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Racism in America !!

I would like to see see white Americans not reling on Chinese or Indians. We will see how North America runs... Lol... They are dependent on them naturally.
Are you speaking from personal experience?
Joke's on you op. if you didn't understand, these are ads to prevent the subtle racism that exist in US. The west is a million times more tolerant than us south Asians. Don't be a hypocrite.

While western govt/constitution is much more liberal and progressive, when it comes to racism, there is a huge mismatch between what you would expect from western society, and what it actually is.
intelligence isn't coded in your DNA (race). however, many people here believe otherwise :D
You cannot say anything bad about blacks or Jews in the US, but Asians are open hunting. To say that "Mexicans are taking our jobs" for a white is offensive, but to say that Chinese and Indians are taking our jobs, for a white, is completely welcomed and is the state approved ideology as per President Obama himself.

Racism towards any group is absolutely wrong, however, I have noticed it is open season on Asians, especially Chinese people and not so much Indians.

I work in retail sales and many customers specifically tell me they don't want something made in China. Anti-Chinese sentiment is quite prevalent even in liberal parts of the US.
Racism towards any group is absolutely wrong, however, I have noticed it is open season on Asians, especially Chinese people and not so much Indians.

I work in retail sales and many customers specifically tell me they don't want something made in China. Anti-Chinese sentiment is quite prevalent even in liberal parts of the US.
I think that has less to do with racism and more to do with some people preferring goods made in their own country. Or apprehension about quality of product.
When I talk about racism, I am talking about discrimination and abuse against other humans based on their race.
I think that has less to do with racism and more to do with some people preferring goods made in their own country. Or apprehension about quality of product.
When I talk about racism, I am talking about discrimination and abuse against other humans based on their race.

Why is China targetted for this? US goods, even non-military ones, kill more people per year than Chinese goods.

20% of railroad accidents in the world of the last decade in the US, 4% in China.

One listeria outbreak in cantelope melon killed more people than all the food scandals of the past decade in China combined.

A defective dance floor in Indiana killed 6 people.

Why are people not apprehensive about the quality of US goods?
Why is China targetted for this? US goods, even non-military ones, kill more people per year than Chinese goods.

20% of railroad accidents in the world of the last decade in the US, 4% in China.

One listeria outbreak in cantelope melon killed more people than all the food scandals of the past decade in China combined.

A defective dance floor in Indiana killed 6 people.

Why are people not apprehensive about the quality of US goods?

Because their Zionist media puts all blames on China in order to deflect people's attention from the fact that their problems are actually because of Zionist control of their government and finances. China is like the scape goat for them whenever they are in trouble. The bad guys if you may.
Are you speaking from personal experience?

You are forgetting the fact that the Chinese just gave you a trillion dollars. Without it you will be f***ed up like Greece.
Personally, there has not been a single white person whom i would actually be impressed with. (young generation). It seems as though they are not interested in getting educated. Currently i'm going to University here in Canada, and almost 70% are Indians and Chinese. You have to give them credit for their hardwork. Yes you still have white people (old specifically) like steve jobs, bill gates, who did special things, but the fact remains that they are running out of gas to live. Indians, Japense, and Koreans are now owning (beating) your automobile industry, Saudis and Chinese are investing and also taking over your major firms. There is something special about them. Donald trump even mentioned that there are Chinese who are planing to take over his businesses.
Why on earth would you shoot them, arrest them, or abuse them, when they are helping your country run? Yet again, i would like to see you without being dependent on them and even without their investments..
I think that has less to do with racism and more to do with some people preferring goods made in their own country. Or apprehension about quality of product.
When I talk about racism, I am talking about discrimination and abuse against other humans based on their race.

It may be too much to ask, but for once can you be fair, just and unbiased?

From my experience, whenever I have inquired as to why they don't want Chinese made products, it has never been due to quality issues. In fact, I own several Chinese made products which work just fine.

Moreover, I would argue that the level of anti-Chinese sentiment is on par with anti-Muslim sentiment in the US
It may be too much to ask, but for once can you be fair, just and unbiased?

From my experience, whenever I have inquired as to why they don't want Chinese made products, it has never been due to quality issues. In fact, I own several Chinese made products which work just fine.

Moreover, I would argue that the level of anti-Chinese sentiment is on par with anti-Muslim sentiment in the US
I am not fair and unbiased, just pointing out that discriminating against Chinese goods does not amount to racism.
Chinese people can do the same with US good, that will still not be called racism.
Racism is quite serious offence, and by clubbing all your grievances under one umbrella makes it look like excuses to those who should be taking it seriously.

Having said that, I am not in US, so I have nothing else to add.
reporting from southern california; rare (if any) racism issues seen, none experienced.
L.A riots? :rofl: ----At least racism existed not too long ago.

read the post a bit slowly. it'll begin to make sense.
welcome to 2011, US has a black president.
some societies do move forward.
Americans love to promote multiculturalism, very touchy when it comes self censorship and political correctness. But it still doesn't change the facts...

Americans Claim to Like Diverse Communities but Do They Really? - Pew Research Center

...these survey findings raise an obvious question: Is the public's generally strong preference for diverse communities to be taken at face value, or might it be based in part on respondents choosing the answers they deem to be socially desirable?

While it's impossible to know for sure, it is worth noting that residential segregation has long been a fact of life in America, and that, at least by certain measures, some varieties of segregation appear to be on the rise.

The most pervasive forms of residential segregation, by far, are racial and ethnic. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, while blacks comprise just 12% of the U.S. population, about half of all blacks in 2000 lived in majority-black neighborhoods.2 Hispanics also tend to be clustered into segregated enclaves, though not quite to the same degree as are blacks. Latinos made up 12.5% of the U.S. population and 43% lived in majority-Latino neighborhoods as of 2000. (The table below ranks the nation's most populous multi-racial and multi-ethnic metropolitan areas by their levels of black/non-black and Hispanic/non-Hispanic residential segregation.)

Trends in residential segregation have been mixed over the past several decades. Black/white segregation has declined significantly since 1960, when fully 70% of blacks lived in majority black neighborhoods.3 But immigrant segregation as well as Hispanic and Asian segregation has increased in recent decades,4 as has overall economic segregation. From 1970 to 2000, there was a 32% increase in the residential separation of high-income Americans (those in the top income quintile) from all other Americans, according to one analysis of Census data.5 Even with this increasing spatial isolation of the well-to-do, however, blacks are still nearly three times as segregated from whites as are affluent Americans from those who are less well off.

Even liberals discriminate.
Some Asians' college strategy: Don't check 'Asian' - Yahoo! News

For years, many Asian-Americans have been convinced that it's harder for them to gain admission to the nation's top colleges.

Studies show that Asian-Americans meet these colleges' admissions standards far out of proportion to their 6 percent representation in the U.S. population, and that they often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Critics say these numbers, along with the fact that some top colleges with race-blind admissions have double the Asian percentage of Ivy League schools, prove the existence of discrimination.

The way it works, the critics believe, is that Asian-Americans are evaluated not as individuals, but against the thousands of other ultra-achieving Asians who are stereotyped as boring academic robots.

Now, an unknown number of students are responding to this concern by declining to identify themselves as Asian on their applications.

Once the last vestiges of wasp America give way to hispanic and black majority, I wonder if Europeans and American will ever be able to relate again. Protestantism will give way to Catholics, English to Spanish, more latino than Anglo, certainly it will be less "western".
Lame video.

Somehow calling a black person black, or a brown person brown is racist, but calling a white person dumb white bit*ch is not racist.

Its in your head, that black is not as good as white, or brown is not as good as white, get that out of your head and you won't feel the racism. Be proud and confident of who you are.
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