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Rafale Ripper # 22-119 Revealed !

Camos are picked because of the terrain and topography, its not for show. it’s solely for tactical reasons.
Sure, and I agree with thr sky blue camo, but unless the planes are flying ultra low, the green/brown camo doesn't really help against other fighters. In fact it makes it easier to visually spot.

As for the missiles, going Mach 5+ kinda makes the camo irrelevant, as going that fast is a defense mechanism in and of itself.
Missile itself is not camouflaged. The TEL is. Which makes sense when you are trying to blend it in a jungle/temperate environment to make visual detection/id difficult.
People seem to over look the fact that, aircraft or missiles sitting on the ground are more vulnerable to attacking aircraft than when they are in the air.
True, but they should be in hardened hangars, should they not?
Sure, and I agree with thr sky blue camo, but unless the planes are flying ultra low, the green/brown camo doesn't really help against other fighters. In fact it makes it easier to visually spot.

As for the missiles, going Mach 5+ kinda makes the camo irrelevant, as going that fast is a defense mechanism in and of itself.

Unless that paint makes it invisible---
I very rarely talk about cosmetic, but man this is UGLY

why not they take it to truck artist directly ?????

I swear this Truck looks better than that garage
Am I the only one who thinks this camo is actually suited for the terrain?

Also, apart from the merits of the camo, it does remind me of the WW2 RAF Hurricanes or Spitfires.
Commo is not meant for cat walk.
Each scheme has it's own purpose.

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These are aggressor camo and they have the purpose. The puke of camo that J-10 has is a standard camo. As much as it looked brilliant in grey wraparound camo, it looks as ugly.

Even non Pakistani commentators commended the grey camo. Anyway, its up to PAF.
Am I the only one who thinks this camo is actually suited for the terrain?

Also, apart from the merits of the camo, it does remind me of the WW2 RAF Hurricanes or Spitfires.
The Camo may have use at low level strike but anything beyond that and you can spot this aircraft from afar.
I understand light brown/ sand color but dark brown? What’s the terrain between India and Pak like? Poo? That it would help in camo?

Why is it that in Pakistan every thing must be upside down?
True, but they should be in hardened hangars, should they not?
Defeats the purpose of putting them on the TEL in the first place. Mobile missiles are hard to track. Hardened silos/hanger have known locations and can be taken out in the first strike.

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