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Featured Rafale’s Impact on IAF’s Air Power Capabilities by Air Cdre Kaiser Tufail,

Rafale’s Impact on IAF’s Air Power Capabilities
September 10, 2020

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Air Cdre Kaiser Tufail (Retd)

Quite clearly, the inadequacy of IAF’s Su-30MKI and MiG-29 twin-engine fighters in the air superiority role led to the decision to acquire the Rafale, ostensibly a more modern and capable multi-role fighter. While both Russian fighters are highly maneuverable in a visual dogfight, as evidenced in several IAF exercises with RAF Typhoons and USAF F-15s and F-16s, they seem to have shortcomings in network-centric, Beyond Visual Range (BVR) combat. This was noticed during the 27 February 2019 skirmish with PAF F-16s, when a pair of Su-30s failed to establish data link and were of no mutual support to each other. The capabilities of the much-touted N011M ‘Bars’ airborne intercept radar are also suspect as the patrolling Su-30s were unable to launch even a single radar-guided R-77 BVR missiles against two dozen PAF fighters milling in the area on 27 February. While a definitive conclusion about the shortcomings of the Su-30 fire-control radar and missiles cannot be made on the basis of a single engagement, it is clear that they are not at par with the PAF F-16/AMRAAM combo. The IAF was aware of these limitations of the Russian fighters, which is why it had initiated measures for the acquisition of Western multi-role combat aircraft instead of more Su-30s, as far back as 2012.

IAF’s choice fell on the French Rafale, which is, indeed, a formidable multi-role fighter with long range and endurance, along with a sizeable payload in the class of the Su-30, areas that single-engine fighters like the F-16A/B and JF-17 cannot compete in. With a powerful radar and the long-range, radar-guided Meteor BVR missile, it comes at a cost of $120 million apiece. Dollar for dollar, PAF can acquire four JF-17 Blk-III for the cost of one Rafale, thus more than offsetting the latter’s payload capabilities, at least. The range of the Rafale’s Meteor missile claimed by the manufacturer (MBDA) to be 100+ km led the Indian Prime Minister to ruefully state that, “if we had the Rafale, results would have been different [on 27 February].”

Mr. Modi has apparently not yet been briefed by his Air Staff about the JF-17’s upcoming PL-15 BVR missile guided by the new AESA radar, which beats the Rafale’s ramjet-powered Meteor by several tens of kilometers. It is manifest that long range BVR combat will take precedence over close combat in any future conflict, and enemy aircraft will be shot out of the skies while remaining well inside their own territory.

While we are at it, it may be worthwhile to have a cursory line comparison of the Rafale, F-16A and JF-17 in one-on-one visual air combat.

All three aircraft have a ‘clean’ configuration Thrust-to-Weight Ratio of 1:1 and can climb and accelerate equally well. In a turning fight, Aspect Ratio and Wing Loading are critical parameters. The JF-17 and F-16A enjoy better Aspect Ratios of 3.7 each, compared to the Rafale which stands at 2.6. A better Aspect Ratio (square of wing span to wing area) implies better aerodynamic efficiency due to less induced drag during turning. As for Wing Loading, or the weight of the aircraft per unit area, the lesser the better. The Rafale has a slight edge, having 68 lbs/sq ft compared to the JF-17 and F-16A, both of which have Wing Loadings of 77 lbs/sq ft. A lightly loaded wing helps in a tighter turn, though in case of the Rafale, this advantage is overcome by greater induced drag due its lower Aspect Ratio. In sum, all three fighters are at par, more or less, in a turning fight.

Induction of the Rafale in IAF has created considerable media interest, and the impression has been created that with immediate effect, IAF will rule the Indian skies. It must, however, be remembered that it will be at least two years before the Rafale achieves anything close to Full Operational Capability. PAF, on the other hand, has been flying F-16s for 37 years, including hot scenarios during the Afghan War, in local counter-insurgency operations, and the latest Operation ‘Swift Retort,’ downing half a dozen enemy fighters in these operations. The JF-17 has been fully operational for over a decade, and is expected to replace the legacy fighters over the next five years. These combat-proven PAF fighters are fully integrated with the air defence system, and are mutually data-linked, alongside all AEW and ground sensors. Such capabilities are not achieved overnight, and it will be several years before the Rafales can be considered a threat in any real sense.

Any immediate impact of the Rafale on IAF’s air power capabilities is, thus, simply over-hyped. This inference, however, must not be dealt with lightly, as there is a distinct possibility of the Indian Prime Minister using the Rafale for a false-flag operation in a surreptitious manner, to prove his point that, “with the Rafale, the results would have been different,” from those of 27 February 2019.

Air Cdre Kaiser Tufail (Retired) is a former fighter pilot and a writer on military affairs.
According to few Indian sources, the main reason why Pakistan was able to shoot down Bison was AWACS capability. So, in my opinion, Pakistan should really be careful about this capability, specially the safety of these birds.
No I do not agree about your comment on PL-15 which is a "very long range air to air missile". Its engine is pulsed solid propellant rocket. Thus its range is about 300 km. It is mounted with AESA radar and speed is about 4 mach.

Whereas Meteor is propelled by throttleable ducted rocket (ramjet) engine. The amount of fuel it carries is enough to carry it to 100 km max. Its max speed is 4 mach.

Meteor can be compared with PL-12/SD-10 missile but not PL-15.
medium Range=aim 120c/sd10(single burn engine)
long range=meteor(RAMJET)/aim120d/aim120c7(pulse engine)/pl-15(pulse engine/thought to be the longest one)
super long range=PL- XX (very heavy, blastic/single burn engine)
Correct information in the following graphic:


LINK: https://www.iiss.org/publications/the-military-balance/the-military-balance-2018/mb2018-01-essays-1

True performance parameters of METEOR are classified:

its is probably around 150 km, along with aim 120d/c7, almost twice that of sd-10
in addition the range of sd10 is severly impacted if it does a dramatic change, as it loses energy but because energy is released slowly in ramjet/pulse engines, that doesnt change a alot

hence although maximum range hasnt changed dramatically(almost 50-100% higher), the chase range has increased by several folds

This is treason against the state. It is a shame that the stalwarts of the Paf are letting down the nation by talking about the weaknesses of the enemy on open world forum---.

Just to get their egos massaged the Paf officers have let out all the weaknesses of the enemy and told the enemy what to do next.

India is grateful that the Paf is teaching them how to get better over a period of time.

A weak person never stays weak all his life if he wants to seek revenge---and neither does an enemy---.

So your logic is that IAF is no incompetent that they need a blog from Ex-PAF fighter pilot to spell out their weakness in details so they can then work on it and remedy it.

In other words, IAF would have carried on with the same errors without the blog? Is that the summary of your argument or have I misunderstood you?
So your logic is that IAF is no incompetent that they need a blog from Ex-PAF fighter pilot to spell out their weakness in details so they can then work on it and remedy it.

In other words, IAF would have carried on with the same errors without the blog? Is that the summary of your argument or have I misunderstood you?


It is not my logic---it was the logic of Julius Ceasar---it was the logic of Hannibal---it was the logic of Khalid bin waleed---it was the logic of Tariq bin Ziyad---Yousuf Bin Tashfeen----Chegiz Khan---Hulaku Khan---Kublai Khan---it was that of Subotai Bahadur---and 100's of thousand of great victorius warrior leaders and generals---.

Whose mantra was----never assume that the enemy knows all about your assets---your strengths and weaknesses.

Never let the enemy know where is his weaknesses are and where his strengths lay---.

did you kids never got taught at school this ideology---. How about your parents---grand parents---did they never took any time to share tactics and war strategy---?
like they were sleeping and didn't recognized there weaknesses after feb debacle. Indians know there weaknesses that is why there is panic buying going on, that is why Indians relying on defence systems more.
NO secretive information revealed by him.


The proof is in the pudding right in front of your faces---. You saw first and that the enemy was not prepared---the enemy was not ready---the enemy equipment was not upto par and yet you have the audacity to claim.

Or you have to be told that the enemy found out about their weaknesses after the Paf and army generals claimed it on open forum where the shortages were---.

Everyone on this forum at least knows that what the enemy thought was superior was not the case----.
Sir I don't think he said anything which is not public knowledge.


Yet you assume public knowledge is known knowledge---.

If the public know;edge was known to the leaders would they commit crimes against their pubic or let crime sprees go on---.

Leaders live in their cocoons and so do the generals and air marshalls and admirals---.

It is not my logic---it was the logic of Julius Ceasar---it was the logic of Hannibal---it was the logic of Khalid bin waleed---it was the logic of Tariq bin Ziyad---Yousuf Bin Tashfeen----Chegiz Khan---Hulaku Khan---Kublai Khan---it was that of Subotai Bahadur---and 100's of thousand of great victorius warrior leaders and generals---.

Whose mantra was----never assume that the enemy knows all about your assets---your strengths and weaknesses.

Never let the enemy know where is his weaknesses are and where his strengths lay---.

did you kids never got taught at school this ideology---. How about your parents---grand parents---did they never took any time to share tactics and war strategy---?

He isn't and your assumptions are incorrect. He is actually reassuring others that Rafale isn't what it is made out to be by the Indian Media and can be countered.

did you kids never got taught at school this ideology---. How about your parents---grand parents---did they never took any time to share tactics and war strategy---? That to shatter the overconfidence and false bravado of the enemy is also a tactic!
He isn't and your assumptions are incorrect. He is actually reassuring others that Rafale isn't what it is made out to be by the Indian Media and can be countered.

did you kids never got taught at school this ideology---. How about your parents---grand parents---did they never took any time to share tactics and war strategy---? That to shatter the overconfidence and false bravado of the enemy is also a tactic!


No youngman---my parents did not teach me false bravado---.
He isn't and your assumptions are incorrect. He is actually reassuring others that Rafale isn't what it is made out to be by the Indian Media and can be countered.

did you kids never got taught at school this ideology---. How about your parents---grand parents---did they never took any time to share tactics and war strategy---? That to shatter the overconfidence and false bravado of the enemy is also a tactic!

I find your post very offensive to be honest.
Lets say, that this all can still be done in a humour/taunt etc. without going in to the details of what PAF did on 27th Feb 2019.
A simple comparison of what Rafales carry and what JF 17 III have in its arsenal would be enough to repeal any false sense of superiority by the Indians.

I prefer to belittle them and make my point. Like this.

Thanks, so how do you compare the two missiles in terms of aerodynamic drag? Do we know anything about quantity and type of propellant in each missile? Obviously I mean estimates an expert can make based on open source disclosures.
Correct information in the following graphic:


LINK: https://www.iiss.org/publications/the-military-balance/the-military-balance-2018/mb2018-01-essays-1

True performance parameters of METEOR are classified:

medium Range=aim 120c/sd10(single burn engine)
long range=meteor(RAMJET)/aim120d/aim120c7(pulse engine)/pl-15(pulse engine/thought to be the longest one)
super long range=PL- XX (very heavy, blastic/single burn engine)
its is probably around 150 km, along with aim 120d/c7, almost twice that of sd-10
in addition the range of sd10 is severly impacted if it does a dramatic change, as it loses energy but because energy is released slowly in ramjet/pulse engines, that doesnt change a alot

hence although maximum range hasnt changed dramatically(almost 50-100% higher), the chase range has increased by several folds

Length of PL-15 is comparatively larger than Meteor and AIM-120D, PL-15 is much more sleek and of lesser overall diameter. These are obvious facts inferred from images of these three missiles.

Furthermore there were rumors on some Chinese bloggers and Chinese defense forums, about composition, mixing and packaging technologies of various propellants.

If you dig more, you may find more info, but all unconfirmed.

When ever we talk about max range of a missile, we talk about missile performance in its best flight envelope - attitude and height etc.

At 300 km, probability of a kill is 50% less as compared to deployment at 150 km.

300 km deployment could be good to shoot down a refueler, transporter or AWACS and EW aircraft.

150 km deployment could be lethal enough to shoot a fighter.

There is another interesting fact about PL-15 max range. It was tested on J-16 aircraft whose service ceiling is 66k.... JF-17 service ceiling is 55.5k and Rafale's is less than 52k.
Even if IAF inducts F22, Pakistanis will come up with a theory of how they will blow them up from skies using F16s & JF17s. Incompetent PAF pilots had clear BVR advantage on 27th Feb, yet only have a MIG21 to show for all their efforts. 36 Rafales will be overkill for entire PAF, be it AIM120D or So called star wars technological marvel called PL15. Analysis from western experts have quite easily dismissed it's potency in 1 v 1 vs Meteors. Only Pakis can come up with such dumb ideologies to please their masters.
Meanwhile obsolete Indian Mig21s will down top of the line Pakistani aircrafts in 1 v 1 scenarios.
Yes the tea was fantastic

you really think an Indian pilot can hope to take on a PAF CCS class pilot and win.?....


syrian pilots would have better odds...

36 raffle draw planes will break the entire PAF.?...

really .?

I remember 15+ years ago Indians like u stated the extact same thing when the Su-30 arrived..

pity you Indians never learn ....
According to few Indian sources, the main reason why Pakistan was able to shoot down Bison was AWACS capability. So, in my opinion, Pakistan should really be careful about this capability, specially the safety of these birds.
Well AWACS and tankers are like the mini carriers of aviation ... the best the Indians have is the Meteor, which is primarily directed for use against other fighters anyways. Unless the Indians had LO aircraft like the Su-57 possibly or they had something like the 400+ km Chinese PL-XX directly, I don't think PAF AWACs are in much danger at all fortunately.
Well AWACS and tankers are like the mini carriers of aviation ... the best the Indians have is the Meteor, which is primarily directed for use against other fighters anyways. Unless the Indians had LO aircraft like the Su-57 possibly or they had something like the 400+ km Chinese PL-XX directly, I don't think PAF AWACs are in much danger at all fortunately.
Yes, but Mehran base like attack is possible.
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