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Rafale handover to IAF postponed

IAF pilots are lucky. Flying the best of the both worlds.
Do u think we will see areal battle with in 1 or teo months? I dont think so
Rafale is less battle tested as compared to u.s jets like f16and f15 etc so they are not reliable like f16
I highly doubt adding rafales’ is going to help much. There is No doubt that rafale is a potent aircraft but then again so were the SU30s. Also the capabilities of rafales equiped with AeSa roughly equal that of an F16blk60. So I doubt think it should concern us much, as long as we have Aesa upgraded JF17s.
Euofighter would ve been a cause of concern
i remember the days of the orkut where indians used to talk about su 30 as a "god". even on pdf they had similar attitude but after 27 feb......

I think Su-30 MKI is still more potent fighter than F-16 BLK 52, seems like Su-30 were following Rules of Engagement before F-16 took the shots from non lethal BVR distances around 80-100 kms I suppose to keep Su-30 MKIs away from area... a good strategy nevertheless ... as per widely reported sources due to huge PESA Su-30MKI carries it can see loaded F-16 BLK 52 from a distance of 150+ kms and BLK52 can only spot Su-30 MKI around 120-130 kms...
If there were no ROEs in place Su-30 MKIs can throw more R-77s on F-16s from non lethal BVR distances but again neither AMRAAMs or R-77s or even Meteor is capable to kill the target from that much distances.
as per OSINT sources here are the No Escape zones for above BVR missiles:

Meteor ~ 60 Kms
Aim-120 C5 ~40 Kms
R-77 ~30 kms

even the much hyped Rafale can only spot F-16 BLK52 around ~140 kms with its AESA radar... which is almost same as Su-30MKIs although of course the F-16 BLK52 can not spot Rafale at same distances may be around 90-100 kms so here is the advantage I suppose
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