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Quite simply, Israel is freaking out (Israel's media blitz against Rouhani)

No problem, you are welcome :smart:

We don't see it that way. Sometimes our interests go in par with other countries, yet, This doesn't change the fact that these are our own interests in first place. Additionally, we don't expect people to hail and praise every single thing we do, nor do we expect them to agree with everything we do.
I understand your context now. Thanks for clarifying. But your Saudi govt. is walking down the path to hell. Its policies in the region are indirectly helping Israel advance its interests.

An enemy like Israel will want nothing less than wars and brothers slitting each other's throats. If any Muslim country helps in Syrian rebels doing what they are doing there, its equivalent to fighting Israel war. In the end, all the neighbors of Syria and Iran will be losers.

I'm sorry but our support to the Free Syrian Army was based on many awful things the Assad regime had done to the Syrian people, and beyond, if it helps.
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