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Are you doing Phd on Pakistanis?
let us do a Phd also
"Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves ... politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country."
-- David Ben Gurion

first pm of Israel
what does this quote suppose to mean? translation required!

Pigeon means human here .

The poet is trying to say , Death is not the end of human but part of his life and if there was no death life would miss something .

Here is a part of this poem that is meaningful in Persian ( Don't know how much you'll get from translation of it ) :

And let’s not fear death
Death is not the end of pigeon
Death is not the cricket’s inversion
Death flows in the mind of acacia
Death dwells in the pleasant climate of mind
Death speak of morning within the nature of village night
Death comes into the mouth with the bunch of grapes
Death sings in red larynx of throat
Death is responsible for the beauty of butterfly’s wing
Death sometimes picks up basis
Death sometimes empties vodka
Death sometimes sit in the shade, watching us and we all know
The lungs of pleasures is full of oxygen of death

The whole poem : POEMS ::: SohrabSepehri.com :::POEMS ::: SohrabSepehri.com :::
Here is a part of this poem that is meaningful in Persian ( Don't know how much you'll get from translation of it ) :
both farsi and Arabic languages can not be translated correctly into english. there may be others also but these 2 languages are very intricate and can not be understood properly in english. I think Japanese is a third.
“Ester asked why people are sad.
"That’s simple," says the old man. "They are the prisoners of their personal history. Everyone believes that the main aim in life is to follow a plan. They never ask if that plan is theirs or if it was created by another person. They accumulate experiences, memories, things, other people's ideas, and it is more than they can possibly cope with. And that is why they forget their dreams.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Zahir

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.”
― Anaïs Nin

“It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”
Maurice Switzer

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
Khalil Gibran

“May you live every day of your life.”
Jonathan Swift

“If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?”

“I'm not young enough to know everything.”
J.M. Barrie

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
Albert Einstein

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
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