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Quoting Lengthy Posts

Red Dwarf

Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
I can see many people here quoting lengthy posts and images to say a single line reply. It may not cause problems for the person who replies in one line but some persons like me its irritating. Because of this i had to drag the page all the way down to find something useful posted by others.

If you want to quote a lengthy post, please quote a small part of the actual post or the important part that you would like to comment about.

Thank you
I can see many people here quoting lengthy posts and images to say a single line reply. It may not cause problems for the person who replies in one line but some persons like me its irritating. Because of this i had to drag the page all the way down to find something useful posted by others.

If you want to quote a lengthy post, please quote a small part of the actual post or the important part that you would like to comment about.

Thank you

I hate it too but at the same time can't help.

The reason is many immature people are junmping on conclusions without proper knowledge, sources, links etc.

In order to highlight such ignorance and give a detailed reply this is necesary.

So the guest who is not a part of debate can understand fully what is going on.

With regards to pictures yes I agree that no need to quote pictures.

Yes that's a problem.

We should not quote if we reply to a immediate upper post.
Also we can use like:

1. @^post
2. @ post # 01
3. @^^^
4. @ member
I can see..............
6. Some portion of the post to which we reply.
i hate it when i have to scroll down my cell phone screen for 12 times to see messages.
sorry but a little offtopic.

oh gosh.

you use cell phone to browse Defence.pk

your phone bill must be enormous.
sorry but a little offtopic.

oh gosh.

you use cell phone to browse Defence.pk

your phone bill must be enormous.

no like in UK we get unlimited internet package on phone i am sure he has similar packages in Australia also..........

@ topic

i also feel weird and when i am quoting any long posts myself.... what i do is i bold the important comments that i want to discuss about and if something is very special i change the colour after bolding it....... thats all i do and its easy to read that way
I prefer links with small commentary provided by the poster. It confirms for myself that the POSTER has read his own article and compels the reader to go to the link. That usually affirms proper attribution as well as encouraging the reader to ALSO read the article.

Too many here are prepared to render comment/opinion BEFORE reading and that's a damned shame as well as sloppy. I can generally tell when that's the case. Typical way to provoke my disdain and ire simultaneously.

Some have the habit of posting these IMMENSELY long passages where one scrolls and scolls interminably. Really irritating and almost as though they're proud of themselves for providing such a lengthy article. Too often the article is badly written and from a disreputable source.

Oh well. My two cents...

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