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RAF Challenge Indian Air Force 'Whitewash' Claims

Actually no, some four years later after the exercise, the RAF Air chief merely disclosed this after being questioned on the subject, i believe it was in regards to your MMRCA DEAL.

Oh we also disclosed it merely after being questioned on the subject, to let them know that we don't rate their product high up. And since they know the results the message would not have been lost. At the very least it'll put pressure on them if they're trying to get EFT into MMRCA again (which they are).
Uptill now All RAF Challenge is Based on this Line "The RAF were "introducing them to the airspace",:lol::lol: And beaten Down 12-0 in the Process

No Wonder they are Pissed.And Brilliant Excuse

So can you divulge any information regarding the exercise script and parameters used!?No.

So even if the IAF trounced our Typhoons the numbers don't mean a thing. Because in a real conflict there aren't any scripts or parameters, air forces would simply not 'play' the game.
Another Source Another Excuse This time :lol::lol:Although Genuine Source

The RAF source also stressed that the
Typhoons had effectively been fighting “with one arm behind their backs” as they did not make full use of their more advanced weapons systems.(Well then that's why We call it a Training Exercise In First Place:rofl::rofl: ) So that's why they Lost 12-0

Indian Air Force 'beats RAF 12-0 in training exercise' – using Russian-designed jets - Home News - UK - The Independent

Its Looks Like Funny now :D:Dthey sounding Like Usaf During Cope-india

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As always, comprehension has never been your forte....look up IAF statements, and this time read em slowly...As far as PAF is concerned, we all know what ISPR stands for, how can we forget pakistan at verge of victory in 71...and in three days ... kaput!
Try same medicine on your self, changing goal posts is an Indian trademark.
And i was waiting for you to escape back to 1971 to salvage your ego, a typical Indian ploy.
Also get your facts in place, ISPR seldom represents PAF, it's DMA. ... Busted once again.
So can you divulge any information regarding the exercise script and parameters used!?No.

So even if the IAF trounced our Typhoons the numbers don't mean a thing. Because in a real conflict there aren't any scripts or parameters, air forces would simply not 'play' the game.
YES different in real war Scenarios I understand You right .Genuinely No Effort to disrespect you Mate:D:D Its PDF Obviously you will see Ind-Pak troll war Here :whistle:
So can you divulge any information regarding the exercise script and parameters used!?No.

So even if the IAF trounced our Typhoons the numbers don't mean a thing. Because in a real conflict there aren't any scripts or parameters, air forces would simply not 'play' the game.

They did bring it as close to 'real combat conditions' as possible
Try same medicine on your self, changing goal posts is an Indian trademark.
And i was waiting for you to escape back to 1971 to salvage your ego, a typical Indian ploy.
Also get your facts in place, ISPR seldom represents PAF, it's DMA. ... Busted once again.
Salvage, busted? how bout opening a thesaurus tab on the side... you might need it.
what's seldom, it does or it doesn't..
if true then Euro Fighter Typhoon has not been fully used
i would bellive it if it Su35 used by IAF
lol what 1000 rule ... are u Central Asian or turk ..If not then do not claim the achievements of others and don't forget the thousands of year rule of others over present day Pakistan.

As for Tejas ... what are u trying to compare it with ... name any Pakistan jet.
Yup i am one of those decendent who ruled over you----First make a jet then we will compare it :lol:

Uncle atleast go through the link you posted not just the headline.i am sure you understand only the escorted part in the op of the link you provider,rest of it in the op just went above your head.

Beta ji :lol: i don't need to read the rest, the headline is enough to judge your air force level compare to Pakistan.

Your Slaves they Were Turks Fool there is No "We"Here And there No Empire In the world Who rule India for more than 200 years Including British Go get History Lesson
"We"="muslims"="Pakistanis", stop watching bollywood massala----you need to go to a real school not the free one in your slumdog city, then you will learn about mughols empire, and "they" ruled india for much more than 200 years :)
Yup i am one of those decendent who ruled over you----First make a jet then we will compare it :lol:

Beta ji :lol: i don't need to read the rest, the headline is enough to judge your air force level compare to Pakistan.

"We"="muslims"="Pakistanis", stop watching bollywood massala----you need to go to a real school not the free one in your slumdog city, then you will learn about mughols empire, and "they" ruled india for much more than 200 years :)
What ...ruled over me ..I am a jamwal of dogra lineage the rulers of your kashmir .

Are u by chance punjabi musalman ?? :lol:
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LOL! RAF peed over IAF's 12-0 claim fire works.



Indian media organisations are carrying reports of the Indian Air Force (IAF) "dominating" the Royal Air Force during a recent bilateral air combat exercise.

A resounding score of "12-0" was conceded to the IAF Su-30's during the initial dogfighting stages of Within Visual Range (WVR) encounters.

Sources from the RAF state, however, that Indian planes were being 'bedded in' to new terrain and effectively shown the ropes. The RAF were "introducing them to the airspace", putting the Typhoons up against the Sukhois in something more akin to a pigeon-shooting exercise, rather than a combat exercise, so the Indian pilots could get their bearings.

Once the IAF were comfortable flying in foreign air space the Large Force Exercises (LFEs) began and subsequently the RAF Typhoons proved more than a match for the Indian SU-30's.


Speaking to Forces TV an RAF spokesman offered a polite rebuttal to the claims in the Indian press, saying:

"Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise, with and against the Indian Air Force."

"Both nations learnt a great deal from the exercise and the RAF look forward to the next opportunity to train alongside the IAF."

The Large Force Engagements saw 4 v 4 engagements at beyond visual range and graduated to a massive 8 v 8 engagement featuring 16 aircraft in the skies near Coningsby.

Asked about the performance of IAF pilots in these Large Force Engagements, Group Captain Srivastav told NDTV his pilots performed "fairly well" though "quantifying [the results] is difficult".

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You are confusing me with your father and forefather, since i am no hindu indian :)
Yeah yeah.. every other Pakistani claims to be a Arab or a direct descendent of Mughals or Khiljis or Lodis...so many of them..
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