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Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

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This is not the thread for this, I am sick of racist indians like you derailing everything off-topic. Do us all a favor and leave Pdf for good.

This is a On topic comment . Read and reflect
So much for the Aryan master race blood eh? On a serious note, don't you think it's better to drop your useless ego and cooperate with nations like China to make your own movies to depict your history?
so this is how you want to justify their actions? cause we haven't cooperated with china then they can build any sh!t? where is the morality then?
We already have a professional cinema industry, and a director who has won a Oscar. Most popular historical Islamic movies are made by Iran's cinema industry. So much for your knowledge.

Who the hell cares about Iranian made Islamic movies?! Nobody watches them except for Muslims. I am talking about promoting your own culture not Islamic culture. It seems like you don't have an identity except for Islam. I watched the movie "A Separation". Bear in mind, people have a very negative impression towards your people and your country probably because of American propaganda and movies.

Even look at your description, full of Persian ego. No doubt, Japanese are the most civilized people of the east not Persians, get used to it.

so this is how you want to justify their actions? cause we haven't cooperated with china then they can build any sh!t? where is the morality then?

You misunderstood me. I tried to say, you are being insulted in this way because of your own weakness and mate, forget about morality, it doesn't exist. Money rules the world
Do you guys honestly care? A movie will not change the history of the Persian empire. At best this is an action flick which aims at numbing the viewer's brain and ergo the villains have to be grotesque...usual filler for the average american audience.

Besides the Iranians have been making some amazing films of late themselves..to more honestly and accurately reflect their culture. They may not be a Hollywood eye-grabber but they are out there for the discerning audience to view and appreciate.

Well, Hollywood is influential on a global scale. Hollywood movies change people's perceptions about history, major events, countries, culture, etc....

For Example the reason why people care so much about Holocaust and what happened to the Jewish people is because influential Jewish people in Hollywood have made numerous movies about it..... Even though more non-Jews died in WWII than any other group, but we never hear about that part of WWII and no one seems to care....

so, of course Iranians care about how we are portrayed in Hollywood.
Why does this surprise people?

Hollywood has always been influenced by current affairs, and being who they are, the directors and producers can easily involve their own political bias into the mix.

I can think of a million such examples.
Oh and same goes for games!

Iran and Pakistan, prepare to be invaded in 'Call of duty' and EA FPS games.
Who the hell cares about Iranian made Islamic movies?! Nobody watches them except for Muslims. I am talking about promoting your own culture not Islamic culture. It seems like you don't have an identity except for Islam. I watched the movie "A Separation". Bear in mind, people have a very negative impression towards your people and your country probably because of American propaganda and movies.

Who the hell cares? 1.3 billion people perhaps? It seems like we don't have a identity expect for Islam? Are you an idiot, because it seems so. Our identity and culture is more pluralistic than the identity of most people in Asia. I don't really care about negative impressions of ignorant Westerners.

Even look at your description, full of Persian ego. No doubt, Japanese are the most civilized people of the east not Persians, get used to it.

Japanese? The people who are stuck in a animation reality, and which the latest generation has completely forget about its older culture? Please, stop kidding me.
Who the hell cares? 1.3 billion people perhaps? It seems like we don't have a identity expect for Islam? Are you an idiot, because it seems so. Our identity and culture is more pluralistic than the identity of most people in Asia. I don't really care about negative impressions of ignorant Westerners.

Japanese? The people who are stuck in a animation reality, and which the latest generation has completely forget about its older culture? Please, stop kidding me.

Idiot, when I showed some respect you started insulting me. See, this is what I am talking about. You aren't facing the reality. You are living with the mentality of "we are the best". Good luck with future then. Bye!
Japanese? The people who are stuck in a animation reality, and which the latest generation has completely forget about its older culture? Please, stop kidding me.

Most of their animations are about their "old culture".

They never fell for the Semitic lies and still retain their old religious beliefs - its you who lost yours.
come on... 300 is known for its stylized and over the top violence, and even got its own meme due to that. Any other movies which shows iranians in poor light?
and what do you say about Prince of Persia? it's made by a Jewish person as I know.
Anyway, I cut my hair from an Iranian salon. I hope she doesn't cut my head instead of hair. :P
You misunderstood me. I tried to say, you are being insulted in this way because of your own weakness and mate, forget about morality, it doesn't exist. Money rules the world
No, I understood you very well, but you didn't get my point, they do it because they want to humiliate Iranian culture and it doesn't matter if we have built movies or not.
morality is the all problem between Iran and west(Imperialism).
Idiot, when I showed some respect you started insulting me. See, this is what I am talking about. You aren't facing the reality. You are living with the mentality of "we are the best". Good luck with future then. Bye!

My dear friend, I'm not a big fan of epithets, but how else would you describe an utterly foolish and senseless person?

Here, from the horse's mouth:

id·i·ot [id-ee-uht] Show IPA
Informal. an utterly foolish or senseless person.

Idiot | Define Idiot at Dictionary.com

I don't think it's really meant to be disrespectful. It's just an apt description. Don't you think so?
and what do you say about Prince of Persia? it's made by a Jewish person as I know.
Anyway, I cut my hair from an Iranian salon. I hope she doesn't cut my head instead of hair. :P

Prince of Persia is a factional movie based on a video game, with no historical roots or connection to Iran.

300 and the sequel are exaggerated story lines with a very ugly portrayal of our history and national heroes.


If I make a fictional movie about made up person in America Vs. If I make a movie about national heroes of America, like George Washington.
Most of their animations are about their "old culture".

They never fell for the Semitic lies and still retain their old religious beliefs - its you who lost yours.

Well, the Japanese had the privilege of living on a bunch of secluded islands, protected by Kamikaze winds. But who said we lost our old culture. Much of what you see in Iran today is a direct continuation of our old culture, with a veneer of Islam on top. But Buddhism is not a native religion of Japan either. Shintoism is. And you don't see Samurais walking down the street in downtown Tokyo now a days eihter.
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