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Nov 16, 2006
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How many of you people faced descrimination while staying abroad? What country was it in?

some days back it was the first time for me. The dean of under grad programs at my university said "You people are in America...you cant act like this here" and blamed me for something that wasnt true that all...i just said **** you and walked away......
according to him....i didnt tell his secretary what i wanted to see him for...even though his secretary never asked me anything...just asked me to sit and wait.....

so he's like... "u didnt want to tell my secretary what u wanted to see me for.....this is my office....you people cant act like this here....this is America"...i was like...wtf...
Well, I have never experienced racism. I have seen people looking at me with disapproval, but I just usually ignore them.
That is not Racisim....
it got more to do with I am Gentleman with Manners syndrome...
It is true that most south asians have a habit of goin to any office without an appointment... Time keeping and Basic manners isnt in our traits.lol
from what i know, u dont need an appointment to see him.....semester was over...winter break was abt to start....there were no students in skool...

anyways...i've moved to a different univ....screw them..
I have seen it quiet a few times. The town i reside in isn't a very Pakistani friendly place. "****" is a common joke especially with Afghan's and many whites. Once a Scottish teacher asked me that where do i come from. I replied Pakistan and she without any hesitation uttered **** terrorists! Me and my friend from Karachi were stunned and the other guy said some thing about white's to be kicked out of the room. Later the principal was reported about it and the teacher afterwards sent into the administration department!
That is not Racisim....
it got more to do with I am Gentleman with Manners syndrome...
It is true that most south asians have a habit of goin to any office without an appointment... Time keeping and Basic manners isnt in our traits.lol

No mate, You would be correct except he said "You People" and comments about America etc etc. It was unprofessional on the part of the dean.
I would say it is regional superiority, i studied in glasgow.. I had a indian professor going similiar to me like that one day and i dont blame him for that...lol.....

The professor in this context is quite unprofessional that is true, and the remark is quite unnecssary but cant be proved racial motivated. I dont see a motive, it depends on what his secretary must have told him.She//He might have told him that he refused to say what matter was as... to cover her incompetence of not asking the same question to student.
In the Uk ,Most racisim that i have experienced is from pakistani's and north Indians since i am not fair enough to be a south asian...lol and i am from the southern part of india..
To be very honest the Whites can never be as racist as we are to them...gora this and that....kallu this and that....arabs are dimwits... south indians are dark small creatures... north indians money eatin crazy religious ****.....god..we are even racist inside our own communities..
I give you that. The desi communities are actually very racist people. :) But the good part is we dont take out in front of the people. Kala, yahodies. :D I can go on and on..
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