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Racists will be made to leave UAE : Emirati slams Islamophobic Twitter posts by Indians


What he is saying is to present Muslims as what sanghis want to present Muslims as

In short he is a sanghi himself

He tried to talk to me in Urdu using Google translate. No Muslim reads/writes Urdu anymore in India. They finished off our language.
How? He seems to speak like how I have seen Muslims in Hyderabad and Bombay speak in aggressive way like Waris Pathan, Akbaruddin Owaisi and Aijaz Khan


What he is saying is to present Muslims as what sanghis want to present Muslims as

In short he is a sanghi himself

He tried to talk to me in Urdu using Google translate. No Muslim reads/writes Urdu anymore in India. They finished off our language.

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You forgot 'The False Flagger Hindu'.
A Hindu who pretends to be Muslim in order to troll, stir up trouble and spread hate on Internet forums.

I tag @AfrazulMandal and of course @xeuss.

R u sayin afrazul and xeus not Muslim?

@Sultan Aibak

Yes, well maybe.
I believe that you and, for example, jamahir are real Indian Muslims.
But the manner in which Afrazul Mandal and xeuss write is a manner in which they to overtly try to show that they are Muslims.
I makes me doubt them.
So therefore I think that they are either False Flagger Hindu's or trolls from another nation.
But if they are real Indian Muslims, then you, who is also an Indian Muslim might want ask yourself if these people and the manner in which they write are really the ones that you want other people to associate an Indian Muslim with.

چور کی داڑھی میں تنکا


With the grace of him we have enough sustenance . We cannot say ourself being rich.

Islam going to end means muslims with facing increasing pressure from mainstream media as well as within muslims they are diluting Islam. And educated ones talks in such a way they are diverging away from Islam. It is hard to see even for me but that is the truth.

Only thing can save muslims is firm conviction towards Islam as well as pursuit of knowledge and
to look after the community. However educated ones lack all three , they have degree but they have superficial knowledge about everything. The poor ones have bond like a community but they lack the guidance of the upper echelon. And the upper echelon see them as "dirty, orthodox and hindrance to their unquestionable slavery towards their masters". So when situation is like this muslims are bound to be doomed. The days of Jinnah is over who can take a stand now we have some politicians who have questionable ethics and slave attitude. The political leaders in most cases prior to '47 didn't have this mentality. This makes me sad as there is no one who can be true voice rather we have wolves in sheep clothing talking about they care for us. And as a result they are robbing us of our identity, livelihood everything.

Genocide is not always about killing people. It can also be done through cultural propaganda. Here there is two pronged approach. Brainwash culturally to make them hate Islam and everything associated with it or defame it in such a way that they disgust themselves from associating with it or dilute it in step by step that Islam loose it's significance. And I don't need to tell much about other approach you know much and it is multidisciplinary. .
Brother 4m 1947 dey try to make image of Islam bad. But we still Muslims. Even westarn countries do it after 2001. But nothing change. alhamdulilah

Brother, I tell u Islam getting stronger. 20 years before very few growing beard nd womans wearing burqa. Now look most doing it.

V need Maulana Azad not Jinnah. Maulana Azad stop Muslim from leaving India nd keep Islam alive in India.
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I dont know, I just had the feelings that Mohammad Bin Qasim could be an Arab

Muhammad Bin Qasim greatest achievement was conquest of part of Sindh.

Conquest of rest was done by people who always did it, people of turco, Afghan and iranic heritage.

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چور کی داڑھی میں تنکا


Brother 4m 1947 dey try to make image of Islam bad. But we still Muslims. Even westarn countries do it after 2001. But nothing change. alhamdulilah

Brother, I tell u Islam getting stronger. 20 years before very few growing beard nd womans wearing burqa. Now look most doing it.

V need Maulana Azad not Jinnah. Maulana Azad stop Muslim from leaving India nd keep Islam alive in India.
Oh Maulana Azad hahahha wow who hell is he another bhayya?
Jaban sambhal ke baat kar iblees.

Musalman ke alfaz aisy nahi ho sakte kabhi

Aibak great Turco Afghan and you some bhayya calling yourself that.

Azad was a bhayya no one special, just another soul seller, someone's who faith was weak but genetics strong so he chose the path of bhayya genes rather what he says he represented Islam.
Aibak great Turco Afghan and you some bhayya calling yourself that.

Azad was a bhayya no one special, just another soul seller, someone's who faith was weak but genetics strong so he chose the path of bhayya genes rather what he says he represented Islam.
Musalman ho toh tauba karlo.

Maulana Azad Sahib was a Arab. A great scholer. He keep Islam alive for India.

@Syed Hammad Ahmed
Unfortunately Hindus from India will continue in UAE as they have setup businesses and have provided qualified but cheap labor.

Still, Muslims are preferred when they are available.

A recent hunt revealed that to apply on one position, 98 percent CVs came from India.. That's such a sad position.

India first worked on producing so many qualified people from 2-3 room universities.. and then once they established themselves in foreign countries, they started hiring from India.. making it a chain reaction. Indians replaced Pakistanis in most of the organizations through this strategy.

In US too, H1 B mostly went to Indians because the companies are owned by India. It's another thing that now world is realizing the quality of their work and how they even replaced locals in certain countries..

I am sure in the next five years, situation will be much more in our favor if PTI government gives only 50% of the priority (of what they promised) to university, technical, professional and vocational education.

In shaa Allah in shaa Allah, good days are ahead for us.. just a little more focus on education sector and we will be all set.

decade ago, based on my observation, i reported on pdf. Indian teaboy, receptionists, telephone operators and sweepers in GCC manipulate, which post/CV and telephone reach to the HR, which again is infested by racist hindus.
Indian occupation of GCC is no accident, they have to have people in Pakistani embassies for this they need PM of Pakistan in their grip.
Something which always bothered me about the Hindu right wingers are, normally in any society its the uneducated class which is often falling for these type of sentiments. But in India's case, its the educated middle class which is in the forefront of all this.
It is no mystery when you analyse the reasons behind the lurch to the "right" (as it is traditionally regarded). In Europe, sociological theory would stereotypically hold that such societal shifts arise as led by working classes, in part triggered by concurrent economic stressors. In India, the motivation is not contemporaneous, rather it is a historical hangover from the era of supposed "slavery" (at the hands of those evil doing mooslems naturally) as defined by Modi et al. Hindutva's message to its audience is set apart from more traditional examples of fascism because it emphasises the historical perceived injustices rather than the contemporaneous ones. Hindutva doesn't neglect its contemporaneous gripes of course, but it appeals to the egos of the educated Brahmin classes by instilling this sense of reclamation of lost history. They know this idea will appeal to their target audience in particular. Additionally, it actually is a more effective approach to bait the wealthier segment of society, rather than appealing to poorer constituents as was the more classic methodology in Europe. Perhaps it's even possible to speculate that many movements in Europe faltered or limped along before dying in ignominy because they appealed to people who simply couldn't do much to help sustain their host movement (e.g. Enoch Powell's fascist movement in UK last century). By targeting the upper echelons directly, hindutva immediately creates a sustainable platform of investment for itself and can worry about recruiting masses for numerical advantage later.
It is no mystery when you analyse the reasons behind the lurch to the "right" (as it is traditionally regarded). In Europe, sociological theory would stereotypically hold that such societal shifts arise as led by working classes, in part triggered by concurrent economic stressors. In India, the motivation is not contemporaneous, rather it is a historical hangover from the era of supposed "slavery" (at the hands of those evil doing mooslems naturally) as defined by Modi et al. Hindutva's message to its audience is set apart from more traditional examples of fascism because it emphasises the historical perceived injustices rather than the contemporaneous ones. Hindutva doesn't neglect its contemporaneous gripes of course, but it appeals to the egos of the educated Brahmin classes by instilling this sense of reclamation of lost history. They know this idea will appeal to their target audience in particular. Additionally, it actually is a more effective approach to bait the wealthier segment of society, rather than appealing to poorer constituents as was the more classic methodology in Europe. Perhaps it's even possible to speculate that many movements in Europe faltered or limped along before dying in ignominy because they appealed to people who simply couldn't do much to help sustain their host movement (e.g. Enoch Powell's fascist movement in UK last century). By targeting the upper echelons directly, hindutva immediately creates a sustainable platform of investment for itself and can worry about recruiting masses for numerical advantage later.

Though I am loathe to quote this closet Sanghi, Shekhar Gupta, I think he has some of what you said above in this recent article of his:


The other audience he isn’t addressing but can’t ignore is the poor. He gets his majorities because they vote for him. But they do not control the discourse. Plus, the poor are smart, politically irreverential, and more questioning. Why risk it with them?
Though I am loathe to quote this closet Sanghi, Shekhar Gupta, I think he has some of what you said above in this recent article of his:


The other audience he isn’t addressing but can’t ignore is the poor. He gets his majorities because they vote for him. But they do not control the discourse. Plus, the poor are smart, politically irreverential, and more questioning. Why risk it with them?
Priceless. The last two sentences - which I confess never even occurred to me as a possibility until I just read this idea now - flip traditional western sociological thought about fascism on its head. One cannot figure out hindutva without deconstructing the whole of Indian society and understanding the precise social roles of each level and the barriers in place between the levels. It's a cliche in any discourse about Indian societal mechanics but surely the rigid caste delegation of roles must come into play here also. Perhaps the Brahmins almost feel it their duty to serve hindutva without question, while - as your quote mentions - the lower rungs of society are (counterintuitively) more likely to bitch and whine about their pm.
some arab Jews contested Islam while some from the same tribe embraced it and took a stand - - - - - - anyways Its an open season come and get us but then don't sell secularism.

Israel is "getting you" but where is the much vaunted Muslim Ummah? Secularism is sold to non-Muslim countries, while Muslim countries get to do what they want.
Three more Indians in UAE face action over Islamophobic social media posts
List of hate-mongers fired for offensive remarks gets longer, despite warnings

16:31 May 2, 2020

Picture for illustrative purposes: No Hate
Image Credit: Supplied
Staff Report
Dubai: It seems that the warnings of the Indian mission have fallen on deaf ears as the list of Indian expats facing action over vile Islamophobic remarks on social media keeps getting longer.

Over the weekend, at least three more have been fired or suspended after their offensive posts were brought to the attention of employers by social media users.

The men now join nearly half a dozen hate-mongers who have similarly landed in trouble in recent weeks.

The latest addition to the growing list include Italian chef Rawat Rohit, storekeeper Sachin Kinnigoli and a cash custodian whose name has been withheld by his firm.


Transguard Group responding to Twitter users after they tagged the company seeking action against one of its staff
Image Credit:

Gulf News is refraining from publishing the posts or going into the details of their offensive content.

A spokesperson for Azadea Group that operates Eataly, a chain of high-end Italian restaurants in Dubai, confirmed that Rawat Rohit who was employed with them as a chef has been suspended and is facing a disciplinary probe.

Sharjah-based Pneumics Automation have also said they suspended their storekeeper Sachin Kinnigoli until further notice.

“We have withheld his salary and told him not to come to work. The matter is under investigation. We have a zero tolerance policy. Anyone found guilty of insulting or showing contempt for someone’s religion will have to bear the consequences,” said the firm’s owner.

Similarly, Dubai-based Transguard Group said they have cracked down on an employee who had posted several anti-Islamic messages on his Facebook page under the name of Vishal Thakur.

“Following an internal investigation, the actual identify of this employee was verified and he was stripped of his security credentials, terminated from our employment and handed over to the relevant authorities as per company policy and UAE Cybercrime Law No. 5 of 2012. As of this statement, he is in the custody of Dubai Police,” a Transguard spokesperson said in a statement to Gulf News.

Transguard said their long-standing social media policy complies UAE’s stringent cybercrime regulations.

“It is enforced through regular monitoring, evaluation and, if necessary, disciplinary action, including fines, termination and deportation, as per federal law,” the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson also clarified that an individual reportedly posting hateful comments under the name of Prakash Kumar doesn’t work with them. “Twitter user Prakash Kumar” has falsely claimed that he works for Transguard. As mentioned multiple times, we have handed the matter to the authorities and since this individual is not a Transguard employee we have no further comment on the matter,” the spokesperson added.

Warnings fall on deaf ears
The new sackings and suspensions come days after both the former and current Indian Ambassadors to the UAE cautioned their countrymen about the UAE’s strict hate speech laws. Similar warnings were issued by missions in other GCC countries.


In a tweet last month, the Indian ambassador to the UAE, Pavan Kapoor reminded expats that discrimination is against moral fabric and rule of the law
Image Credit:
Of late, there has been an alarming increase in the number of highly offensive, Islamophobic posts by some Indians living in Gulf countries. Several of these people have lost their jobs while others have swiftly taken down their posts or deactivated their accounts after being called out by other social media users.

Many have tagged the employers of such people in their complaints, who in turn have taken swift punitive action.


Last month Former Indian ambassador Navdeep Suri shot off a series of tweets in what he described as his “effort to provide some context on the ongoing controversy.”
Image Credit:
The issue also gained prominence after some GCC citizens on Twitter entered the debate, and raised their voice against the spread of bigotry online.

Much of the vitriol can be traced to an atmosphere of blind hate against Muslims who have been blamed for the spread of COVID-19 in India.

Strict laws
The UAE outlaws all religious or racial discrimination under a legislation passed in 2015.

The anti-discrimination/anti-hatred law prohibits all acts “that stoke religious hatred and/or which insult religion through any form of expression, be it speech or the written word, books, pamphlets or via online media.”

The legislation mainly aims to fight “discrimination against individuals or groups based on religion, caste, doctrine, race, color or ethnic origin.”

Post at your own peril
Here is the list of some other Indian expats who have landed in trouble for their social media posts:

  • April 18: Prominent Sharjah-based Keratlite businessman and filmmaker Sohan Roy is forced to apologise for a video which depicted Islamic clerics leading blindfolded men in skull caps in an adaptation of his poem on religious bigotry.
  • April 6-15: Technician Rakesh B. Kitturmath, chief accountant Bala Krishna Nakka and finance analyst Mitesh Udeshi are fired for derogatory social media posts that violated the UAE law while a police complaint is filed against Sameer Bhandari, CEO of Future Vision Events & Weddings’ after he asked an Indian Muslim job seeker to “Go back to Pakistan” in text message
  • March 2020: Indian chef Trilok Singh who worked at a restaurant in Dubai is fired for making an online threat to rape Delhi-based law student Swati Khanna over her views on the controversial Citizen Amendment Act.
  • January 2020: Indian expat Jayant Gokhale draws flak for asking Keralite job seeker Abdulla SS to joining protestors in Shaheen Bagh in New Delhi.
  • March 2019: Indian safety and security officer at Transguard Group in Dubai is sacked and deported for posting a comment on Facebook celebrating the terror attacks on New Zealand mosques.
  • June 2018: Rigging supervisor at an Abu Dhabi firm is fired for threatening to kill Kerala chief minister in a facebook video.
  • June: 2018 JW Marriott Marquis Hotel in Dubai terminates contract with Michelin-starred chef Atul Kochhar after he puts up a post on twitter saying that followers of Islam had “terrorised” Hindus for 2,000 years.
  • April 2017: 33-year-old Indian is sacked for sending offensive Facebook messages to Indian journalist Rana Ayyub.
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