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People who live in houses made of glass dont throw stones at others :angry:. Army/ISI should take a lesson from India as they wrote the book for propaganda, it does not take a genius to figure out how well the Indian Establishment has brainwashed the Indian public. Looking at those Bollywood movies and how Pakistan and Pakistanis are portrayed portrayed, i have lived in Pakistan my whole life and i am yet to find the Pakistan that is portrayed in Bollywood movies. All Indians whom have visited Pakistan have told tails about how welcoming the Pakistani people are, instead the Indian Media portrays us as crazy fanatics whom are hell bent on destroying India.

Dont insult our intelligence, we Pakistanis know what is right and what is wrong. In this modern day and age, anyone can go online and look at different sources to form an opinion. Internet is not blocked in Pakistan and the Media is independent, so stop spreading B.S lies.

Wonderful, now post the video of the debrief of the Red Flag 2008 where the IAF MKI's got hammered in A2A to the point where they refused to go 1 on 1 against the F16's :cheers:. Why only post selective evidence? :cool:

No Pakistani here has convinced themselves of this, its a great fighter and definitely superior to the Block 52 one on one. But frankly, wars are not fought one on one. There are many other factors that have to be taken into account especially in an Indo-Pak War scenario. You would have a good argument that the Rafale would emerge superior if it was going one on one against the Block 52, but PAF is not stupid enough to send the Block 52 without any proper cover.

It wasnt the F-16 it was F-15 .

The officer himself says in the video that it is just above F-15 and F-16 and below F-22
It wasnt the F-16 it was F-15 .

The officer himself says in the video that it is just above F-15 and F-16 and below F-22

It were both, F15's and F16's are used extensively by the US Aggressor Squadrons. I think no one here is questioning that 1 on 1 the SU30MKI is superior to the F16 Block 52, but i have my doubts if these two aircrafts will meet each others in the sky 1 on 1.

My worry remains the up and down relationship between Pakistan and US. The SABR AESA is a perfect example of an ideal upgrade in a few years, but would such upgrades even be allowed? The Americans usually have no problem allowing upgrades to f-16s in Europe since they are able to control those nations so thoroughly, or were the Indians to buy them...but when it comes Pakistan, the various US lobbies all work against us.
Which leaves us in a dilemma...we know the block 52s are fairly advanced for now...but lets say 5 years from now the US has left Afghanistan and wants nothing to do with us, will they even allow spares to come are way, much less upgrades to the radar or electronic counter measures suites. The aim-9x along with the new aim-120Ds are game changers and we may never be allowed access to them. So while Rafales and Eurofighters will employ Meteors and next gen short range missiles, our f-16s will be stuck in the early part of this decade.
What you say has great merit, but the Americans have never allowed our relationship to be predictable enough for us to breath easy. And id assume the PAF is betting on this as they procure more advanced jf-17s and j-10s to mask the eventual inadequacies of our f-16 fleet.

Once done through deal, Falcons become US's headache rather PAF's . As for the matter being that US afraid Tech proliferation, It would know that if US kept spares available, PAF wont have to look towards other sides. Secondly, US would have certainly made some corrections to their assessments about China as Mr.Gates was treated with J-20, So even if AIM-120D doesn't come PAF way, Chinese aren't far behind. In fact, Current SD-10Bs are equivalent to AIM-120 C5 which has been recently offered and Chinese have a whole evolution plan lined up. If F-7PG can carry sidewinders then.......... And lastly as the aviation industry in Pakistan matures, it will gradually become lesser and lesser dependent upon US. Israel was able to put its electronics on Falcon Suf'as (though with approval of US). So its rather in the own interest of US not to leave Pakistan looking as it would lead to more loss than gain for US.
Once done through deal, Falcons become US's headache rather PAF's . As for the matter being that US afraid Tech proliferation, It would know that if US kept spares available, PAF wont have to look towards other sides. Secondly, US would have certainly made some corrections to their assessments about China as Mr.Gates was treated with J-20, So even if AIM-120D doesn't come PAF way, Chinese aren't far behind. In fact, Current SD-10Bs are equivalent to AIM-120 C5 which has been recently offered and Chinese have a whole evolution plan lined up. If F-7PG can carry sidewinders then.......... And lastly as the aviation industry in Pakistan matures, it will gradually become lesser and lesser dependent upon US. Israel was able to put its electronics on Falcon Suf'as (though with approval of US). So its rather in the own interest of US not to leave Pakistan looking as it would lead to more loss than gain for US.

But this is exactly the problem, the Americans refuse to use logic when it comes to dealings with Pakistan. Domestic lobbies play games to garner greater votes, but think nothing of long term repercussions of their actions. The Americans tend to push Pakistan away and then cry foul every time we try to make some thing good out of the situation.
Employing the sd-10s on the f-16s may end up as are only option someday, but the Americans would never allow it, and at that point we are playing a far higher stakes game with the world's premier super power. Too much of our equipment is American for us to defy them openly. On the other hand, if you are right, the Americans will see the light and not make the same mistakes as they have done in the past...only problem is that our government is reluctant to procure more f-16s, maybe for this very same reason...they dont even trust the US to come through in the end.
We are stuck in a convoluted situation and the f-16s will either be upgraded in time with American blessing or we'll have to do it the covert way through Chinese help...neither bodes too well for the platform as a whole, as Americans arent reliable and a Chinese equipped f-16 would garner the wrath of the US.
People who live in houses made of glass dont throw stones at others :angry:. Army/ISI should take a lesson from India as they wrote the book for propaganda, it does not take a genius to figure out how well the Indian Establishment has brainwashed the Indian public. Looking at those Bollywood movies and how Pakistan and Pakistanis are portrayed portrayed, i have lived in Pakistan my whole life and i am yet to find the Pakistan that is portrayed in Bollywood movies. All Indians whom have visited Pakistan have told tails about how welcoming the Pakistani people are, instead the Indian Media portrays us as crazy fanatics whom are hell bent on destroying India.

Dont insult our intelligence, we Pakistanis know what is right and what is wrong. In this modern day and age, anyone can go online and look at different sources to form an opinion. Internet is not blocked in Pakistan and the Media is independent, so stop spreading B.S lies.

If your ISI/Army are so good?? how is the whole world now started complaining or pointing the figures towards it? while US breeded taliban/LeT in 80's .... it is your ISI/Army which sponsored it so long for its own interest and put you people into the house of bombs.. which is bombing the innocent people there .... You have been living there so long... cant you see there is something wrong?.. hooo i see you people are used to it and you dont want to change....... guess what Pakistanis who moved out of there country are never willing to return to Pakistan or taking ages to give a visit nor do some investment back at home because they understand ISI/Army has screwed there country.... I see them bending on shame though they are not involved in any angle when the US navy gave a coup at abbottabad for which i only feel pity which is totally because of ISI and your Army... though everything is OT or may seem kind of rant.. but hasnain009 and windjammer is totally responsible for making me deviate the thread from MKI took a radar lock which is absolutely a fake news till abbottabad...

and for sure Mod will delete this thread and my previous derailing...
But this is exactly the problem, the Americans refuse to use logic when it comes to dealings with Pakistan. Domestic lobbies play games to garner greater votes, but think nothing of long term repercussions of their actions. The Americans tend to push Pakistan away and then cry foul every time we try to make some thing good out of the situation.
Employing the sd-10s on the f-16s may end up as are only option someday, but the Americans would never allow it, and at that point we are playing a far higher stakes game with the world's premier super power. Too much of our equipment is American for us to defy them openly. On the other hand, if you are right, the Americans will see the light and not make the same mistakes as they have done in the past...only problem is that our government is reluctant to procure more f-16s, maybe for this very same reason...they dont even trust the US to come through in the end.
We are stuck in a convoluted situation and the f-16s will either be upgraded in time with American blessing or we'll have to do it the covert way through Chinese help...neither bodes too well for the platform as a whole, as Americans arent reliable and a Chinese equipped f-16 would garner the wrath of the US.
Well Venezuela had F-16s even after US and they used an interesting tactic
U.S. will supply Venezuela with F-16 parts
November 16, 2005 (by Lieven Dewitte) - The United States will comply with a 22-year-old contract to supply replacement parts to F-16 jets owned by Venezuela, U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela William Brownfield said yesterday.Venezuela's government had complained that the U.S. recently pressured foreign countries not to supply parts to the country. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had threatened to sell the planes to China or Cuba.

Chavez also has accused the United States of breaching an agreement to supply parts for Venezuela's U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets. On that point, Brownfield said the United States has upheld the contract.

"For more than 20 years, the United States has offered replacement parts for the F-16 planes," Brownfield said.
anyways another good example lies in our neighbor i.e. Iran which has been operating US supplied Tomcats,Tigers alongwith a variety of US equipment and still uses self reverse engineered munitions and parts in these planes. US knows it very well that Today's Pakistan is not the one that of 90s only capable of producing Mashak and China is not 90s China either, only capable of producing J-7s and 8s. And foremost, US would not like to creat an atmosphere where Pakistan would completely slip from its hands to China. I hope US would not make such a diplomatic and strategic blunder
If your ISI/Army are so good?? how is the whole world now started complaining or pointing the figures towards it? while US breeded taliban/LeT in 80's .... it is your ISI/Army which sponsored it so long for its own interest and put you people into the house of bombs.. which is bombing the innocent people there .... You have been living there so long... cant you see there is something wrong?.. hooo i see you people are used to it and you dont want to change....... guess what Pakistanis who moved out of there country are never willing to return to Pakistan or taking ages to give a visit nor do some investment back at home because they understand ISI/Army has screwed there country.... I see them bending on shame though they are not involved in any angle when the US navy gave a coup at abbottabad for which i only feel pity which is totally because of ISI and your Army... though everything is OT or may seem kind of rant.. but hasnain009 and windjammer is totally responsible for making me deviate the thread from MKI took a radar lock which is absolutely a fake news till abbottabad...

and for sure Mod will delete this thread and my previous derailing...

Cant you understand plain English?.......Only rumble with you keyboard IF you have a reliable source of proving the news fake.....I hope I am clear this time....
Once done through deal, Falcons become US's headache rather PAF's . As for the matter being that US afraid Tech proliferation, It would know that if US kept spares available, PAF wont have to look towards other sides. Secondly, US would have certainly made some corrections to their assessments about China as Mr.Gates was treated with J-20, So even if AIM-120D doesn't come PAF way, Chinese aren't far behind. In fact, Current SD-10Bs are equivalent to AIM-120 C5 which has been recently offered and Chinese have a whole evolution plan lined up. If F-7PG can carry sidewinders then.......... And lastly as the aviation industry in Pakistan matures, it will gradually become lesser and lesser dependent upon US. Israel was able to put its electronics on Falcon Suf'as (though with approval of US). So its rather in the own interest of US not to leave Pakistan looking as it would lead to more loss than gain for US.

IsAF wanted ELTA/2032 radar instead of APG series in their Sufa's but US did not allow them to do so.
[=DARKY;1931421]You can perform evasive maneuvers to get out of radar scan/track area......or not let it focus on you and hence you break the lock,
There are a number of maneuvers applied like split-S or half cuban split etc......
However a powerful radar ESA radar with larger scan area and high steering agility negates such things highly effectively.

All these maneuvers are known to the pilot who fires BVRs, arn't they?


An Interesting note in case you don't know........''when the brand new flankers went to airshows around Europe they used to install very powerful ground radars to measure RCS and record the flight/maneuverability of flankers so that they could develop the means to counter the lock breaks the it might put in a BVR engagement due to its super-maneuverability.......what they realized that whenever a cobra maneuver was performed the powerful ESA radars lost the flanker on its screen literally invisible....hence in that case the lock is broken and missile is lost/wasted.

Failed to understand how Cobra maneuver helps flankers became invisible to radars?
It were both, F15's and F16's are used extensively by the US Aggressor Squadrons. I think no one here is questioning that 1 on 1 the SU30MKI is superior to the F16 Block 52, but i have my doubts if these two aircrafts will meet each others in the sky 1 on 1.

No F-16 was used in 1 vs 1..............I repeat No F-16 was used.........go and look the video again USAF has one of their best aggressor squadrons at Nellis which have their elite topguns which train against F-22s regularly in WVR.........and bear them with experience quite regularly............even though F-22 is much much better dogfighter than a F-15.
All these maneuvers are known to the pilot who fires BVRs, arn't they?


Failed to understand how Cobra maneuver helps flankers became invisible to radars?[/QUOTE]

Lets leave that for some other day...........otherwise it would further derail the thread............shall we.
IsAF wanted ELTA/2032 radar instead of APG series in their Sufa's but US did not allow them to do so.
My point was when one has the matured aviation industry, then maintainance is fairly "sanction free"
F-16I Sufa
The F-16I looks radically different from other F-16s, with Conformal Fuel Tanks, dorsal spine, and numerous fairings and bulges for undisclosed equipment. Rumor has it that a lot of the equipment is only installed after delivery to Israel.


In modern warfare, air dominance from day one is a must, so that air-toground and air-to-sea operations can be conducted safely and efficiently.

In the course of asymmetrical and counter-insurgency conflicts, the air arm also remains at the forefront of the military effort, its flexibility and firing power helping to ensure that allied forces prevail.

The 9/11 events have shown that, in peacetime, it is essential to secure the national airspace with easily deployable control and air defence assets.

The Rafale can carry out the widest range of roles with the smallest number of aircraft, from “Quick Reaction Alert” (QRA) / airdefence / air sovereignty missions, power projection and deployments for external missions, deep strike missions, air support for ground forces, reconnaissance missions, pilot training sorties and nuclear deterrence duties.

The Air Force single-seat Rafale C, the Air Force two-seat Rafale B, and the naval single seat Rafale M feature maximum airframe and equipment commonality, and very similar mission capabilities.

The expectations from Air Power are:
Versatility, to perform different missions with the same system;
Interoperability, or the ability to fight in coalition with the allies, using common procedures and standards agreements, and communicating in real time with other systems;
Flexibility, which can be illustrated by the ability to conduct several different missions;
Omnirole Capability, to instantly switch missions, from a coercion mission (strike force) to a preventive mission (a dissuasive low-altitude, high-speed show of force), or to cancel a mission until the last second; and
Survivability, that is the capability to survive in a dense threat environment thanks to stealthiness and/ or to advanced electronic warfare systems. The Rafale is Omnirole by design, and, with its multi-sensor data fusion, combines all these advantages. From the beginning, it was designed to replace 7 types of aircraft in operation. Leading engineers were asked to ensure that Rafale has capabilities for:
Air-defence / air-superiority,
Close air support,
Air-to-ground precision strike/ interdiction,
Anti-ship attacks,
Nuclear strikes. Rafale would serve the French Armed Forces “until 2040 at least.”

RAFALE C single-seater operated from land bases,
RAFALE M single-seater for carrier operations,
RAFALE B two-seater operated from land bases.

All three variants share a common airframe and a common mission system, the differences between naval and land versions being mainly limited to the undercarriage and to the arresting hook.


Rafale features a delta wing with close-coupled canards. In-house research in computational fluid dynamics has shown the specific benefits of close coupling between the wings and the canards: it ensures a wide range of centre of gravity positions for all fl ight conditions, as well as benign handling throughout the whole flight envelope.

The close-coupled canards/ delta wing configuration is key to the combat performance of the Rafale. Even at high angle-of-attack, it remains fully agile, and its range performance in strike missions with heavy weapon loads is unmatched for such a compact design.

An advanced digital “Fly-by-Wire” (FBW) Flight Control System (FCS) provides for longitudinal stability and superior handling performance. The FCS is quadruple redundant with three digital channels and one separately designed analog channel, with no mechanical back-up: design independence between channels is key to avoiding simultaneous anomalies on all channels.

The Flight Control System of the Rafale attains the highest level of flight safety by leveraging on the extensive experience of Dassault Aviation in Fly-by-Wire technology: one million flight hours without a single accident caused by the FCS.

Rafale is safe and easy to fly in all flight regimes, featuring the same precise, yet benign handling performance in all load-out configurations throughout the flight envelope.

The flight control system of the Rafale offers auto flight in terrain following mode in all weather conditions, allowing it to fly unobserved in an opponent’s airspace. That is an important survivability factor in a high threat environment.

The radar cross section of the airframe has been kept to the lowest possible value by selecting the most adequate outer mold line and materials. Most of the stealth design features are classified, but some of them are clearly visible, such as the serrated patterns on the trailing edge of the wings and canards.

Dassault Aviation has long been recognised for designing sturdy airframes that sustain over 30 years of operation without heavy structural upgrades.

Airframe fatigue is monitored with the same gauge-free concept which has proved its worth on the Mirage 2000 fleet.

Composite materials are extensively used in the aircraft, and they account for 70 per cent of the wetted area. They also account for the 40 per cent increase in the max take-off weight to empty weight ratio compared with traditional airframes built of aluminum and titanium.


The M88-2 is a new-generation turbofan engine offering a high thrust-to-weight ratio with easy maintainability, high despatch reliability and lower operating costs. It incorporates advanced technologies such as integrally bladed compressor disks (blisks), a low-pollution combustor with smokefree emissions, single-crystal high pressure turbine blades, ceramic coatings, and composite materials.

The M88-2 powerplant is rated at 10,971 lbs dry and 16,620 lbs with afterburner. It is equipped with redundant “Full Authority Digital Engine Control” (FADEC), which provides for carefree engine handling anywhere in the fl ight envelope : the throttle can be slammed from combat power to idle and back to combat power again, with less than three seconds from idle to full afterburner.

Launched in 2008, the M88 TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) programme was initiated to further improve engine durability and bring support costs down. Capitalising on the ECO project, Snecma was able to upgrade its high pressure compressor as well as the high pressure turbine; cooling is ameliorated and stronger components have been introduced, boosting durability by up to 50 per cent. Life expectancy between overhaul has been considerably expanded for a number of modules, helping further minimise the impact of planned maintenance on engine availability.

The M88 is under constant improvement effort, leading to the latest M88-4E version, which builds on the TCO programme. This version is now in final qualification tests. Production deliveries are expected shortly, and from 2012, Rafale aircraft will come out of the production line with M88-4Es fitted on them.


Rafale has the RBE2/ AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar, and is the first European combat aircraft with this capability.

Developed by Thales, the radar can track multiple targets with its superior beam agility and its enormous computing power. From 2013, the Tranche 4 Rafale will have this radar. Pilots will have then the ability for:
All-aspect look-up and look-down detection and tracking of multiple air targets for close combat and long-range interception, in all weather and in jammed environment.
Track targets in, or out of, the search domain, bringing the ultimate advantage in air combat.
Real time generation of threedimensional maps for terrainfollowing above uncharted terrain in blind conditions. Rafale is the only combat aircraft to currently propose such a function.
Real time generation of high resolution 2D ground maps for navigation updates and detection, identification and designation of ground targets.
Detection and tracking of multiple naval targets. The RBE2-AESA is fully compatible in terms of detection range with the upcoming long range Meteor air-toair missile. Rafale can also rely on its several other sensor systems:

Front Sector Optronics (FSO). Developed by Thales, this system is fully integrated into the aircraft. Operating in the optronic wavelengths, it is immune to radar jamming and it provides covert longrange detection and identification, high resolution multi-target angular tracking and laser range-finding for air, sea and ground targets. With its narrow field, the visible waveband capability is truly valuable to identify targets in situations where visual contact is required by the rules of engagement.

Spectra internal Electronic Warfare suite. Jointly developed by THALES and MBDA, this system is the cornerstone of Rafale’s outstanding survivability against the latest airborne and ground threats. It provides a multi-spectral threat warning capability against hostile radars, missiles and lasers.

Spectra carries out reliable longrange detection, identification and localisation of threats, allowing the pilot to instantly select the most effective defensive measures based on combinations of radar jamming, infrared or radar decoying and evasive manoeuvers. Its angular localisation performance makes it possible to accurately locate ground threats, to either avoid them, or to target them for destruction with precision guided munitions.

Netcentric capability. Rafale’s open architecture, its data fusion software and its compatibility with a variety of data links, which “plug” into the aircraft in an integrated battle space, is a great asset. A secure highrate data link is provided to share data in combined air operations in real time with other aircraft in the formation, airborne and surface command and control centres, tactical air controllers or other friendly assets. The Link 16 data link is also available to those customers cleared to operate it.

As a net-centric capable asset, Rafale can exchange images. The Rover (“Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver”) is an element of this capability which allows aircrews and forward air controllers on the ground to share videos or images of the target. It helps prevent blueon- blue incidents and collateral damage, a decisive advantage in peacekeeping operations.

Damocles - Laser designation pod brings full day and night laser designation capability with metric precision. Designed by Thales, it permits laser-guided weapons to be delivered at stand-off range and altitude.

Its IR sensor operates in the midwave infrared band, allowing it to retain its effectiveness in warm and/or humid conditions. It is interoperable with all existing laserguided weapons.

AREOS - Recce pod. With realtime transmission for both strategic and tactical reconnaissance missions, the French Armed Forces have adopted the new generation Thales AREOS reconnaissance system for the Rafale. This high-tech, day and night equipment can be used in a wide range of scenarios, from stand-off distance at high altitude down to high speed and extremely low level.

To shorten the intelligence gathering cycle and accelerate the tempo of operations, this pod is fitted with a data link which allows high resolution images to be transmitted back to military decision makers in real time. Its outstanding performance in standoff reconnaissance makes it a sensor with a true pre-strategic value.

Multi-sensor data Fusion makes an essential difference, running on data provided by all the sensors of the aircraft. It allows a pilot to act as a true tactical decision maker, rather than being only a sensor operator. The core of these enhanced capabilities lies in a new Modular Data Processing Unit (MDPU), incorporating commercial off the shelf (COTS) elements. It is composed of up to 19 fl ight linereplaceable units (LRUs), with 18 of them individually providing 50 times the processing power of a typical mission computer employed in previous generation fighters.

The MDPU is the cornerstone of the upgradeability of the Rafale, allowing a seamless integration of new weapons and new capabilities to maintain the warfighting relevance coming with evolving requirements and computers and their software. The aircraft’s AESA, Front Sector Optronic (FSO) system. Spectra, and MICA missile’s IR seekers and data link are all integrated appropriately.

Multi-sensor data fusion translates into accurate, reliable and strong tracks, uncluttered displays, reduced pilot workload, quicker pilot response, and eventually into increased situational awareness.

It is a full automated process carried out in three steps:
Establishing consolidated track files and refining primary information provided by the sensors,
Overcoming individual sensor limitations related to wavelength/ frequency, field of regard, angular and distance resolution, etc, by sharing track information received from all the sensors,
Assessing the confidence level of consolidated tracks, suppressing redundant track symbols and decluttering the displays.

Man-Machine Interface (MMi), developed by Dassault Aviation, is an easy to use pilot interface (MMi), combining the Hands on Throttle and Stick (HOTAS) control concept with touch screens.

It relies on a highly integrated suite of equipment with the following capabilities:
For short-term actions, head-up flying using a wide-field-of-view holographic Head-up Display (HUD); and
For medium and long-term actions, analysis of the tactical situation as a whole (the big picture), using a multi-image “Head-Level Display” (HLD). The HLD picture is focused at the same distance as the HUD picture to allow for fast eye transitions between head-up and head-down displays and the external world’s view.

Cockpit. The comprehensive design of the cockpit provides for everything that aircrews can expect from an Omnirole fighter: a wide field of view at the front, on both sides, and at the rear, a superior agility, an increased G-protection with 29° tilted seats, and an efficient air conditioning system demonstrated under all climates.

Advanced weapons. Rafale’s mission system has the potential to integrate a full range of current and future armaments. It is cleared to operate the following weapons:
MICA air-to-air Beyond Visual Range (BVR) interception, combat and self-defence missiles, in their IR (heat-seeking) and EM (active radar homing) versions. MICA can be used within visual range (WVR) and beyond visual range (BVR).
The AASM modular, rocketboosted air-to-ground precision guided weapon series, fitted with INS/GPS or INS/GPS/IIR (imaging infra-red) guidance kits, or with the upcoming INS/GPS/laser guidance kit.
The SCALP long-range stand-off missile,
The AM39 EXOCET anti-ship missile,
Laser-guided bombs,
Unguided bombs,
The 2500 rds/min NEXTER 30M791 30 mm internal cannon, available on both single and dual seaters.
The upcoming METEOR longrange air-to-air missile,

Customer-selected weapons. Rafale’s stores management system is Mil-Std-1760 compliant, which provides for easy integration of customer-selected weapons.

With its 10-tonne empty weight, the RAFALE is fitted with 14 hard points (13 on the RAFALE M). Five of them are capable of drop tanks and heavy ordnance. Total external load capacity is more than nine tonnes (20,000 lbs.).

Buddy”refuelling missions can be carried out in portions of the airspace out of reach of dedicated and vulnerable tanker aircraft.

Rafale can carry out both ground strikes, as well as air-to-air attacks and interceptions during the same sortie. It is capable of performing several actions at the same time, such as firing air-to-air missiles during a very low altitude penetration phase: a clear demonstration of its true Omnirole capability and outstanding survivability in the battle zone.


The Rafale supportability and mission readiness claims are supported by the track record of combat-proven Mirage 2000. From the beginning, the French MOD assigned very stringent “integrated logistic support” (ILS) requirements for the Rafale. Computer aided

Design (CAD) with the Dassault Systèmes CATIA software suite, concurrent engineering and bold technological choices ultimately produced an ILS system that exceeds the original supportability requirements.

Many systems of the aircraft can be maintained by a single technician, in minimal duration of time.

The centralised armament safety system makes all safety pins and last chance / end-of runway actions unnecessary, minimising the risk of errors and accidents, and contributing to achieve an unbeatable “turn around time” (TAT).

Precision manufacturing techniques together with the use of CATIA eliminate time consuming bore-sighting procedures following cannon, head-up display (HUD) or radar exchanges.

The groundbreaking design of the M88 suppresses the requirement for a check on a dedicated engine test bench before reinstalling it back on the aircraft. Deployments on forward operating bases, including austere airfields, have been made easier by keeping ground support equipment to a minimum. Highlights:
Rafale is fitted with an on-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS) which
Suppresses the need for liquid oxygen re-filling. Ground support equipment for the production and transportation of oxygen is no longer required.
Optronics are cooled by a closedloop nitrogen circuit, which negates the need for a dedicated nitrogen supply chain.
The built-in auxiliary power unit (APU) makes engine start-up possible even when no ground power cart is available.
All ground support equipment is compact and foldable in order to be easily
Transportable by air. It can be used without external power And only two types of carriages and cradles are necessary to perform all armament loading / unloading.
All these maintainability features have been thoroughly assessed and validated by French Navy and French Air Force maintainers.


Rafale has a lighter scheduled maintenance plan with less manhours and a smaller number of maintenance technicians. For all its service life, it does not have to leave its operational base for maintenance purposes. It does away with costly and time consuming airframe and engine depot level inspections, with “shop replaceable units” (SRUs) the only items to be shipped for maintenance/repair.

A case in point is the modular M88 engine, made up of 21 modules: all maintenance and repair can be done by returning nothing more than modules or discrete parts to the depot or to the manufacturer. No balancing procedure and no run-up check are necessary before returning the engine to service.

Failure-prone systems have been eliminated early on in the design process. And:
there is no airbrake • the air intakes have no moving parts
the AC generators do not have any constant speed drive (CSD)
and the refuelling probe is fixed in order to avoid any deployment or
retraction problem.

Another source of reduction of the required spares inventory comes from the constant standardisation approach during the design phase.

COMBAT PROVEN Since 2006, the French Air Force and Navy Rafales have been engaged in countless combat missions in Afghanistan where they have demonstrated a very high proficiency and a tangible military value. The AASM precision-guided modular air-to-surface armament, laser-guided bombs, and the 30 mm cannon have been successfully employed on many occasions, scoring direct hits with remarkable precision. More recently, the French Air Force and Navy fighters were engaged in the coalition operations over Libya.


Rafale is slated to become eventually the sole type of combat aircraft operated by the French Air Force and French Navy. As a result, with the programme totally secured by a French government commitment for around 300 aircraft, among which 180 are already on firm order, Rafale is in production and more than 100 aircraft are now in service.

Meanwhile, engineering work is already being done to further extend the air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities and the connectivity of the RAFALE well into the next decade.

The ongoing effort will ensure more robust detection, tracking and identification of emerging air-to-air threats, and increase Rafale�fs survivability with new low observable modes and with the latest advances in electronic warfare systems.

Air-to - surface capabilities could benefit from assisted target recognition and enhanced sensor resolution, enabling the RAFALE to attack ever more elusive targets.

New materials could extend the life of engine components.

And the connectivity of the RAFALE will be further extended to keep it �gplugged�h into tomorrow�fs integrated battlespace.
Failed to understand how Cobra maneuver helps flankers became invisible to radars?

Lets leave that for some other day...........otherwise it would further derail the thread............shall we.[/QUOTE]

right standing up like a billboard would reflect more or less just straight plus cobra maneuver is usefull in dog fight bro not in bvr
This is funny…How can you compare RAFAEL or Euro fighter (Latest Tec) with F-16 (Decades Old Tech)… There was a time when F-16 was Miracle…In coming couple of years it will have only Historical Importance…Even US is going to decommission their F-16 in couple of years… If you are still doing so called compare business…Then only thing I can say that you are in denial or you are satisfying your ego… YOU DECIDE.

Ever heard of the F-16V? Besides, it'll take more than a 'couple of years' to replace majority of their fleets with F-35s. Thanks to the delays.

The F-16 is more or less a capable plane depending on the block and features.
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