we build our own fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) in India. Our plans for joint development of FGFA in collaboration with Russia need to be accelerated in this context.

Photo Credit: PIB, Dassault Aviation, French Air Force – R. Nicolas-Nelson


for more
Two Russian bombers intercepted by Rafale off Brittany

Two Russian bombers were spotted and intercepted a hundred kilometers of the Brittany coast in late September (picture image).


The two Russian planes had already been detected by Norway and Ireland. Four countries had to intervene to intercept at the time, on 22 September.
As a deja vu. French fighter planes intercepted two Russian September 22 bombers off the Brittany, announced Tuesday the air force. The aircraft were detected in the morning in northern Norway by the army, then west of Ireland before appearing early in the afternoon to "100 kilometers of Brittany" is he said on the site of the Defense Ministry .

A first such incident in February
The two "Blackjack" - code name for the two aircraft - struck with a red star were escorted by several Rafale early afternoon to drive "off to Mont-de-Marsan" in the South -Where is. "The two Russian planes (have) then head west along the Iberian coast," the site of the Air Force. It was at that time that the Spanish planes took charge.

The two Russian planes are finally reassembled to Russia via Ireland. In total four countries - Norway, the UK, France and Spain - have implemented aerial means of interception and escort aircraft in conjunction with NATO operation centers.

Of "provocations" frequent Russian
Termed "provocations" by Russian Westerners in full escalation of tension with Moscow, these incidents are increasing for several months. On 17 February, the French fighter aircraft and had intercepted Russian aircraft off Touquet in northern France this time.

ALSO READ >> Two Russian bombers intercepted by the air force off Touquet

The phenomenon is even more common for the Baltic countries, which regularly accuses Russia of violating its airspace and flying over the Baltic Sea.

Thales. The success of the Rafale is also Brest

Recent successes of the Rafale are played in part in Brest. It is indeed within the walls of what Thales integrated and tested the Spectra electronic warfare system, which gives a step ahead of the fighter plane pilots.
"The challenge is simple: to be able to enter the first in the theater of operations." In front of a model of the Rafale but far benches where the system is tested, classified in zone prohibited any outside visitor, Thierry Weulersse, site director of Thales, describes how the Spectra (protection system and avoidance of conduct shot Burst).

The system equips the whole fleet of Rafale built by Dassault, for which it was designed. "The system is developed in Élancourt, integrated and tested in Brest, at Thales Airborne Systems (TSA). Its role is to automatically consider the entire electromagnetic spectrum for the protection of the platform, detection transmitters and radars in the area, and intelligence missions, "explains Thierry Weulersse.

Detection and against measures
The whole system is integrated into the unit cell which frees any external hard points for weapons in particular. The different sensors can capture the radar waves, infrared laser or, 360 degrees around the device. But not only that: "With an onboard data library, the system immediately provides cons-measures to the pilot as radar-jamming sequins or infrared waves to fool detection systems enemy radars or missile guidance" .

After only equipped the French Air Force, Rafale coming off a series of commercial successes with 24 orders in Egypt and Qatar and 36 other still signed last month to India, a total of 84 firm orders signed by 18 month. So successful in Brest today part and proves the relevance of the competence center for electronic warfare developed in the 1990s by Thales at the tip Finistère.

"The activity is perpetuated"
These commercial successes are not without effect on employment, since Thales announced last month, recruiting 150 people across its sites in Brittany. And this success also benefits contractors, as Novatech, in Pont-de-Buis.

At Brest, they are already 1,600 employees, Thales Underwater System and TSA, and the effect Rafale should be very spectacular on employment. "We have already anticipated for several months with recruitment which should allow us to be ready to respond to this increase in activity, explains Thierry Weulersse. But the main achievement is that these export contracts perpetuate the activity Rafale in Brest ".

Especially since TSA does not intend to rest on its laurels and is working on the evolution of the Spectra system, "including on the interference portion and scanning." But this is, of course, well secluded ...

Maintenance is digitizes
Helen Chachaty in Bordeaux

05/10/2016 | 934 words

© Thales

ADS file Show

Support: Thales plays the game of the digital revolution
The duality of platforms: an asset for maintenance?
A "clean bubble" for the maintenance of pods on the theaters of operations

Potential calculation of remaining equipment, fault recording, serious games, simulators, the maintenance in operational condition (MCO) of aeronautical materials tend to scan more and more, how to testify in several solutions presented at ADS Show room devoted to MCO Defense. Example of three tools developed to benefit the maintenance of the Rafale.

Already in service in the forces, the Harpagon system allows engineers to detect all faults that arose during a mission
Two Russian bombers intercepted by Rafale off Brittany

Two Russian bombers were spotted and intercepted a hundred kilometers of the Brittany coast in late September (picture image).


The two Russian planes had already been detected by Norway and Ireland. Four countries had to intervene to intercept at the time, on 22 September.
As a deja vu. French fighter planes intercepted two Russian September 22 bombers off the Brittany, announced Tuesday the air force. The aircraft were detected in the morning in northern Norway by the army, then west of Ireland before appearing early in the afternoon to "100 kilometers of Brittany" is he said on the site of the Defense Ministry .

A first such incident in February
The two "Blackjack" - code name for the two aircraft - struck with a red star were escorted by several Rafale early afternoon to drive "off to Mont-de-Marsan" in the South -Where is. "The two Russian planes (have) then head west along the Iberian coast," the site of the Air Force. It was at that time that the Spanish planes took charge.

The two Russian planes are finally reassembled to Russia via Ireland. In total four countries - Norway, the UK, France and Spain - have implemented aerial means of interception and escort aircraft in conjunction with NATO operation centers.

Of "provocations" frequent Russian
Termed "provocations" by Russian Westerners in full escalation of tension with Moscow, these incidents are increasing for several months. On 17 February, the French fighter aircraft and had intercepted Russian aircraft off Touquet in northern France this time.

ALSO READ >> Two Russian bombers intercepted by the air force off Touquet

The phenomenon is even more common for the Baltic countries, which regularly accuses Russia of violating its airspace and flying over the Baltic Sea.

Thales. The success of the Rafale is also Brest

Recent successes of the Rafale are played in part in Brest. It is indeed within the walls of what Thales integrated and tested the Spectra electronic warfare system, which gives a step ahead of the fighter plane pilots.
"The challenge is simple: to be able to enter the first in the theater of operations." In front of a model of the Rafale but far benches where the system is tested, classified in zone prohibited any outside visitor, Thierry Weulersse, site director of Thales, describes how the Spectra (protection system and avoidance of conduct shot Burst).

The system equips the whole fleet of Rafale built by Dassault, for which it was designed. "The system is developed in Élancourt, integrated and tested in Brest, at Thales Airborne Systems (TSA). Its role is to automatically consider the entire electromagnetic spectrum for the protection of the platform, detection transmitters and radars in the area, and intelligence missions, "explains Thierry Weulersse.

Detection and against measures
The whole system is integrated into the unit cell which frees any external hard points for weapons in particular. The different sensors can capture the radar waves, infrared laser or, 360 degrees around the device. But not only that: "With an onboard data library, the system immediately provides cons-measures to the pilot as radar-jamming sequins or infrared waves to fool detection systems enemy radars or missile guidance" .

After only equipped the French Air Force, Rafale coming off a series of commercial successes with 24 orders in Egypt and Qatar and 36 other still signed last month to India, a total of 84 firm orders signed by 18 month. So successful in Brest today part and proves the relevance of the competence center for electronic warfare developed in the 1990s by Thales at the tip Finistère.

"The activity is perpetuated"
These commercial successes are not without effect on employment, since Thales announced last month, recruiting 150 people across its sites in Brittany. And this success also benefits contractors, as Novatech, in Pont-de-Buis.

At Brest, they are already 1,600 employees, Thales Underwater System and TSA, and the effect Rafale should be very spectacular on employment. "We have already anticipated for several months with recruitment which should allow us to be ready to respond to this increase in activity, explains Thierry Weulersse. But the main achievement is that these export contracts perpetuate the activity Rafale in Brest ".

Especially since TSA does not intend to rest on its laurels and is working on the evolution of the Spectra system, "including on the interference portion and scanning." But this is, of course, well secluded ...

Maintenance is digitizes
Helen Chachaty in Bordeaux

05/10/2016 | 934 words

© Thales

ADS file Show

Support: Thales plays the game of the digital revolution
The duality of platforms: an asset for maintenance?
A "clean bubble" for the maintenance of pods on the theaters of operations

Potential calculation of remaining equipment, fault recording, serious games, simulators, the maintenance in operational condition (MCO) of aeronautical materials tend to scan more and more, how to testify in several solutions presented at ADS Show room devoted to MCO Defense. Example of three tools developed to benefit the maintenance of the Rafale.

Already in service in the forces, the Harpagon system allows engineers to detect all faults that arose during a mission

Russian bombers without fighter escort are easy prey to Rafale
First test flight of Rafale pod Talios

The test team in the F3R Rafale prototype equipped with the pod Talios © Thales


The pod TALIOS new generation of laser designation (Targeting Long-range Optronic System Identification) has successfully completed its first test flight on Rafale.

The test flight was carried out from the base of Istres by Dassault Aviation in the F3R Rafale program. The prototype pod Talios took off on July 27 in a single-seat airplane for a flight lasting more than 2 hours.
The test flight has collected images taken through a "day" and test score performance and telemetry, says Thales.

Designed by Thales optronics TALIOS is the first targeting pod to cover the entire decision chain, from intelligence gathering to neutralization. The pod is equipped with the latest generation of high-resolution electro-optical and infrared sensors, a stabilization of the line of sight and image processing. Its capabilities range from deep strikes with precision-guided munitions, identification of air-goals and close air support, day and night.

The pod TALIOS equip the Rafale of the army of the French air and the Navy. It is one of the advanced Rafale F3R standard. The first flight of the pod Talios was conducted under the aircraft Mirage 2000 test bench development tests and performance measurement will continue throughout the year 2017. They will lead to the qualification of equipment on the one hand, and the qualification standard Rafale F3R planned for mid 2018.

The Law of Military Planning provides the command 45 pods for the Air Force and Navy, 20 of which have already been ordered by the DGA to Thales. Deliveries of the series of materials will occur from 2018.


The Frontal Sector Optronics is the result of collaboration between Thales and Sagem. This is a sensor Rafale, in front of the glass, the nose of the aircraft. It allows the search, acquisition and target tracking, as well as air sea or land, in high resolution and with telemetry LASER.

Except laser rangefinder, the entire system emits no radiation and is therefore undetectable (merely receive information, they say it is a passive sensor). It also proves immune to radar jamming, operating in optical wavelengths. For use in the optical and infrared, it makes complementary RBE2 radar.

For missions that do not require its use, it can be removed from its housing and replaced by a ballast, in order not to disturb the aerodynamics and center of gravity.


OSF Rafale
In a volume of only 80 L, OSF provides:

  • an optical channel / LASER rangefinder, allowing identification and tracking targets up to 50 km
  • an infrared channel with two functions: Suspend / tracking (IRST) and imaging (FLIR). The infrared sensor wide field of view allows to operate at a range of 100 km.

View of an F-22 Raptor by OSF of a Rafale
The OSF covers the front area of 120 to 150 °. Its viewing angle is down because of the aircraft's nose, only 14 °. The addition of Damocles designation pod is therefore necessary to broaden the vision of the OSF field.

The OSF is fully integrated navigation and attack system Rafale. It has the ability to adapt easily to environments in which it is operating. Unlike similar system installed on the Eurofighter Typhoon, it can pass during a mission of air-air configuration to the air-sea configuration or air to ground, that its competitor is unable to do. Its infrared capabilities are of great importance during a night flying.



The RBE2 is a multifunction radar equipping Dassault combat aircraft in the early 1990s is developed exclusively for the Rafale by Thales, then called Thomson-CSF in collaboration with Electronic Serge Dassault.

The radar is one of the essential components of a fighter. Indeed it allows it to ensure its security against threats on a battlefield and to have a clear description and long-range air tactical situation. But such a radar is not sufficient for the Rafale. It is a multirole aircraft, which must conduct both air-ground missions air-air missions.

On a "traditional" radar, air-to-air and air-ground capabilities are not processed simultaneously, and aircraft must be equipped with a different radar depending on version. For example, in the case of Mirages 2000: D and N versions, for ground attack and nuclear bombardment, are equipped with radar Antelope V that has good terrain following capability, but whose performance air- air are very low. Conversely, versions B and C are for their part equipped RDI radar which is only intended for air combat

The RBE2 has meanwhile powerful capabilities in both air to air in air-ground or air-sea, which was planned from the outset of the program. To meet these requirements, Thomson-CSF, during his research in the '80s, was based on the radant antenna, developed by the manufacturer of the same name and developed in the 70 Operating as a lens network, it is composed of two crossed patties and illuminated by a TWT (Traveling wave Tube). Each wafer includes a large number of channels in which take place the PIN diodes.The combination of the successive states of successive diodes of a same channel produces a phase shift that provides the deflection of the beam, such as a prism. The operation of the scan is thus optimized so that the air-air and air-ground functions operate simultaneously. The vertical scanning ensures air-ground capabilities and horizontal sweep to load the air-air capacity, which is the character of the Rafale multirole. When the radar is installed on the then Rafale in development since 1991, Dassault aircraft became one of the first to have such technology with the Russian MiG-31 and the B-1 bomber American. This first version of the radar is known to RBE2 PESA (Passive Electronically Scanned Array Radar = passive antenna).

A major advantage of RBE2 is its low possibility of detection by enemy equipment (LPI capacity: Low Probality of Intercept). It results in an emission discretion, random sweeps or hopping frequencies

The radar is supported by powerful computers capable of performing more than one billion operations per second.

In a mass of 270 kg (which is light for a radar), the RBE2 ensures:

  • air-to-air capabilities, air-ground and air-sea as the search targets, support for acquisition, tracking, shooting and track the missile
  • the ability to engage multiple aircraft simultaneously (up to four simultaneous shots), also called multi-target capability, liaison with aircraft missile
  • Field monitoring mode, which allows a fighter to marry as close to the shape of the land to ensure it great discretion. The mode is coupled to the electrical flight controls and automatic camera driver.The driver determines a desired height of 100 feet and 2000 feet (30 to 650 meters, 3 feet ≈ 1 meter), and a type of flexible flight, medium or hard, for the number of "g" suffered ( g is the acceleration of gravity, equal to approximately 9.78 ms -2). This results to more or less "stick the plane" to the terrain at a speed between 400 and 600 knots (between 740 and 1111 km / h)
  • an imaging mode synthetic cover (able to map an area for the needs of the mission in all weather conditions, day or night.
The radar operates within a hundred kilometers. To prevent the power of its emissions will harm the personal air bases or aircraft carriers, it only becomes active when it left the ground or the flight deck of the aircraft carrier.

Since 2012, the outgoing radar assembly lines have been added an active antenna which makes them much more efficient.

  • The range is increased to 200 kilometers.
  • The investigation and prosecution is now possible for 40 targets including twenty in a very enhanced. It can engage in 8 the same time, against 4 of the PESA.
  • It can perform mapping in 3D with excellent definition in real time (it is the only radar in the world to do so).
  • The scan area is increased to +/- 70 °.
  • Noise immunity is improved and the investigation and prosecution of stealth targets (low detectable radar) is facilitated.
  • It consists of thousands of transmitting / receiving modules including the failure of some does not prevent the functioning of the unit. It therefore needs less maintenance.
In addition, the use of the Meteor missile, whose range exceeds 100 kilometers, could not have come at full capacity without EASA.


RBE2 advantage over a conventional radar

SPECTRA = System Protection and Avoidance of Burst Shot pipes.

SPECTRA, developed by Thales and MBDA, is a collection of sensors, receivers, antennas, ... who defend the Rafale. It offers protection against most attacks and threats existing in a theater. The system is effective to 360 °. All the aircraft therefore enjoys its protection, and for any type of weapons, air to air or surface to air. The development of this system started in the 1980s, along with that of the air, while electronic systems and "electronic warfare" were booming. It is of course specific to the Rafale.


In the photo, the SPECTRA items are circled in red
All the equipment that compose it has a mass of about 250 kg. The system is divided into six major parts providing specific functions:

  • Two infrared missile launch detectors (DDM), placed on top of the drift of the Rafale. The standard "F3-04T" currently up and which also brings the EASA RBE2, sees the arrival of a new generation of infrared missile launch detector DDM-NG (the first version of DDM has become obsolete with changes weapons systems). It allows to detect the firing of a missile at enemy longer distance with a spherical field of view around the largest aircraft. Also, the system has the ability to sort the false alarms and has an angular detection capability that offers him greater efficiency
  • DAL 3 (laser warning sensors) that allow the pilot to see if his plane is designated by a laser signal.There are 3 in total: two are located in the cockpit and at the top of the drift. They cover a range of 120 ° each
  • 3 radar detectors, at the root of the ducks and the top of the drift, which enable whether a radar is active near the aircraft.
Then, when one of these signals a warning (with less than 1 ° accuracy, and a large database to identify its origin), SPECTRA (which merged with the RBE2 and OSF) uses devices of cons-measures adapted its disposal to protect the aircraft:

  • 3 jammers placed close to the air inlets of the reactor and on the drift; Both are active antenna and allow to jam radars and lasers that can pose a threat to the aircraft
  • 4 thermal rocket launchers (decoys) on the back of the wing-fuselage junction to protect against infrared-guided missiles. The decoy will emit a stronger infrared signature as reactors for the missile launched against the plane is heading these lures rather than reactors
  • 2-lances glitter (decoys) that are close to the nozzles of the reactor and designed to deceive the electromagnetic guided missiles or radar guidance, reflecting the waves of enemy radar in the following wavelengths the same "signature" Electromagnetic the Rafale.

Firing decoy flares
The data fusion is the synthesis of all the information gathered by the aircraft sensors, such as OSF, SPECTRA, RBE2, etc. The wealth of information obtained must be selected and presented to the driver in the most accessible way possible. The merger is accomplished by EMTI: Set Modular Data Processing. It consists of 19 modules each developing a power 50 times greater than previous systems

Data fusion is performed in three steps:

  • developing and refining the track of the information provided by the set of sensors
  • compensation limitations inherent to each sensor (distance, resolution, field of view, wavelength ...)
  • Assessment of confidence levels of the track and removing redundancies to avoid unnecessary clutter.
This system is a great help for the pilot, which is reliable and clear information.

The concept HOTAS, "Hands On Throttle And Stick" in French literally "Hands on Channel and Machine" refers to a concept where no handle in the center of the airplane cockpit, but a side handle and a throttle.Thus, the pilot nearly all commands he needs when he hands on the stick and throttle, thus allowing it almost never let go of its controls. The throttle is on the left of the pilot and-stick to his right. 37 switches and switches total integrated therein (13 and 24 on the handle on the throttle). The switches allow the driver to manage the position ducks plans telecommunication, RBE2 usage modes or the autopilot. The directional handle (that directs partly the plane, without pedals) has a small clearance of about 10 cm around its axis of rotation in the rest position.

The average head-up display (VTM) is the central display in the cockpit of the Rafale. Its dimensions are 25.4 x 25.4 cm for a resolution of 1000 x 1000 pixels. With its field 20 ° x 20 °, it allows the display of the tactical situation (SITAC) resulting from the merger of the data recorded by the sensors of the aircraft. The screen also lets you overlay the display of the SITAC with a navigation map or satellite images, may come from the RBE2. We can also appear zones shooting arms, represented by colored bubbles calculated in real time and associated with the NOSE (No Escape Zone) of the selected arming, or the minimum distance shooting in close combat.

HUD (Head Up Display), also known as HTC (Collimator Head High) or HUD (Head High Visualization) is placed just above the GTW. This device is located near the VTM to allow a quick change of a device to another. It provides the driver all flight information such as course, speed, altitude, attitude, angle of attack, ... he has an "artificial horizon" indicates the time flight conducted and quantity of armaments. It covers an area of 30 ° x 22 ° and is also compatible for projecting an infrared imaging, from the Pod Damocles or OSF.


Cockpit Rafale
March 13, 2015

refresh your knowledge about rafale
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