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Radicalisation in Pakistan concern for India: NSA


Sep 20, 2014
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The threat of increasing radicalisation in Pakistan was a matter of concern for India, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval said on Thursday.

Delivering the Late Air Chief Marshal P.C. Lal Memorial Lecture organised by the Air Force Association, Doval said: “The external environment is very highly vitiated. Today what we think is far from us in Syria, or Iraq, or Yemen it may not be as far as it looks.”

“The threat is real and the threat is imminent. There is change in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Particularly in Pakistan… The radicalisation of Pakistan’s society is a matter of added concern,” he said.

The NSA to the prime minister said India was “sceptical” about the ability and willingness of Pakistan to handle the situation.

“We are sceptical about the abilities or the competence and the will and desire of the Pakistan government to take on and control the situation though we would like them very much to do so,” said Doval, a former chief of the Intelligence Bureau.

He said India wants to deal with Pakistan “fairly” and has been trying to engage its neighbour in a dialogue.

“We want to deal with Pakistan in a way which is fair, correct, transparent and which is not bending to any of the pressure tactics or the blackmailing or the thinking that nuclear threshold probably will leave India with no option but to accept the covert war as a reality to which they don’t have any response,” he said.

“We want them to change their thinking and, to that extent, India is happy (to help) and India has been trying to engage and I do hope that this engagement in changed circumstances will make them understand that it is in the interests of both the countries,” he added.

Doval said the situation as it was developing in the Indian Ocean region was another matter of concern, adding that India’s role as the largest littoral power was important.

He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the Indian Ocean nations has “reinstated” the country’s position.

Doval stressed that in the current situation, modernisation of India’s forces was important.

He also said the physical movement of terrorists was not the only concern, but the “subversion of minds” through radicalisation was a “bigger threat”.

He also mentioned terror groups reaching out to the youth through the internet.

While he mentioned the relation between Pakistan and China, Doval said there was no threat of a war.

“I don’t say there is an imminent threat from China of Pakistan. When I say we should be prepared, I am not talking about any immediate war. Preparedness dose not mean war, it is a deterrent,” he said.

About the northeastern region, he said the situation now was better than ever before.

“Dialogue with insurgents is like negotiations with hijackers. Utilise the time for defining strategy and building society,” he added.

Radicalisation in Pakistan concern for India: NSA | idrw.org
Oh please, take care of your own nation's radicals before thinking about other nations.

Unfortunately, the 'radicals' of our nation are a blight to us and our society only. Yours, unfortunately, are a threat to the entire civilized world, and thus the concern around the world, including in your poor neighbor India.

Every country has their own radicals, extremist outfits, no doubt. But the KKK of the USA does not declare (un)holy war against the French; neither does the buddhist extremists in Myanmar threaten citizens and carry out strikes in Canada. The Jihadists in Pakistan, and in the ME and North Africa, however, do. And that's when it becomes our problem.

And in our case, there are repeated warnings from around about a dozen external intelligence agencies; from the CIA & FBI in the US, the MI6 and the BND, the DGSE & the Danish intelligence from Europe, the Russian Intelligece, the Australian Intelligence, the ASEAN countries; all warning us, repeatedly, of a major terror attack on our soil from extremists based in Pakistan.

Arrests of suspected terrorists (again, from Pakistan) have been carried out in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand and Nepal in the recent past. In some cases, the Indians were completely clueless as to even the existence of any plot, until intimated to us by the friendly governments. So forgive us for having concerns.
Unfortunately, the 'radicals' of our nation are a blight to us and our society only. Yours, unfortunately, are a threat to the entire civilized world, and thus the concern around the world, including in your poor neighbor India.
Tell that to your VHP and RSS whom have continued to advocate war with both Pakistan and Bangladesh. When you have these idiots saying that they will reestablish greater Hindustan, then your right to make such a claim ceases to exist.

Every country has their own radicals, extremist outfits, no doubt. But the KKK of the USA does not declare (un)holy war against the French; neither does the buddhist extremists in Myanmar threaten citizens and carry out strikes in Canada. The Jihadists in Pakistan, and in the ME and North Africa, however, do. And that's when it becomes our problem.
The KKK has chapters in multiple nations, they're known for kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, prostitution...etc. The Buddhists in Myanmar are have spread their ideology in other neighboring nations, so again, your point is false. The jihadists in Pakistan are a problem for Pakistan and Afghanistan, India is only fighting a nationalist insurgency in Kashmir, I reject your claim as a mere fabrication of reality.

And in our case, there are repeated warnings from around about a dozen external intelligence agencies; from the CIA & FBI in the US, the MI6 and the BND, the DGSE & the Danish intelligence from Europe, the Russian Intelligece, the Australian Intelligence, the ASEAN countries; all warning us, repeatedly, of a major terror attack on our soil from extremists based in Pakistan.
Except, not. You exaggerate the threat to India, simply because it suits you to play the victim card. terror threats to India, and indeed actual terror actions have declined to be negligible.

Arrests of suspected terrorists (again, from Pakistan) have been carried out in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand and Nepal in the recent past. In some cases, the Indians were completely clueless as to even the existence of any plot, until intimated to us by the friendly governments. So forgive us for having concerns.
All of which, no evidence was provided, some of the "suspects" released, and no follow on ever brought up. I doubt that these nations acted on their own. At this point, there should be no doubt that India's hegemonic goals are what prompted these nations to carry out their arrests. India has been exhorting pressure on it's neighbors (whom it considers to be under it's domain) to carry out actions that limit Pakistani and more importantly Chinese pressure. Don't tell me that the reason why Sri Lanka cancelled it's biggest Chinese project was due to domestic reasons, it was Indian pressure and we both know it.

Your concerns are nothing more than an act to try and play the victim game. It is a mere tool to insult and defame Pakistan.
Oh please, take care of your own nation's radicals before thinking about other nations.

Didn't Obama just warn Pakistan about religious tolerance? Or was it someone else?
Pak is obviously incapable of controlling the radicals, their future is bleak. The best things for India is to let them disintegrate and then prepare for the consequences.
Pak is obviously incapable of controlling the radicals, their future is bleak. The best things for India is to let them disintegrate and then prepare for the consequences.
NAP was started for this purpose in case you don't know about it.See this thread
32,347 arrested, 28,826 operations conducted under NAP: report

Didn't Obama just warn Pakistan about religious tolerance? Or was it someone else?
These radical clowns are been taken care off under NAP(National Action Plan).
32,347 arrested, 28,826 operations conducted under NAP: report
India should try to take care of its own Hindutva radicalisation, and the overall lack of moral standards seen in its society. India should stop their bloody grip on Kashmir immediately and let it go where it always belonged, i.e. Pakistan. India should let the people of northeast decide if they want to stay with India or not, instead of continuing to terrorize them. India should stop its subversive activities in Bangladesh that it started since 1947 and has cost many dearly.
NAP was started for this purpose in case you don't know about it.See this thread
32,347 arrested, 28,826 operations conducted under NAP: report

Too little, too late I'd say. What percentage does that form of the radicalized individuals, is there even an estimate of that number.

I don't wish to get into the reasons for this here with the whole good terrorist and bad terrorist, apart from the simple point that I have already made.

India should try to take care of its own Hindutva radicalisation, and the overall lack of moral standards seen in its society. India should stop their bloody grip on Kashmir immediately and let it go where it always belonged, i.e. Pakistan. India should let the people of northeast decide if they want to stay with India or not, instead of continuing to terrorize them. India should stop its subversive activities in Bangladesh that it started since 1947 and has cost many dearly.

When is the Pak PM going running to UN again? No one give two hoots about Pak's claim on Kashmir. Its a non-issue.
Too little, too late I'd say. What percentage does that form of the radicalized individuals, is there even an estimate of that number.

I don't wish to get into the reasons for this here with the whole good terrorist and bad terrorist, apart from the simple point that I have already made.
Pakistan is right on track towards peace and prosperity.NAP has been affective so far. don't worry about Pakistan we will deal with all the radicals.
Pakistan is right on track towards peace and prosperity.NAP has been affective so far. don't worry about Pakistan we will deal with all the radicals.

I'd like nothing more than not to worry about Pak, however, we'd have to, in some shape and form deal with the mess in the end, thus the NSA's statement.

Anyway, lets wait and watch, in 5-10 years, we'll know where things really are.
Pak is obviously incapable of controlling the radicals, their future is bleak. The best things for India is to let them disintegrate and then prepare for the consequences.

In my humble opinion. the new Indian gov need to focus more on economy and less on religious strife.

Pakistan need to get rid of radical in its border. They are hurting Pakistan as well as India. Indians need to be mindful of this issue.
In my humble opinion. the new Indian gov need to focus more on economy and less on religious strife.

Pakistan need to get rid of radical in its border. They are hurting Pakistan as well as India. Indians need to be mindful of this issue.

Again you are going to tell us what to do? Didnt u say today that US should not be world police?

How about you stop killing us first and then go back....
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